December One

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Before you can read this story, or you can skip it (I don't blame you, I do it too... sometimes), I want to tell the whole, wattpad, world that I love my best friend and I want to wish a Merry Christmas. 

This is my present to @GriffinFur1933! It's a present every day, aka a story every day, until Christmas! I hope you enjoy reading my stories Griffin and all of you as well.

[Not Edited] 

A Sam and Sydney Christmas Story

The crackling fire creates a cozy and warm atmosphere between the two lovers. This atmosphere doesn't last for long. "I have something to tell you." Sydney says with sadness lingering in her voice.

Sam notices the sudden change in the mood and gets serious, following her lead, "What is it?" 

"I can't be with you before Christmas...  or even on Christmas day."

"What?" he exclaims, "Why?"

"I need to be with my family. My grandma... she needs me," she explains, implying her sick relative.

"I see... so will you be back on the twenty-sixth of December then?" Hope shows in his eyes.

"Maybe... I'm not so sure."

"When are you leaving?"

She hesitates, "T-today..."

Sam prevents himself from shouting at her and clenches his hands in anger instead. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" he says through gritted teeth, not looking at her. Then Sydney started crying and Sam couldn't bear knowing he was the reason of her tears. So he wrapped his arms around her and tried to soothe her with his warmth. Sydney was always one to cry over the tiniest things. Whether it would be a happy, sad, or an angry situation.

"I'm sorry Sammy. I didn't mean to... I really want to stay with you..." she mumbles in his shoulder, between sobs.

"Shh... it's alright. I'm not mad. I can never stay mad at you for longer than two minutes." Sam smiles against her hair as well as stroking it.

The two fell asleep on the couch, cuddled together, until the alarm coming from Sydney's phone goes. 

The two woke up and Sam spoke first as Sydney turned off the alarm with, again, a change of mood."What's the alarm for?" he asks, sleepily.

"It was an alarm... for my start to pack for today's flight."

"Well... I can help you. You don't have anyone else to carry your bags do you?"

They pack together for Sydneys farewell and they get to the airport in Sam's car.

As Sam bids her farewell, tears are in his eyes but he doesn't allow them to fall. Unlike Sydney, tears are streaming down her face continuously. 

"It's not forever right?" Sydney nods. "Then don't cry."

Sam sees her fly off and finally lets his tears fall. His face stays the same but the pain is seen through his tears and the sadness in his eyes.

For the past days before Christmas eve, Sam has lived hi days in misery without Sydney. Luckily, his dog, Coco, accompanies him. 

On Christmas eve, the doorbell went as Sam was in the middle of reading. He didn't acknowledge the door until it rang multiple times at an irritable rate. Sam almost slams the book down on the couch before stomping to the door. Before Sam could shout at whoever was doorbelling, he fell to the ground with something heavy pushing him to the floor. He opened his eyes to see a fifteen-year-old girl straddling him with her hands on his chest, pushing him down. The girl had an extremely, overjoyed face that matched her blonde and bright, long hair. She stared down at him with a happy expression.

"Uncle Sam! Where's that girlfriend of yours?" The girl asks him, still on top of him.

"Gee, thanks. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. But before I tell you, can you please get off of me, Amy?"

"Am I on you?" she asks herself more than him. She looks down and realizes what she's been sitting on this whole time. "Sorry. I was just so excited!"

"The neighbors are going to think I'm some pedophile, Amy."

"Ew! No!" With that, Amy jumps off of him, but she did it so quickly that she hurt Sam in the process. 

Sam closes the door after he gets yp as Amy rambles on to him of how amazing his apartment is.

In a while, Sam suceeds his mission by making Amy stay in one place on the couch, hopefully not on his book.

"Will you let me explain please?" he says frustrated. She nods in return. "Amy, Sydney wont be here for Christmas tomorrow."

"What! So I don't get to see your amazing girlfriend?"

"Unfortunatley, no."

"But what am I going to do now?!" she cries.

"You can always spend Christmas with me!"

"No. Thank you." she replies immediatley with disgust showing in her face.

"Then I guess you'll have to spend Christmas alone... I was even planning to take you to the town. You know, with the gigantic Christmas tree and maybe take pictures. Oh well..."

