Day Eighteen

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Day Eighteen
Title: Advent Calendars
Summary: erm...idk...enjoy

Lloyd wanders into the living room and sinks to the floor, next to a candy advent calendar. Lifting it off the fireplace, he runs his finger along to the number eighteen and is surprised to see it open.

What the-?

He'd already opened days one through seventeen. And today is the eighteenth.

Maybe I opened it already?

However, Lloyd had only woke up ten minutes ago, and after a trip to the bathroom, he'd come downstairs to open his calendar. Trailing his finger up to the top of the calendar, where he knows that's where the twenty-fourth is, and is even more surprised to see if ripped open.

"Who opened my calendar?!" Lloyd yells, storming into the kitchen.

Zane, Jay and Skylor all jolt in surprise and spin around to the green ninja. Steam is practically raising from his head at this point. Zane sighs.

"I do not know Lloyd. I have been up for two hours and from what I have seen, no one has gone near your calendar."

Lloyd sighs and tries to cool himself down, knowing that Zane is only trying to help. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he thanks them and walks back out.

Wincing as the stairs creak beneath his feet, he pokes his head into Kai's room, seeing the fire ninja having a conversation with the black ninja, Seleil and Pixal.

"Do any of you know who took the candy out of my calendar?"

The four shake their heads, making Lloyd turn one hundred and eighty degrees on his heel and back into the hallway. That only left two culprits, his uncle and his girlfriend.

Wincing as the floorboards creak beneath his feet, he heads towards his uncles quarters. Knocking on the door, he calls out for his uncle, hoping he isn't disturbing a mediation session, or sleep.

The door creaks open as Sensei Wu appears at the door.

"Uncle, do you know what happened to my advent calendar? Y'know the thing that has all the small doors labelled one through twenty-four," Lloyd asks, a little hops shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry nephew, I do not know, I have just woken up."

He gestures to his dishevelled beard. Lloyd rubs the back of his neck before heading up to his room, hoping his girlfriend knew anything.

"Angel, are you awa-"

He's forced to stop mid sentence as his girlfriend is sat up on her bed with a small bowel filled with candy, the exact candy from his advent calendar.

"Nya? Did you go through my calendar?"

Sighing in defeat, she nods sheepishly and extends the bowl to him.

"I'm sorry Lloyd, I was hungry and Zane wouldn't make me breakfast-"

"Hey, it's okay. Just ask next time okay?"

Nodding, Nya snatches a candy from the bowl and stuffs it into her mouth.

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