Episode 10: Turnabout Daring Part 4

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Last time on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney

The trial resumed as usual until it was revealed that more than one person was a witness in the Everfree Forest, that being the staff alongside Ahuizotl and Zephyr Breeze alongside some other bigwigs and a certain colt and when that was figured out Twilight alongside Pinkie resumed their investigation and met more people as she even spoke to Featherweight, Zephyr Breeze and Ahuizotl and investigated the other places too but unfortunately there wasn't enough clues she found and so Ahuizotl agreed to give Twilight an explanation about the tree but will it work or not find out now on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney!

Where we left off..:

October 17, 5:43 PM

Everfree Forest

Action Set Pathway

(The trio then went to the action set pathway as Ahuizotl turned to the tree)

"...That's a tree, when it wasn't broken it announced the time with sound effects of cracks, one crack per hour, crack, crack, crack, crack, always the cracking" Ahuizotl explained

It IS a broken tree after all

"Check it's head, the clock inside stopped when it broke" Ahuizotl explained

(Twilight then did so only to see some wires ripped off with Pinkie joining her lead only to get worried)

"Twily, it stopped at 2:15" Pinkie explained in shock and worry

"2:15...?" Twilight asked, turning to Ahuizotl

"That's right, the path was blocked from 2:15 till after 4:00 therefore we're innocent" Ahuizotl explained

"Mr. Martingale died in Daring Do's replica home at 2:30..." Twilight thought out loud

"See? Goodbye" Ahuizotl waved

(Afterwards Ahuizotl left as Twilight teleported in the letter with all the clues and writes the new clue on it)

"What do we do Twily? There isn't anyone besides A.K. who could have killed Martingale! It's over... We're finished!" Pinkie called out in worry

Pinkie is right, it sure doesn't look good, guess we should head back to my castle and plan our strategy...

October 17, 5:50 PM

The Castle of Friendship

Meeting Area

(Twilight and Pinkie then returned to Twilight's castle and into the meeting area as Twilight began walking in circles in worry while Pinkie sat in her chair before Twilight turned to Pinkie)

"Now what... We're fresh out of clues, everyone's alibi is water-tight, we don't even have any promising leads, things are looking pretty grim" Twilight explained worriedly

(Twilight then went to her chair as she began thinking in worry until she heard a familiar voice)

"It's a little early for giving up don't you think?" The familiar voice asked

"Huh?" Twilight asked in shock and confusion

"You've got one lead..." The familiar voice reminded

(Twilight then turned to Pinkie's chair to where she saw Pinkie's mane had changed into Starlight once again and she had once again regained Starlight's voice and personality from heaven which made the duo go off their chairs and run to each other before beginning to hug)

"S-Starlight! It's you! What took you so long?!" Twilight asked in shock, disbelief and relief

"Sorry Twilight, Pinkie has trouble calling me unless she's really in trouble" Starlight apologized

"Right!" Twilight said before she stopped hugging Starlight to which the latter did so too as Twilight turned to Starlight in realization "Oh wait, I guess that means we're really in trouble" Twilight realized

"I'd say so" Starlight agreed

"But what did you mean with we have one lead...?" Twilight asked

"The colt of course" Starlight answered

"The colt?" Twilight asked in confusion

[Flashback Start]

Yeah, I saw 'em! I saw everything!" Featherweight answered with a forced smile

"What?!" Pinkie asked in shock and confusion

"But... But no way am I telling you dummies!" Featherweight answered with a forced smile

[Flashback End]

"I dunno, he didn't sound like he was going to help us at all" Twilight explained worriedly

"I'm sure you can find some way of bringing him over to your side, either way we should get back to the Everfree Forest, that boy is our last hope Twilight" Starlight reminded

Thanks, now I'm more worried than I was before...

October 17, 6:01 PM

Everfree Forest Entrance

(The duo then went back to the Everfree Forest where they saw Chancellor Neighsay running after Featherweight who kept dodging him before finally entering the Everfree Forest and when he was gone Chancellor Neighsay stopped and began panting in tiredness)

"W-What's wrong?" Twilight asked

"T-T-T-T-That--- Dummy!" Chancellor Neighsay called out angrily

He's been chasing that colt this whole time

"When... When I ca... Catch him... I..." Chancellor Neighsay started before returning to pant again

Sounds like he hasn't had any luck catching that colt

"I... I got a hostage now dummy!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded angrily

A 'hostage'...?!

