TD [24] Home Alone

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There's something wrong with my cell. It doesn't have your number on it.

Chapter Twenty Four

"Come on, Gigi," Daniel urged. "What happened to the whole knowing it's all in your imagination?"

"I know what I said, but it's still nerve wracking okay?" Gigi bit her lip.

"How? They're not gonna eat you."

"You can't promise that."

Daniel rolled his eyes at her overreacting. "Alright, how about we go in at the count of three?"

Gigi gripped her backpack strap in apprehension. "Can we make it ten?"


"... Okay."

She eyed the club room door nervously as Daniel count up. "One.. two.. three— ten!"

Quicker than Gigi could react, Daniel shoved her forward and into the drama club room. Gigi held her breath with the grip on her bag tightening as numerous heads turned to look upon the abrupt arrival. Their eyes swept over Daniel and lingered on her, making her all the more self-conscious. Thankfully, Francessca was amongst the midst and flashed her an encouraging smile.

"Georgia, Daniel," Mr. Omar greeted them with his usual kind smile. "So nice of you to show up."

Daniel gave a light shrug. "Yeah, well you know—"

"You're late. The meeting started twenty minutes ago."

"What? But I thought it was starting at four," Daniel recalled.

"Yes, we had to reschedule," replied Mr. Omar. "Who was put in charge of informing everyone of the moved meeting time?"

"Ira," supplied a girl Gigi concluded as one of the new freshman members Francessca mentioned.

The boy in mention spoke up. "I didn't see Daniel sir." Ira claimed to their drama teacher.

"Did you even look for me?" Daniel suspected.

"Nope," Ira shamelessly admitted. His dull eyes flickered to Gigi with an unappeased look before shifting them elsewhere. "I don't have time to waste scouring the halls for you. If you didn't get the message I sent, that's your fault."

Daniel narrowed his eyes at the boy and before an argument could unfold, Mr. Omar quickly jumped in.

"Alright, nevermind it now. You two come grab a seat."

It was still hard for Gigi to be at ease in her former club room after several months. She tried her best to focus on what Mr. Omar was saying about the rehearsal time table and other plans for the play. She constantly told herself that nobody was bothered by her presence, that there was no need to feel unwanted or not belonging. She couldn't say it was completely effective but it was a start in grasping concentration.

When the meeting ended, Gigi was swift to sling her backpack over her shoulder and head home when a voice that immediately seized her movement called out to her.


Sapphire walked up to her, extending a sheet from the pile in her hands. "Here, a copy of the script to take home."

"Oh thanks," said Gigi, reaching out to accept but Daniel intercepted and grabbed the script.

"We've got tons of time to learn it, Saph. I'm sure Gigi is capable of memorising it at rehearsals like everyone else," said Daniel. "She was a part of the club before remember?"

Sapphire sneered. "I do and it's not for Georgia. I'm making sure she has a personal copy to give to you so you don't end up forgetting all your lines and improvising like you did for the last play."

Daniel's expression lied between offended and embarrassed.

"Or would that be too much of a hassle on you, Georgia?" Sapphire questioned with her eyes still on Daniel. "I could get someone else but you seemed like the best option."

"Uh, no. I'm fine with it," Gigi replied.

"Great." Sapphire swiped the script from Daniel and placed it in Gigi's hands and strode off.

Daniel shot the girl a glare as she past him, purposely bumping his shoulder but Gigi was almost certain she saw a smile on Sapphire's lips as she did so.

"You forgot all your lines?" Astonishment apparent in Gigi's tone.

"Not all of them. She exaggerated. I was just feeling a little off and a couple of them slipped my mind."

Gigi couldn't believe Daniel Le Noir, the guy who loved the spotlight and all eyes on him to have made such a blunder. "Was it stage fright or something?"

Daniel shook his head. "No. I just couldn't really get into it with you not getting to be there because of what was mostly my bad decisions. It was hard to focus. Not that I'm blaming you," he hastily added. "I know you would've been there if you could."

Gigi wasn't sure what word to express from hearing that. It made her touched that Daniel was concerned for her while also guilty and surprised she'd effected his performance.

Right then, a hand perched on Gigi's shoulder and a freckled face, along with grey eyes and beaming smile greeted her. "Been a while, Gibson. Frannie wasn't kidding when she said you'd changed. I almost didn't recognise you from all that hair." Referring to her bangs that had reached well past her brows, brushing her eyelashes.

"Oh really?" Gigi responded to the boy.

"Can you see my face alright past those?" He joked. "It's me, Pete."

"She's aware, dumbass," piped an all too familiar snarky voice from the wavy haired girl approaching. "Your annoying voice is enough to go by."

Gigi always found Queen Monnet similar to Sierra. They had similar traits, interests and were both outspoken. However, Gigi would never say it in front of her friend because Sierra strongly disliked Queen. Then Renée also wasn't so fond of Queen's besties, Anne and Marie who were never too far from their 'leader'.

Queen offered Gigi a smile. "Hey, me and the girls are heading off to try out this popular new restaurant on east street, you and Daniel wanna come along?"

"Sure," Daniel agreed.

Gigi glanced at the tall blonde beside her who was giving her an urging look. "Uh, I don't think so. I've got some homework I need to get started on."

It wasn't a lie. She did have homework to do... which she was planning to start once done contacting Pearce.

"Then just put it off for later," Francessca suggested. "Wouldn't you rather have a little fun first?"

Gigi could hear the underlying in the jubilant girl's tone, pleading for her to say yes. Gigi had only just renewed their friendship and didn't know if turning the invite down was okay. She didn't want Francessca to feel like she was being ditched again.

