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          TVman-204 POV:

At the base I listen intently as I'm told about the status of other Alliance members. I hear about the Dark Speakerman and Plunger Cameraman, who have both recently been involved in battles and have survived with their own distinctive combat abilities.

The concept of Plunger Cameraman using a Glitch Skibidi Toilet to fight is indeed quite hilarious, as the image of him sitting inside a dead toilet and using it as a vehicle in battle is certainly unusual. It seems like the Alliance is utilizing any resources it can to counter the Skibidi Toilet threat, no matter how strange or unique.

I teleport back to the battlefield, arriving just as the battle has finished.

I witness the aftermath of the fight, which has left both the Alliance and the Skibidi Toilets heavily damaged. Some buildings and vehicles are destroyed, while others have been left dented and in shambles.

The sight of the destruction and chaos is overwhelming, but I can at least take comfort in knowing that the battle is over and that the Alliance has managed to defeat the Skibidi Toilets, even if there are still a few stragglers left who are fleeing from the conflict.

I notice the Dark Speakerman, and I give him a friendly and cheerful wave, but he appears to ignore me, leaving me feeling offended and hurt by his coldness.

As he walks past me, I can't help but feel disappointed by how he treated me, as if I didn't exist or as if my efforts in the battle weren't good enough to warrant his attention.

However, I quickly put aside those thoughts and continue with my mission, knowing that there's still much to be done and that the Skibidi Toilet threat is far from over.

I notice the Plunger Cameraman, who acknowledges my small wave with a thumbs up, before continuing on his way. Despite his friendly gesture, it appears as if he also wants to keep his distance and go on about his own business.

Perhaps it's best to respect his wishes and let him be, as I and he both have our own missions to fulfill. I need time to regroup and reflect on the recent battle, before moving onto my next assignment.

After receiving a thumbs-up from the Plunger Cameraman, I decide to walk around and take stock of the aftermath of the battle.

As I do, I notice that some of the areas are heavily damaged and destroyed, while others are still relatively intact. I see that some buildings have been reduced to rubble, while others still stand tall and strong. I also see that there are wounded Alliance soldiers who are in need of medical attention.

I can take the time to assess the damage and help out those in need, before continuing with my mission.

I decide to come near to the wounded Alliance soldiers, to help them out.

As I approach, I find that there are several soldiers who have been injured in the fight and who require medical attention. Some of them are unconscious, while others are still awake and able to respond to me.

I decide to help out the unconscious Alliance soldiers, by bending down to their sides and placing my hands on their bodies.

In doing so, I activate my teleportation abilities and instantly transport both of the soldiers back to base, where they can receive proper medical assistance.

I have now successfully rescued the wounded soldiers from the battlefield, ensuring that they receive proper treatment and care. I have fulfilled my mission and helped out the Alliance in the process.

I notice Dark Speakerman glancing at me with an annoyed expression on his face, which puzzles me since he's normally a very quiet and reserved character.

It's not like him to react so strongly to someone, as he's often very calm, collected, and even-tempered. I can't help but wonder why he looks so annoyed to see me, when he's usually so indifferent towards others.

"Did I do anything wrong?" I ask the Dark Speakerman, using my interference TV voice, in the hope that he will answer my question and explain his annoyance.

However, he doesn't respond to me at all and continues to look away from me. It seems as if he is purposefully ignoring me, as if he's annoyed by my presence or has some sort of issue with me that he's not communicating.

I turn to another individual from the Alliance, who walks past me and tells me to "Ignore him, maybe he's having a bad day."

It seems this person is familiar with the Dark Speakerman's behavior and has advised me to just let him be, rather than trying to engage with him further. They may be aware of his usual personality and character, which could explain why they've suggested that I don't bother with trying to talk to him.

I give the Dark Speakerman a friendly wave, along with a gentle smile, in the hope that it might lift his spirits and make him feel better.

He acknowledges my gesture with a small nod, before turning away again and continuing with whatever he was doing. It appears that my gesture of kindness is appreciated by him, but he still doesn't want to talk or interact with me directly.

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