"Umm... What happened to the colt?" Twilight asked

"I-If I see him a-again, I'll... L-Lay him flat!" Chancellor Neighsay said angrily between breaths

"My, what a violent old stallion, guess he still hasn't learned anything from the magic erasing event..." Starlight said in disbelief

"Actually, I met with the director just now..." Twilight explained

"Eh?" Chancellor Neighsay asked before panting again "My heart, it doesn't feel so good" Chancellor Neighsay said in defeat

Is she okay?!

"B-Before I go I'd like to v-visit the place where poor M-Martingale died..." Chancellor Neighsay explained

Right... He was saying he wanted to visit the replica set where he died

"Still what's this about a 'hostage'?" Twilight asked

"W-When that boy was running away... He dropped this a-and ran!" Chancellor Neighsay called out levitating up a Daring Do trading card "H-He'll come back... For this one!" Chancellor Neighsay between breaths before accidentally dropping it and falling onto his chest

It's kind of hard to understand her with all those hard breathing

"Twilight! That 'hostage' might be what we need! Featherweight might talk to us if we gave him that!" Starlight reminded

Good idea!

"Mr. Neighsay! Might I---" Twilight started

"No! I'm catching that brat if it's the last thing I do!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded angrily

"Twilight, do you have anything you might trade with her?" Twilight asked

A trade, hmm... I wonder...?

(Twilight then pulled out an employee's badge with her magic)

"H-Hey... That... That's the card... Daring Do's replica house?" Chancellor Neighsay asked in confusion between breaths

"Right, an employee's badge to Daring Do's replica house" Twilight answered

"I... I could visit poor Martingale... I'd like to visit... Where... He died... I was his... His fan" Chancellor Neighsay explained between breaths

"You don't have your own card mr. Neighsay?" Twilight asked

"Daring Do's replica house isn't my turf, you'll let me borrow... Borrow this then?" Chancellor Neighsay asked

If I give her the employee's badge I won't be able to get to Daring Do's replica house...!

"Why don't you let her borrow it Twilight" Starlight suggested

"I guess it can't hurt, here you go mr. Neighsay" Twilight said

(Twilight then levitated the employee's badge over to Chancellor Neighsay who held it in his hoof before turning to Twilight while slowly standing back up)

"Listen to me princess, I don't like having debts to no dummies so if you take this we'll be even, deal?" Chancellor Neighsay asked giving Twilight the trading card

"What's this...? A Daring Do trading card?" Twilight asked

"That sneaky colt dropped it! I figured it's pretty important to him though" Chancellor Neighsay explained

"Thank you, I may have an use for this" Twilight thanked

This must be the 'hostage' she was talking about

"Right, and with that I'm off" Chancellor Neighsay said

(After saying that Chancellor Neighsay slowly ran into the Everfree Forest)

There he goes, hobbling off towards the studio...

October 17, 6:13 PM

Everfree Forest

The Castle of the Two Sisters

(The two then returned back to the castle of the Two Sisters only to see Featherweight standing there and when he noticed the two he rushed off)

"Hey! Hey you! W-Wait a sec!" Twilight called out

(Afterwards a door slam was heard from upstairs which made Twilight growl a bit as Starlight got confused)

"...Twilight.... Was that the boy?" Starlight asked

"Yeah, his name is 'Featherweight'" Twilight answered

"Well, I think he ran to A.K. Yearling's dressing room" Starlight explained

October 17, 6:17 PM

Everfree Forest

A.K. Yearling's Dressing Room

(The duo then quickly went to A.K. Yearling's dressing room where they searched for Featherweight)

"He's sure to be in here somewhere..." Twilight said before she found Featherweight under the makeup desk as she pointed towards him "Found you!" Twilight called out

"...!" Featherweight gasped in shock

(Featherweight then flew out of the room and back to the main lobby which made Twilight worried)

"Oh no! He's getting away!" Twilight exclaimed in worry

(Starlight then rushed after Featherweight)

"Come back..." Starlight ordered from the distance before a whoosh and crash was heard and after a few seconds Starlight returned with Featherweight still fine with just a few scratches "There, he's back" Starlight said in relief

How did she...?!

