What's Been Going On With Me (Writing-Wise)

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There used to be a time when I'd upload one - at some point even more - chapter on Wattpad every week; now there hasn't been an update to my main story in two months. Why is that?

I wish I knew.

I was super excited about where Sweeter than Sweets was heading, was hyped up about writing it and then it just stopped. No enthusiasm at all. And not just about STS, but about writing in general. Stories, blog posts - you name it; it's like someone took all my creativity and motivation, put them in a bottle, stuck a cork into that bottle, added wax around the cork for good measure, then put the bottle in a vault and forgot the opening combo to that vault.

Am I giving up on writing?


So, will I be continuing Sweeter than Sweets and moving on to the next story in the series?



No clue.

Right now I'm trying out a few things to get pumped up about writing again.

‒ I tried a few writing exercises;

‒ I'm reading more, hoping (but so far failing) to get inspired;

‒ I'm Beta reading for an author who isn't on Wattpad (I figured helping someone with their book might help me get on track with mine);

‒ I've also started to analyze/take notes on stories I really like or dislike. I think "What I enjoy about this/what needs to be changed?" and I then try to apply my answers to my own writing.

I like how the characters do small but considerate things for each other? ➝ Include such interactions in my book.

I dislike how the author keeps repeating "said" pretty much whenever their characters speak? ➝ Try to avoid it in my book.

You get my point.

I'm hoping that this will put me in the right mindset to create new chapters because it's been a disturbingly long while since I've written anything and I feel really guilty that you guys have to wait for updates.

So, yeah, that's what's been going on with me and why I haven't been posting. If you have any tips on creativity or motivation, please, please share them in the comments!

As I said, I'm currently analyzing stories that pique my interest with how good/bad they are, so if you know of any amazing or awful books, drop the title in the comments; I might check them out next.

Your extremely demotivated but hopeful,

CatMint5 ❤

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