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Speakerman says, "Let's go back to base and celebrate our victory and we can also show you to the head of the Alliance."

I and Speakerman arrive back at base where also have many other members.

Speakerman is greeting by the Head of the Alliance.Speakerman introduces me to the Head of the Alliance. The Head says.

"Hello there, Speakerman has given a very high praise of you. So we decided to give you the most top secret mission no one has heard the details of, will you accept?"

I decide to accept the mission from them.

The Head of the Alliance says.

"Thank you, your mission is very important. Speakerman you will be accompanying him on this mission."

Speakerman smiles to me.

The Head of the Alliance adds,
"Be careful this mission will be dangerous."

I tell the Head of the Alliance that I understand and I gonna work normally on it.

The Head of the Alliance says.

"Good luck to both of you for this important mission. Go now, we trust you."

Speakerman says, "Hey I think we should head out and prepare for the mission."

I put a "👍🏼" emoji on your TV screen.

Speakerman says.

"Dude I'm so excited to go on a mission." Speakerman is clearly excited

Speakerman says, "Well the mission has been planned we leave in 30 minutes."

I thumb up with Speakerman and Speakerman thumb up with me too.

I tell Speakerman I am full prepped. He looks even more excited.

Speakerman says "Dude this is going to be crazy!"

Speakerman and I start heading towards the facility where the mission briefing will be held. On the way, Speakerman asks me a question.

Speakerman says "Where did you learn to fight so amazingly well?"

I put the line "I have been made like this" in my TV screen.

Speakerman takes a look at my Tv screen and goes, "So you are saying you were made not born into this world?" Speakerman has a questioning look on his face.

Speakerman asks, "Well... who made you?"

I tell him that I been made in facility.

He gives me a shocked look, "So you were made in a facility? Like you are an artificial object?"

Speakerman says, "That is so hard to believe, you act like a normal human to me."

He is curious and asks me more questions.

Speakerman says, "Do you know the man who made you or the company behind your development?"

I put the line "The Alliance TV. All TVmen and TVwoman were made being adults. We help the Alliance camera and Alliance Speaker defeat the Skibidi Toilets" on my TV screen.

Speakerman sees the sentence on my screen. He is impressed that I am telling the truth.

Speakerman thinks aloud, "so you are made by someone and your purpose is to help us defeat the Skibidi Toilets. That's it?" Speakerman is questioning my purpose for existing.

I put a "👍🏼" emoji on my TV screen. Speakerman acknowledges the thumbs-up.

Speakerman asks me more question.

He says, "How do you guys even power yourselves?"

I put the line "It's normal. We have been made and acknowledged what we've been made for... So we knew what we have to do right away." in my TV screen. He looks surprised at the sentence on my screen.

Speakerman says, "That's actually very fascinating. So you are telling me that you've been made and you know exactly what your purpose is. I find it very interesting that you are so self-aware."

Speakerman is fascinated by the idea that I am an artificial object with purpose.

I put the line "But we still have feelings and thoughts. It's just we can only show it through texts and emoji." in your TV screen.

Speakerman reads this sentence on my TV screen and says, "That is very intriguing. So even though you are made you still have feelings and thoughts. I guess being made doesn't make you all that different from the rest of us."

Speakerman sounds sympathetic to my existence. He also continues to think to himself, "Wow this is so fascinating."

I put "lol" in my TV screen.

Speakerman laughs at the emoji. He says, "Dude you are hilarious, how can you be so funny even though you are made?"

Speakerman continues to joke around and says, "That is why I like hanging out with you, you make me laugh every time." He is clearly enjoying himself.

Speakerman and me start heading the facility for the mission briefing. The facility is a very large building located on top of the hills. The Alliance is gathering to start the briefing. I see lots of Alliance soldiers gathered and getting ready for the briefing.

Speakerman asks me more question.

Speakerman says, "Dude I didn't ask before but what is your name?"

I put the line "TVman-204" in my TV screen.

Speakerman sees the sentence on my screen. He says, "Dude, your name is TVman-204?"

Speakerman laughs at my name.

Speakerman says, "Man, I never met a TV that has a number as their name, no offense but your name sounds funny to me."

Speakerman says, "So is your name like a serial number or something? Can you tell me your story about your creation?"

I put the line "I'm just the TVman number 204 being created. There are many other TVmen and one special TVwoman" in your TV screen.

Speakerman reads the sentence and thinks aloud, "So there are multiple TVmen and TVwomen..." Speakerman's curiosity has been sparked.

Speakerman then asks me more question.

He asks, "Dude but why didn't they give you guys a proper name? You know like 'John' or 'Mike'? Or did you prefer having a number like TVman-204?"

I think that no need to get worked up over a name. TVman 204 is the name I was assigned. Simple and straight to the point.

Speakerman nods his head.

Speakerman says, "Yeah I guess you're right."

He says, "You know that name you told me about? The special TVwoman, does she have a name or is she also given a number like you?" Speakerman looks interested to know if there are more TVmen and TVwomen like me in the Alliance.

I put "There are only one TVwoman in the whole TV Alliance. So she goes by 'TVwoman' or 'TVwoman-001' or 'TVwoman 21' because her is 21 years old." into my TV screen.