Sam starts walking towards the stairs. Amy hurries to his back before he takes another step and tugs on his shirt. Sam turns around with a sly grin plastered on his face.

"Fine... I'll spend Christmas with you. Only if you let me use your comfort room!"

"It's called a bathroom, Amy. Also, why wouldn't I let you use it?"

"I don't know... and it's called a comfort room."

Christmas eve passes with Amy snoring away and Sam reading for the rest of the day. The first to be awake, the next day, is Amy. Amy opened her eyes, not noticing it's Christmas until five minutes later. Her eyes widen and swings her door open creating a BAM noise. She does the same with Sam causing him to just shift in his bed.

She jumps onto her uncle and starts jumping on him. "Uncle! Uncle Sammy!"

The name she used maked his eyes to flu open, only to be filled with dissapointment after seeing Amy.

He rubs his eyes, "Amy, whart are you doing?"

"It's Christmas!"

"It's seven-thirty in the morning."

"So? It's still Christmas. You know what that means?" Sam mumbles a no. "It means you take me to the town to see the giant Christmas tree!"

"We'll leave..." Amy's face lights up. "in three hours."

Sam slumps back to bed with a sulking Amy. But Amy ends up falling asleep next to him anyway. It became lunch time already when the two woke up. Amy was shooting complaints and whines to Sam as they were getting ready. Mostly Sam, while Amy was busy blabbering her mouth off. After Sam finishes Amy gets into the shower. By the time Amy finishes showering, and finishes dressing up it was already past two hours. It was two pm.  Amy became cold in the first floor of his apartment so she started holding Sam's hand and pressed herself against him, not consious of how wrong the things she's doing to him.

Sam doesn't mind it as he starts twisting the door knob of the front door. What he sees in front of him shocks him. 


She's shocked as well, seeing some stranger girl pressing herself against her boyfriend.

Tears started to form in her eyes and they were spilling. The salty drops were staining the snow on the floor. Hey hands were into fists. She turned around slowly and ran away.  In an instant, Sam let go of Amy and started running after her. Sam was taller than Sydney so he reached her quickly as grabbed her shoulders. He gripped her shoulders in fear as he stood there, watching her tears falls. "Sydney."

After her said her name, she finally let out louder sobs and needed a shoulder to lean on. But not Sam's. "Sydney." he called out to her again. "Sydney, look at me." Sydney didn't respond to him so Sam turned her around himself. He restrained himself from bringing her in his arms. "Sydney, tell me what's wrong."

She tried looking away but Sam took a hold of her chin and made her look up at him. He shakily wiped the tear off her  cheek. "Tell me." he again commands, this time with his voice weak and breaking down.

"Why don't you tell me. Who was she?" she asks.

"Is this what's bothering you? Jealousy? Sydney, she's just-"

"Yes, Sam! I'm admitting it. I'm jealous! I'm JEALOUS! I was jealous how close she was to you. I was jealous of how cozy you two looked. I was jealous of how you even let her! I didn't even believe you were into smaller girls! Like some... some pedophile!" That's when Sam's face was smirking at her. That raged her even more. "You're smiling because it's true isn't it! Isn't it?"

"No... it's because you're jealous! Do you know how happy that actually makes me feel? It makes me feel... happy!"

"W-what...? Why? Isn't true...?" her voice beginning to quiet down. 

"Wait... before I answer you, can you tell me why you're here in the first place? I thought you were with your family?"


"And to assure you, I have no romantic interest in my niece whatsoever."


"Yes. My little niece, Amy. I told her that she could come meet you on Christmas eve but then you suddenly told me you couldn't stay. I felt to useless and miserable that I didn't even think about postponing her arrival. I wanted you to meet my favourite and only niece."

"Oh..." Her tears dried up and she was making soft sniffles. "Sorry..." She brought her face to his chest and wrapped her arms around his back. Sam wrapped his arms around her waist and smelled her hair. "I missed your scent in the apartment. I missed your soft hair. I missed your body. I missed you," he tilted her head up now smiling, "and I definitely missed this-" he leaned down and kissed her passionately but sweet, again first. 

