Help a special person

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          TVman-204 POV:

I hear some news that Infected Titan Speakerman attacked a random city, and that Titan Cameraman and TVwoman managed to help him stop being infected and return the injured Plunger Cameraman known as Kirito to the base.

Realizing that I have been assigned to do a review of the events, I decide to head outside the base and investigate the aftermath of the assault.

I decide to teleport to the city that was attacked, arriving at a deserted, abandoned city.

The buildings and streets are covered in rubble and debris from the destruction caused by the attack.

I don't see any Hardware Heads around, and it seems like the attack happened some time ago.

There is a sense of desolation and bleakness in the place, and I feel like I should get working quickly to review the aftermath of the event.

I walk around the abandoned, deserted city, taking in the destruction that still remains from the attack.

I feel like I need to gather more information in order to complete my review, and decide to look around for any clues or details that could help me with my task.

As I walk around, I notice that the buildings and streets are filled with rubble and debris that have not yet been cleaned up. I also see a few scattered remains, indicating that there has been some sort of battle or conflict that took place here.

I notice a Cameraman underneath a pile of scrap metal, seemingly injured and trapped. The Cameraman is wearing a brown coat, and I see some blood stains on his clothing.

He seems to be conscious, as he groans in pain and attempts to move.

I walk up to the injured Cameraman and listen to him, as he speaks.

"TVwoman help Plunger but not try to help me....No one come back for me....No one give a crap about me..." he says, sounding extremely frustrated and disappointed.

He seems to be in pain from his injuries, and seems upset that no one has come back to help him.

I tell Brown Cameraman that I do care about him, using the voice of an Interference TV. I try to move the Cameraman out from underneath the pile of rubble, attempting to gently pull him free from the metal and debris pinning his body down.

Brown Cameraman appears pleased by my words, as he continues to groan in pain and struggles to move.

I manage to pull Brown Cameraman out from underneath the rubble, but he is still injured heavily.

I carefully pick up the injured Cameraman, who has lost the lower half of his body, and find that he is surprisingly light.

I decide to hug him and then teleport both of us back to the base, arriving in the Medical Bay of the Alliance base.

Several Hardware Heads are present in the Medical Bay, including Henry and several Cameramen. Henry notices that I brought in the severely injured Cameraman, and he asks me what happened.

"This is Brown Cameraman, I found out him while I on my review mission, he been buried under a pile of scrap metal, I don't know what happen before that." I say to Henry with interference TV voice.

Henry nods in understanding, and seems somewhat pleased that I managed to bring the severely injured Cameraman back to the base.

He takes a close look at the Cameraman and notices his severely injured state. He decides to immediately take actions to help the Cameraman, ordering the Cameramen present to take the Cameraman into an Operating Room for further care.

I think to myself about the shared injury between the Plunger Cameraman and Brown Cameraman, which could potentially indicate some sort of pattern or larger issue.

I worry for the Brown Cameraman's safety and wellbeing, as he seems to be in a critical condition due to his severe injuries.

I continue to stay in the Medical Bay, keeping my worries to myself as I watch the Brown Cameraman be healed.

As I observe, Henry notices that I'm concerned about him, and asks me what's wrong.

I decide to keep my thoughts and worries to myself, responding to Henry with a vague answer using the Interference TV voice.

Henry understands my concerns about the Brown Cameraman, but he doesn't know the specific details of his injuries.

Brown is now fully healed, and the Cameramen present bring him to a bed, ready to help him rest and recover.

As I approach Brown, he appears to be sleeping peacefully after being healed. He seems to be in an improved state, and there are multiple Cameramen present who are attending to his needs.

I am free to watch Brown's rest and recovery, or I can choose to leave the Medical Bay and continue with my duties elsewhere in the base.

I decide to stay and continue watching Brown Cameraman's recovery, but once the other Cameramen leave the Medical Bay, leaving me alone with Brown.

I can't help but keep my gaze and attention locked on Brown, as I look at him in a stunned observation.

Brown remains in a sleeping state, seemingly unaware that another Hardware head is examining him.

I decide not to disturb Brown's rest, and instead choose to gently place a note next to him to wish him a quick recovery.

I grab a sheet of paper and a pen, and write the words "Hope you recover soon. -TVman-204" on the paper, before placing it on the table next to Brown.

Brown is still asleep, and it is unclear if he is aware of this gesture or not.

I decide to be respectful and not disturb Brown Cameraman's rest, and choose to gently pat his head with my hand.

Brown seems to remain in a sleeping state, but it is unclear if he feels my gesture or not.

With that being done, I decide to leave the room and let Brown rest.

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