TD [33] Jealous

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Chapter Thirty Three

"What?" Gigi snapped out of her thoughts, turning to Daniel who had just spoken to her.

"I said you're really quiet today." He repeated.

For the past ten minutes since Daniel showed up to drive her to school, she'd been deep in thought on when to tell him. They say the sooner the better but Gigi was concerned on how he'd take it.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

He presented her with a smile that boosted her confidence. "There's something I need to tell you." Gigi started.

Daniel cocked a brow at the seriousness of her tone but remained smiling. "Okay, shoot."

Gigi peered at her brother sat in the backseats, occupied playing the game on the tablet Daniel lent him, earphones plugged in. "Let's discuss it after you drop off Brooklyn."

"Don't worry, he won't hear us. Brooks!" Daniel shouted.

The little boy didn't bat an eye or move a muscle, excluding his fingers manoeuvring on the screen. Reassured, Gigi decided to go for it. "Okay." She let out a breath. "I was talking with Pearce yesterday and he told me he's... uneasy with the way you are towards me."

Daniel's smile cracked. His eyes retained locked on the road ahead. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean he doesn't like how um, expressive you are with me. Like you calling me babe and stuff." She explained.

"Oh. So he's jealous."

"Yeah but I can see where he's coming from, y'know? So I made an agreement with Pearce that you wouldn't be like that in front of him."

If there was any trace of that earlier smile, it was inconceivable now. Daniel whipped his head to Gigi, "You agreed to do what now?"

"That you'd be less... you when he's around. You can still talk to me just, keep it formal if Pearce is there."

Daniel drew his eyes back forward as he took the next turn. "Do you realise what the hell you're saying?"

"Yes and I'd really appreciate it if you'd go along with it."

"That's a seriously bad joke, Gigi."

"Daniel come on."

"And you actually agreed to it too? Don't let your boyfriend dictate you or before you know it, he won't let you go near any guy that isn't him."

"Pearce wouldn't overreact like that. He's just new to this relationship stuff. So am I." Gigi admitted. "I don't like this but I know I have to be understanding and see things from his point of view. Pearce doesn't know you like how I do so it's difficult to understand how we are. But with time, he'll come to see that we're only good friends. Then he won't be uneasy about you. All I'm asking is for you to give it time."

"Gigi, I-

"For me." She dropped a hand on his knee and he spared her a glance where he was met with big pleading eyes. "Please."

Daniel held her stare. "You been practicing the puppy dog look?"

She nodded in admittance, earning her a short chuckle. Daniel faced front and dragged a hand through his blonde locks. "Okay, fine."

Without looking, he knew she'd be holding that large grin like you had just saved her life. "Thank you so much, Daniel."

"Anytime." He replied.

Gigi sat back in her seat, evidently satisfied. Daniel discreetly peeked at the rearview mirror to make sure his lips were fixed upwards, giving nothing away as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.


In art class Gigi was chatting with Francessca on their opinions of the old Ghostbusters compared to the new one, when a hand tapped Gigi's shoulder.
She glanced to see that it was Marie. Gigi hadn't even been aware they shared this class. "Uh, hey."

"Can I talk to you after class?" Marie requested in a soft voice. Her almond green eyes flickering to Francessca who was staring at her with blatant suspicion. "Alone."

Gigi kept her visage blank. "Um, sure."

Gigi asked Francessca to go on ahead when the period ceased which she did with reluctance. Gigi could understand because she found the request strange too but she was curious and wanted to give Marie the benefit of the doubt.

Marie waited by the doorway as other students poured out. When Gigi approached, Marie casually hooked an arm around Gigi's grinning widely like they were best buds since kindergarten. Marie led Gigi by their linked arms away from the hoard of students bustling the hallways and to a secluded spot.

"You've been doing really great at rehearsals, just wanted to let you know." Marie complimented. "I'm glad you came back even after what happened."

"Yeah, me too." said Gigi, not returning her smile. "So what did you wanna say to me?"

She wanted to get to the point and wasn't in the mood for games. Marie's dropped the faux smiles, she glanced over her shoulder to verify no one was too close by. "Is it true you got an A- in math?"

"Um, yeah."