"Okay. I guess I can come. For a bit," Gigi added the last part in a murmur.

"Great." Pete grinned widely. "Just like the good old days huh?"

"Pete you're not invited," said Queen. "Girls only."

"Then why is Danny allowed to come?" questioned Pete.

"Because Daniel is hot. Duh," Queen said it like it was the most justifiable reason in the world. It didn't help that said boy was nodding in agreement.

Pete feigned a hurt expression. "Alright go ahead and be shallow then. You lucked out missy because I was gonna be willing to pay for more than my share."

Queen rose a brow at that. She briefly had a discussion with her two friends in hushed tones then reached a new answer. "Fine. You can come."

"Yes!" Pete clenched his hand in victory pose. "Anne, you can ride in shotgun in my car if you want."

"Okay." Anne complied.

"Hold up!" piped an intervening voice. A boy with specs stepped in to their little circle hurriedly. "I'm coming too. I'll pay for some of the share with Pete so Anne can ride in my car."

"But Turner don't you have that doctor's appointment to get to?" Anne questioned him.

"Oh right." He frowned. "I'll just go later then."

"But it's an appointment. Aren't you meant to be there at a specific time?" Pete inquired.

"Shut it, Pete." Turner narrowed his eyes at him. "I said I'll go later so there." He softened his gaze when flickering it back to Anne. "It's fine, Really. I'll go with you guys."

"Um, okay then," Annie accepted, still a bit concerned.

Turner shot Pete a smug look like he'd just won something and Pete merely rolled his eyes. Somehow, Anne didn't see any of it.

"Could he be more obvious?" Francessca muttered in Gigi's ear.

Gigi had wondered how Anne couldn't tell Turner, her friend since middle school had a massive crush on her which was obvious to basically everybody in the entire year but her. It seemed that hadn't changed since her absence. Gigi felt that Pete's statement was exactly right— it was just like the good old days.


The restaurant Queen had opted for them to dine at turned out to be the new vegan place Sierra had dragged Renée and Gigi to before. Gigi chose not to mention it as the group of eight settled at a table. Pete immediately began complaining about the place.

"A vegan diner? Really, Queen? Out of all the places, you have to go and pick somewhere healthy."

"If you don't like it, feel free to leave without your wallet," she replied to shut him up.

"The things on this menu sound weird as hell," commented Turner as he read what was listed. "The heck is a pea milkshake?" He squeezed his face in disgust. "Since when did peas become milk-able?"

"I dare you to order it," Daniel challenged.

Turner matched Daniel's gaze with his own competitive one. "Okay, but only if you order the..." Turner scrolled through the dishes and sought out the first oddest one he spotted, "the tofurkey cutlets."

"And you have to eat the whole thing," Turner added.

"Ooh, good one." Pete grinned.

That had Daniel hesitant in answering.

"Or," Francessca interjected. "You guys could order something that you'd be willing to eat."

Gigi nodded to Daniel in a agreement and he thought for a moment.

"Nah, boring. I'm in," he announced with a smile.

"Alright then." Turner smirked in return.

"I bet twenty on Daniel finishing first," started Pete.

The girls all immediately jumped in on the bet.

"I'm on for Turner," said Queen.

"Me too," chimed Marie.

Francessca and Gigi weren't interested in placing any bets and opted to be solely spectators.

"I'll go with Daniel," declared Anne. Everybody pretended not to see Turner frown.

It made the boy all the more determined to win as he signalled a waiter to take their order, along with everybody else's when they had decided.

Gigi found herself relaxing and contributed to the conversations at the table as they waited for their food. It was like she'd been oiling the hinge of a gate that was rusted and now it was reverting to its former smooth swing.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask," Gigi started. "What adaption of Peter Pan are we doing? I saw some unfamiliar names on the role list."

A round of glances were shared around the table.

Pete smirked. "It's our own alternate version."

Queen scoffed. "You mean your own. I didn't agree to it."

Gigi quirked a brow at that. "Alternate?"

"It's not all that different from the original," claimed Daniel. "The biggest thing is that the main antagonist isn't Captain Hooks but a guy called The Baron."

"Yeah, I saw that name." Gigi retrieved her spare copy of the script from a back. "Who the heck is he?"

"A ruthless businessman with a goal to deforest the Neverwoods into his new shipping company," Daniel supplied.

"Seems like you're run-of-the-mill bad guy motive but okay, I guess," Gigi commented, flipping through the pages as she read parts of this created villain.

"But actually, Baron isn't that interested in the woods," Daniel informed her. "Baron hates Neverland because his own son had left home to be there and wants to disrupt the order to get his kid back. Then here's the best part; Baron's kid turns out to be-

"Peter Pan," Marie cut him off.

"Oh come on, I wanted to say it!" frowned Daniel.

"Oh wow, a plot twist." Gigi rose her brows, mildly impressed.

"I know right? It's genius," Pete said proudly. "It'll catch the audience completely off-guard." He high fived Daniel.

"Yeah, to anyone who hasn't heard of Star Wars," Queen retorted sarcastically. "It'll be a total shock."

Gigi and Francessca stifled a laugh as Pete narrowed his eyes at the girl wearing a mocking smile.

The most anticipated moment of the meal came when their food arrived- Daniel and Turner's in particular. The two boys were tense as they eyed their vegan-proofed dishes.

"Well come on then," Pete urged. "I've been waiting for this to see which one of you is gonna end up barfing all over the table."

Marie pulled a face at the depiction, shifting in her seat and picking up her plate of lasagne. Daniel and Turner exchanged a glance then proceeded to take a taste. The group watched as the boys shut their eyes and they swallowed it slowly.

