Something new

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          TVman-204 POV:

As I continue not know what to do in the base I suddenly hear that some Cameraman, Plunger (or Kirito) Cameraman, Camerawoman and Titan Cameraman already take down another part of the city.And again, my job is to review there.

I teleport to yet another abandoned place, one seemingly abandoned by the Toilet menace for now.

On the ground, I see the remains of a Toilet attack, littered with dead Toilets. It seems like the Camerawoman has taken them down, considering the bullet holes on their bodies.

I look around the abandoned place, taking in the surroundings.

The place seems like an abandoned town or city, likely taken over by the Toilet menace sometime in the past. The destruction and ruins seem to indicate that a pretty fierce battle took place here, as I see burned buildings and scorched earth.

As I look around, I see signs of a recent clash of arms, as there are still the remains of the fight scattered around. Dead Toilets lie scattered on the ground, their bodies riddled with bullet holes.

As I look around the remains of the battle, I notice something disturbing - the severed heads and hands of Cameramen lay scattered on the ground, still visible despite their gruesome injuries.

It seems like the Toilet forces were pretty brutal in their attack, killing whoever got in their way. The Cameramen tried to put up a fight against them but were outmatched, the Toilets eventually overwhelming them.

I approach the mutilated remains of the Cameramen, looking around the battle scene in search of more information.

The bodies of the Cameramen lie scattered all around, decapitated and disfigured from the brutality of the Toilets' attack. It's a harrowing sight, as the Cameramen attempted to put up a fight here but were ultimately outmatched and slain.

As I turn on my flashlight, I begin shining it around the city, scanning the area for further details.

The buildings and environments around I reveal a gruesome sight - the corpses of Cameramen are scattered around, their bodies brutalized and in various stages of decay. The stench of their decaying flesh is unbearable, causing you to nearly gag as I walk through the gruesome remains.

As I continue scanning, you notice something odd - a few of the Cameramen's heads are tilted at odd angles, almost as if they were watching someone.

I walk over to the Cameramen's corpses, shining the flashlight towards the heads that are at odd angles, as if they were watching someone.

As I do, I notice that the heads all seem to be facing in the same direction - towards a particular building that appears slightly darker and dilapidated compared to the others in the area. It stands out amongst the other buildings around, giving it a haunting effect against the backdrop of ruins. It seems to draw my attention, as if there was someone or something there.

i switch off my spotlight, turning it off as I begin walking towards the darkened building that I noticed. It stands out amongst the other buildings around, its presence giving a slightly eerie atmosphere in the area.

I slowly walk towards the structure, moving with caution as you approach it. The place is dark and appears to be abandoned, with broken windows and boarded-up doors. It is unclear what's inside, or what might be awaiting me.

I look at the decapitated heads of the Cameramen, attempting to read into their final moments before death.

It's hard to tell what the Cameramen may have wanted to say, or if they even had the chance to say anything at all. Some of the heads seem to be tilted at odd angles, as if they were trying to look at something or someone. Perhaps they knew that someone would eventually investigate and review this place.

I decide to continue walking towards the abandoned building, approaching with a bit of caution. The structure stands out amongst the rest of the abandoned cityscape, its presence looming over the other buildings around. The place has a slightly creepy and eerie aura to it, with the darkness and silence creating an aura of tension as I approach it.

As I get closer, I notice that the abandoned building looks quite old and crumbling, as if it had been sitting here for a long time. It is uncertain what lies within, or what might be waiting there.

I enter the abandoned building and step into the darkness.

As I walk in, I notice that the place is eerily silent, with only the sound of my footsteps resounding against the walls. The darkness makes it hard to see anything at all, with shadows everywhere around me.

As I continue to explore the place, I notice the remnants of a past life - tables and chairs scattered about, broken glasses and plates on the floor, and a faint musty smell in the air. The place seems to have experienced destruction and violence, although the cause is unknown.

I switch on the scan function on the TV screen on my head, slowly scanning over the area in an effort to find anything that might be of use to me.

As I do so, you notice a faint electronic signal in the area, as if a device was nearby. As I look around, I spot a computer terminal on the wall, which seems to be emitting the signal.

I walk over to the computer terminal, my footsteps sounding faintly in the ominous silence that fills the room. As I approach, I notice that the screen is blank, with the letters "LOADING..." displayed on it. Despite the fact that the computer is turned on, it seems that it's currently undergoing some kind of startup process, with the loading progress at only 1%.

I wait patiently, keeping your eyes fixed on the computer terminal in front of me.

After a bit of a wait, the loading progress reaches 10%, and after a few more seconds, it finally reaches 100%.

I watch as the terminal finishes its loading process, and a message appears on the screen: "APPROVED - LOADING INFORMATION". With a beep, the terminal seemingly downloads information from somewhere, and after a few seconds, it beeps again.

A folder icon appears on the computer terminal screen, labeled "Alliance Intel".

As I consider whether or not to look at the Alliance Intel folder, O suddenly remember that my review job requires you to report back to the base. I also feel as if I don't have much time left to look at the information and still complete my mission.

I consider whether or not I should bring back the computer containing the Alliance Intel back to the Alliance base.

On one hand, it could potentially provide valuable and crucial information to help with my future missions, and I might be able to share it with the rest of the Coalition for further review.

I summon my teleportation ability, using it to transport the computer and its contents with me.

As I do, the computer and its data vanish from its previous location and reappear in my hand.

With the Alliance Intel information and the computer in my possession, I are free to return to the Coalition base to turn in my review mission and deliver the Alliance Intel.

As I do, Henry seems to notice me and approach me.

"Ah, you're back. I take it that you've completed your mission then?"

I nod in response, before holding out the computer terminal in front of Henry.

"I managed to retrieve this on my review mission. It contains some important information for the Coalition, from the Alliance."

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