TD [19] Free Or Fall

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If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one.

Chapter Nineteen

Gigi hopped down from the car and tailed behind Daniel along the pathway of the two storey house before them.

Knowing her parents would more than likely flip if she came home smelling like alcohol, Gigi hadn't even mentioned the party because she knew they'd refuse. So she claimed she'd be having a sleepover at Sierra's.

Since her last visits to the Le Noir residence, the place looked exactly the same aside from maybe an additional new vase. Despite the interior being impeccably tidy, there was that lack of warmth Gigi always got from the place. The ambiance was hollow as if no one actually lived there. It creeped her out a bit but she figured it was only because she didn't grow up staying in the upper class part of the city.

"Isn't your dad and Amy gonna mind that you're having a friend round this late?" Gigi questioned in a hushed voice.

"He's not home— business trip. Amy went with him," Daniel informed her in a flat tone.

He'd been in a glum mood ever since he'd had his talk with Sapphire and announced to Gigi they were leaving. Gigi suggested watching a movie or two but Daniel declined, saying he was tired when it was only a quarter past nine. She was then certain something was wrong.

So Gigi settled on the couch on her own, watching reruns of CSI on tv before retiring to bed in the guestroom. On the neatly made bed were pajamas Daniel had left for her to borrow whenever she'd stay the night. As usual, he'd leave two pairs; one of his own and one of his stepmother's night gowns with a robe. He'd assure her it was one she didn't use and had dozens of others but that wasn't enough to be persuasive.

Gigi found wearing Scooby Doo bottoms far more comfortable than the nightie of a woman she'd only spoken to on three occasions with all of them greetings and once to say, "No, Mrs. Le Noir, I'm not the girl Daniel was fooling around with in your husband's golf cart."

Weary and emotionally drained from all that occurred that day, Gigi fell asleep with ease not long after wrapping herself in the covers. At some point, she was stirred from her slumber by her phone ringing. Her eyes squinted as she read the caller ID from the light that was harshly bright compared to the dark room. Gigi couldn't help but feel a little down that it wasn't Pearce like she had hoped.

She answered. "What is it, Daniel?"

"I can't sleep."

"So you decided to interrupt mine?"

"Come. I need company."

Gigi groaned yet nonetheless, she dragged her feet up the stairs and stepped into Daniel's room. The boy abruptly sat up, eager at her arrival. Then he stifled a laugh. "God, my pajamas are swallowing you. It's hilarious."

"I'll go back downstairs if you don't shut it," she warned.

"Okay, okay. I'm done. Now come over here." He beckoned her, patting the space beside him.

Gigi complied with a sigh, situating herself on the king sized bed which was admittedly a lot more cosier than the one in the guestroom. Daniel coiled an arm around her torso, keeping her close.

"Have you ever considered getting a dog so you can rely on it to do these kind of things?" She stifled a yawn.

"No, but maybe I should," Daniel mused. "Dad would probably be fine with it but Amy might make a fuss. She's not fond of animals unless she can wear it."

"She might open up to it when she sees how nice it is to have one," Gigi replied. "It's worth a shot."

"I guess," Daniel murmured. The conversation fell silent for a moment and then he spoke up. "... So, I talked to Sapphire."

Gigi was all ears. She'd been wanting to ask about it but refrained from doing so if he was planning to keep it strictly private.

"Yeah? How'd it go?"

"Apparently, she's leaving the city to act in some tv drama she's been casted in." Daniel said.

"What?" Gigi whipped her head to him. "She's leaving?"

Daniel nodded, eyes staring up at nothing in particular. "She said she wants to patch things up and for us to be friends before she goes," his voice monotone, masking any emotion.

"And you're happy with that?" Gigi questioned.

"Why wouldn't I be? She's moving forward in what she loves. She even went out of her way to tell me exclusively and wants us to be on good terms. That's more than what I deserve." The darkness may have aided in concealing his expression, but it couldn't hide the sadness that laced his voice.

