December Twenty-Two

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A Story | An Authors Love


Can a wattpad author fall in love? Can any author fall in love?

That's what Prymrose always asked herself.  

She didn't think it was possible, so she got infatuated with her creation of her own character. Her own character in her own romance novel. 

Everyone thought she was crazy and weird, and also thought that no one could ever bring her out of her own romance. Except this one boy... this one boy named-

"Should I really be writing about this...? I mean, I already have a boyfriend in my story I Love You. No... I won't use my real name for this. It's just so... weird that they would probably know it's my real name... hm."

I close my laptop and walk over to my bed. I take in a deep breath and jump on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I groan, "I'M SO BORED AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE~!" 

Suddenly, my roommate shouts from his room, "KEEP IT DOWN ROSE! I'M TRYING TO STUDY HERE!"


Andrea butts into the shouting conversation, "STOP SHOUTING AND BE QUIET, I'M TRYING TO SHOWER IN PEACE!"


I hear a faint notification from my phone, behind all the noise my roommates are making. "GUYS, KEEP IT DOWN I HAVE A  PHONE CALL!"

With that, the both of them quiet down. 

I slide open my message and find that it's from my mother. 


Rose, go outside and maybe go to the library at least.


But mother, I still need to get inspiration for a new book that I'm willing to write! >.<


Then go to the library to find some inspiration. Just as long as you walk somewhere, I'm fine with it. You should walk outside in the cold snow on Christmas.


Fine mother.

I sigh but end up out the door with my computer bag anyway. I wrap my jacket around myself tighter than it already is and listen to the snow crunch beneath by feet as I walk to the coffee shop. 

- - -

"Hi, can I please have a hot chocolate, no marshmallows and no whip cream? Thank you. And it's Prymrose." I order and wait in the waiting line. 

One of the workers calls out my number and I take my cup. I see that my name is spelled incorrectly. 

I brush it off, used to it, and walk outside. The hot chocolate keeps my hand warm as I continue my walk towards the library. 

I set down on one of the long, rectangular tables and sit near the corner. I place my cup down and take out my laptop. 

An idea pops into my mind for the title of my new book. PrymRose. 

I start making the cover of PrymRose. I fade 'Prym' and bold the letters 'Rose.' I make it like that on purpose for it to connect to the story. 

I then take out my drawing pad and connect it to my laptop. I draw a few roses with the ink styled pen and make them different colours. 

I add my roses to the white background of my cover then make the white turn black at the bottom using the ombre affect. 

A smile makes its way to my face as I appreciate my handiwork and I'm about to download it to my laptop until someone from behind me reads the title. His voice attracts me. "Prymrose..." he whispered to himself. 

I turn around with a scrunched up face as I meet a man around my age. He has black hair with dark green eyes to match. "May I help you?"

"That's an interesting cover and title. Is Prymrose a name?" he asks, not bothering about my other question. 

"May I help you?" I ask again, louder and more confident. 

"Oh, sorry. I just passed by and your cover caught my attention. Hmm... is your name Prymrose by any chance?"

A blush seems to crawl its way up to my cheeks. How he said my name... it seemed as if he knew my name. It doesn't make sense but that's the only way I can explain how he... he told my name.

I cough, "Y-Yes, yes it is. Do you need anything else?"

"No, not really. Oh wait, yes there is. I've noticed that you have a few wattpad tabs open and I have a feeling you're a wattpad author. 

"So, I've been thinking in this short amount of time, that if you could make a few covers for my friend? My friend has a few books that she's been wanting to publish but whatever she does, she can't find the right cover."

"Are you asking me to make some covers for your friend?"

He nods, "Yup. Can I borrow your phone for a sec?" He grabs my phone from the table and starts to tap a few things on my phone. Why didn't I put a password? "Okay, there. I put in my number and my name. I'll send you the details for the cover. I have to get going now. I'll see you, Prymrose."

He says goodbye using my full name. I smile at that. I check for any new contacts and find a specific one named Xavier Mateo. Unique. 

- - -

 "Guys, I'm home and I have your drinks."

I hand Andrea and Owen their requested drinks and Andrew her chocolate chip cookie. "You seem happy, Rose." Owen mentions.

"What gave it away?" I ask blankly.

"First off, you're grinning from ear to ear. Second, you didn't insult us when you came back."

"Just call yourselves lucky today." I answer them and head to my room. Just then, I hear my phone ding.