"..." Featherweight thought angrily

"Hey there, would you mind helping us please?" Starlight asked

"...I-I'm Featherweight" Featherweight reminded angrily

"Hello Featherweight, I'm Starlight, Starlight glimmer, nice to meet you" Starlight greeted

"Yo" Featherweight greeted

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight greeted

"Who asked?" Featherweight asked

"Twilight, you can take it from here while I fix him up" Starlight suggested

I'm not so sure I'm qualified...

"Daring Do is so cool, I believe he's the bomb!" Twilight said bravely

"Hah! What would a lamer like you know about Daring do?!" Featherweight asked angrily

"H-Hey, watch that attitude!" Twilight ordered angrily

(Starlight then angrily turned to Twilight)

"Twilight you really shouldn't yell like that, he's only a colt" Starlight reminded angrily

"Yeah! Don't yell like that, I'm only a colt!" Featherweight agreed

And yet, earlier you told me you weren't

"So do you know anything about what happened here? Could you tell me please" Twilight asked

"I don't know nothing!" Featherweight lied

Hmm... Looks like a little persuasion's neccessary, maybe a bribe...?

(Twilight then had an idea as she pulled out a Daring Do trading card)

"Featherweight... Does this look familiar?" Twilight asked

"Hey! UR!" Featherweight called out in happiness

"'You are'.... Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion

"U.R. you know, ultra rare! That card's really hard to get! Man, for a grown up you sure are dumb!" Featherweight said in disbelief

"I'll give you this... IF you help me" Twilight said

"But that's my card! By offering me something I already own you're in effect eschewing the very basis of our consumer society, namely the principle of fair trade!" Featherweight reminded angrily

W-What do they teach these fillies in school houses these days?! Quantum physics?!

"Whatever, I don't need that card" Featherweight said

"Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion

"I got a double, just keep it, it's yours" Featherweight said

What?! After I went through all that trouble...

"If you want to trade find me a REALLY rare card!" Featherweight suggested

"'Really rare'?! You mean there's something rarer than 'ultra rare'?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

"Ultra Rare Premium cards are way rarer than plain Ultra Rare cards! Come ON!" Featherweight reminded in disbelief

Premium.... Rare... Why do I feel like we're talking about cupcakes?

"Starlight, is it alright if we go to near Zecora's hut for a moment? Maybe Ahuizotl might have something regarding the cards" Twilight asked

"Alright, I'll be right back Featherweight" Starlight said

(Afterwards the duo rushed out of the dressing room)

October 17, 6:47 PM

Everfree Forest

Outside Zecora's Hut

(The two soon arrived near Zecora's hut where they were met by Sassy Saddles who turned to the two of them happily

"Oh, hi" Sassy Saddles greeted

"Hello, what brings you here?" Twilight asked

"Oh well, I had to arrange some stuff..." Sassy Saddles answered before she noticed Pinkie looked weirder than usual "Umm..." Sassy Saddles thought out loud in confusion

"Yes?" Twilight asked

"The mare with you, doesn't she seem a little different? Like, is she even the same person as before?" Sassy Saddles asked

"Um, nope! She's the same as always" Twilight answered nervously

"Same as always?" Starlight asked Twilight

"Okay... Whatever you say" Sassy Saddles said

"Anyways, back on topic, have you seen the colt since the murder?" Twilight asked

"Nope, you missed it though, the security stallion was chasing around after the colt so fast I thought she'd collapse, of course he got away in the end, boy was he mad!" Sassy Saddles said in disbelief

"Actually, we saw them, how's the old Neighsayer doing?" Twilight asked

"She was squeezing donuts through her clenched fists back at the guard station" Sassy Saddles answered

Someponies take their jobs a little too seriously

"Are all the posters on the wall here of Martingale?" Twilight asked

"Yes, it's really a terrible loss for the company" Sassy Saddles answered

"But... His popularity had been waning recently right?" Twilight asked

"That's true, then again after what happened..." Sassy Saddles started before beginning to mutter

"After WHAT happened?" Twilight asked

"Y-You mean you don't know about Martingale...?" Sassy Saddles asked in shock and confusion

"No, what?" Twilight asked

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything" Sassy Saddles apologized sadly

"Wait, now you have to tell me, what happened with Martingale?" Twilight asked

"I-I'm sorry, I'm probably not the one who should tell you" Sassy Saddles apologized

Uh oh, why do I get the feeling something's being covered up here?