It was obvious to Gigi what he'd been anticipating on Sapphire to say when she requested to talk. He'd expected her to say she wanted to start over and the reality of what was said crushed him. Gigi was in dismay for him, but she knew an apology wouldn't add up to much.

When bringing her fingers to his face, Daniel brought his gaze to focus on hers. "Daniel listen to me. Things may not have went the way you wanted to with Sapphire but it's not because you don't deserve it. You deserve to be happy. I don't ever want you to think otherwise. Okay?" Her tone firm.

There was nothing for a moment with the boy up against her so still, he almost seemed dead.

"... Okay." At the sound of his sombre voice, she grew at ease.

Gigi could only hope to believe her words were conveyed as she put a comforting arm around him, snuggling closer and shut her eyes, Daniel following suit.


She heard him murmur something after that didn't quite sound like her name, but too drowsy, she couldn't comprehend it.

She merely let out an incoherent mumble in response and the pair soon drifted off.


"I never said I hated it."

Pearce's words rang in Gigi's mind as she sat at the kitchen island that morning, fixing herself a cup of mocha. She'd woken up from a dream about Pearce again and was scared to have another one in Daniel's presence. Her friends had mentioned she'd speak aloud sometimes when sleeping and Gigi would rather not risk having Daniel hearing anything.

Now she was mulling over the phone conversation last night. Gigi was slightly intoxicated when she made the decision to talk to Pearce but she knew she'd still have done it sober. Except probably not interrogating him about Alice Prescott— that was one hundred percent influenced by the alcohol.

A groan escaped her lips. God, that was stupid.

Gigi had never gotten so jealous and it was unduly too. She heard that guys normally found those things unappealing from girls— what did that mean for someone like Pearce who got irritable by crust on bread?

"I never said I hated it."

The statement sprung back up again. Did he mean he didn't mind it? That he was okay with it and he was letting bygones be bygones? Or did he mean he liked it?

It was mostly Gigi's wishful thinking on it being the latter because in truth, she was craving to kiss Pearce again. A lot.

And not just on his lips.

"How on earth are you up so early?"

Daniel's voice drew Gigi out of her thoughts that her old Sunday school teacher would have her chastened for.

"Seriously, it's Saturday," Daniel yawned, walking in to the island. "That's just... " he trailed off when his nose detected a delightful aroma. "Why can I smell flour and meat?"

"I made you breakfast," Gigi nodded to the covered plate beside her on the counter.

Daniel perked up, instantly lifting the covering to reveal the bacon strips alongside stacks of pancakes and waffles. His mouth hung. "Georgia Gibson, I freaking love you."

She chuckled. "Yeah, I thought you might say that."

"You didn't by any chance... make this to cheer me up about Saph, did you?" He suspected.

Gigi pursed her lips. "Um, maybe. Would that make you mad?"

"Of course not." Daniel placed a kiss on her cheek, reassuring her. "Thank you."

Gigi smiled, relieved. "You're welcome."

Daniel pulled out a stool, happily sitting down to dig into his heart filled breakfast. Gigi was glad to see that Daniel could still smile as cheerfully and that the news of Sapphire's soon departure hadn't affected him too severely.

"So," Daniel began. "What's the situation with the khaki guy?"

Gigi stopped stirring her coffee. "What?"

"The situation. It's been two days now."

Gigi had entirely forgotten about the dare ending last night and that she was officially a free woman from flirting.

"Those feelings still there?" Daniel questioned.

She resumed stirring, taking a moment to answer. "Kinda, I guess but..."


"It doesn't really feel like anything past a crush," Gigi claimed, shrugging her shoulders. "I think it was overemphasised."

"Oh really?"

She nodded.

Daniel faced his breakfast, stabbing a strip of bacon. "Well, I guess that's a load off."


"To be honest, I kinda thought that'd be the case," Daniel confessed. "The guy didn't seem like the type you'd go for at all."


"Bet you're glad you waited it out instead of making any hasty decisions huh?"

"Uh-huh." Gigi sipped on her mocha, avoiding his gaze.

Despite the guilty feeling bubbling up, Gigi told herself she wasn't lying. All she did was kiss Pearce— that wasn't hasty.


