Multiverse? (Extra Story)

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(This is suppose to post on Sunday. But I busy tomorrow so I make up for it today).

[Both request from Alice_d3mon and ShannonRich9. Sorry Shannon because I can't write the TVman-204 x Drillwoman further.]

     TVman-204 POV:

Suddenly, my head is hit by something, causing me to lose consciousness. Upon regaining my senses, I find myself in unfamiliar surroundings, almost as if I were in another universe.

However, there's something that feels familiar about it, as if it were somewhere I once belonged...

It's almost like I've been transported to a parallel world, one that is somewhat different but similar to my own. But what exactly happened? How did I get here? And what exactly will come of this strange turn of events...?

Suddenly, I become aware of a drillhead-shaped person standing beside me. They use sigh language to communicate with me.

"Hey. Are you okay? Why are you here?" the drill-headed person says to me, causing I to take notice of their presence.

"Wait a minute..." I suddenly thought, realizing that the drillman I am now seeing has never previously been a part of the Alliance. However, this drill-head shaped individual suddenly appears, prompting questions about his origins and my sudden appearance here...

"Who are you?" I ask, curious about their identity.

"Bruh. You even forgot your own crew, TVman-204?" the Drillman responds through sign language, implying that they are familiar with me.

"Wait a moment... How did he know my name? Do I know him? But I just got to this weird place..." I continue, realizing that I don't seem to know this individual after all.

Who exactly is this mysterious drillman, and what have they to do with my sudden appearance here...?

"Come on. Let's go back to the base," the Drillman says, abruptly dragging me along, despite my confusion about the whole situation.

As I am suddenly pulled away and guided back to an unknown location, I can't help but be filled with uncertainty as to what exactly is currently taking place, or where the Drillman is leading me...

After being dragged to the TV base, the drillman abruptly leaves me, leaving me to my own devices after having been brought to my current location.

I am now left alone in a strange unknown setting, wondering what exactly will become of me now as I remain confused by the entire situation.

I notice that another TVman has walked past me, and they notice my presence as well. Both of us stare in shock at each other, as we are identical in appearance and both have the "TVman-204" designation. And now, there are so many questions running through our mind, the first of which being, "What the heck is going on?"

"Who the f*ck are you?!" the other TVman shouts, clearly just as confused and surprised as I am.

"I don't know. Who are you?" I ask in return, still attempting to wrap my mind around this situation and trying to figure out what it all means.

The two of us stand there for a moment, both having spotted their doppelganger in this strange locale, and both being equally perplexed by the whole situation. 

"I'm TVman-204!" he exclaims.

"I'm also TVman-204." I echo.

The two of us look at each other in utter shock and confusion, utterly lost for words as we both realize that we are one and the same.

"HUH?!" both of us exclaim simultaneously.

After several minutes of being both confused and shocked, the two of us finally decide to calm down and speak like two different individuals, or perhaps even the same person.

Although our situation remains strange and unclear, it seems that calm and rational thinking may lead to a solution to this mysterious quandary.

"Well...this is odd..." the other TVman says, his tone reflective of his confusion.

"So strange..." I reply, echoing his sentiment as I attempt to comprehend this strange turn of events.

(Break the fourth wall time)

"Let's you have a Writer?" I ask my doppelganger.

"Wait. You have a Writer too?!" My doppelganger responds, realizing that the two of us both possess a Writer.

"My Writer name is Nicehill15." I tell him.

"Oh, this one is not the same. Mine is Niverhall14." My twin TVman responds with a sense of surprise, highlighting the subtle difference between us both.

Now, with this newfound knowledge, I possess some insight into my current and seemingly parallel circumstances.

"Who are you in a relationship with?" I ask.

"Uh....Drillwoman?" the doppelganger replies, seemingly confused.

"Wait....What about Brown?" I continue, now confused by his response.

"Brown? Oh, you meant Simp? I thought he dies?" the doppelganger replies, causing me to be surprised once again.

"He what here?!" I finally say, completely thrown off by this exchange...

My doppelganger then poses me an interesting question, asking about my relationship with Brown in my universe.

"What is your relationship with that simp in your universe btw?" he asks.

"We're dating each other." I reply, to which he responds with a rainbow flag on his TV screen while asking, "Gay?"

Feeling a touch annoyed at this, I retort, "Hey! What is wrong with that!"

"Ah sorry." the other TVman replies. "My Writer is male so he's kinda homophobic." he adds.

As we continue our discussion, Drillwoman suddenly approaches the other TVman and gives him a hug.

"Bae. I finished my mission at work. Can we hang out?" Drillwoman asks.

"Of course. But later. Can you go away a sec?" he replies, prompting Drillwoman to nod and walk away.

I take a moment to reflect on this situation, and then think back to the relationship between me and Brown in in universe. Comparing the two, I note how me and Brown never seem to be this close and intimate, feeling a touch of cringe due to this difference...

"Our creations seem confused when they talk to each other." one of the writers, Nicehill15, says, to which the other, Niverhall14, agrees with by saying, "Yeah, same."

"Thanks for collab with me." Nicehill15 states, which Niverhall14 responds to with "No problem. It's kind of fun to see our creations confused AF."

With a nod, Nicehill15 and Niverhall14 continue their conversation, talking about their creations and their thoughts on this weird and confusing situation...

"I think it's TIME that you return your 'friendly' TVman-204 home." Niverhall14 informs Nicehill15, and she responds with "Alright. Away from your 'ALWAYS swearing' TVman-204."

"Remember to improve your cringy story." Niverhall14 warns, to which Nicehill15 responds with "Remind you to stop swearing in your book, lol."

Thus, Nicehill15 teleports both herself and TVman-204 back to their universe, bidding Niverhall14 goodbye as they part ways.

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