The Return

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(Hey, I admit that I still hadn't finish my mid-term exams but I still do it when I  have a little free time. I will clearly having a hard week now. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Meet you after the exams.)

I'm inside a vehicle with two more Large Cameramen and a Cameraman driving the vehicle. The vehicle is traveling towards a place that appears to be a Skibidi Toilet base, which seems to be on fire.

The vehicle continues driving towards the burning area, the sounds of the raging inferno growing louder and louder as we approach.

I see two Cameraman fleeing from the other direction, running away alongside the side road and attempting to escape from something.

Seconds later, a Police Skibidi Toilet flies in from the sky, aiming a sharp metal pole towards the vehicle that me, two Large Cameraman, and the Cameraman driver are occupying.

Unfortunately, the Cameraman driver doesn't have enough time to react to the threat, and is killed instantly by the powerful blow from the sharp metal pole. The death of the driver creates a shocking scene, with me and all the Alliance members witnessing the tragedy upfront.

One of the Large Cameramen tries to shoot at the Police Skibidi, but misses his shots twice. However, the second Large Cameraman, who will now be referred to as "Large Cameraman POV", successfully fires a shot at the Police Skibidi, but the attack does not appear to inflict significant damage.

The Police Skibidi is unfazed by the hit and flies away without a care in the world, leaving the Large Cameraman POV baffled at the failure of his attack... For now, at least.

As the Large Cameramen exit the vehicle using their small rocket systems, I decide to follow their lead.

I teleport out of the vehicle, standing alongside them as they assess the surroundings and observe the situation.

The area seems to be deserted and eerily silent, with no Skibidi Toilet presence in sight. However, the lingering scent of smoke and ash hangs in the air, indicating that a major battle must have taken place not long ago.

The Large Cameramen seem to be cautious and alert, wondering what happened to the other members of the Alliance...

I stand alongside the Large Cameraman POV, feeling dwarfed by his towering presence.

As I observe the surroundings, the Police Skibidi suddenly appears behind both me and the Large Cameraman POV, with the intent of attacking we both from the rear.

Thankfully, the other Large Cameraman nearby quickly responds to the threat, successfully shooting the Police Skibidi and taking it down.

I see the Large Cameraman put a thumb up, seemingly to show his approval and ask whether me and the Large Cameraman POV are okay. In the midst of the conversation, another Skibidi suddenly emerges from the smoke, causing a surprise attack on the Large Cameraman.

The Skibidi uses a powerful acid in his assault, damaging the Large Cameraman with his gun and causing an explosion, killing him in the process.

I see the Large Cameraman POV quickly raise his twin guns and fire at the Mafia Skibidi Toilet, who steps out of the smoke and reveals his upgraded form.

I notice that the Mafia Skibidi Toilet appears to have been equipped with a stronger chassis and weapons systems, making him a dangerous foe to face in battle.

Amid the intense gunfire and the battle against the Mafia Skibidi Toilet, I see a large laser beam suddenly aimed at the Mafia Skibidi. This causes both the Large Cameraman POV and myself to turn our attention to the unexpected development, and also the arrival of an unexpected figure:  Titan Cameraman!

The Titan Cameraman seems to have survived the previous assault, and is slowly walking towards our position.

I see a Chainsaw Skibidi Toilet charging towards the Titan Cameraman, intending to cut him apart using its chain saw blades. However, the Titan Cameraman quickly responds to the threat and attacks the enemy with his own weapons, taking one of the Chainsaw Skibidi Toilet's arm in the process.

Suddenly, the Titan Cameraman grabs one of the enemy's chainsaws and replaces his lost arm with it.

The Titan Cameraman makes use of his new chainsaw hand and cuts down the Chainsaw Skibidi Toilet in a few short seconds, using its own weapon against it.

The chainsaw revved up and the blades spun rapidly, cutting through the enemy with ease, leaving no time for a counterattack.

With the enemy fallen, the Titan Cameraman has successfully neutralized another threat, keeping the Alliance safe from harm.

The Mafia Skibidi appears behind the Titan Cameraman, quickly cutting one of his camera lens and causing damage to the other.

The Titan Cameraman quickly responds to the threat, throwing the Mafia Skibidi out of the scene and slapping the enemy away. Titan Speakerman also shot a laser at Mafia Skibidi.

Just as the Mafia Skibidi tries to approach the Titan Speakerman, the Titan Speakerman lashes out with his powerful slap, knocking the enemy down and causing the Mafia Skibidi to explode midair.

I see the black mist appear, as if forming out of thin air. Suddenly, the figure of the Scientist Skibidi emerges from the mist, standing before we all with a menacing and sinister smile.

The Titan Speakerman draws his weapon and prepares to attack, while the Titan Cameraman points at the Scientist Skibidi and makes the "I'm gonna kill you tonight" gesture, threatening the enemy and promising imminent revenge.

I and the Large Cameraman POV stand far away from it all, watching the showdown closely and preparing to fight if necessary.

When I turn to the right, I see the figure of Cameraman-204, holding a machete and rapidly stabbing a Common Skibidi Toilet. The attack seems to be motivated by sheer rage, as the Common Skibidi Toilet stands no chance against the onslaught.

I can only watch in awe and shock at this brutal and seemingly unnecessary act of aggression, wondering why Cameraman-204 is behaving this way...

I approach Cameraman-204, seemingly in disbelief and confused by his actions.

"Uh... Cameraman-204... Didn't that Skibidi already die?..." I ask him, my tone suggesting concern and worry.

"Oh. I just notice." he replies with a tone of indifference, indicating that he has little to no empathy or remorse for his actions.

It's a shocking and somewhat unsettling moment, and the motives behind Cameraman-204's actions remain unclear.

"Titan Speakerman and Titan Cameraman gonna have a big fight to Scientist Skibidi. Don't you worry?!" I ask him, hoping to ease his concerns.

"I don't care at all." he replies, his attitude and tone completely contradictory to my expectations.

"Don't care?! Titans is literally our leaders!" I say to him, my words expressing frustration and disappointment.

"Don't need to worry, it gonna end fine. You know it more clearly then me." he calmly answers, his words coming across as dismissive and complacent.

"Do you know where Speakerman 204th right now?" Cameraman-204 suddenly asks me, his question coming across as somewhat suspicious and unusual.

I respond by saying he's probably at the station, but he doesn't seem satisfied with that answer.

He then leaves me and walks away, telling me to come back after the fight ends. I'm not sure what to make of this whole interaction, and I'm left feeling confused and agitated by the strange behavior of Cameraman-204.

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