Furthermore, Pearce had technically rejected her so nothing could happen. Meaning there was no need to tell Daniel. Gigi didn't know how much Daniel loved Sapphire but she knew it was immensely so if he could move on from it, Gigi was confident in knowing she could put away her incoherent feelings towards Pearce. She was content with that and the kitchen fell into a comfortable silence as they had breakfast.

It was up until one point, Gigi strayed her focus from her newsfeed to find sharp, blue eyes fixed intently on her. She curiously rose a brow to the shamelessly staring boy. "What?"

"Nothing. I just..." he fidgeted in his seat. "I really hated how I didn't have you around for months. I mean, I can't believe I was just so stupid to not think of trying to talk things out from the start."

Gigi frowned in disarray to his tone. "Daniel what are you talking about? That was all on me for just avoiding you. I was the one being stupid."

Daniel shook his head. "Don't keep blaming yourself for everything, Georgia."


"Can we just promise to never let that kind of thing happen between us?" He blurted, the frail tremor in his voice alone stunned Gigi. "I was scared everything was really fucked for good and I'd never have this again."

Gigi could barely find the words at first, beyond disbelieving to find Daniel Le Noir to look so meek and troubled. And she had done it.

Faster than her mind could comprehend it, she'd marched over the island to throw her arms around him and sputtered, "I promise."

His hands were quick to act and fasten her onto his lap, a hefty sigh exuding his lips that tickled the skin on her chest when he nestled his head against it. They remained in that posture for a moment with Gigi lightly caressing his hair with the boy's hold on her only seeming to tighten in the silence. She felt distraught.

The separation with Sapphire was probably what was playing a hand here, whether Daniel liked to admit it it or not— Gigi was sure of it. What more could she offer to do than console him though?

"Gigi," came a muffled call from Daniel.


"You remember that time when I said I considered you a close friend?"


"... Well, there's a little more to it than that."

".... What do you mean?"

"You might find it kinda weird or get grossed out."

"Daniel a lot of things you choose to share with me gross me out," Gigi retorted.

He chuckled and she felt some tension leave him. "Yeah, that's true."

"Then stop being dramatic and spill."

Daniel rose his head for her to see him biting his lip. "...Gigi, I seriously think of you as—"

The abrupt ringing of the landline interrupted him. Daniel proceeded to answer it, leaving Gigi in suspense as to what he was about to say.

"Hello? Le Noir residence," Daniel said casually. The open wounded boy from two seconds ago was inconceivable.

Gigi sipped on her mocha as the caller identified themselves. She saw Daniel tense. "Oh. Good morning, Mrs. Gibson."

Gigi nearly spat out her drink. What? Why was her mother calling? Had they figured out her sleepover alibi was false? Did they know where she really was?

The same thoughts seemed to be running through Daniel's mind by the nervous expression on his face as he spoke into the phone. "Um, what can I do for you?

Gigi managed to keep the hot, sweetened drink down her throat and anxiously listened in on the conversation. It was brief and consisted of Daniel saying "No." "Yes." "Um, okay." "Alright then." A look of confusion on his face throughout and the call was over.

"What's going on?" Gigi asked, panicked. "Was she asking you if I was here?"

"No. I doubt she knows you're not at Sierra's. She called to invite me over to your house for dinner tonight."

Gigi blinked. "What?"

"She said she and your dad want me to come so we can 'clear the air'." He quoted.

Gigi's eyebrows furrowed deeply. She'd seen no recognisable signs from either of her parents about accepting Daniel back. Gigi was aware that her mother was a very forgiving and open minded person. Her father however....

"Wait, what did you say?" Gigi asked Daniel.

"I said yes."



"Why would you say yes? It's clearly suspicious! What if they know about you coming round and the party and it's a trap?! They could be plotting something."

"What, are they gonna poison my slice of the velvet cake?"

"Daniel I'm serious! This— wait, my mum said they'll be velvet cake?"

Daniel nodded.