It's a message from Xavier.

Xavier Mateo:

Hey, I'll be giving you the details for the cover that my friend wants. 

A girl is misunderstood and is lonely on the inside but it always smiling on the outside. She just wanted to feel loved and because of her selfishness, her parents died in a car crash, her brother died of cancer and she feels as if it's her fault. 

She lives in an abandoned orphanage and she works as a pole dancer at a club. On day, her orphanage gets destroyed and she's left on the streets, sitting on the curb with an umbrella shielding herself from the rain. 

A boy comes and feels sympathy for the girl. He sees tears on her face but it continues. A tear escapes his eye because of his memories of seeing this girl and that seems to make her stop. 'That Single Tear' is the title.


That's not too hard for me. I can work with this. Your cover can be done by today at around eight pm maybe.

Xavier Mateo:

That's great. Let's meet up. I'll send you the address. Too late to say no. Meet me by the park near the library we met at.

I get confused by his words but get working on is cover anyway. I decide on a realistic, 3D tear with a bunch of other tears inside of it. Behind all those tears, basically the background, is a blurred picture of a girl and a boy. Then there's an umbrella on the very top and the title is on the umbrella. 

I get finished in around two hours and see that it's seven already and gives me a signal that I should go to the park soon.

Before I head to the park I send the final copy of 'That Single Tear' cover to Xavier. I send it to him and I get a quick response.


Attachment file of That Single Tear.png

Xavier Mateo:

I checked it out! It looks great. Try checking the book out for the first few chapters. I think you might like it. Hopefully you wont get offended in any way... if you are, I can explain at the park. But remember, don't keep me waiting. I'm a very impatient person. 

A few books show up when I type in the title. Except that one book with the same cover I made and a weird username makes me know that's the one. Did Xavier lie about his friend writing it and not him?

I read the description of the book and it's more suspenseful but what makes me smile is the shout out to my account for the cover. He's thoughtful.

Introduction - That Single Tear

This book will be in a boy's POV

I walk through the light rain on the streets, trying to find some cover before the rain gets any worse. I stop in my tracks when a pink, worn down, umbrella comes into my view. 

The pink umbrella is covering a... girl? She's sitting down on the curb of the street with her one arm wrapped around her knees and the other holding the umbrella up. 

As I walk closer, I get a better look at her. She has dark brown hair that's tired in a hair tie. Her face wears a sad expression. A very familiar face but... a very unfamiliar emotion. 

I've seen her from somewhere but I can't recall where I've seen her. 

It's clear now. Her wet cheeks aren't only from the rain but from the tears that fall from her eyes. I feel sympathy but something else as well. 

I hurry over to her and crouch in front of her. I take a hold of her left cheek and wipe away the current tears that are falling down now. Though the tears don't seem to stop. 

Something about this girl makes a tear out of me and makes it fall on my cheek. Suddenly, because of that single tear that falls, makes all her a thousand tears stop.

Without the tears from her face, I remember clearly now. I've seen this girl somewhere. I've seen her at school, always smiling and laughing. Or sometimes alone. I've only seen her alone once and that's where I first actually met her.

It was at the library. 

She was writing her own story and drawing her own drawings but I saw it. I saw the loneliness and emptiness showing in her eyes. It was radiating off of her. I didn't just feel sympathy and pity for her then. 

I felt some sort of attraction to her. Some sort of... crush?

Maybe that's why this girl made a tear fall. Maybe that's why this girl, Prym, made me so attracted to her.

I stop reading there as I read my name over and over. It's not Rose, it's Prym. The name everyone gets wrong. But not him. Not Xavier. 

That made me feel giddy inside to know the answers to my questions. I grab my coat and wear it on my way out to the park. 

I look around, frantically, for the boy that spelled my name right. 

And there is where I spot him. Calmly scrolling over his phone on a bench. 

"Xavier!" I shout to him and then I run. I run to him with a smile on my face, though inside I have mixed emotions. 

He looks up and his eyes widen in shock. 

"Xavier! What was that story about? You have to answer everything."

"I'll tell you everything later but just. Let me tell you something now. I like you. I want to know more about you. I want to be in your life."

"I don't know how and why but... thank you." I whisper. "Thank you for caring."


I did this on the first few hours of the december twenty-fifth. I'm kind of delayed but I've been spendin ma time with ma fam. Fam before Stories. 


Dedicated to GriffinFur1933!

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