Brown Cameraman (Extra Story)

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Brown Cameraman, A regular Cameraman that wears a brown overcoat. He doesn't have anything special about him as he's the definition of a regular Cameraman. He possesses the same level of fighting capabilities and intelligence as any other Cameraman. Most individuals don't recognize him as he blends in like every other Cameraman. He is known to be an efficient and reliable individual, able to serve the Alliance well with his simple, yet effective fighting techniques.

Brown Cameraman, the unsung hero. A humble man who performs their duties without the spotlight. Even so, he remains an essential member of the team, always ready to fight for the Alliance and defend the world against the evil Skibidi Toilets. Unlike his colleagues, he likes to stay under the radar and out of the spotlight. He prefers to do his duties efficiently and effectively, without the need for recognition or praise. Despite his lack of notoriety, he is still a valuable asset to the Alliance, a true testament to the selfless nature of the cameramen.

(Why I describe him being so wonderful?)

It was a day like any other for Brown Cameraman, a regular day on the job, with no real danger or excitement in sight. That was until he unexpectedly found himself in danger, surrounded by Skibidi Toilets with no way out. In that moment, a surprise saviour arrived, TVwoman. She saved Brown Cameraman and many other Alliance members, taking on all the Skibidi Toilets with ease. From that moment on, Brown Cameraman began to feel something for TVwoman. It was love at first sight.

Brown Cameraman was completely smitten with TVwoman. Every chance he got, he would secretly leave a gift or a flower on her table for her to find when she returned. He knew that she had no idea it was coming from him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to show her his appreciation in the only way he knew how.

Brown Cameraman was utterly head over heels for TVwoman. He spent every spare moment he had looking at her secretly, from a safe distance, enjoying every second of it. He also took to carrying around her picture with him everywhere he went, always keeping it close to his heart.

Brown Cameraman was warned by his colleagues not to let his crush on TVwoman distract him from the work at hand. Even though he tried his best, his heart was still with TVwoman. He still found himself daydreaming about her and longing for her attention. But he knew that his duty to the Alliance was of utmost importance. He had to stay focused, no matter how difficult it was.

Brown Cameraman was on a mission when he suddenly found himself trapped under some scrap metal, only able to move his upper body. He saw TVwoman and tried to call out to her, but she didn't seem to hear him. Instead, she chose to help Plunger Cameraman and teleported away. Brown Cameraman was devastated and felt betrayed by the person he loved most. He was completely helpless and unable to do anything to help himself.

Brown Cameraman was heartbroken after what happened with TVwoman. His love and devotion to her had faded away after being abandoned. Even though he still felt some feelings for TVwoman, they were not the same as before. He couldn't trust her anymore and knew that they would never be together after what happened.

Brown Cameraman was trapped for a long time with no help or rescue in sight. As the hours passed by, he slowly started to lose hope. He thought to himself "I'm so useless, no one came back for me. I'm not special, I'm not useful, no one gives a crap about me". He felt worthless and started to drift into despaire.

It was a long and difficult day for Brown Cameraman. As the hours passed, he was slowly losing hope and was trapped with no way out. Suddenly he sees TVman pass by, looking as if he was searching for something or someone. When he notices Brown, he is surprised. Brown tells him to go away, saying "I'm helpless, no one gives a crap about me." But TVman disagrees, telling him "I give a crap about you." He helps Brown back to the base and Brown starts to feel like he is not as alone as he originally thought.

Brown Cameraman was taken to the medical room by TVman. Before he left, Brown asked the TVman "Who are you?" The TVman simply replied, "You can just call me 'TVman-204'," and walk away. While he was curious about the TVman's identity, Brown was grateful for his help and the fact that he wasn't alone. Brown soon got the medical attention he needed and began to recover.

Brown Cameraman began to have a small feeling for TVman-204 after seeing his help and dedication. Although he was not too sure about his feelings at the beginning, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. It was a new feeling for Brown, and he wasn't sure what to make of it. But he still wasn't completely over TVwoman.

TVman-204 thought it would be fun to try and trick Brown with a fake voice that sounded like TVwoman's. But Brown was not amused and realized that it was just TVman-204 trying to fool him. He made it clear that he didn't find this prank funny and expected TVman-204 to be more mature.

TVman-204 was confused as to why Brown did not get fooled by the fake voice anymore. Brown replied that he did not like TVwoman anymore and now liked someone else. TVman-204 immediately asked who he liked now. Brown was hesitant to admit that it was TVman-204 for fear that it would make things awkward between them. He wasn't sure how TVman-204 would react to the news.

Brown Cameraman kept his feelings secret, choosing to keep TVman-204 in the dark. Meanwhile, TVman-204 was completely unaware of Brown's true feelings toward him, thinking that they were just best friends. He had no idea that Brown was actually in love with him, although this love was sadly not reciprocal.

(lol, I just literally ship Brown Cameraman X TVman-204.)

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