He wasn't aware of this but Gigi knew her mother only baked velvet cake for special occasions. Or maybe she made them for revenge too.

"Okay, I'm freaking out now," Gigi confessed.

"Relax, Gigi." Daniel held her shoulders. "I doubt it's gonna be as bad as anything you're imagining. Let's try and think about this positively. Okay?" He flashed her that charming smile she'd have trouble withstanding.

"Okay," Gigi said apprehensively.

When they went back to their breakfast, Daniel could tell she was still worrying so he demanded that they watch some Jim Carrey movies and it worked like a charm to lessen her fretting. After watching, Gigi prepared to depart. She showered and changed into her clothes that had been tumble dried the night prior.

"Can't I just drive you?" Daniel insisted as he walked her to the door. "I'll park two— no, three blocks down from your house. No one will know."

"It's fine, Daniel. I've got it covered," Gigi reassured. "So promise you won't spend the day lazing around and eating all those candies I saw in the cupboards. That much sugar is bad for you."

"And the breakfast you made for me was healthier?"

"That's different. Oh, and don't water the plants until at least eight hours 'cause I already did..." She trailed off when she noticed the grin Daniel was giving her. "What?"

"Nothing. Just love it when you get all parental over me. It's nice."

Gigi scoffed. "I do not."

"Yeah, you do. Cooking me breakfast, making sure I eat well— you're a total mum."

Gigi reviewed her earlier actions. "Oh crap, I am." She never acted in that manner towards Sierra or Renée but perhaps it was because she was used to treating Brooklyn that way and Daniel tended to act like a kid.

"It's fine. You're a way better mum for me than Amy," Daniel said.

Gigi chuckled at his claim. "Amy's not that bad. She does a lot of things for you."

"Yeah but..." Daniel seemed to have something planned to say in retort but ultimately changed his mind. "Nevermind. Thanks anyways."

"You're welcome." Gigi gave him a large hug and she was off.


When the doorbell rang, Jessie was swift to answer it for his expected guest. Pearce stood at the doorstep, hands in his pockets. "Hey."

"Hey," Jessie greeted in return, stepping to the side for Pearce to enter.

"I can't say I'm not surprised that you called to come over," Jessie admitted. "Frankly, I'm stunned. What's up?"

Pearce kept his gaze down, lips in a straight line. He hadn't spoken a single word since exchanging greetings at the door. Now the two boys were in Jessie's room where Jessie was patiently awaiting the reason as to why his socially distant friend suddenly requested to meet up.

Eventually, Pearce spoke. "Have you ever had this... thing you didn't want anything to do with?"

Jessie wrinkled his brows. "... Yeah?"

"You had no need for it. You were sure. Then you can't throw it away because it's a part of you. Then suddenly due to unforseen predicaments it's grown more prominent and you're panicking because there's no sign of it stopping or decreasing— it's out of your control. Yet at the same time, you don't want to get rid of it anymore. Do you know what I mean?"

Jessie blinked. "Sorry Pearce, you lost me."

Pearce sighed, tipping back on his seat.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jessie questioned.

Pearce let out a humourless chuckle. "That's a good question," he murmured, dragging a hand down his face. He sat back forward, releasing a breath. "Okay, okay. See I have this... cousin who's having issues with this girl he's become acquainted with recently."

Jessie raised a brow. "What's the issue?"

"She's always bothering him and really weird too but..."


Pearce visibly swallowed. "He has reason to believe he's developed a romantic interest in her and he's not too sure what to do."

There was a pause from Jessie. "Pearce, come on."


"You expect me to believe I don't know you're talking about you and Georgia? Even Connor wouldn't fall for that. Okay, no maybe he would," Jessie added on second thought. "Pearce, I'm thrilled you willingly came to me for advice but you can't do it halfway or you won't get your answers. A little honesty won't kill you. Just say 'I like Georgia'."

Pearce frowned. "No."

"Then I'm not giving your 'cousin' any advice." Jessie folded his arms.

