Interview with Krazydiamond

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Author: krazydiamond 

Interviewer: Mystique_ballerina

When did inspiration for Marrow Charm first strike? Did it happen gradually or was there a particular moment in time where everything clicked?

Confession time! Marrow Charm literally came out of a crazy messed up dream. Though it took a few months for a story line to click in my head, I had the idea of this world ruined by magic for sometime. The title was an out of the blue moment.

Your writing style is so different from anything that I've ever read before. I would have to say my favorite part is your poetic descriptions. How did you develop such a unique voice?

Two things. Lots of reading and lots of practice. I read everything I can. Anything I can. And I wrote...a lot. I've been writing attempts at novels since I was 13. And they were definitely attempts. Epic failures of attempts but all those attempts helped me learn.

Was there anyone in your life that influenced you to write? Who do you take inspiration from?

My mother is the focal point of influence and inspiration in my life. She taught me to read and write very young, and used to write down the stories I'd tell her. She passed away before my 8th birthday but I never lost that early love she instilled in me for the written word.

I find Azzy to be a strong willed individual, how did you form her character?

I like heroines who are not necessarily conventionally strong. Azzy is definitely a badass but her biggest strength is her compassion and her ability to see beyond the surface. I think she is also strong because of her flaws. I think the more realistic a character's flaws are, the more they come to life for the reader and the writer.

What is your favorite part of the plot in Marrow Charm? Is it the monsters that lurk Above or the people that take shelter in the Heap? Or perhaps something else?

I have to admit, the relationship between Azzy and the Wolf is my favorite part of the plot, with all the twists and turns it takes. I love the balance of their relationship, neither of them takes the predominant role of the savoir in their relationship. It is very mutual and that happened pretty organically over the course of writing the story.

Who is your favorite character of all time?Why?

One of my favorite characters of all time is Susan from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. She is the adopted grand daughter of Death, and has inherited some unique family traits. She is no nonsense, a professional nanny and beats boogey men with fire pokers. Totally my hero.

You are a two time Watty Award winner and a Wattpad Featured Author! How does that feel?

The two time part hasn't processed yet. Personally it feels awesome. It is one of those personal accomplishments my wattpad family understands but my husband and parents are delightfully clueless about.

You write stories from horror all the way to Science Fiction, it's outstanding. What sparks your creativity?

I've been fascinated by the creepy and the odd since I was a kid. I loved the escape aspect, even horror though it doesn't always have a peachy ending. I owe a lot to a childhood spent chasing monsters in the woods out back.

Do you have any up and coming projects?  Is it a secret?

I am really excited about one of my current projects called Stitch Girls which is I call my Horroromance. It's got an alternate history bent with touches of Frankenstein but at its gory core its a love story.

Out of the characters you have created, who can you connect with the most? Do you base your characters off of real people or your imagination alone?

Out of all my characters, I connect the most with Fred from Zombies Vs Aliens. Fred probably has more parts of me than a lot of other characters, right down to his goofball side and inherent klutziness.

Are there any particular songs that go with your story Marrow Charm?

Marrow Charm has a whole soundtrack that plays out through out the book, nearly all the chapters have a song stuck in there with a few exceptions. But if I had to give the piece a single song to make a trailer for I would go with Fahrenhaidt's Lights will guide me( because at its core, Marrow Charm has a note of hope that carries its characters forward.

You mentioned that you read constantly, is there a particular book that you find yourself reading over and over again?

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I've read my copy so many times its falling apart. I love her style of storytelling and her round about way of bringing her characters together.

Anything you would like to say to your supportive readers? What comment made you smile recently?

I love my readers so much. I can't pick a favorite, because all of them, silent and not, have shown so much support it has kept me going through really tough times. I read all my comments and respond to as many as I can. I especially want to thank them for their patience, knowing updates can be slow when my life takes a hectic turn. I think my favorite comments are the reader theories. I love seeing how invested people become in a story that they try to work out what is happening or going to happen. Thank you to my readers for loving these characters and their world.

It was an absolute honor interviewing Kristin, she is a extremely talented writer. If you haven't checked out her work yet what are you waiting for? Her books are unlike anything I have ever read and I highly recommend you check out her inventive work.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :)

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