There was silence.

"Well, how is it?" Marie inquired.

Turner was first to respond, eyes opening then blinking and brows furrowed. "... I-It's not that bad. It's pretty good, in fact."

"Really?" Pete voiced out everybody's surprise.

Turner nodded. "Yeah, tastes like an actual milkshake."

"See? Non-dairy products are just as good." grinned Queen.

"Yeah, I guess," Turner concurred. "I think I like pea better milked than next to my dinner on a plate." He happily took another sip of the milkshake.

"That's a letdown." sulked Pete.

"Daniel?" Francessca prompted.

Daniel's expression was grim, clearly displaying the turnout wasn't as delightful as the other boy's.

"Not good?" Gigi guessed.

"Feel like puking?" Pete was excited.

"I'm a bit too scared to do that." Daniel confessed, grimacing. "Oh god, how could somebody classify this as eligible for human consumption?"

"Wish you picked boring now?" Gigi smirked.

Daniel sadly nodded and Francessca gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. The betting followed through with their payments and everybody carried on to eat their meals.

"Hey, Turner can I try some of that?" asked Anne.

"W-What? Um, yeah," Turner allowed.

"Hey, no fair! You can't have someone help you finish yours." Daniel whined, struggling to chew on his cutlet.

"The loser shouldn't talk and stick to clearing his plate," Gigi said.

Daniel pouted but heeded her words, forcing another forkful into his mouth. Anne casually took a sip from the straw and Turner's cheeks were going crimson red at the act. Gigi found the sight adorable and prayed that Turner would eventually grow a pair and confess. Or Anne would quit being blind- whichever one worked best. Gigi was certain they'd make a couple as cute as Renée and Evan.

"Hey, did you see Isaac Gregory's face when he came into bio today?" Marie brought up to Anne. "Had one nasty black eye."

"Oh, yeah." Anne nodded, frowning. "Looked seriously painful."

"Oh really?" Daniel perked up, smile spreading on his lips. "How'd that happen?"

"I heard from one of his pals that he got into a fight with someone in the locker rooms." Marie informed him. "It was that know-it-all junior guy What's his name? Pat? Paul or something?"

Gigi's stomach dropped. "Pearce Conway?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"You know him?" inquired Francessca.

Before Gigi could reply, Daniel beat her to it. "Yeah, sort of. An acquaintance."

"Are you sure it was him though? You're not getting the name mistaken?" Daniel questioned, skeptical of the information.

"Yeah. Apparently the coach came in to break it up and the Pearce guy got suspended," stated Marie.

The colour drained from Gigi's face. Pearce had been involved in a fight? It didn't sound possible. However, it added up to the sudden cancellation of her lunch with him. If he'd been suspended, that explained why he said he wouldn't be at school for the next two days— because he couldn't.

Panicking thoughts and images of Pearce being attacked filled Gigi's mind. Why would Pearce have been the only one suspended though? He definitely wasn't the type to start a fight, or win one.

He didn't have the muscles for it.

Which meant that something was terribly wrong there and Gigi grew all the more worried. She had no apetite to eat and wanted to ask more on the rumour but she knew she wouldn't get any proper answers from Marie or Anne. They gossiped just as much as Queen but when they didn't know any details, they'd make up all sorts of additions so far-fetched, the story became something else entirely.

Gigi discovered this when she was a sophomore; Annie and Marie spread the news of a boy hanging himself in a supply closet which was why it had a new lock installed. The truth was it was some stoner who decided to get high in there and the janitor caught him. It didn't even happen in their high school either.

The conversation at the table moved on to a new topic and Gigi tried not to let it show that she wasn't interested. After roughly two minutes, she couldn't keep it up anymore and made up an excuse of some urgent matter she had forgotten that needed attending at home. Pete and the rest seemed to think nothing of it but Daniel passed her a suspicious stare which she feigned ignorance of. She grabbed her bag and quickly departed.


Pearce pried open the fridge and scanned the contents for a snack. His eyes landed on the last apricot yoghurt and he claimed it before his sister or dad could. Grabbing a spoon, he climbed up the stairs and back to his bedroom where he settled down on his bedside to begin snacking.

Right before he could get a spoonful in his mouth, he heard his ringtone begin to play. He found it extremely odd. Who would be calling him? He was certain no particular occasion with his relatives was happening today for any courtesy call. He also wasn't in the mood to talk- he wanted to eat his yoghurt in peace then take a nap before his dad got back from work and his mother ranted to her husband about the suspension like it was the end of the world.

Despite Pearce's unwillingness to answer, the phone persisted to ring. He groaned. Who the hell would be calling?

It couldn't be Jessie, the guy never called and preferred to barge in. Which Pearce seriously didn't appreciate but his parents always allowed it since Jessie was his only friend and only 'normal' thing their son had.

Pearce couldn't even imagine what kind of treatment they'd give Gigi if they knew it wasn't the same kind of relationship as it was with Jessie.

That was when Pearce realised it; the one person newly in his life who'd willingly want to hear from him for no important reason.

He instantly discarded the yoghurt and picked up his phone. Sure enough, it was her name flashing on the screen. School had barely ended an hour ago and she was this eager? He shook his head but answered.

"I told you to text, not call," Pearce kept his voice monotone, not wanting to reveal how happy he felt. He was glad she couldn't see his face because it was hard to stop the smile that was spreading on his lips.

'Who's this?'

Pearce was surprised to hear a male voice on the other end. It sounded familiar though.

