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(This one is for this week Saturday. So that I'll not post on Sat.)

          NOT TVman-204 POV:

(Outside the Skibidi Base, there stood Large TVman, no longer with the TVman-204 POV. He looked rather imposing, his size and stature making him quite an intimidating force to behold.)

Outside here is a total mess, with fire burning in all directions and the loud sounds of gunfire being heard all around. The situation here is truly chaotic, with the enemy army and the Titans duking it out in total war.

Amongst all this mayhem, I see the Rocket G-Man fire wave after wave of rockets at Titan TVman, only for him to casually block all of them with ease. It seems that even the enemy's powerful weapons are no match for Titan TVman's skill and experience...

Titan TVman's sword is wielded with incredible skill, as the swordmaster manages to make one of the enemy's powerful rockets fly back towards its source, striking the Rocket G-Man and causing them to lose one of their rocket launchers at the right side.

With a single move, Titan TVman has destroyed a powerful weapon and struck down one of his enemies, highlighting the sheer lethality of his techniques and the efficiency of his strategies...

Titan TVman channels his energy core and blasts out an attack at the enemy, causing the Rocket G-Man to fall down to the ground, seemingly dead or knocked out by the devastating strike.

The Laser G-Man tries to blast the energy core of Titan TVman with their powerful lasers, only for Titan TVman to remain unfazed.

Me, being part of the TV Alliance, know something that the enemy does not know: Titan TVman's energy core has been enhanced and improved by Scientist TVman, allowing it to absorb any form of attack that lands on it.

With this ability, Titan TVman has become even more unstoppable, absorbing all attacks that come his way and bolstering his power and combat effectiveness. The enemies would do best to pay attention to this detail...

Titan TVman's TV head splits from his physical body, and proceeds to chase after the Laser G-Man. The two guns equipped onto the TV head fire relentlessly at the Laser G-Man, as Titan TVman continues to pursue and hunt down his enemy with single-minded intent.

Suddenly, two Helicopter Skibidis appear, believing that when Titan TVman's TV head has left his body, it will become his weak point.

But the Helicopter Skibidis soon find out that Titan TVman is not easy to take down as two other TV heads emerge from his body and begin chasing after the Helicopter Skibidis, with the intent to neutralize them both and ensure the destruction of all enemy forces.

Titan TVman pivots his attention to find that the Rocket G-Man is still alive.

Titan TVman leaps towards his still-conscious enemy, then promptly unleashes a massive and powerful explosion, causing a huge BOOM that seems to encompass the entire battlefield, potentially taking out any nearby enemy forces or objects and leaving a wide area devastated in its wake.

You turn to your left to find one of the TV heads utilizing a red flashlight, blasting at the already-wounded Laser G-Man.

Elsewhere, another TV head deploys an orange flashlight and aims it at the Helicopter Skibidi, seemingly targeting and affecting them with it.

Additionally, yet another TV head directs a purple flashlight at another Helicopter Skibidi, potentially targeting the enemy aircraft in a similar manner to the Laser G-Man.

The red flashlight emitted by the TV head causes the enemy soldier to lose control over his mental functions, ultimately leading the soldier to harm or kill himself, effectively removing him from the battle altogether.

The orange flashlight utilized by the other TV head causes damage to the enemy by producing immense heat and damaging their physical structure, essentially burning enemy forces or vehicles down to ashes.

The purple flashlight wielded by the third TV head is potentially capable of controlling the mind of enemy soldiers, forcing them to do things they would not normally do, such as turn against their own team or become a puppet within the Alliance...

Titan TVman's main body is seen brutally dismembering the Rocket G-Man, squeezing and destroying the enemy's head with incredible force.

In this moment of weakness, a Parasitic Skibidi attempts to take advantage of the situation, attempting to control Titan TVman now that his TV heads are separated and distracted.

However, as the Parasitic Skibidi touches Titan TVman, it is electrocuted and dies as a result, seemingly too overpowered by Titan TVman's immense strength and energy.

After eliminating all nearby enemies, the TV heads return to Titan TVman's main body, seemingly merging back into it and replenishing the energy, firepower, and capabilities of the Titan.

As you turn to the right, you see Titan Cameraman and Titan Speakerman pinning down the Chainsaw G-Man, preventing the enemy from fleeing or mounting any form of counterattack. In the meantime, they're waiting for Titan TVman's instructions or command, as they seem to acknowledge the Titan as their leader or commander of sorts.

Titan TVman then gives the order for the two Titans to free the Chainsaw G-Man, allowing him to proceed with his plan for dealing with the enemy soldier.

"What a pussy hah," Titan TVman says with mocking tone...

Suddenly, Titan TVman teleports his sword arm in a swift motion, slicing down all nearby enemy chainsaws, leaving the Chainsaw G-Man no time to react, preventing him from using his weapons and rendering him completely defenseless against this new attack.

Titan Cameraman seems to be surprised by the sheer speed, agility, and power of Titan TVman, even asking himself in his thoughts, "Why are you so strong bro?..."

The other Titans also express disbelief at the level of ability displayed by Titan TVman, making them wonder how powerful the Titan is truly...

With a single stab from his powerful sword, Titan TVman swiftly ends the Chainsaw G-Man's life.

The Chainsaw G-Man tries to fight back, but fails to do so as Titan TVman's sword pierces through his head, swiftly eliminating him from the battle completely.

Upon witnessing the amazing feat accomplished by Titan TVman, Titan Cameraman gives a thumbs up sign, recognizing the power and skill of the Titan.

Titan Speakerman also joins in the applause, clearly impressed by the display of ability demonstrated by Titan TVman.

As a normal Cameraman who happened to be next to me, I quickly eliminate the attacking Skibidi Toilet by slamming it to the ground, effectively taking it out of combat.

In this crucial moment, the Cameraman almost speaks, only to be cut off by me, who tells them to, "Shut the f*** up," preventing the Cameraman from potentially saying something inappropriate or unhelpful during this crucial encounter...

The Cameraman points at me, and then points at the Skibidi Base door, seemingly trying to signal for me to teleport him inside. However, I shake my head and signal that I'm not yet ready to comply with the request.

 "Not now." I say and bending down a little in order to draw the Cameraman's attention to my TV screen instead.

"Firstly watch." I say before pointing at my TV screen, intending to catch the Cameraman's attention and get them to look at the information displayed on the screen...

((I want to make the Large TVman to become TVman-204 family. But that is

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