"Do you know anything about this?" Twilight asked levitating up the ultra rare Daring Do card

"Hey, that's a Daring Do trading card, I collect those actually, I'm one card away from a complete set!" Sassy Saddles explained

"A complete set?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Yeah, a set of one of each card" Sassy Saddles explained

"Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion once more

(Sassy Saddles then turned to the trading card until she realized which card it was)

"...Wait... Waitwaitwaitwait!!! That's it!!! That's the card I need! You don't know how long I've been looking for it!" Sassy Saddles said excitedly

"Uh..." Twilight said in nervousness

"I don't know what kind of mare you might think I am, I need that card! P-Please! I beg you! Please trade with me!" Sassy Saddles pleaded worriedly

"T-Trade with you?" Twilight asked

"Yes, trade cards! Look, I'll even trade you an Ultra Rare Premium card!" Sassy Saddles suggested

"Trade me a... Huh?" Twilight asked, in shock, awe, disbelief and confusion

"Yes, it's a good deal for your Ultra Rare! Please!!!" Sassy Saddles pleaded

"Twilight! Can't you see she's desperate?" Starlight reminded

W-What's everypony getting so excited about...?

"Okay, you'll get it" Twilight said with a smile

(Twilight then levitated the Ultra Rare trading card to Sassy Saddles who then began looking in shock)

"Really?! T-Thanks!!! Then this is for you" Sassy Saddles said

(Sassy Saddles then levitated the ultra rare card with Twilight before the duo dropped it on the opposite's hoof)

"Ya-hoo!" Sassy Saddles called out

(Sassy Saddles then rushed back to the temple replica and further away which made the duo not hear her again)

And there she goes...

"Doesn't doing good things like that make you feel great?" Starlight asked

"Yeah, yeah it does, now let's return to Featherweight" Twilight suggested

October 17, 7:09 PM

Everfree Forest

Daring Do's Dressing Room

(The duo then returned to the dressing room where Featherweight was still sitting on a chair as the duo approached him with Twilight in the front before they stopped as Twilight showed the Ultra Rare Premium card)

"See this card?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, so..." Featherweight started before he realized what it was "Wait! That's it!!! That's the last Ultra Rare Premium card I need! C'mon give it to me please! You gotta give it to me!" Featherweight suggested

Wow, I've never seen him so... Eager

"R-Right! Okay! How about a trade?" Twilight asked

"You're on! I'll give you a ring and throw in an Dr. Caballeron to boot!" Featherweight said

"No no no no... Not that kind of trade, I don't want cards I want information" Twilight explained

"Huh? You sure?" Featherweight asked before Twilight nodded "Fine by me!" Featherweight said

(Afterwards Twilight levitated the trading card over to Featherweight and when she did Starlight turned to her)

"Okay Twilight, let's hear what he has to say, if he knows something that could help us we can have him take the stand tomorrow" Starlight reminded

"So... You like Daring Do, correct?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, he's so cool!" Featherweight answered

"I... I agree" Twilight agreed

"You're judging her by her looks! You have to look at her actions, at her life!" Featherweight reminded

I'm being lectured on life by a grade schooler...

"You like her too, don't ya?" Featherweight asked

"Uh... Oh me? Yeah! I love Daring Do!" Twilight answered

"So tell me what your favorite thing about Daring Do is?!" Featherweight asked

"I like it when she defeats her foes" Twilight answered

"Yeah! I agree! Daring Do always wins! Always!" Featherweight agreed before he pulled out an album of sorts "Check this out! It's my fan album!" Featherweight explained

"What the...? It has all pictures of Daring Do" Twilight said in shock

"I go to every live performance!" Featherweight explained

Those stupid publicity stunts where they beat each other up in public...?

