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Dax Hatter

Dusk had finally fallen on this town, and I still wondered mindlessly looking for her. I couldn't understand why it took so long for me to find her scent. I've always been a tracker, and this girl was making me look like a fool. How could I have been so stupid to let her slip right through my fingers? I inhale deeply to try and catch just a wisp of her scent. Then finally, my nose is met with the smell of warmth and spice. Delicious. I would enjoy making this one pay for making me feel like such a fool. The only lights are those coming from the park and I could see her in the distance crossing the street into the parks entrance. Why was a girl alone in the park after dark? Actually, it makes for a perfect scenario for me. I was closing in the gap and she had never once turned around to see if she was followed.


There were two male voices coming from that tunnel. And a scent of metal. These men had weapons. I could hear the thrumming of her heart. Within seconds every part of me was taken over by instinct and I fought against the shift within my bones.

She was in trouble. I couldn't control myself anymore. My fae body reacted. I rip through the guy with the gun so quickly that the second male holding her by the throat never heard me. I can hear the breath leaving her lungs. My freedom. I stalk toward him and tap him on the shoulder. I wanted his full attention for this. "What the –" is all he has time say before I slam his head against the concrete wall. The girl drops to the ground, coughing. Alive. I step back into the darker part of the tunnel as she pushes herself to her feet. She trembles as she looks around to assess the scene. When she finally finds me, "You, you did.." still clasping her throat.

"You should get home," I interject before she can continue speaking. Thump. I tighten my face at the loss of air around me, and her overwhelming scent. I pause, feeling her eyes watching me exit the tunnel. "You saved my life" she says to me. I peer back over my shoulder, just enough to see the life back in her soft face. Thump. Turning back, I stalk toward the moonlight. I don't stop walking until the coldness consumes my chest. When I can finally breath again I am suddenly aware of what I had done. My freedom was still breathing. I had saved her. A life I had meant to take only moments before the tunnel. This realization was all it took as I allowed my gifted blood to take over my body. Crying out in frustration as my body transforms into the beast that is always hidden beneath the surface.

And I run.

I run from those blue eyes.

 I run from that sweet voice, and warm scent. 

I run from my chance at freedom.

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