Writing stuff #1

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(The ship got to use: Char x G!Luv)

G!Luv has been out walking around, checking the area for any potential threats or dangerous situations. He's confident that everything is all clear, only to find himself wrong when suddenly a wave of Skibidi Toilets surrounds him. It appears as if they are hell-bent on attacking him, not leaving him with much room to escape...

G!Luv has no choice but to resort to extreme measures now, wielding his knife in attempt to defend himself as best as he can.

Despite fighting for minutes, the situation hasn't gotten any better for the TV man as the Skibidies keep coming in ever increasing numbers and their attacks become more frequent. G!Luv is already showing signs of exhaustion, having suffered numerous wounds all over their body and starting to weaken due to their lack of stamina and energy.

The Laser Strike from the Skibidies is about to make contact and deal a serious blow to G!Luv when suddenly a mirror appears in front of him, reflecting the attack and saving him from the blast.

Then, Charlie appears and assists with the protection of the small TVman, blocking him off and sheltering him behind the mirror.

"Why are they so f**king many!" Charlie complains in a panic and frustration as the enemy horde seems to only grow larger, posing an ever-present threat to their safety.

The Skibidies have begun to swarm and increase in numbers, making it imperative to escape and avoid getting mauled to pieces.

Seeing no alternative, Charlie snatches G!Luv's hand and leads him away, urging them to keep pace and flee as quickly as possible.

As Charlie leads him, G!Luv stares down at their hand that's being held and begins to feel a spark of attraction towards them, a feeling that seemingly goes unnoticed to Charlie who is fully focused on just getting the hell out of there.

(Finally finished the 1. Kinda short than normal a lots.)

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