Writing stuff #4+5+8+13

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(Ship use: Charlie x G!Luv)

Charlie is insistent on getting G!Luv some proper clothing, as they are unhappy with the tattered and mismatched outfit he is currently wearing.

They have been nagging for over an hour now and have become increasingly frustrated by G!Luv's denials and protests.

"Come on! Don't you see how tattered it is?" Charlie shouts, refusing to take no for an answer and dragging the poor little TVman out of the house to take him shopping and get him something new to wear.

G!Luv attempts to argue that they don't need new clothes and do not look that bad, but they are quickly cut off by Charlie.

Charlie declares that they cannot continue their relationship if G!Luv goes around looking the way he does and that it is diminishing their status as they refuse to be associated with such an appearance. (Why I make them being so harsh here?)

G!Luv reluctantly yields to the pressure and decides to go for shopping and allow Charlie to get them a new outfit, all so that they can remain in a relationship and maintain their partner's image.

G!Luv eagerly asks for Charlie's opinions on their new clothing but is met with less than stellar feedback.

While Charlie does concede that the new outfit is an improvement, they still find their partner's appearance to be subpar and do not hesitate in telling it to their face.

"Ya look better, still ugly tho." They say, causing G!Luv to feel offended and refer to Charlie as a 'meanie' before muttering the remark to themselves. (Meanie)

G!Luv's mood visibly sours after Charlie's insult, their partner's bluntness towards them causing them to feel hurt.

However, they are quick to try and lift their spirits by suggesting that they go and have a sweet snack together.

"Wanna go eat ice cream?" He ask. (I just realize G!Luv doesn't eat but this chap is an exception, ok?)

Charlie shrugs and replies in the affirmative, agreeing that he is willing to do so with their partner as that was what they had requested from him.

As the two of them eat their ice cream together, G!Luv's mood brightens up as he enjoy the sweet treat with Charlie.

However, a bit of his joy is instantly dashed when he accidentally let slip and drop his ice cream on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Charlie cannot refrain themselves from laughing out loud at G!Luv's misfortune, his cruel reaction making the poor TVman feel even worse about the situation than they already were.

G!Luv suddenly becomes overwhelmed by a sudden burst of emotion as he comes up close to Charlie who was unawares of the situation being setup.

Making a bold move, he manages to surprise Charlie, kissing them long and deep, preventing them from resisting or getting away as G!Luv holds them tightly within their grasp to ensure it all plays out the way they want it to. (I make little Char being bottom to repay how they treats G!Luv, lol.) 

[This is Human Au so don't ask how they kisses]

Charlie is visibly flustered by the passionate kiss G!Luv had just delivered to them, causing their face to heat up from the sudden rush of adrenaline that came with it.

Unable to bear the discomfort and embarrassment, they forcibly push G!Luv away and get up to run off, only for the latter to follow and continue laughing as if the situation was just all a big joke.

[Finally a long enough chapter. Just because I plus three in one.....I make G!Luv being so brave here....]

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