"Listen, I know we're not that close and all but I've been getting real crap scores in Mr. Donovan's class." She confessed, nervously. "I swear I'll pay you back with anything you want but could you help me out? My dad will kill me if I get another bad grade."

Tension left Gigi's shoulders. Oh, so that's what this was about. Gigi had on an easygoing smile. "Marie of course I'll help you."

Marie's surprise was unmistakable. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I know how hellish it is to have your parents on you because of a class."

"Thank you so much." Marie let out a sigh of relief. "I was so nervous about asking because I know we're not really friends and was worried you hate me."

"I don't hate you, Marie." Gigi reassured her.

"Cool. Thanks. So can I get Pearce's number or should I give you mine for you to give it to him?"

Gigi found her smile slipping. "What?"

"But tell Pearce it doesn't have to be like an A. I'm sure my dad will lay off if I score a B+. It'll be less suspicious too."

Gigi blinked, wondering what this girl was talking about as they seemed to be on entirely different pages. "Hold on," she drew back from Marie, "are you asking me to get Pearce to do your work?"

"Well, yeah." Marie nodded like it was obvious. "Since he 'helped' you with your assignment too."

Gigi frowned. "I didn't cheat, Marie. Pearce helped me out a little by tutoring me but I got that score on my own."

Marie stared at her, blinking a few times. "Are you serious?"


Comprehension of her error sank in and Marie clasped a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god. Shit, I'm so sorry, Georgia." She raked a hand through her hair. "I just thought... and you know... I really didn't know it was like that. I swear."

"Yeah, clearly." Gigi snapped sharply.

"You've got to believe me. I was told that you're using Pearce to get your score up in math so-

"And who the hell told you that?" Gigi's tone was hostile and sparing no patience for the girl. It wasn't a question. It was a demand.


Pearce gaited down the halls to the one of the only places he liked in the school building. The library. It was pretty shabby but still by far one of his preferred places to spend his free period. As he reached the entrance, an arm draped over his shoulder. At first he assumed it to be Jessie but an unfamiliar cologne hit his nose and he was met with clear blue eyes.

"Hey, Pearce." greeted Daniel, kindly.

Pearce did nothing to hide a frown and look of contempt. "Oh hey. Doug, was it?"

The corners of Daniel's wide spread lips twitched. "No, but you were close. It's Daniel."

Pearce didn't bother to apologise for the 'mistake'. "Can you take your arm off me?"

Daniel kept his smile and dropped his arm from Pearce. "Look, I wanted to have a quick word with you-

"No." Pearce bluntly refused and turned to enter the library.

"It's about Gigi."

Pearce halted instantly. He cocked his head to the blonde who knew he had his attention, smiling wider. Against his better judgment, Pearce complied to follow Daniel to the courtyard.

Daniel leant against the wall behind him, still smiling and it was seriously getting on Pearce's nerves. More than the way he felt Daniel's eyes were scrutinising him almost similar to when Jessie would try to read his mind.

"So what is it?" Pearce questioned.

"I get the feeling you don't really like me." said Daniel.

"Then you'd be correct. What does that have to do with my girlfriend?"

"I'll connect the dots for you then; Gigi told me all about your idea of how I should... impose around her when you're there."


"Don't you think that's a little ridiculous to make her agree to something like that?"

"I didn't make her. She understood and we reached the decision together."

Daniel let out a breath. "That's what she might say but that's because Gigi is new to this dating stuff and is only thinking about keeping you happy even at the expense of her own. It's not bad but it's not right either."

"Are you implying I'm forcing her?"

"I don't think you mean to do it purposely." Daniel clarified. "But you can't ask her to do things like that. You're putting her in an awkward position. We're both important to Gigi so we should make it easier for her and try to get along without any silly regulations. Okay?"

Pearce narrowed his eyes and was silent for a moment. "Are you attracted to her?"

Daniel blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Are you sexually attracted to my girlfriend?" Pearce questioned.

Daniel in response, chuckled and Pearce couldn't see what he found so funny. "What? No. Pearce, I promise I'm not interested in Gigi. She's family to me."

"She says the same thing." replied Pearce.

