Day Five

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Day Five
Title: Snow Day
Summary: continuation of Day Four

"I...I don't like the snow...but it's not as bad if you're here."

A light smile comes across Lloyd's face as he pulls her closer to him. Nya places one of her hands on his chest and looks up at him. Lloyd leans down and connects their lips. Nya lets go of Lloyd's arm and wraps her free arm around his neck, deepening the kiss. Pulling away, Lloyd smirks at the look on Nya's face. Nya is bright red and has a dreamy look in her eyes.

Lloyd smiles and takes her hand and sinks into the snow, pulling her down too. Lloyd lays back into the snow and starts to make a snow angel. Nya blinks in surprise before hesitantly copying his actions.

Lloyd stands up and lifts Nya off of her patch of snow. Glancing down, there are two snow angels, almost holding hands. Lloyd smiles and holds her waist gently.

"I love you so much Nya."

"I love you so too Lloyd."

Nya leans up and plants a kiss on Lloyd's cheek. Lloyd smiles and drags her into the forest.

They climb up the closet tree. Lloyd places Nya on his lap and leans back against the trunk of the tree. Nya snuggles into his chest and grabs his hand.

"See, winter isn't that bad."

"Yeah...I guess you're right. As long as I can cuddle with you."

"Deal," Lloyd connects his lips with Nya.

Hey guys, sorry it's so short. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

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