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          TVman-204 POV:

I hear some news that some Cameramen have snuck into a Skibidi Toilet base, but they were later killed. However, they did manage to transmit some valuable information back to the Alliance.

They reported that there seem to be some Skibidi Toilets that are not listening to their boss, G-Man, anymore, and that a Scientist Skibidi Toilet has received a significant upgrade of its own.

This news is both worrying and concerning, as it suggests that the Toilets are becoming more autonomous and self-aware.

It does seem that there may have been a break in the chain of command or hierarchy for some of the Skibidi Toilet forces. This could also potentially hint at some internal strife or divisions within the toilet forces.

At the same time, the upgrade that the Scientist Skibidi Toilet has received could provide it with more intelligence, coordination, and tactical power.

This is a concerning situation, since it suggests that we may not be able to predict what these more autonomous and upgraded Toilet enemies will do moving forward.

I find myself thinking about the future and wondering what will happen moving forward.

One thing is clear: The situation with the Skibidi Toilets is changing. What used to be a relatively simple and straightforward conflict has now evolved into something more complicated and unpredictable.

The Toilet enemy has become more autonomous, they're not listening to their leader, and they even have a Scientist who has been upgraded with some form of super intelligence.

This means that it's even more important now for the Alliance to work together and come up with a coherent strategy and plan for tackling this new threat.

I decide to walk around the base and explore it some more. As I do, I see that it's not only a place of operations, but also a place of comfort. There are various areas within the base where members of the Alliance relax, get some food, or just simply hang out.

Despite being a place of combat, the base is also a place where everyone feels at home, and it is this sense of unity and fellowship that brings everyone together and gives them a sense of purpose in fighting against the Skibidi Toilets.

I find yourself feeling a bit lonely as I explore the base. Perhaps it's the sudden realisation that I've been given an update and that a sense of change is happening. Maybe it's the thoughts about the future that I'm having which are making me feel a bit isolated.

Whatever it is, I can't help but feel a bit lonely and out of place right now, despite the friendly presence of my Alliance all around me.

I find yourself sitting next to a random TVman, and after I mention how lonely I feel, they start to get annoyed and say: "Bro, you've got a bunch of friends and affection, but you ignore it and act like no one cares about you."

This is a little too harsh for me, and I start to feel a bit insulted and upset by their comments.

I turn to the TVman and ask him with my interference TV voice: "What do you mean?"

The TVman doesn't seem to care that I'm speaking with an interference voice, and instead he continues talking as if my voice was completely normal.

"You know what I mean, bro," the TVman says, "You got a bunch of friends that care about you, and you know this. So why do you go around acting all depressed and lonely when you know it ain't true?"

I continue speaking to the TVman with my interference TV voice, and I say: "..... You might be right... but I think they're just friends with me because of the war situations."

The TVman raises an eyebrow and shakes his head in response to my comment.

"Nah bro, that ain't it," he says, "People aren't only friends with you just cause they need help fighting or something."

"People are friends with you because they care about you," the TVman continues, "So it's time you start caring about them too."

I continue speaking to him with my iconic voice, and I say: "I do care about them."

The TVman smiles at me, seeming pleased that I acknowledge my affection for them.

"See, that's the spirit," he says to me, "Just don't go around moping all the time like it's the end of the world. People want to be your friends because they wanna have fun, not because they wanna see you crying in a corner."

He pats me on the back in a friendly way, and then he sighs.

I look at the TVman with curious eyes, as if waiting for him to say something more to me.

The TVman notices my curious look, and he smiles at me before turning away and staring off into space.

After a couple of seconds, he then let out another sigh.

It's unclear what he's thinking or why he's sighing, but I get the sense that it's something personal to him.

I ask him his name, and he replies with "Nihi15".

I'm surprised to see that he has a name that's not simply "TVman-whatever number". I thought all TV men had the same type of "TVman" name.

As I continue talking to him, I ask him: "Why do you have a name that sounds like a normal name? I thought all TV members just had the "TVman number" name."

He puts his finger on his mouth and says "Secret" in a hushed tone.

As he smiles mischievously at me, he refuses to answer my question about why his name is different.

I'm surprised to see the TV man suddenly stand up and say "I now have work so...BYE." before teleporting away.

I'm confused by this sudden departure and wonder where he's teleporting off to at such a time.

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