Writing stuff #6+7

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(Ship use: Charlie x Victor) [I want to x G!Luv but Char decline about it in the background and Niver has to take care of them]

The mood between Charlie and Victor may be slightly awkward due to the uncomfortable silence that has filled the atmosphere, leaving neither of them with any idea of what to say next.

Suddenly, Charlie breaks the silence and poses a very random question to to Victor, asking if he was willing to switch clothing. Vic seems surprised by the abrupt change in demeanor but agrees nonetheless given the peculiar request that his partner has made of him.

A sudden change of outfit now occurs, as Charlie and Victor each have changed their clothing to match whatever the other was initially using.

The two of them look at one another, a bit awkwardly, after putting on the new clothing items, both of them seemingly having a hard time expressing themselves now.

Victor breaks the silence and speaks up to ask if the reason why they swapped clothing was to avoid one another looking strange whilst wearing the other's outfits.

Charlie agrees with Victor, replying that they both look rather unusual wearing the new clothing.

Charlie continues the conversation by proposing that they cosplay as different characters, despite Victor protesting and saying that he is not suited for such an activity.

Disregarding their partner's unwillingness to engage in cosplaying, Charlie decides to force them to do it anyways by retrieving some cosplay costumes from their room and forcing Victor to follow along with the idea.

Charlie seems oddly dead set upon cosplaying as two specific characters, namely Mario and Luigi from the 'Super Mario Bros' series.

Victor makes the mistake of asking why Charlie was cosplaying as these two characters specifically, only to get a simple, but vague answer of 'don't ask'.

Charlie makes an attempt to adjust Victor's hair to make them look more like the character Mario, all the while they internally curse out Nicehill for having apparently inspired this decision.

After many hours of cosplaying, Victor can't help but let out a small giggle, feeling a little embarrassed and ashamed of how ridiculous they both looked.

Charlie is seemingly feeling the same way given their response of 'yea', which they follow up with taking the initiative to clean up the place after the mess generated from all the cosplaying outfits.

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