Sydney smiled against his lips and reacted to his kiss. Sam heard Sydney moan and that aroused him. Sydney took that as a cue to pushed him away slightly. Sam just looked at her confused. "If you continue now, we're going to end up on the snow and getting the cold."

He chuckled, "You know me so well. 

"Oh can you please explain why you're here today? Not that I'm complaining." he smirked at her.

"It's because I couldn't wait to see you," she winked at him, "but in all honestly, I was planning this since last month. Except I actually did need to go see my family during winter. 

"Anyways, I told my parents that I wanted to surprise you and they told me I could leave early. I got off the plane a few hours ago. I was so excited I didn't feel tired at all so I went straight to your apartment."

"I see-"

Suddenly, a loud bang, created by a door, reached their ears and made them look behind them. They saw Amy running towards them with a pinkish face, most likely because of the cold. "Uncle Sammy, is this your amazing girlfriend, Sydney?!" she shouts to Sam, still running to them.

Sydney giggles to herself, "Amazing girlfriend huh?"

"Pft no... Amazing fiancée."

Sydney's hands go to her mouth with tears of joy spring out of her eyes.  "S-sam...?"

"Sydney... I may not have the ring with me now. It's in my room. But... will you do me the honors of being my bride, and my wife and my lover forever?

"It's been about four years that we've been together ever since high school. I've fallen in love with you. I've never been most sure in my life about this decision. I want to spend my whole life with you until I die. Until my death. I want to be proud to call you mine forever.

"So Sydney Marie Hanson, marry me?" he asks her, pleadingly, ignoring the annoying little niece he has that's bugging him from behind. Sydney ignored her also, stunned by the sudden proposal.

She begins chuckling behind her covered mouth as more tears of joy fell. "You're such a goof." she replies then covers her face, once again, in his chest.

"Is that a yes?" he asks with a hint of worry.

Sydney looks up to him smiling, "Yes it is."

Then Sam was smiling wider than he's smiled before. He picked her up (I know cliché) and twirled her around then finally set her back down. But before letting go of her waist, he gave her another kiss but instead, he gave a hungry and possessive kiss. After their littler steamy moment, Sam felt light and weak punches on his back. The punches were now directed to his chest. He grabbed Amy's arms, stopping her from the weak, yet annoying, punches and asked her what's wrong.

"You!" she shouted but then her voice changed, "How could you do such a sweet moment without me? And I see, this is the famous Sydney Hanson you always talk about."

Sam knowing Sydney was there, pink tinged his cheeks as Sydney giggled. "Oh really? What does he say about me?" she teases.

"Oh he says a lot of things. Like how he's going to marry you some day and propose. He always rambles to me of how mesmerizing your eyes are and how your lips always catch his attention. Oh and he also says how much he wants to do you-" Sam covers her mouth, laughing.

"Hahahaha, little kids am I right?" he tells her as he glares at Amy.


Sydney, Sam, and  Amy ended up going to the town for Christmas. They took pictures with the giant Christmas tree that was in the center of the town then went to a small Christmas themed Café. 

They sat at a four seater table. The waitress came smirking at Sydney and Sam, and instead of asking for their order she did something to give a little push to Sam. "Excuse me sir," she directs to Sam. "I think you have something to do..." Sam gave her a questioning look as jealousy was piling up inside of Sydney.  The waitress points upwards to the mistletoe that hung above the couple. She winks at Sam as he was getting what she was trying to say. As for Sydney, she was basically fuming now with the wink that the waitress, that was named Lucy, gave to her now fiancée. 

Sam stood up, smirking at Sydney. He slipped his hands around  the back of her neck from the other side of the table and pulled her lips to his. Sam gave her a long kiss making Sydney blush, nonetheless, she kissed him back. The two ignored the fifteen-year-old niece as they panted, still near each others face. Sam was the one who decided to speak first. "Merry Christmas, Fiancée."

And that. Was. My. December One story! Exclusively for @GriffinFur1933. I hope you liked my short story. I wonder what I'm going to do for the other stories... this will surely be a challenge.

Merry December One! <3


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