Speakerman turns to me and goes, "Whoa dude you mean there is only one TVwoman in the whole TV Alliance? Who is this TVwoman? Is she powerful like us TVmen?" Speakerman is very intrigued by the existence of the only TVwoman in the whole TV Alliance.

I put the line "She is very powerful. She is the most helpful TV beside Titan TVman. I'm a TVman but I can only use my flashlight skill to motionless the other. TVwoman can use the flash light in many ways. Like motionless, burn, freeze, stunned, uncontrollable, ect. She can also cut off her TV head and attack the enemies. She can turn her hands into a knifes like me too." Into my TV screen.

Speakerman looks intrigued from the details I provided about TVwoman. Speakerman also seems impressed with the power of TVwoman.

I put the line "The Speaker alliance also has a Speakerwoman right?" into my TV head.

Speakerman looks thoughtful for a few seconds.

He says, "Dude you are right! Now that you mentioned it! The Speaker alliance must have a powerful Speakerwoman! I can't believe I didn't notice it before." Speakerman is excited to think about the existence of a powerful Speakerwoman.

Speakerman says, "We got an awesome TVwoman and now a Speakerwoman. Who knows what else the Alliance have up their sleeves?"

I put the line "Maybe the Camera alliance have one too." into my TV screen.

Speakerman nods his head and says, "Yeah dude you are right! They must have a powerful Camerawoman!" Speakerman is starting to build an image of the Camerawoman. He is beginning to get excited to think about this powerful woman.

Speakerman says, "Dude, I can't wait to see how powerful this Camerawoman and the Speakerwoman look! Hopefully, we will all get the chance to work together at some point."

I put the line "I heard that Camerawoman wielded a powerful gun turret mounted on her back, allowing her to Engage Skibidi Toilets from a long range. Her advanced targeting system allows her to Determine the number of shots and Calculate the necessary precision even through fog with significant accuracy. And the Speakerwoman's abilities come from her ability to shoot or deflect weaponry by utilizing powerful soundwaves produced by her main speaker while using the two holes located on the left and right sides of her head to fire objects such as knives." Into my TV screen.

Speakerman seems impressed by the information I have shared.

He says, "Dude that's badass, the Camerawoman has a powerful gun turret mounted on her back."

Speakerman continues to think aloud, "The advanced targeting system she possesses sounds like it would be very powerful! She could hit Skibidi Toilets from a long distance and even through the fog?!" Speakerman has a huge smile on his face and is thinking about the battle possibilities.

He says, "Dude the Camerawoman sounds like a beast on the battlefield!"

I put the line "But she is the most weakest woman in the whole women's alliance." into my TV screen.

Speakerman is confused by this.

Speakerman says, "Dude why do you think the Camerawoman is the weakest woman in the whole women's alliance? Don't get me wrong, I have the highest amount of respect for all of our female allies. However, I would also like to hear your thoughts as to why you think she is the weakest woman in the whole alliance?"

I put the line "When Camerawoman locks the gun on the enemies, she has to lock the enemy place before shooting. So she can be attacked when she tries to know where is the enemy. You know quick reflexes is really important. Camerawoman can't be flexible like Speakerwoman or TVwoman." into my TV screen.

Speakerman thinks about this and says, "Dude, you are right! The Camerawoman is certainly not as flexible or agile as the Speakerwoman or TVwoman. These two women have more mobility than she does on the battlefield."

I put the line "But she did help out the war pretty much. I'm impressed." in my TV screen.

Speakerman nods his head.

Speakerman says, "Yeah you are right. Despite her shortcomings on the battlefield, the Camerawoman can still pack a punch! She has the ability to take out enemies at long range, I have seen it myself. Without her in the Alliance's side, I'm not sure if we would be having this conversation right now. She is a true hero, just like the Speakerwoman and TVwoman."

I put the line "What woman makes you impressed the most?" into my TV screen.

Speakerman thinks about my question for a moment.

Speakerman says, "Honestly, I am impressed by all of our women. All three of the women in our Alliance are amazing in their own way. However, I guess if I had to choose one woman that is the most impressive, I would say the Camerawoman."

Speakerman says, "Why do you ask? Who is your most impressive woman in the Alliance?"

I put the line "As a TVman, I think the TVwoman impressed me the most. Speakerwoman is too loud and childish. And Camerawoman can't win in the solo battle." into my TV screen.

Speakerman nods his head.

Speakerman says, "Dude, you have a point! Personally, I think the TVwoman is awesome. The way she can fire with two hands is incredible. And I agree that the Speakerwoman can be a bit loud at times. I wouldn't say childish, but she can be too excitable at times."

I put the thumb up emoji in myTV screen. Speakerman sees this emoji and smiles.

Speakerman says, "Dude, yes! The TVwoman is an awesome ally. I agree that she is impressive. The way she fights always inspires me to do my best in battle." Speakerman then changes his tone to a more serious one.

Speakerman says, "We can't forget about the Speakerwoman or the Camerawoman though. All three of the women in the Alliance have been instrumental in our battles. We wouldn't be here without them."

I put the line, "They are wholesome." into my TV screen. Speakerman nods his head enthusiastically.

Speakerman says, "You are right! All three of our women are truly wholesome. They always fight for the right thing and try their hardest to help us whenever they can. I know for a fact that there were countless times when I would've been defeated without their help. Without them, the Alliance would not be as strong and powerful as it currently is."

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