"I always take a picture when Daring Do lands the final blow!" Featherweight explained before he opened the book with a loud "Whizzam!" before turning to Twilight again "I got 'em all! I never missed one! A perfect collection!" Featherweight explained excitedly before pulling out his brand new camera "Check it out! My new digital camera!" Featherweight explained excitedly

"Wow that's very impressive, the newest model isn't it?" Starlight asked

"You bet miss! I just got it from my birthday, my album has a name, wanna hear it?" Featherweight asked which made Twilight and Starlight nod in excitement "'Daring Do: Path to Glory' Daring Do always wins! Always! Hey, if you want this you can have it miss" Featherweight said

"Really? Are you sure?" Starlight asked

"Yeah, I took these with a digital camera, I got all the data at home so I can always make another one" Featherweight explained

"Well, then I'm happy to accept! Thank you!" Starlight thanked

(Featherweight then gave Starlight the book who held it against her chest)

What's with ponies always giving stuff to Starlight? What a life!

(Starlight who saw Twilight look at her in jealousy then got confused)

"You alright Twilight?" Starlight asked

(Twilight then shook the thought off)

"Oh! Yes I'm fine! Let's just continue the interrogating" Twilight suggested

"Oookay" Starlight said in an unsure tone

(Afterwards Twilight turned back to Featherweight)

"Anyways, you were here on the day of the... Incident, right?" Twilight asked

"Yeah..." Featherweight answered worriedly

"Did you see anything unusual?" Twilight asked

"..." Featherweight thought in worry and sadness

"Featherweight" Starlight called out worriedly

"!" Featherweight called out in shock

(Featherweight then turned to Starlight in confusion who approached him with worryful eyes)

"Featherweight, she needs to know because she's fighting for justice, isn't that Daring Do's motto? 'For great justice'? You have to help us fight for great justice too" Starlight explained worriedly

"I... I saw... I saw everything!" Featherweight explained

Well, well... We might get some useful information out of him luckily

"Featherweight... I need to ask you something very important, what did you see on the day of the incident?" Twilight asked

"I got here that day around 2:00... I had to come in through the Castle of the Two Sisters out back so that the old stallion wouldn't see me, I got kinda lost though, I was in there for maybe half an hour or so, then I got to the replica temple, after that..." Featherweight started before stopping in sadness as he looked down

"What is it Featherweight?" Starlight asked

"D-Daring Do killed the bad guy! She used the vine! Just like always! One strangle, one kill! It happened so fast... I got scared, I went home after that" Featherweight explained sadly

"I... I see, it must have been hard for you" Twilight realized worriedly

"Man, you say those nice things but it's so obvious you aren't speaking from the heart" Featherweight reminded in disbelief

Umm... Right

"Starlight?" Twilight asked

"Yes?" Starlight asked

"I think we can say for sure this means Daring Do did it" Twilight said worriedly

"True enough" Starlight said

"And the director has an alibi so it wasn't him" Twilight explained

"Indeed" Starlight realized worriedly

"So... The only person left who it could have been is A.K. Yearling!" Twilight said worriedly

"...I have to admit it's kind of a shock, but if you put this colt on the witness stand your client will be 'guilty' for sure" Starlight explained worriedly

"Let's not call him then..." Twilight suggested

"I think that would be wise, best to leave this one alone" Starlight agreed

"Not so fast!" Somepony then shouted

Uh oh

(The trio then turned around in shock and worry only to see Stygian standing there with a frown)

"I heard everything! This colt here's a key witness! And he's under police protection starting now! C'mon son, you've got a rendezvous with me down at the precinct!" Stygian said

(Featherweight then backed off in worry)

"No I ain't going!" Featherweight said only for Stygian to drag him into the halls with his magic making him scream "Waah!" Featherweight yelled in fright

(When the duo were gone Starlight could only look in worry)

"...That didn't go so well, we're back to zero leads and now we have a serious handicap in court" Starlight reminded worriedly

"W-What are we going to do Starlight?!" Twilight asked worriedly

"Well, hmm... I... Really need to be going, don't worry Twilight, I'm sure you'll be fine!" Starlight said

"Whoa whoa whoa! C-Come to the trial tomorrow please! I need you there!" Twilight pleaded worriedly

"Twilight, can I ask you something?" Starlight asked which made Twilight nod her head "Do you really believe that ms. Yearling is innocent?" Starlight asked

"Well of course he is!" Twilight answered

"That's all I wanted to hear, excellent, I'll see you in court then" Starlight said happily

