The trio's opinion

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(Nicehill15's Ocs opinion on Alice_d3mon's OCs)


TV: "He is very cool and fashionably. He is very fast and easy to clean all the enemy in the place with his scythe. It's just that he always shut down in the Medical and Fixing Room, wonder why."

Spe: "I hadn't met Slash. But as I heard from my crew. He is a very social person and strong. Hope I can meet him in future."

Cam: "He is definitely simp for Scientist TV, I swear. And he super tall, like literal. I never saw him use teleport, maybe because something happened to his screen."


TV: "First reaction, I had never see someone shorter than me, until I saw him. But I never see he fight. And he didn't bandage his wound, for some reason. He sometime disappear and then reappear again."

Spe: "He used to be Infected, but that is just the past, I don't hate him. But I rarely seen him in the base, seem like never. So we didn't talk much."

Cam: "He is literally a small bean like everyone said. He look weak to me tho, but that make me more comfortable with him. Unlike the idiot always bring with them plungers."

          Lovesick (Insanelove):

TV: "He is fine but....sometime he stare at me and that make me kinda afraid. But his appearance look beautiful, I guess?"

Spe: "I heard that he always stalk people....But no one get hurt so....That okay?"

Cam: *Already disappear when he heard the name.*


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