December Eleven

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Hana and Sam

Warning! May Be Cliché


Last December of Hana and Sam...

Hurt flashes across Jack's face. "How could you think that Emily? I love you. I love you so much but I've been to scared to tell you."

"Oh, Jack..." she smiles sadly.

She goes onto her tippy toes and leans into Jack's face. Emily kisses-


Her fists curl up into a ball and slam it against the table making her laptop shake.She grunt in annoyance. Who has to be at my door this late? Why do they have to pull me away from my precious story... what happens next?

More dings and dongs come from the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

She open the door and she sees he most least expected person she's find. Her jaw falls to the floor, mirroring the same reaction Sam Evans has, in front of her.

Hana is shocked by Sam's appearance in front of her. "E-Evans?" she stutters at first but then recollects herself again. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Foster. I actually live here. How about you?"

"You live here? Isn't that coincidental? I just moved in. And I'm guessing I'm your neighbor, Evans?"

"That is correct. I came here to greet and meet my new neighbor but it seems that I do not have to introduce myself."

"Well... Merry Christmas?" she says shyly. 

Sam chuckles, "As to you, Foster."

"Please, Evans, call me by my first name. You're making it seem like I'm growing faster and I'm old and that I have to start acting all formal with the people I meet." Hana laughs.

"You're right. I'm only twenty-three."

"Twenty-three? I'm surprised. Your attitude is quite childish for a man like you. Or... can I even call you a man?" she teases.

"I'll tell you, I can get very... competitive."

"If you would like to use the word competitive, then please do."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sam starts to lean in towards her with lust in his eyes. "S-Sam? What are you d-doing?" Hana begins to move back.

Sam holds her in place by the shoulders and he's getting closer, only their lips millimeters apart. That's when Hana starts to feel herself having the urge to lean in as well she does. Instead of the warm lips she imagined, it feels more like a hand. 

Her eyes fly open and finds herself face to face with the landlord of the building she lives in with a surprised face. "Look Hana. Can you please snap out of it? If I knew you were this immature, I would've never have let you in this building!"

"Excuse me, Landlord, Foster," a familiar voice to Hana and an annoying voice to the Landlord, speaks up, "I think this lady you are speaking to is far mature then you take her for.

"She is Hana Crike Foster. The skier who has beaten ten world championships, has been in the olympics for winter sports three times, is known best as the top skier in North America, America, and South America."

Hana is shocked at this information he has seemed to find out. "I see you've done your research, Evans."

"I apologize for treating you as an immature woman and an incapable person to look after yourself... but just because of your top skiing does not give you any form of special treatment."

She grins, "I like your respect for equality! And I am also very dear sorry for my previous actions, that has not happened to me before."

"I just came here to welcome you, Miss Foster. Have a good Christmas."

"You too, Landlord!" 

The Landlord walks away as she bids him goodbye. She then turns over to look at Sam. "Sam Evans! Such a pleasant surprise seeing you here."

"Yes it is, Foster."

"Call me Hana. You make me feel older than I really am." Sam nods. "So Sam, do you live alone?" he nods again. "Does that mean you have no one to spend Christmas with?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty lonely."

"Well, guess what, I am too! Do you want to spend Christmas with me?"

"Are you sure?"

"I am absolutely sure."


Dedicated to GriffinFur1933!

And that is the end of Hana and Sam's Christmas story!

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