"Great! Thanks Starlight!" Twilight thanked

"No worries, see you soon!" Starlight waved

October 18, 9:42 AM

District Court

Courtroom Lobby No. 1

(The next day Twilight and Starlight found themselves back at the trial grounds as they waited for the trial to begin until A.K. Yearling turned to them)

"......Umm... Ms. Sparkle?" A.K. Yearling called out

"Yes?" Twilight asked

"Why do you look so... Unhappy?" A.K. Yearling asked

"O-Oh! Oh, nothing! Eh heh heh, really, it's nothing, right Starlight?" Twilight asked turning to Starlight

(When Twilight turned to Starlight she could only see a worried frown on her face)

Uh oh, she looks even unhappier...

"Twilight, your client is now practically a dead pony walking... Perhaps that's why I feel particularly close to him" Starlight explained worriedly

"This is no time for dead-people jokes" Twilight reminded

"You know we're going to this trial utterly defenseless, yet if ms. Yearling is truly innocent... We should be able to find something overlooked in the evidence to prove it" Starlight reminded

"Something 'overlooked'...?" Twilight asked inconfusion

"We have to find something today Twilight, it's that or lose the trial" Starlight reminded

This isn't going to be easy

October 18, 10:00 AM

District Court

Courtroom No. 4

(Everyone then began entering the courtroom and when they took their seats and talked for a moment Princess Celestia slammed her gavel to silence the gallery)

"The court is now in session for the trial of ms. A.K. Yearling" Princess Celestia announced

"The prosecution is ready your honor" Rainbow announced

"The defense is ready your honor" Twilight announced

"Very well, ms. Dash, your opening statement please" Princess Celestia suggested

"An unexpected fact has come to the attention of the court, yesterday we learned that there were other ponies present at the Everfree Forest! Today I would like to show evidence proving they had nothing to do with the murder" Rainbow explained

"Very well, you may call your first witness ms. Dash" Princess Celestia suggested

I wonder if that producer is going to come out...

"The prosecution calls mr. Zephyr Breeze to the stand" Rainbow announced with braveness

"...Or that director, I hope Rainbow doesn't get distracted

(Afterwards Zephyr Breeze flew into the courtroom before taking a seat in the witness chair)

"Will the witness state his name and profession?" Rainbow suggested

"Are you kidding me Dashie! You don't remember me?! Your gorgeous boyfriend and the director of the Daring Do series I created?!" Zephyr Breeze asked

(Rainbow then gave a hard glare at him)

"..." Rainbow thought while doing so

(After noticing the glare Zephyr Breeze gulped in fright before shaking it off)

"Z-Zephyr Breeze, I'm a director from the television" Zephyr Breeze explained

"Were you at the Everfree Forest on the day of the murder?" Princess Celestia asked

"Y-Yes your honor" Zephyr Breeze answered worriedly

"Hmm... Very well, please testify to the court about the events of that day" Princess Celestia suggested

"Twilight, let's start by picking this testimony apart, if Yearling is innocent you know what that means, someone near Zecora's hut on that day did it!" Starlight reminded

"R-Right" Twilight said worriedly

She doesn't waste any time putting on the pressure!

Witness Testimony

--The Day of the Murder--

"I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning"

"During the morning I was doing... Umm... An action scene run-through"

"It took a lot more time that I thought it would"

"I heard that everyone else ate lunch in the Castle of the Two Sisters..."

"But I had a meeting near Zecora's hut so I ended up skipping lunch"

"We were in the meeting until around 4:00..."

"During the meeting, well, I'm pretty sure no one left their chairs"

"That's about it" Zephyr Breeze finished

"Hmm... The time of mr. Martingale's death was 2:30 PM and according to your testimony you were in a meeting at that time" Princess Celestia thought out loud before turning to Twilight "Ms. Sparkle you may begin your cross examination" Princess Celestia suggested

"Yes your honor" Twilight said before turning to Zephyr Breeze "Is 9:00 AM when you always come in to work?" Twilight asked

"Oh, oh no, I come in all sorts of hours, it's the 'industry' way" Zephyr Breeze explained

Yeah, I know all about the freaks in your 'industry'...