Pearce narrowed his eyes, holding back curses and sighed. The option to go home was tempting but if Pearce ever wanted the issue resolved and gain some peace of mind, it seemed he'd have to make sacrifices on his principles. Unfortunately.

"Alright." Pearce said with a clenched jaw. "I admit..." he began, Jessie throwing him a prompting nod. "That I don't hate having her around me. It's... pretty nice in fact."

"Right and why wouldn't you? She flirts and feeds your ego."

Pearce scowled. "It's got nothing to do with that. She's plenty tolerable without the flirting. Although... sometimes it can be nice to hear when it's not some stupid line or extremely inappropriate." He said with a steadfast gaze on Jessie but his mind seemed to have wandered elsewhere while he continued.

"Then also, she'll look at me sometimes in a way like I'm the only thing in the entire place and it just makes me feel..."

"Feel what?" Jessie pressed, intrigued.

"... Feel glad to be me," Pearce answered quietly. "And things that irritate me are less of a bother. Especially school. I even start looking forward to class..." He paused with a look of alarm at what just left his mouth. "Shit, I do like her."

Jessie grinned from ear to ear. "There you go. That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Pearce still seemed shocked by this insight he'd grasped. "How did you realise this before I did?"

"Because my friend, you may know the fundamentals of chemistry but when it comes to human chemistry— you're terrible. Not to mention, you let your pride get in the way."

"Can you blame me? I mean, come on Jessie. You've seen what she's like. That's not the type of person I of all people would take an interest in."

Jessie shrugged. "Love is blind."

Pearce flinched. "Don't call it that. Let's just stick with... slight infatuation."

"Alright." Jessie allowed. "Well done, buddy. You've gotten passed the first hurdle: acceptance. I'm proud of you."

Pearce rolled his eyes at the patronising comment. "Well what am I supposed to do now?"

"Before getting to that, I'd like you to tell me what happened beforehand."

"What are you talking about?"

"Pearce you're the most stubborn guy I know. Clearly something must've happened with Georgia to finally make you confront this 'slight infatuation' and I'd like to know."

Pearce felt that it sounded more of a demand than a request. "You're really determined to make me spill my guts aren't you?"

Jessie nodded. "I have to. A chance like this might not come for another decade."

Pearce wasn't going to say that was an exaggeration. "Fine." He diverted his eyes to look anywhere else but Jessie's attentive gaze. "Yesterday, I... might've... kissed her and she kissed me back."

Jessie did a double take. "I'm sorry what?"

"You heard me. I'm not repeating it."

Jessie's eyes widened, mouth gaping. "Seriously? Then why....? What happened after that?"

Pearce pursed his lips. "We got into a dispute because I kind of denied kissing her first and she kept going on about it so I told her to drop it. Then she left."

"What?!" Jessie exclaimed, rising from his seat. "You just let her walk off after doing that?"

"I freaked out, okay? I'm not used to being in a situation like that. Frankly, I didn't think I'd ever have to be in a situation like that," Pearce justified. "Besides, she's already over it. She called me later last night saying to forget about it. There's no problem."

"No problem?" Jessie echoed. He shook his head, heaving a sigh. "Pearce I don't think you've realised what you've done."

"What are you claiming I've done exactly?"

"You denied kissing her which was basically you denying her."

Pearce's brows knitted. "I'm not following."

"She thinks you denied it because you don't like her that way. To her that was a rejection."

It took only a matter of seconds for Pearce to understand it now and he cursed. "Damn, I shouldn't have said that."

"Yeah, no shit."

Pearce stood to his feet. "How do I fix this?"

"By telling her that you like her obviously."

"... To her face?"

"Yes Pearce! She won't know how you feel if you're not honest. You can't expect someone to always put up with everything you say and do and still go after you without you ever opening up—"

"Don't you do that though?" Pearce interrupted.

Jessie paused. "What? No, that's—"

"Yes Jessie, that's exactly how it it is. You put up with me despite me never giving you a reason to," he proclaimed. "You're that kind of person."

"Pearce that's not true—"

"Shut up. I'm trying to say something nice," Pearce snapped. "As I was saying, I know I'm a pain but you proudly consider me a friend, regardless. I tend to take it for granted just like what I did yesterday."