"Well, there you go. So there's no need to feel threatened by me-

"I don't feel threatened." Pearce denied. "And if it's only platonic then you shouldn't have any issues with laying off. To be frank, I would rather have your only association with her be in concerns of that play but I wanted to try having some pity. I'm new to this relationship stuff too so things like tolerating the faults that come with your partner, it'll take some time to get used to. So if you truly want us to be on 'good terms', then don't appear in front of me for reasons like this and there'll be no problem. Heck, maybe one day I won't feel like breaking a chair over that stupid smile on your face."

Daniel had gone silent. Pearce simply stared in expectance of an answer with arms crossed, nonchalantly.

Daniel's lips stretched into an unmistakable sneer. "Well, ouch. That was mean." He placed a hand on his chest in a mocking hurt manner. "I'm honestly lost as to what Gigi sees in you. At least her first boyfriend pretended he wasn't a tool."

"Isaac was never her boyfriend." Pearce corrected.

Daniel couldn't mask the look of surprise that slipped on his features. "Gigi told you about Isaac?"

"Yes and I'm quite tired of this conversation so if you've got nothing else relevant to say, Doug I'm not wasting anymore time here."

At that, Daniel pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on. His broad shoulders squared, taking one defiant step to Pearce with fingers folded firmly into his palm and Pearce was certain he saw malice flash in the tall blonde's narrowed eyes. Pearce stared right back, keeping his expression stoic despite the shiver of fear that ran down his spine.

"It's Daniel." All pleasantness nonexistent in his voice. He displayed one last smile before he lightly patted Pearce's shoulder and gaited from the courtyard.


Gigi made her way to the ICT room where she spotted him busy typing away on one of the computers. The teacher took notice of her presence by the door and addressed it.

"Is there something you need?" inquired the teacher.

Gigi composed a firm tone and supplied an answer. "Principal Williams sent me to tell Ira that he wants him in his office." She made sure to sound urgent.

The teacher didn't think twice about it and called out, "Ira!"

He immediately turned his head to the call of his name. He saw his teacher beckoning him with a head nod and Gigi standing beside her, raising quizzical concern.

"So what does the principal want to see me for?" Ira questioned after he exited the classroom with Gigi.

"Nothing." She said.

"What?" Ira was puzzled at first, then came to understand what was fed to his teacher was false information. "Oh. That's how it is." He frowned. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing here Gibson, but I'm not interested."

Gigi scoffed. "I'm not the one playing games."

Ira lifted a brow. "Excuse me?"

"Why did you tell Marie I cheated on my math homework?"

"Because she kept whining about how she would flunk her class if she didn't get her grades up so I gave her some advice." He stated.

"You told her that I'm using Pearce to get a good grade."

"Yeah, because it's the truth." He spoke crudely. "It's not like you haven't done it before. Or what, are you saying he really does have a huge dick and you've actually got brains in there?" Ira jeered.

Gigi glared, indignant. "I'm not using anyone for shit so mind your own business and quit making assumptions about my relationship."

Ira let out a contemptuous laugh. "Relationship-you really go all out with your pretences. You fishing for an Oscar?"

"What is your problem, Ira?"

"You're the problem!" Ira growled. "You just come barging into the play when everything was perfect without you. Everybody was forgetting about you but you just couldn't stand not being the centre of attention. It makes me sick. You couldn't stay blended into the background for one more year and let me have some peace before leaving this damn place."

Gigi stood as the scorn filled words echoed through the hallway but she couldn't find it sinking anywhere remotely deep in her it with all the blood she felt rushing in her head. "Ira," her voice eerily still, "does it look like I care?"

Ira appeared dumbstruck before the anger gave way and his nostrils flared.

"You can go ahead and insult and despise me all you want." She offered. "I'm not looking for your approval or anyone in that club who doesn't want me there. I'm there for myself. Now leave my boyfriend out of it or I'll let Grace know what you were really doing back those days when you were 'at home sick' or 'studying'."

Panic flickered on his features but he tried to mask it with glowering. "Like she'd believe a liar like you." Ira spat, feigning composure.

"True but I won't have to say a word." Gigi proclaimed. "I have enough photographic evidence from my phone that says enough."


Gigi cocked a brow. "Is it?"

Horror filled Ira's eyes.