"Still if you want to know, I was pretty busy all day afterwards" Zephyr Breeze explained

"So you were doing an action scene run-through in the Castle of Friendship correct?" Twilight asked

"Yeah that's right, it was a fight scene between Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron" Zephyr Breeze explained

"Was anypony else at the run-through?" Twilight asked

"Oh yeah, that security stallion was sitting there watching the whole thing, he was cheering on Martingale if you can believe it" Zephyr Breeze explained in disbelief

She certainly has the lungs for it...

"Anypony else?" Twilight asked

"Nope, just us four" Zephyr Breeze answered

"Why did it go on so long?" Twilight asked

"Um I'm pretty sure you've already heard about this... But A.K. twisted her rear hoof during the run-through" Zephyr Breeze explained

Oh right, thus the limp

"Which of course led to me missing lunch" Zephyr Breeze finished

Let me guess he was rolling on the floor... Starving?

"What exactly did they have for lunch?" Twilight asked

"Cupcakes of course! Sassy Saddles cooked some up" Zephyr Breeze explained

Come to think of it, there was still a cupcake wrapper with some crumbles on it in the Castle of the Two Sisters

"So in the end you didn't get to eat?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, no cupcakes at least! Can you believe it?" Zephyr Breeze asked

"That must have been tough" Twilight said worriedly

"Twilight" Starlight suddenly called out

"Yeah?" Twilight asked

"Doesn't something about that seem odd to you?" Starlight asked

"Yeah, it does seem odd now that you mention it" Twilight realized before turning back to Zephyr Breeze "Mr. Breeze!" Twilight called out

"H-Hmm? W-What is it now?" Zephyr Breeze asked

"When I went to that replica temple I saw something on the table, there were two wrappers on the table--- The same kind of cupcake wrapper as in the Castle of the Two Sisters, who ate lunch there?" Twilight asked

"M-Mmpf! No, er, ah, um, eh heh, good call!" Zephyr Breeze stuttered nervously before beginning to sweat "I er, I was embarrassed so I didn't mention it... But I did eat after all" Zephyr Breeze explained

"A cupcake you mean?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, well, I mean the assistant went through all that trouble... I brought it to the Zecora's hut thinking I could eat it later" Zephyr Breeze answered

Clearly a pony who likes cupcakes, I'd suspected as much...

"So when exactly did you eat it?" Twilight asked

"We took one break during that meeting, I er, wolfed it down there then but on my way back I must have dropped it" Zephyr Breeze explained

A mental image I will carry with me to my full grown pony who is decades old and a princess...

(Just then Twilight realized something)

Wait a second...! If they took a break in that meeting then that will contradict his testimony! I'll press on that one a bit more...

"What were you discussing?" Twilight asked

"The Daring Do story and our budget you know! The sponsors turn to me and say 'Mr. Breeze those scripts of yours are not appropriate for fillies' can you believe it?!" Zephyr Breeze asked angrily

Actually I kind of disagree!

"So nopony left the table during the whole meeting?" Twilight asked

"No they didn't" Zephyr Breeze answered

"You didn't take a single break?" Twilight asked

"Er... Well... Y-Yeah! Not a single one!" Zephyr Breeze answered nervously before beginning to sweat again

Hmm... What's he sweating so much about, I wonder? If only I had an idea... Wait a second... Maybe I do have an idea!

"Wait a second! Mr. Breeze, you've just contradicted yourself! Didn't you just tell the court that you ate that cupcake during a break?" Twilight asked

"Oops! My bad!" Zephyr Breeze apologized

"Well?" Twilight asked

"Umm..." Zephyr Breeze started in worry

"Mr. Breeze, what's this all about?" Princess Celestia asked

"W-Well yeah, I guess we did take a little break" Zephyr Breeze said in defeat

"Twilight! Great job! If they took a break one of them could have gone to Daring Do's replica house during that time!" Starlight applauded

(Twilight then gave a quick warm smile to Starlight before angrily turning to Princess Celestia)

"Your honor! I call on the witness to testify to the court about this break!" Twilight ordered

"Very well mr. Breeze, your testimony please" Princess Celestia ordered

"Urk!" Zephyr Breeze gulped in shock

"Heh heh heh..." Rainbow chuckled mischieviously

Uh oh Rainbow is laughing...

Witness Testimony

--The Break--

"Yeah you're right we took a break just like you said!"

"But it was only 15 minutes! 15! That's only 13 in base 12!"