"Who am I speaking with?" Pearce questioned.

'Brooklyn. Wait, aren't you that guy who visited me and my sister when we were sick? It's you, right?'


'Oh, I was wondering who's number this is. Why does she have your name saved as 'Pear Bear'?'

'Brooklyn!" yelled a voice in the background. "What the heck are you doing on my phone?'

'I just wanted to order a pizza from Benny's since you've got the number on speed dial.'

'Then you could've asked!'

'You were taking a shower.'

'Yeah, 'cause someone spilled soda all over me!'

Pearce patiently listened in to the siblings squabbling on the other end before eventually, Gigi's voice was all that was heard as she spoke into the phone. 'Hello? Yes, I'd like to order one pizza with peppers, anchovies and mushrooms and one Hawaiian pizza please.'

"Hawaiian? You actually put pineapples on your pizza?"

There was a pause. 'W-Wha-? Pearce?!'


Gigi cursed under her breath. 'I'm gonna strangle that boy. The hell is he doing dialling random numbers on my phone?'

"Well maybe if you didn't put me down as some weird name, he wouldn't get curious."

'Whatever. Like you're one to talk. Have you changed mine from The Lunatic?'


'Liar.' Pearce could tell she was smiling as she said it.

"So should I hang up so you can go strangle your brother?"

'Uh, no. There's something um, I needed to ask you.'

"What is it?"

'Did you get suspended?'

"...Who told you that?"

'Doesn't matter. Did you get suspended for some fight in the locker rooms?'

Pearce begrudgingly uttered, "Yes."

'Oh my gosh, what happened?'

"Nothing, all right? And don't beg me to explain it. I'm already tired from having to do so with the principal and my mum."

'Nothing happened? But I heard Isaac Gregory had an injury— you didn't cause it?'


'Did he hit you?'

"No. I said nothing happened didn't I? The whole thing was misconstrued by the PE teacher jumping to conclusions."

A sigh of relief left Gigi's lips. 'I knew it. You'd never do anything like hitting someone.'

Yeah, but that trash sure made it tempting. Pearce thought to himself.

'I don't get it though. If the principal thought there was a fight, how were you the only one suspended and not Isaac too?'

"That's what I'm wondering. Apparently, his word is trusted over mine so I'm deemed the only guilty one who deserves punishment."

There was a scoff. 'Typical.' Gigi murmured more so to herself but it didn't go unheard.

"So I take it you know him then?" inquired Pearce.


"Isaac Gregory." His voice full of contempt as he spat out the name.

'Uh, yeah. Sort of. We go to the same church so we'd talk occasionally.'

"Huh, interesting." muttered Pearce flatly. "Makes me wonder what they're preaching in that place if he's like that and you're so... you."

Pearce smiled at the soft sound of her chuckling. "Well maybe you should attend a service and see for yourself.'

"I'll pass."

'Oh come on. It's really nice and the people there are open-minded. They're not gonna throw holy water at someone for being an atheist and call you a bad egg for cursing, okay?'

"Great to know. How do they do with Jews then?"


"In case I do decide to stop by, I want a heads up."

'Wait, you're Jewish?'

"My family is so, yeah."

'Oh... wow." surprise apparent in Gigi's voice. "So are you circumcised then?'

"I tell you I'm Jewish and that's the first thing that pops into your head?"

Gigi snickered. 'Fine, fine. Go ahead and dodge the question. Hold on, doesn't this mean we're mortal enemies?'


'Cause your people kind of tortured and killed our saviour because you thought he was saying a load of bull.'

"What does that have to do with us? I'm not gonna crucify you."

'You promise?'

"You're annoying but not that annoying."

'Aww, that's so sweet of you to say.' Gigi replied.

Pearce rolled his eyes. "What about you then?"


"Is yours more of a family thing or do you actually believe there's some merciful heavenly being actually watching over us?"

'Yep.' said Gigi confidently. 'I'm sure of it.'

"Oh and how come?"

'Because you Pearce Conway, are undoubtedly a godsend.'

Pearce felt the heat rise in his body from the neck up at her bold proclamation. He cleared his throat, "That's quite a pick-up line."

The soft sound of her chuckling resonated in his ears and stirred his insides like a tremor. 'I guess it is. But I mean every word of it, Pear Bear. Really.'

"If you say so." Pearce mumbled. He preferred it more to hear inappropriate flirty remarks than whenever she'd say things like that because then it made him feel weird and want to say things like that too. It scared him.

'I wish I could talk longer but I've got homework I should really get started on. It's due tomorrow morning.'

"Why hadn't you done it earlier?"

'Because I procrastinate, okay? Plus I wanted to hear your voice for motivation. Doing math is stressful and I'm probably gonna get a headache halfway through it.'

"... Do you want some help?"

Gigi was unsure if she heard correctly and asked, 'What?'

"You should like you're having difficulty with it so I can help you if you'd like."

'Seriously? Because I had a tutor once and she just gave up on me and said I had better chances of passing by cheating.'

"Do you want me to or not?"

'Yes, yes please.'

"Okay. I will."

'Awesome. Hold on a sec, let me grab my stuff.'

Placing down her phone, Gigi hurriedly brought out her assignment and set it out then proceeded to put Pearce on speaker phone. The rest of the conversation from that point on, consisted on her homework and even with Pearce's assistance it was frustrating but for what felt like a first, Gigi didn't hate every second of it.


Time seemed to go painstakingly slow the next day as Pearce lounged in the living room. The suspension went hand in hand with a pro and con. The pro being the luxury of not having to put up with annoying classmates or Mohammed's breath and incompetent teachers. Then also more time to nap.

