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6:59 PM

It was time for her second attempt.

But there she was, back in her place, throwing her clothes and all the other materials in a bag. She was shaking, still, she couldn't believe she had a place to go. And she was going there.

Is that what he talked about? Chances? Because this was surely a chance for her. A chance to live and start anew.

She hurriedly put what she could in the small bag and her eyes darted towards Jungkook, who was standing there by the door side. His eyes scanning her small room.

Her room was quite cramped and she was busy every day so she could hardly ever clean it. There were clothes and other garbages scattered all over. She quickly glanced over the room hoping there weren't any undergarments lying around.

It felt like he read her mind as he took a step back. "I'll be waiting outside."

She nodded and continued packing. After going to her aunt's place, how would it feel like? She stopped for a moment. She was never good at socializing or meeting new people. It had been long since she met that side of her family.

Moreover, what will happen to him?

He talked about going away. It would be a goodbye from him. He was a stranger, all she knew was his name. And a piece of his story.

But a part of her was already attached to him. It's only been a few hours but it felt so natural having him by her side.

Though most of the time they were silent it never felt awkward.

It hurt.

She suddenly realized that, she didn't want to say goodbye to him.

She snapped out of her thoughts hearing draggy footsteps. It stopped right in front of her doorstep.

He slowly entered her room as the air got filled with cheap alcohol's odor.

He hadn't shaven for a while. His bloodshot eyes looked cruel and cold. He was swaying a little as he squinted his eyes closer judging if she really was there.

Her heart stopped beating inside her ribcage. It was her father, standing there.

"What you doing here?" He slurred his words and held the doorframe for balance. He looked like a homeless person with his dusty shirt and pant. His feet, bare and dirty.

"I was just leaving." She tried to hide her fear as she grabbed the strap of her bag.

"Oh." He nodded as if he understood.

He turned to leave but then stopped and faced her again. "Your aunt called." He paused and rubbed his forehead like he was trying to remember.

"She said she gonna file a case against me."

Her throat felt dry, breathing ragged and she only hoped that he would be too tired or drunk to start a ruckus now.

"She fucking said," he swayed his way to come closer and she took a few steps back.

Losing his balance he grabbed her study table and it flipped over as a shattering sound rang in the air. Their family photo that was on the table now broken, glasses scattered everywhere on the floor.

Her father stood up straight. "She fucking said she's gonna sue me!"

"This is what I get for feeding a whore's child for all these years?" He yelled as he walked closer to her avoiding the glasses.

She wanted to say something but couldn't. It felt like there was a big lump in her throat and soon her back hit the wall leaving her no escape. Her eyes were filled with waters, this was the scariest face she had seen on him.

"This is what I get for taking care of a whore's child!" He was shaking in anger and didn't look drunk anymore, even though his eyes were red and he reeked of alcohol.

Soojin felt his hands gripping her throat like it was nothing. "Now you wanna go to your aunt and bitch around? You want to sue me using her?"

His hands slowly started digging into her flesh. "You ungrateful slut!"

She huffed for air as she tried to shove away his hands but he didn't budge. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head for the lack of air. Her face became red.

It felt like the end to her.

But then he stopped only to pull a grip of her hair and shove her to the floor. She fell over the broken glasses huffing for air. Her arms and a side of her face started bleeding as little pieces of glasses got inside her skin.

He was cursing but she couldn't hear what he was saying. Her blurry vision saw him standing close to her. Then she felt a kick on her stomach and she screamed in pain. Blood gushed out of her mouth.

She closed her eyes wincing in pain. Awaiting for the next impact. After a few seconds, she opened them but found herself alone in the room. She could hear his angry grunts radiating from the next room.

She crawled on the floor and it felt like she would throw up. Every part of her body hurt and more broken glasses got inside her hands but she tried to get away. Her mind wondered what would happen if her father saw Jungkook.

He felt insane, as if he could do anything, murder too.

She groaned in pain and fresh tears made her bloody cheeks wet. She knew her father would come out any moment again now.

She groaned and dragged herself up the staircase to buy time and pulled out her phone from her hoodie's pocket dialing 119 quickly. More than being worried for herself she was worried for Jungkook.

"This is 119 emergency"

"Please send someone here! My dad is!" She whimpered before the operator could finish. "He is going to kill us!"

"Can we know your location?" The operator said in a monotonous voice.

She quickly responded but her phone dropped as she saw Jungkook standing at the end of the staircase. He was staring at her with his doe eyes, as if he couldn't fathom what was happening.

"So..soojin!" He quickly started coming up. "What happened to you!"

"You need to go! I called the..." She screamed but got cut off by his dad's venom filled words.

"So you even tried calling the police?"

She looked past Jungkook and found him standing there with a kitchen knife in his hand. He looked completely insane.

"You slut! you are just like your mother!" He started running up the stairs.

Jungkook just stayed there watching what was happening wide eyed. He was only three steps below her.

Her dad came running but Jungkook didn't move from his place.

She saw her dad getting right past Jungkook.

More like going through him.

Like he wasn't even there.

Her dad came right to the step below she was lying and lost his balance.

He fell down the whole staircase screaming and when his body hit the floor it stopped.

She just saw the whole thing happening in mere seconds. Her breathing stopped and it felt like time has stopped itself.

Before she lost her consciousness she saw Jungkook rushing to her side with a worried look on his face. He looked like he didn't know what he should do. He looked lost only mumbling few words,

"I am sorry. I am sorry."

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