"Your bedroom, backstage of the auditorium, your car," Gigi listed from recollection and Ira grew paler by the second, hanging onto her every word, "I kept them all in a hard drive in memory of us. Should I send them to Grace to show her how you like it? I'd honestly be doing you two a favour."

It was visible on Ira's expression that he was buying it. Face pale before anger flashed in his glare. "You're a sick little pervert, you know that?"

Gigi forged the best sneer she could muster. "Thanks. Now how about we agree to keep our mouths shuts about each other's love life from here on? Sound good?"

Ira snarled but begrudgingly submitted with a head nod. Satisfied, Gigi left it at that and Ira cursed at her before returning to his classroom. Gigi dropped the sneer once he was out of sight. Usually there'd be a sick feeling in her stomach and bad taste in her mouth when she pulled fronts like that. Not this time. All she felt was content and in control. Gigi was tempted to go ahead and inform Grace of her boyfriend's unfaithfulness anyway. She could convince her without photos just like she'd convinced Ira photos existed but Gigi decided against it.

Just like Ira, she valued peaceful high school days more than revealing a cheater. No more drama, she was done with it. Gigi was determined to keep it at all cost.


Jessie blew at the steam before taking a sip, feeling refreshed. The school had finally decided to supply caffeinated beverages on the cafe menu. Jessie was delighted but had a little problem enjoying his drink with the stares Pearce, Connor and Renée were giving him.

"What?" He asked.

"Dude, how can you drink black coffee?" Connor pulled a face of disgust.

"It's nice." Jessie replied.

"But isn't it like, really bitter?" Renée inquired.

Jessie shrugged his shoulders. "I like it that way."

"Seriously? I thought out of anyone, Pearce would be the type to take bitter things." said Renée. "No offense." She quickly added.

Jessie stifled a laugh. "Pearce? He can't even drink coffee with sugar or cream. I got him a latte once and the kid just spat it out. The barista was giving him this huge death glare."

Connor and Renée laughed, picturing the scenario in their minds.

"It wasn't roasted properly." Pearce argued. "I can handle coffee."

"Sure you can, buddy." Connor said sarcastically, patting him on the shoulder.

"There's no need to be embarrassed about not developing a tolerance for it yet." Jessie assured him with a condescending tone. "You're just too young."

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm two months older than you." Pearce reminded him.

"Maturity isn't defined by age, Pearce." Renée retorted with the boys nodding in concurrences.

Pearce's browns knitted. "What does maturity have to do with drinking coffee?"

"Everything." The boys nodded again.

Pearce was ready to plug in his earphones so he wouldn't have to listen to anymore of this illogical nonsense right when the reason his lunch table had grown came into view.

She wore a baggy woolly top with one end revealing her shoulder and short denim skirt while her bangs pushed back with a band, holding a lunch tray. Even her stitches seemed more like an accessory rather than a blemish.

"Come on, Sierra. I'll owe you big time." Gigi pleaded as she and her friend occupied the vacant spaces at the picnic table. Pearce retained a neutral visage as Gigi situated herself in the gap available beside him.

"Gigi if you don't quit it, I'm shoving that apple in your mouth." Sierra warned.

Gigi sealed her lips, pouting sadly and Pearce couldn't stop himself from asking, "What's the problem?"

"Gigi wants me to tutor one of her drama buddies but I don't do business with those girls." Sierra firmly stated.

"But Marie might flunk the class and you'd be way better at tutoring than me. I'm barely getting the hang of it." said Gigi.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Sierra replied.

Gigi glanced at Renée but was aware she was even more likely to refuse.

"What class is it?" asked Pearce.

"Math." Gigi answered.

"Jessie can tutor her." Pearce offered. "His test scores are as good as mine."


"Yeah." Pearce nodded.

Jessie lifted a brow at the boy. "And since when were you in charge of volunteering me in things?"

"It's not like you're doing anything after school besides feeding your cat." Pearce retorted.

"And how are you any different?" He challenged Pearce.

"I have a girlfriend."

Connor snickered at the remark while Jessie's mouth was agape. "How long have you been waiting to slap that in my face?"

"Not long."

Jessie shook his head in disbelief but chuckled nevertheless.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Jessie." Gigi assured him.

"No, it's fine. I'm willing to help." said Jessie.

"Really? Thank you so much." Gigi beamed.