"With Georgia?" Jessie supplied.

Pearce nodded. "I'm sorry for whenever I've done that to you and thanks for putting up with my shit anyways. I'll always appreciate it."

Jessie gave him a large smile that reached his eyes. "What are friends for?" He replied. "Anyway, it sounds like you've got a better way with words than I thought. Confessing to Georgia will be no sweat for a Romeo like you."

Anxiousness flashed on Pearce's face at the thought of confessing. "If you say so."

"Don't worry, buddy. It won't be as bad as you think."

Pearce decided to take his friend's word for it and nodded, pushing down the nauseating feeling of all the dozen possibilities that could happen at the attempt of confessing.

How do people go through with it? Pearce questioned to himself, baffled.
In an effort to calm his nerves, Pearce hung around Jessie's place for a little while before heading home.

"Oh, and Pearce," Jessie began as the boy was out the door. "You're not as big of a pain as you think. I'm sure Georgia knows that too."


Pearce started his walk to the bus stop with his friend's words in mind. Pearce had discovered there was a few things about himself he'd never known. Like he was capable of feeling a certain way or just how overwhelming it could be. It was a whole new platform for him and he was determined to pass the next hurdle it came with without delay.

Pearce had his earphones on as he stepped onto the bus. The place harboured passengers that were small enough for him to count with one hand, much to his preference. He situated himself at an empty row near the front and peered out of the window, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on his knee to the tune. Only for it to be intervened by an incoming call.

Pearce's heartbeat quickened as he registered the caller.

It was her.

Pearce couldn't seem to catch a break. Out of all the times she had to choose to call again, it had to be now. He'd only just come to terms with his slight infatuation. It was way too early for him to be communicating with Gigi.
Wasn't it?

Contrary to the agitation, Pearce was eager to answer. It felt like a rare opportunity to get to talk to her on a weekend and maybe this could be the chance to confess.

It might be easier on the knots in his stomach since he wouldn't be saying it face to face. He could do this. He could do this.

Pearce's thumb hovered over the accept icon as the number continued to call. He was struggling to fight off the jitteriness and tap the screen.

Answer. Don't answer.

How could deciding to pick up a call become so difficult? Pearce didn't think it was right for a human being to have such power over another person.

" 'The Lunatic'," piped an all too familiar voice reading the contact name on his phone screen.

At first, Pearce thought he'd somehow pressed accept but comprehended the voice came from behind. He swivelled his head and jolted at the smiling brunette sitting on the seat right behind.

From all the coincidental run-ins they've been having, Pearce was starting to suspect supernatural forces were behind it because it was getting spooky.

"I'd say take a picture it'd last longer but even with all the pictures I've secretly taken of you, it's never long enough," Gigi stated, letting out a breath. "Nothing beats the real thing, y'know?"

"How-? What are you doing here?" Pearce questioned, removing a bud from his ear.

"Riding the bus. Like you," Gigi answered simply.

"I'm aware of that. I mean if you're here, then why did you call me?"

"You didn't notice me when you got on so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to observe you and your reactions to things."

"So basically you were stalking me?" Pearce rephrased.

"Whatever." She waved him off. "Now tell me why you have my number saved as The Lunatic?"

"Oh, and you don't have mine saved as something obscure or that dumb pet name?"

"... It's not dumb." She pouted.

"I rest my case."

Gigi graced him with that pulse rising signature grin. "What were you listening to?"

"You won't know it."

"Try me."

"Beck's Bolero by Jeff Beck."

Gigi pressed her lips together. "Hmm, okay you're right. I haven't. Can I listen?"

"You wouldn't like it."

"If it's got my Pear Bear's attention, then I wanna hear it."

Pearce fought off the corner of his lips pulling upwards at her demand. "Suit yourself."

Gigi happily switched to occupy the seat next to him and he gave her a bud. He watched as she began listening to the rhythm, brows beginning to furrow. After a minute she said, "Okay, this is the longest guitar solo I've ever heard in a song."