The con being what to do with the remaining hours left that he'd be stuck in the building.

It shouldn't have been a problem. It should've been easy like yesterday. However, today Pearce wasn't in the mood to study. He had tried to read a book but he couldn't get through a paragraph for some reason. It was odd.

Normally, he cherished the days he acquired the rarity of time alone- the house all to himself. Today, not so much and he couldn't understand why. It was basically any other day.

Albeit, there was one tiny thing different. Earlier that morning as was Gigi was messaging him, she brought up the idea of coming round to his house during lunch. He said it would be unnecessary. She said she'd come anyways. Followed by a ton of emojis.

Due to that, Pearce had a small part of him anticipating her visit and it was bugging him. He'd keep glancing at the time constantly and peering out of the window for any figure walking down the street. He was becoming agitated because of her and it annoyed him. Why did she have to say she was coming?

When it was a quarter to noon, the restlessness worsened. Pearce could've called and asked when she was showing up, but then he'd be admitting to the fact that he was looking forward to it. No way was that happening.

When he checked the time again and only a minute had past, Pearce brought out his phone to type a message.

Pear Bear- what time are you planning to come? Not that I'm waiting or anything, I just want to know for punctuality sake

He read the message and immediately removed it. Pearce sighed in exasperation. What the hell was he becoming? This couldn't be healthy.
He opted to turn to the other person who was in school and number he had in his contacts.

Pearce- Hey

Jessie- Hey?

Pearce- why did you add a question mark?

Jessie- bc I'm confused

Pearce- you're confused that I said hey? It's a form of greeting

Jessie- I'm aware Pearce I'm confused as to why ur texting me

Jessie- u never text me

Pearce- yes I do

Jessie- no you don't

Pearce- I'm texting you right now, aren't I?

Jessie- k fine. What's up?

Pearce- nothing really

Jessie- ?????

Pearce- why is there just question marks this time?

Jessie- if nothing's going on why r u texting me?

Pearce- because I want to. Does there need to be an emergency for me to message you?

Jessie- no it's just weird

Pearce- it's not weird

Jessie- it's weird

Pearce- How is it weird?

Jessie- nvrmind. ttyl, Ms. Goldstein keeps looking my way I think she knows I'm using my phone bye

Pearce protested in reply but when he received no response, it was clear that Jessie had switched his phone off.
Completely bored, Pearce settled on playing one of the games on his sister's tablet to kill time. The game turned out to be pretty addictive that he nearly didn't hear when the doorbell rang.

The eagerly awaiting part of him had Pearce springing up from the couch to answer the door.

It took everything in Pearce not to pull his girlfriend into a hug when he was greeted by her beaming smile as she stood at the doorstep. He knew if he did, those impulses would have him kissing her next and he wanted to do that once she was inside the house. Not out where prying neighbours could see. He wanted it to be just between him and her. No one else.

"Hi. I would've gotten here earlier but my car was having problems."

"It's fine." He assured her, keeping his arms to his sides as he waited for her to step in.

Pearce was surprised to find Gigi placing her hands on his shoulders and smooched him. It was a quick one but tantalising nonetheless.

"Shit, sorry, I got excited. Um, are your parents home?" She glanced around sheepishly.

"No. My dad's at work and mum is at her yoga class, then she'll be going to an anger management meeting." Pearce informed her.

At that, a smirk emerged on her face, no trace of the previous timid demeanour. It was remarkable how quickly one changed upon hearing no parentals were around.

"Cool. So I can kiss my Pear Bear without restraint."

Pearce quirked a brow. "I don't remember agreeing to that."

"You don't need to. It's one of my privileges as your girlfriend." She stated and captured his lips once more.

Pearce gladly responded and felt that buzzing delight that would occur each time she kissed him. Another thing he felt this time was the texture of moistness from her lips. Lip balm. It seemed to be the flavour coated brand like the ones Paris would get their mother to buy for her.

He couldn't register the flavour as he was a bit preoccupied with Gigi cupping his cheeks and her kisses growing ardent. It was difficult for his brain to multitask as Gigi would easily plague his whole mind when she kissed him. He really wondered what the trick was behind it.

When she pulled apart, Pearce found that they had moved on to the couch without his comprehension. In the place of where her lips were only seconds ago, there was the lingering taste of that fruity flavoured lip bam she was wearing. He tried to figure it out.
Grape? No. Watermelon? That wasn't it either.

Gigi noticed his pondering expression. "What is it?"

"Your lip bam," he started.

"Oh, crap. I forgot." Gigi rubbed her lips, remembering she'd applied it. "Sorry if that bothered you."

"You don't need to wipe it off, I don't mind." He assured her. Not to mention, it rubbed off on him. Literally.

"It's just that they had new flavours at the mall so I wanted to try them out." Gigi explained.

"What flavour is it?" Pearce questioned.

Gigi averted her gaze, a small smile visible. "It's um, pear."

Suddenly, Gigi's full concentration was on admiring her shoes. Pearce noticed a tinge of red on her cheeks as she turned quiet. Pearce couldn't wrap his head around his girlfriend. She could boldly make comments regarding his body or sexual implications without batting an eye but when it came to little sappy things like this, she got flustered. It was strange but also amusing.

Although he'd never confess it, he found it insanely endearing and cute. Yes, he found his weird girlfriend cute and couldn't be more glad he was home alone.

"So do you like the pear?" asked Pearce.

Gigi shuffled her feet. "It's different from what I'm used to but I yeah, I really like it."

A smile tugged at Pearce's lips. "That makes two of us."

