My Leader

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Fortunately, the Titan Speakerman is able to stop Titan Cameraman's self-harm, and uses all his strength to pull the chainsaw hand out of the titan's body.

The two titans struggle against each other, with the Titan Speakerman taking damage from the chainsaw, but finally succeeding in removing the limb from Titan Cameraman's body.

The situation seems to be stable now, as the titan has been rescued from death and the Scientist Skibidi Toilet is still occupied in combat. The fight is still ongoing, with the outcome still unclear...

The Scientist Skibidi Toilet refuses to give up and continues to control the Titan Cameraman, forcing him to punch himself in the face with his own hand.

In the meantime, the Titan Speakerman attempts to use his knife to create a counterattack through a sound wave, but G-Man stops his efforts by laser-shotting his right shoulder and breaking a speaker. The situation is looking increasingly dire, with the two leading titans heavily damaged and G-Man now playing a critical role in the battle.

Titan Speakerman turns towards G-Man, ready to attack, but he is stopped by the Titan Cameraman, who forces him onto the ground and uses his leg press to keep him pinned.

The Scientist Skibidi Toilet and G-Man laugh in victory, both believing that they have finally triumphed over the Alliance.

Due to the brave actions of the Titan Speakerman, the Cameraman POV standing next to me decides to take a desperate shot at the Scientist Skibidi Toilet's TV screen but finds that it is ineffective.

The Cameraman POV isn't afraid of death and takes the risk, knowing that this chance to help their titans is too pivotal, too small, but still worthy of attempting.

The Scientist Skibidi Toilet turns to the Cameraman POV with a smile, clearly amused by the outcome and preparing to crush their opponents once and for all...

Suddenly, a massive knife impales the middle of the Scientist Skibidi Toilet's TV screen, causing them to look startled and scared.

The destruction of the TV screen causes the Titans to regain control of Titan Cameraman, who kneels down, exhausted from his fight against the Scientists.

In that moment, both me and Cameraman's POV look to their right and see something incredible: a large black mist, and covering someone.

Titan TVman appears from the mist and utters the words, "Your life ends now." Towards the Scientist Skibidi Toilet...

The Scientist Skibidi Toilet raises all of their guns to prepare for one final fight. They seem to be planning to retreat, but the heavy damage makes it difficult. Suddenly, a big purple sword appears from the black mist, wielded by Titan TVman.

Titan TVman, unaffected by the enemy fire, attacks the Scientist Skibidi Toilet with a flurry of swings, striking them a total of 3 times.

The final blow is truly spectacular, as all of the Titan TVman's screens combine to produce a massive red flashlight that burns the Scientist Skibidi Toilet with immense pain...

Titan TVman pauses for a moment, seeing that the Scientist Skibidi Toilet is still alive and moving.

"Still alive?" he says, surprised yet amused.

He subsequently stabs the Scientist Skibidi Toilet's head with his purple sword, before blasting out a powerful, devastating purple energy from his energy core, destroying the remaining life left in the enemy...

"Asshole." The Titan TVman says as he finishes off the Scientist Skibidi Toilet, ending the bloody and grueling battle once and for all...

And with the end of the Scientist Skibidi Toilet, Titan TVman turns to me and the Cameraman POV, displaying a ":3" expression on all of his screens.

In response, the Cameraman POV gives a thumbs up and I show the ":>" expression, to which Titan TVman responds in turn with a happy expression.

With this, it seems that the battle has finally ended, with the Alliance as the victorious side and Titan TVman being the hero of the day...

I show Titan TVman the text "Welcome back after long time, my leader. <3" on my TV screens, to which he nods slightly and gives me a solemn look of approval.

With my words of welcome, it seems that Titan TVman's return has been acknowledged and accepted, and now it's time for the Alliance and the Titan TVman to come together and rebuild...

I teleport onto the head of Titan TVman and sit there as he stares ahead at the body of the Scientist Skibidi Toilet. He does not react to my presence and makes no attempt to remove me, instead, he merely stares ahead at the dead enemy and the destruction of the war.

"This one is fake." Titan TVman declares.

"Yea. I know." I reply, pointing out the evident wounds that indicate the enemy was indeed a fake.

"Even a robot can defeat many one. We need to be more careful in the future." Titan TVman says, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant so as to avoid making the same mistakes.

"Yes. My leader." I acknowledge, in agreement with his assessment of the situation and his guidance for the future...

(Ugh. TVman-204 slowly become a side-character af. I wish that when Titan TVman come back. The TV Alliance will appear more too. I can't put my OC anywhere, bruh.)

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