"It's instrumental," Pearce supplied.

"Oh." Gigi bobbed her head. "Can I look at your songs?"

Pearce handed her his phone and she began scrolling through the list of numerous names— none of which she recognised. "Wow, I've not heard of any of these artists."

"They're all instrumental bands."

Gigi glanced at him. "Hang on, all of your music have no lyrics?"

Pearce nodded. Gigi was now giving him that same look Jessie had on when viewing his playlists.

"How can you not have anything with lyrics?" Gigi questioned.

"Lyrics make the whole composition disoriented to me. Especially when they're stupid and thoughtless, it throws me off." He said. "I know many musicians have arguably gifted voices but the vocal inclusion is a distraction from the sound of the cords, the keys— that's what I want to hear. So sorry but don't be expecting to find anything by Drake on there or from this century."

Pearce didn't care that people would find his taste in music very strange. He didn't expect to be understood. He understood he was different and that was enough.

Gigi's confused expression contorted into a smile. "You're really sensitive aren't you?"

Pearce blinked. "What?" He wasn't expecting that. Did she mistakenly say that instead of weird?

"Well I kind of get the gist of what you mean. It's profound, your interpretation of music. And it's put me under the impression that you have pretty sensitive ears." She wriggled her brows, smirking at the theory. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is; you think deep. It's nice."

Nice? Pearce couldn't see how this girl could honestly think of it that way. Why did it seem like she understood him? Maybe she was only saying it to be polite. Pearce didn't care anymore because it made him feel elated, somehow.

"But I'm still gonna send you some music with lyrics. You're missing out," Gigi declared.

Yep, that was more along the lines of responses he expected. "Don't bother." He told her. "Jessie's already tried forcing all sorts on me. It's pointless."

He suspected Jessie wasn't even serious about it. The boy once had him listen to a whole album of the Spice Girls and Pearce had Wannabe stuck in his head for five whole days. Pearce had plotted to strangle Jessie for that.

"Well, no offence to Jessie but I'm different," Gigi claimed.

Understatement of the year.

"I've been known as a music guru when it comes to recommending songs that match people's tastes," she boasted. "Just play one of your favourites so I can figure out what to recommend you."

Although Pearce doubted Gigi could find him any lyrical songs he would actually be fond of, he complied to play one instrumental he favoured highly. Gigi began listening intently as the music started playing with an expression of what Pearce assumed was her in concentration. She tapped her fingers lightly to the beat, a small smile on her lips with a calculative gaze.

Throughout it, Pearce honestly couldn't pay attention to a single cord. He was too conscious of the fact that Gigi seemed to be leaning towards him, their knees touching or how good she smelt. As she instructed him to play others, he felt like he was getting used to it and that was when Gigi suddenly gasped.

"Oh crap, I've missed my stop!" She returned Pearce's bud and hit the stop button on the pole in front with her thumb.

Pearce couldn't feel apologetic about her mishap because it made him relieved he wasn't the only one who's attention had gone astray.

As the bus was beginning to halt at the next stop on route, Gigi rose from her seat, planning the most fastest paths to take to get her back on path. When she took a step forward, Gigi was surprised to feel a hand clutch her wrist.

She turned to Pearce, expectantly as he simply stared. "Um, yes?"

Pearce's body had gone ahead on a whim to grab her but now that he had, the verbal part was becoming a difficulty. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if she wasn't looking at him in that way. In a way that he could take all the time in the world and she'd patiently wait to hear it.

He couldn't keep doing this. He discarded his principles for crying out loud. Pearce's lips parted and he found his voice. "Can we meet up by the parking lot at school on Monday? There's something I want to tell you."

Pearce couldn't tell if he was imagining it due to all the nervousness and his pounding heartbeat but it felt as though Gigi's pulse was elevating as he had it cuffed in his hands.

Her brown eyes seemed to twinkle. "Sure. Um, I better get off now," she said once realising the bus had stopped.

Pearce dropped his hold and Gigi exited the vehicle, flashing him a parting smile.

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