Gigi shyly lifted her eyes up to her boyfriend. "Um, we're talking about lip balm right?"

Pearce cocked a brow. "What else would we be talking about?"

He watched Gigi go even redder. Yep, she was adorable.

"Oh right." She bobbed her head. Her eyes glimpsed at the wall clock above them by the right. "Oh wow, lunch break is nearly over."

"What?" Pearce peered at the clock to see for himself. It was true. Fifteen minutes had gone by in a flurry and Pearce suspected that the clock must've been ahead.

Pearce verified by checking the time on his phone. Exactly in sync with the clock on the wall. "Yeah, you're right." He murmured. "That was quick."

"I guess it's true what they say; time flies when you're having fun." Gigi grinned, winking.

"Actually, this is technically because you came late... Whatever. Doesn't matter." He let out a breath. "I guess you'll be going now." His couldn't help the flatness in his voice.

"Did you just pout?" asked Gigi.

"What? No."

"Yes, you did!" She insisted. She pinched his cheeks, tauntingly. "Aww, does Pear Bear not want me to go? Are you lonely without Mama?"

He smacked her hand away. "I didn't pout!"

"Hmm, I suppose I could ditch my next class to stay longer," Gigi contemplated.

That had Pearce's ears prick up. "What? Seriously?"

"Yeah, my next class is just English. If you're not there— what's the point?"

Pearce fought off a smile. "The point is to learn. Not for an excuse to bug me for an hour."

"So you'd rather have me go then?" Gigi stood up.

"I didn't say that."

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I don't need you to cut class to keep me company." Pearce folded his arms.

"Need? Who said anything about need? I came because I wanted to be with you," Gigi clarified. "What I'm asking is do you want me here?"

He stared into her big brown eyes that had the power to compel him into admitting to things his pride would never let him do. Pearce nodded.

Gigi lit up and situated herself back onto the couch, bringing her legs up to perch on the furniture. "Then I'm staying."

"I want it to be clear that I, in no way was pestering you to do it. Nor did I pout," Pearce declared defiantly.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, babe." Gigi chuckled. "Now what do you wanna do?"

Pearce shrugged. "I'm fine with anything."



"Then can we go and look at your family photos? Like ones where you were a baby? I would love to see that."

"Hell no."

"But you said—"

"I take it back. My mistake for thinking you'd say something reasonable."

Gigi couldn't frown at that as she kinda expected that kind of answer. "Okay. How about watching TV then?"

"Okay," Pearce accepted.

Agreement reached, Gigi switched on the television and surveyed the channels with the remote for something decent to view. "Nothing's really on except Catfish. It's an old rerun but I haven't seen this one before. You mind?"

"That's fine. I don't watch it."

"You don't watch Catfish?"

"I don't go near the channel. MTV shows don't appeal to me. They're all stupid."

Gigi's mouth hung open. "You don't watch MTV?"

Pearce rolled his eyes. "Quit asking questions you know the answer to and come on, are you really that surprised?"

"Yeah. I know most MTV shows are garbage but not Catfish. It's one of if not the best reality tv shows to air in all of existence." Gigi proclaimed.

Gigi carried on to explain to Pearce what the show was about and he didn't say it out but it sounded stupid. Okay, he did say it out loud. He had to be honest though. He already found online dating with strangers dumb but to engage in it for months or extending to a year or over without meeting in person was beyond ridiculous. Could that even constitute as an actual relationship?

His girlfriend was determined to defend her show and prove him otherwise, stationing the channel to MTV. "You'll get hooked on it in no time." She said confidently.

"Don't hold your breath." Pearce replied, dreading it before it had even begun.

As the program commenced, Gigi scooted to Pearce's side, leaning against him with a coy smile. The close contact had Pearce's heart pounding wildly and he wondered if Gigi could hear it. Pearce was willing to endure watching whatever she had picked if it meant staying in this proximity.

Pearce could see why Gigi was fond of the show. It seemed exactly like the program targeting audiences who were so intrigued with romance, believing the possibility of soulmates and perfect matches. It made him also question why his girlfriend was with a guy like him in the first place.

Pearce had to admit that as far as authenticity went, it wasn't blatantly scripted as so-called other reality shows his mother and sister obsessed over. It had a convincing sense of realism.

He didn't like it though but he was enjoying himself, strangely enough. It then occurred to him that he hadn't been bored all this time. He was just eager for Gigi's company so doing any of his regular things to pass the time wouldn't suffice. The realisation baffled him and made him panic as of what Gigi was becoming to him. Pearce whisked away all apprehensive thoughts and switched his attention back to the screen.

In only a matter of seconds, he strayed his eyes to Gigi. She was engrossed in the programme, brimming with blissfulness. This was probably as peaceful as he would ever get with her.

Suddenly, Pearce couldn't help but find his eyes lingering on her left hand perched on her knee. It was close to brushing his own and he started imagining it entertwined with his. That would be fine, wouldn't it? Would she be bothered if he did that or look at him oddly for it? He wasn't sure why he wanted to, but he just did. He blamed it on all those dumb couples on tv for the random thought. There was no other way to explain it.

Though, they were dating after all and she was always placing her hands on him without a heads up. Yeah, it was no big deal. None at all.

Pearce swallowed, nervously straying his hand to touch her idle one but then the tv switched to commercial break and Gigi suddenly shifted apart. The action made him tense but she didn't seem to notice it as she smiled at him.

"So what do you think so far?"

Pearce composed himself. "It's not as terrible as I presumed it'd be."

"Good, good." She bobbed her head. "What do you think of the hosts?"

