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"You like train tracks?" He asked as his eyes wandered around the school hallway.

There was nothing much to see except for chaotic teenagers, white walls, classrooms and filthy lockers. This wasn't one of those prestigious schools in Seoul, that's why, she could continue her study up until now.

The school didn't have many rules either. Students would wear whatever they wanted, most not even bothering to wear uniforms. That's why no one would suspect teenage pedestrians roaming around the school, like the boy beside her.

Most people were staring at them but Soojin decided to act nonchalant. That's what she always did whenever she would come at school beaten up, and as usual, stares would burn her soul.

"No, but I like that place." She remembered the question he had asked her earlier. 

"Me too." He was looking at the walls, observing the cracks that were noticeable. "I've seen you a lot times there before."

Maybe, that's why he said she wasn't a stranger to him. She would spend time there sitting on the tracks after school or in between her jobs. Sometimes wishing the train would break its schedule and come early, squishing her in the tracks leaving nothing.

He saw her before but never approached her until now. Maybe he wanted to stop her but then again he was the one who told her about the evening train. He was indeed, strange.

Soojin walked up to her locker. She unlocked it and scattered papers started falling.


"Die Bitch."

"Did you like the tip you got last night?"

There were scribbles on them. Soojin crushed all the papers and threw them away. Loud laughs came from behind and she found three girls taking their materials from the lockers of the opposite direction as they stared her up and down.

She knew their laughter was directed towards her. There were different people picking on her every day, those girls weren't the only ones.

Soojin had to work hard to pay for her school, and food. She had to do different jobs including working in stores, delivering pizza. Sometimes one time jobs too, being a waitress or wearing costumes in front of stores.

But she never sold her body or even thought about it. Nonetheless, someone started the rumor anyway. People believe in rumors especially when they were for weaklings like her, people need someone to vent their pent up anger to.

As she was cleaning her locker the boy peeked inside and saw them. He didn't make a remark which surprised her because she thought he would.

Soojin wished someone would like her, because she didn’t have any allies. Not at school. Not anywhere

"Do you wish someone liked you?" He said leaning against the lockers.

Soojin startled hearing what he had said because it seemed like he had read her mind.

"I was, right?" He emphasised on his words making his eyes wide. "Don't look at me like that! I was guessing it since you looked lonely. And always before too."

She opened her mouth to say something but got cut off by someone calling her name. She faced the other direction and found Jung hoseok, a senior in her school standing close to her.

"Oh... I... it's you senior." She stuttered as she closed her locker hurriedly. She didn't want him to see what was inside. Hoseok was the only person who talked to her in school.

"Do you have any cold patches with you?" He said looking guilty, scratching the back of his head. This was a daily thing Soojin would encounter with Hoseok.

"Yeah." She replied as she searched through her bag, finding one and giving it to the blonde boy. Every time she did this she remembered how they first met.

The blonde locks were stuck to his forehead as he rubbed his back. "I hurt myself again playing football today. Don't know how I would put it on my back though." He said laughing.

"Then let me help you." She offered, her cheeks turning a shade of pink with that.

She looked at where the strange boy from before, but, found no one there.

Did he leave already? Well, maybe he understood that he wasn't getting anything from her.

9:13 AM

"Are you sure it's okay?" He said taking a seat in the infirmary. There were no teachers at that moment so Soojin was the only one to mend him. "I mean your classes started already," he added.

"Its okay," she said biting her lower lip and looked away as he lifted up his shirt from back.

When she finally managed to look, a gasp left her mouth finding a wound, forming a red bulge in his fair back.

His body shook from laughing a little. "It's nothing. I just fell on my back."

She wanted to tell him to be careful next time but she couldn't since she was too nervous begin with. "How did you get bruised again?" He asked the question like he would always.

"I fell," she lied.

Hoseok shifted a little, knowing she was never going to tell him.

He winced a little when Soojin pressed the patch against his skin, cold.

"Hey soojin, are you free tomorrow?" It was suddenly hard for him to speak, his nails dug further on the bed sheet he sat on. "It's Sunday so maybe we could hang out or something?"

"Is that a date?" She said jokingly and immediately regretted. Why would he ask her out on a date anyway? They belonged to two different standings.

"Yeah. I..It is a date."

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