"Not enough time for someone to, say, commit murder in Daring Do's home! Even if you're Rainbow!"

That's only just enough time to eat a cupcake if you ask me!" Zephyr Breeze reminded

"Hmm... I don't think it would even be enough time for that but that's just me" Princess Celestia thought out loud before turning to Twilight "Very well you may begin the cross examination ms. Sparkle" Princess Celestia said

"What time exactly did you take this break?" Twilight asked

"Hmm... I'd say it was from around 2:30 or so untill 2:45" Zephyr Breeze answered

2:30!!! That's the time of death! So he could have gone to Daring Do's replica home killed Martingale and come back... I guess it's possible time-wise...

"..." Rainbow thought

"What were you doing for those 15 minutes?" Twilight asked

"Eating my cupcake! What else?!" Zephyr Breeze answered

"There were two wrappers on the replica temple table..." Twilight reminded

"Oh right, the other one was Ahuizi... Sorry, Ahuizotl's plate" Zephyr Breese explained

"Ahuizotl... The producer

"To eat a cupcake in 15 minutes... That's quite a slow feat" Rainbow said in disbelief

"Still why is that nobody could've commited murder at that time?" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Rainbow suddenly shoutad making Twilight turn to her in confusion "Haven't we had enough of this pointless line of questioning?" Rainbow asked before turning to Princess Celestia "Your honor! The testimony to this point has made one certain fact painfully clear: The ponies in the trailer had nothing to do with this murder! It was impossible for any of them to go to Daring Do's replica home!" Rainbow reminded

"What?!" Twilight asked in shock, worry and disbelief

"Something wrong ms. Sparkle? Surely you aren't suggesting one of the ponies in the trailer went to Daring Do's replica home?!" Rainbow asked in disbelief

"Hmm..." Princess Celestia thought before turning to Twilight "Well Ms. Sparkle?" Princess Celestia asked

"Twilight, this is critical! Think about it before you give your answer!" Starlight suggested

"Do you claim somepony from the trailer went to Daring Do's replica home?" Princess Celestia asked

I don't want to write off so many possible suspects... But I can't keep claiming the impossible either...

"I agree that it was impossible for anyone in the trailer to go to Daring Do's replica home in that time" Twilight answered

"Ha hah! I thought you might be thoughtlessly treading on thin ice again! But I see you had at least an inkling of the truth" Rainbow said in disbelief and happiness

"What do you mean ms. Dash?" Princess Celestia asked

"It's quite simple... True, the break at Zecora's hut meeting came right at the time of death... However! The path from there to the scene of the crime was blocked! The fallen bush barred the way! At around 2:15 a strong gust of wind knocked the Everfree Forest bush upside down, ergo! when the people in the trailer took a break at 2:15 the way to the pathway was blocked, blocked... By the bush that fell upside down!" Rainbow explained

It's actually a tree that fell sideways but Rainbow has a point... And somehow I feel no desire to correct her

"I believe we have seen enough evidence, I would like to relieve mr. Breeze from the stand" Rainbow suggested

Wh-What? It's over?

"Very well, the court's opinion on this matter is as follows: We have found out that there were several other ponies near Zecora's hut on the day of the murder, however, it is also clear that none of these ponies could have gone to Daring Do's home they therefore have no relation to this case, furthermore with regards to the photo of Daring Do... Given the size of the costume no pony other that ms. A.K. Yearling could've worn it that day, all that is lacking is decisive evidence that she is the one who did it, if we had that I'm afraid I would have to find Ms. Yearling guilty" Princess Celestia explained

"Your honor, the prosecution is pleased to announce that we indeed have decisive evidence: a witness" Rainbow explained

"Who is this witness ms. Dash?" Princess Celestia asked

"My witness saw the very moment when Daring Do strangled the victim!" Rainbow explained

(After saying that everyone began muttering sounds of shock, disbelief and worry until Princess Celestia slammed her gavel on it's podium three times)

"Order! I will have order!" Princess Celestia ordered as everyone calmed down again which made her think "I see" Princess Celestia thought out loud before looking back up "The court will make a 10 minute recess after which we will hear your witness" Princess Celestia said before levitating her gavel into the air with her magic "Court is adjourned for recess" Princess Celestia announced before slamming her gavel



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