"They're alright." Pearce shrugged his shoulders. "So what happens if the person turns out to be a catfish? Do they sue them or something?"

Gigi snorted. "No, but that would be hilarious. They find out why the catfisher created the fake identity and address the intention. Sometimes, it ends up being that the person did it for kicks which pisses me off."


"Because they go along with dating someone who gives them their heart and they just played with them. It's awful."

"They didn't make them do it," Pearce interjected. "They're the ones who made the decision to blindly get attached. That's their own fault."

"You can't choose who you fall for," Gigi argued.

Pearce scoffed. "Maybe, but you choose to be wise or let yourself be stupid. Choosing to confide in a stranger and setting themselves up for an indefinite fall- that's downright idiotic. It's laughable."

Gigi flinched at his statement and a frown formed on her lips. "What the hell Pearce? How can you say something like that?"

Pearce was taken aback by her tone. Her voice raw with anger and he'd seen numerous offended faces to recognise them by a glance. Not on Gigi though. It looked out of place.

"I'm just saying what I think. Isn't that what you wanted?" Pearce snapped. "What are you getting annoyed for?"

Gigi's lips contorted into a smile but it wasn't one that reached her eyes or made his pulse rise. This one was pained and cold. "Yeah, you're right. It's my mistake for thinking you'd say something reasonable." She mimicked his earlier remark bitterly.

Pearce was stumped, never having heard her speak in such a way or much less at him. Before he could form a response, the commercials ended and Gigi faced the TV as the programme resumed.
However, Gigi didn't return to her previous position by his side. She kept the gap between them. In fact, she increased it.

Pearce released a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry alright?" His voice hardly apologetic. "I won't badmouth your show again so let's drop this."

Gigi didn't spare him a glance and simply turned up the volume. Her brown eyes were fixed on the screen with an impassive expression, arms folded and legs crossed. Her composure nowhere inviting to cuddle or any kind affection.
She was pissed. Extremely pissed.

Pearce now realised he'd screwed up. Spectacularly. No half-hearted apology was going to change anything. He'd gone and opened his mouth, carelessly saying what he'd like like always with no filter. He had a tendency to say things people found harsh and crude but he didn't care if they perceived it that way.
Gigi was one of the few who tolerated it and he'd gotten conceited. He assumed she'd overlook everything he said which was stupid. How could anybody be okay with that? It was amazing she'd even agreed to date him. Maybe now she was thinking he wasn't worth cutting class for. Or worth her attention.

Pearce snuck a glance at the girl on his couch. Mute and expressionless. He never knew silence could be so inflicting and stifling. He'd rather have the room filled with her laughter and her blabbering nonsense than this.

He didn't know how long this torture would go on for. How long he had before she'd walk out of that door and possibly out of his life. Pearce was too anxious to attempt to speak and he hadn't a clue how to fix it. Not one.

So he sat there, prioritising his focus on watching Catfish. It was better than glancing to see his relationship that he'd wrecked only three days since starting.

The show came to its end with the elusive partner being a Catfish, as Pearce already expected. The excuse for the fake profile was insecurities and fear of judgment, blah blah blah. The show concluded with the couple settling on being 'friends' and staying in contact which Pearce highly doubted was true. It was probably the last time they'd talk to one another and he questioned if the same fate was about to happen with him and Gigi.

"I should get going," Gigi suddenly announced as she rose from the couch.

"What? But English wouldn't be over yet," said Pearce.

"Then I guess I'll be coming late."

"Mr. Ford isn't gonna buy any excuse you give him. You'll get detention."

Gigi shrugged her shoulders, nonchalantly. "See you later."

Pearce felt a sharp jab at how she hadn't met his eyes when she said it. She didn't mean it.

"Yeah, okay." Pearce murmured in reply.

It was best it ended anyway. He wasn't cut out for this boyfriend crap. Why did he think he could anyway? Relationships meant making sacrifices, committing to things all for the sake of a partner— that wasn't he was suited for. Solitude had been his longest partnership that always worked well.

Contrary to those thoughts, Pearce found himself clutching Gigi's wrist and standing to his feet. Her eyes swivelled to his. The absence of their usual spark made him upset more than anything. Why did she have control over his emotions like this? It didn't make sense. He'd already conceded that this... this 'stuff' was an unneeded obstacle but he still wanted to hold her all the same.

Pearce's lips parted, "I... can't we be friends?"

Gigi's eyebrows knitted. "What?"

Pearce was having troubling understanding a lot of things lately thanks to her. He wanted to hate her for it but he couldn't. He didn't know why he'd even just asked that. So many things were confusing him, himself included. The only solid fact he understood was that he didn't like the idea of going back to being strangers. He couldn't have that. Gigi had become a necessity in his life and one he feared he couldn't replace over time.

He was going to say or do whatever he could to keep her. "I said can't we be friends?" Pearce repeated.

"Yeah I heard you but why are you asking that?"

"To offer a proposition," Pearce replied.

Gigi grew visibly puzzled. "A... proposition?"

"Yes, because I think you should take into account the fact that breaking up doesn't mean having to cut off all ties," Pearce stated. "After all, we'll still have to see each other in school for another year and a half. Avoiding someone for that long would be tiring, it's easier if you're on good terms. Then they also say it's bad karma to not make peace with people you've had disputes with- okay, that's not true but look, you don't have to call me or text but just don't stop talking to me altogether." A hint of vulnerability in his voice. "Please."

He was faced with a perplexed look by the girl staring at him. "Pearce what the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't know! I just..." He dragged a hand down his face. "I want a second chance. I've never done this stuff before so don't break up with me."

