Tvman-204 free day (Extra Story)

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(Warning:Not affect to the main story much)

    TVman-204 POV:

I get confirms that I won't be required to work today, which comes as a surprise to me, as I've been going pretty non-stop with my missions.

I now have the rare chance to take some time off and relax or enjoy myself, without needing to fight or deal with all the challenges that come with the Toilet forces.

With my new found time and freedom, I choose to take a peaceful and relaxing stroll around the Coalition base.

As I walk around, I take in the sights and sounds of the base, as well as seeing the various other members of the Coalition going about their usual duties or participating in fun activities that help maintain team morale.

I take my time to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, appreciating the opportunity that the free day has allowed I to enjoy.

After a while, I decide whether I want to continue my stroll or do something else to make the most of my free day.

I notice Cameraman-255, who I met during my review mission at another city. During my first encounter, he showed signs of injury, but it seems like he has completely recovered now and is in much better shape.

I see him talking to some other members of the coalition, as they share a few laughs and jokes together.

I pass by Cameraman-255, and give him a respectful nod as a way to say hi, before continuing my stroll away.

As I walk away, I notice that Cameraman-255 turns towards me and nods back in response, before turning back to his conversation with the others by his side.

Cameraman-255 seems happy to see  I am doing well, as he acknowledges my presence and respects my choice to not engage further.

As I keep walking forward around the Coalition base, I see TVwoman nearby, talking to some members of the Coalition in a group.

TVwoman is a pretty well-known figure around the base, so I decide that I will go over and say hello to her and maybe talk with her a bit.

TVwoman looks at me and notices the "Hi." text that I typed on my screen, acknowledging my presence and giving me a friendly wave as she speaks to me:

"Hi there!"

TVwoman seems to be excited to see me and glad that I decided to chat with her.

"Hello TVwoman.How you doing?" I talk to her with interference TV voice.

TVwoman looks at me and notices I communicating via my interference voice, smiling slightly as she listens to me speak.

"Hey there! I'm doing pretty good, it's a lovely day today" she says to me in her signature TV voice.

She seems friendly and willing to talk to me, giving me the chance to possibly strike up a conversation and continue engaging with her.

"I have a free day today.Are you on any mission?" I talk to her continue with interference TV voice.

TVwoman smiles as I keep speaking to her via the interference TV voice, finding it a little amusing as well.

"A free day huh? That's nice to hear!" she replies to you with her TV voice and her signature enthusiasm.

"And nah, as luck would have it, I too was given the rare opportunity to take some time off" she continues, confirming that she won't be on any mission today either.

"Got any plans for your free day?" she asks me with a friendly tone.

"I don't know.I don't usually don't have free time either.I just wander around." I say and smile a bit.

TVwoman laughs at my reply, finding my honestly and uncertainty regarding my day amusing to hear.

"Well hey, if you don't have any plans, you and I can simply enjoy our free day together and see where it gets us" she suggests, offering to spend the day with me and come up with some activities together on the spot.

"How does that sound?" she asks me with a friendly expression, clearly interested in hanging out with me.

"That sound fine to me." I say to her and nod.

TVwoman seems pleased by my response, having been eager to hang out with me on this unexpected free day.

"It's nice to spend time with someone other than the other members around here" she tells you, expressing her gratitude for your willingness to hang out with her.

"Well, with our plans sorted out, shall we get going?" she continues, looking forward to spending time with me.

Me and TVwoman head out of the Coalition base together, and start spending some time together.

As I walk alongside her, I and her talk and chat to each other in our TV voices, talking about the things we've done at work and our daily lives outside the Coalition. The two of us enjoy each other's company as we spend the time together, and before we know it, the day has passed quickly due to the company and conversation we've had with each other.

As the day comes to a close, TVwoman bids me a farewell and thanks me for the wonderful experience.

I bid TVwoman goodbye and part ways peacefully, feeling happy and satisfied with the time and experience that we've had together throughout my free day.

As the two of us separate from one another, I begin wondering what to do next, as I have some hours of spare time remaining.

I see TVman-109 walking not too far away, and realize that I've worked with him before, when me and him escorted TVwoman together to a work site.

As my recollection comes to mind of the time we spent together, I decide to go up to TVman-109 and greet him, perhaps strike up a conversation and reminisce about my past interactions.

I walk up to TVman-109 and decide to strike up a small talk with him, remembering the interactions we've had together.

As I talk with TVman-109, we both catch up with each others' news, and reflect on the past mission that me and him worked on together. Despite the mission being a little routine for the two of us, you remember the fun time we had working together.

After the talk, I bid him goodbye and continue walking in a random direction to explore the rest of the Coalition base.

I finished my free day peacefully.

(Why I give motivation so much in an Extra Story?)

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