"Technically, I should be getting an expression of gratitude too since I suggested he should tutor." Pearce piped.

Jessie rolled his eyes while Gigi let out a chuckle. "True. Thank you very much, Pearce."

It was sudden when he felt the warm tenderness of lips peck his cheek and he peered to his girlfriend, smiling bashfully. The others uttered taunting "ooh"s at the action as if they were kindergarten kids.

And who was talking about maturity a minute ago? Pearce thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

On the other hand, Gigi blushed despite being the one to perform the act of affection. What was with that? It didn't help that the sight was tempting Pearce to kiss her but he didn't succumb to it. He contented himself with their close proximity. It was weird how she made everything feel so perfect just by being next to him.

Pearce could feel a smile creeping onto his lips until Renée uttered,

"Oh hi, Daniel."

Pearce swivelled his eyes to the guy in mention standing before them, smiling as always. "Hey, I thought I'd have lunch outside today. The club room's a little stuffy."

He made contact with Pearce who was eyeing him comprehensively. Daniel's smile broadened.

"Oh, I wish you'd said so earlier, I don't think there's any space for you to squeeze in here." Gigi frowned when regarding the limited gap in the crowded picnic table.

"Guess he'll have to find someplace else to eat then." Pearce muttered, switching his attention to his food.

"Or someone could just sit on my lap like she did in the movies." Daniel's gaze was focused on Gigi as he made the comment.

Gigi blinked in response and could feel Pearce's eyes on her. She couldn't face whatever expression her boyfriend had on as she tried to configure a sentence. "Um, I don't-

"Sierra, do you mind?" Daniel inquired.
Sierra was immediately on her feet. "Not at all."

That left Gigi blinking stupidly again. He'd purposely hinted it was her, hadn't he? Or maybe she'd read too much into him happening to look her way. She couldn't feel Pearce's eyes on her anymore so that put her at ease.

Daniel slipped in to the table, setting down his lunch and Sierra cushioned herself on his lap. "Whoa, you're heavier than Gigi."

Pearce momently paused in placing the mac and cheese on his fork. Eyes flickering back to Daniel.

"Are you calling me fat?" Sierra narrowed her eyes, mildly playful.

"No," Daniel hastily said, chuckling. "I just mean it's surprising since Gigi's an inch taller than you and her boobs are bigger so I expected you to be lighter."

Gigi shuffled in her seat, uneasy. Her eyes fixed on her lunch and pretended she didn't catch Pearce glaring for a moment.

"Your math is terrible, Daniel." chuckled Renée. "How did you pass elementary with that kind of estimating?"

"Probably cheated." Sierra suspected.

"I didn't." Daniel denied. "Maybe Gigi's just gotten heavier since the last few times she used me as her seat- not that I'm calling you fat, babe."

Gigi snapped her eyes to him. "Daniel." Her voice stern.

"What?" He appeared oblivious, smiling back sweetly. Daniel shifted his to Pearce who had his eyes narrowed, but stayed eerily silent.

Jessie was quick to notice the strange air but acted like it wasn't there. Connor had grown quiet while Renée and Sierra carried on conversation with Daniel animatedly like any other time. Or seemed to realised Gigi was not appeased whenever they tried to include her in their discussion and she shut them down, poking at her chicken salad.

When Pearce got up and took his leave without a single word, Gigi followed after him, discarding her unfinished lunch.

"Pearce!" She called out.

To her relief, he stopped and allowed her to approach. He didn't appear irritated but that only worried Gigi more so she blurted out in desultoriness,

"I'm really sorry for the way Daniel was... you know and how he- you know? Yeah, I don't get why he's doing that. It's weird. He was acting like he didn't know I was telling him to stop but I swear, I talked to him about what we agreed on this morning-

"I know." Pearce informed her calmly.

"What? You know?"

Pearce nodded. "He came up to me earlier today and tried to change my mind about it."

Gigi was puzzled. "What? But he said he'd do it. Why would he go and talk to you then ignore everything I said?"

Pearce shrugged. "To provoke me I'm assuming."

Gigi frowned but couldn't disagree. "Yeah, that's what it felt like but why? I don't get it."

"It's quite obvious, isn't it?"

Gigi furrowed her brows, blatantly quizzical.

"He likes you."

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