Gigi blinked. "But, I'm not breaking up with you."

Pearce paused. "What?"

"Why would I break up with you?"

"Because of what I said about the show and everything. You're mad at me, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. A little bit but you're entitled to your opinion. Even if it's a shitty one." She added. "That's not gonna make me wanna break up though."

"It's not?"

Gigi shook her head. "No, of course not. That would be silly."

"... Oh."

Pearce sunk down to the couch like an anchor, feeling what was like a heavy weight off his shoulders and he needed to take a moment to rest. He clasped his hands over his face as he processed all of what just happened.

"Did I just say something really stupid?" He questioned.

He heard a chuckle as he felt the couch dip as Gigi sat beside him. "Not really. Just a little stupid."

"How's that any better?" Pearce muttered, hoping she hadn't noticed his face reddening. God, this was embarrassing.

"Pearce I wouldn't want to stop being with you for speaking your mind, even if it is quite mean at times. You did that before we were dating so why would I have a problem with it now?"

"Because I'm your boyfriend. It's different now."

Gigi cradled the sides of his face and pivoted his head to make their eyes lock. He saw that glint was in her eyes again. "Pear Bear, I like you the way you are. And that's not gonna change."

Her words sounded foreign to his ears. Yet, he had never wanted to believe more for something to be true. "You swear?"

"I swear." She gave a smile that made it so tempting to kiss her right there and then.

So he gave in and did just that. It took Gigi by surprise to have him taking the initiative since the first time was diminished by his denials. This one wasn't as faint and Gigi was in awe of how gentle his caress was that she wanted to pull him back when he withdrew all too soon.

"Are you still heading back now?" Pearce asked.

Gigi didn't know if he was deliberately making such an innocent expression that made it practically impossible to say no to but she was glad to be the one to witness it.

"Nah, there's no point going back this late." she replied. "Besides, I wanna kiss you some more."

Pearce nodded in approval. "Reasonable."

"With tongue?" Gigi added in request.

"No. Never."



Gigi sighed. "Ok. We'll take a rain check on it."

Pearce rolled his eyes on her defiance at his refusal but decided to let their impulses take it from there.

Gigi brought their lips back together and tilted her head for more leverage. Pearce dutifully allowed her hands to wander through his hair, dishevelling its neat arrangement and along his back, sending goosebumps. Her touch was like magic by how it conjured such elation throughout his whole body and made everything around them disappear. It was just him and her in the world.


The pair lay on the couch, cushions nesting their heads as Gigi had one leg lapped over Pearce and he had an arm fastened on her waist. Their bodies lined up against each other so close that they made the couch seem so narrow in space than it truly was. The noise of the TV program onscreen filling the silence in the room of two teens taking a nap on a warm Wednesday afternoon.
Until Gigi broke it.

"Pear Bear," she whispered.

No response.

"Pear Bear." She spoke louder, tapping him. "You awake?"

"I am now. What?" irritation clear in his voice. His girlfriend was great company for many things. Naps was apparently not one of them.

"It's nearly 3.10," Gigi announced.


His mother would be taking Paris to piano recital after school so they still had roughly an hour to have the house to themselves.

"I need to go."

"Bathrooms down the hall, to the left." He supplied.

"No, not 'go'. I need to leave."


"I have rehearsals after school so I have to get back before classes end."


"Oh right, I never told you. I'm taking part in the play the drama club is putting together for the end of spring showcase," Gigi explained, smiling proudly.

"Oh. Can't you just skip? If you're a minor part, they won't need you there for practice right?"

"I'm the star lead."

"Dammit," Pearce muttered. "Do you have to go like, right now?"

Gigi pressed her lips. "I can stay for um, five more minutes."

Five minutes. It was short but he'd take it. He was way too comfortable and he wanted to savour it. Gigi set a timer on her phone as to not get sidetracked and settled back to her boyfriend's side.

"Hey, I've been wondering for a while," Gigi began. "Why do you own t-shirts that are like, twice your size?" She played with the hem of his top.

"My older sister bought them for me," Pearce explained.

That piqued her interest. "You have an older sister?"

He nodded. "More annoying than the younger one. She's in college. She sends me the shirts through the mail."

"Why does she send you the wrong size?"

"To her, they're the correct size. Before leaving she forced me to sign up for a gym because she says she's sick of having a brother slimmer than her."

"So she believes you're all ripped now and the shirts would be a fit?"


Gigi laughed. "That's hilarious. Can't you just attend the gym every once in the while? I feel bad for her."

"Her? What about me? She never listens to what I say and believes she's doing me a favour. It's annoying. Not to mention, she's dumb too. I seriously wonder how we're related."

"But you keep the shirts she buys because you care, right?" Gigi retorted.

Pearce paused. "No. I keep it 'cause they're comfy."

Gigi rolled her eyes at the obvious lie. "Yeah, sure." She muttered dryly.

The room fell silent once more and Pearce dropped his eyelids, leaving his other senses to bask in Gigi's presence for the short remaining time. Pearce was certain no less than a minute had gone by when Gigi spoke again.


He groaned. "What?"

"I think I heard something. Like a car coming."

"Probably the neighbour's."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. No one would be coming back at this time," he assured her in the hopes she'd quit fidgeting.

She did for a moment. However, it didn't last long.

"But it sounds like—"

Gigi's sentence was left unfinished as Pearce covered her mouth with his own. The desired effect was instant as she abandoned speaking to kiss him back. He was considering using the tactic if he ever wanted to get her to shut up in future, just when his ears heard the unmistakable sound of the door and footsteps.

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