Episode 15: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2

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Last time on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney:

It is Hearth's Warming Eve and Pinkie thought on having a cold shower to channel her inner spirit and when Twilight suggested she'd go take a bath she agreed while Twilight watched the tv but when she did she heard that Rainbow Dash was arrested which she told Pinkie about before they went to go to the Detention Center only to hear she didn't want them to have them be her lawyers but they still investigated the crime scene as per Stygian's agreement and so they did they saw familiar faces, Applejack who took a picture of the crime scene with her automatic camera making her a witness and Spike who began dating Rarity, Twilight even heard from Pinkie that she was with the yak back when she was in Ember's office but when they spoke with Spike Twilight suddenly got worried making Pinkie worried for her but why that is let's find out now right here on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney


Back to where we left off...:

"Are you alright Twily?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me" Twilight said

"That's a relief" Pinkie said in relief before turning back to Spike "So... Umm... Tell me about the dogs!" Pinkie suggested

"Huh?" Spike asked in confusion before he realized it "Oh you mean the Daring Dogs?" Spike asked

"Yeah, like w-why are they Daring Dogs? I... I mean, they kind of look gourd-shaped" Pinkie explained

"Oh, well originally they were Gourd Dogs! y'know like 'guard dogs'?" Spike explained with a pun in it

"Ouch..." Pinkie said because the pun was bad

"The Daring thing was Rarity's idea, oh, she's my woman you know, she was all 'change the name and you go Spikey-wikey!' She even made me that banner! Man, the fillies and colts can't get enough of those Daring Dogs!" Spike explained in awe and disbelief

"Err... Something about that just seems... Wrong" Pinkie said worriedly

"Oh and guess what? We're getting a ton of customers here at the lake what with the big news!" Spike explained

"The 'big news'...?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah! The Great Seedling!" Spike explained

"G-Gourdy...?" Pinkie asked in confusion before turning to Twilight "Umm... What's the 'Great Seedling'?" Pinkie asked

(Spike then gasped in shock and disbelief)

"Huh? You mean you don't know? It's here in this very beach! A giant mysterious deer! The Great Seedling!" Spike explained

"A... deer?" Pinkie asked in confusion

"Yeah, check it out" Spike said before pulling out a news paper which Twilight levitated in front of her and Pinkie "This is an article from yesterday's newspaper, there's a photo there too!" Spike said

(Pinkie then checked the picture as she saw a few objects far behind two ponies looking like an apple that just splattered)

"Wow! It's r-really real! Twily! Traces of the Great Seedling! They're real traces of the Great Seedling!" Pinkie said in awe and excitement

"Umm... Yeah" Twilight said nervously

It's probably just some log or something... Right and besides most stories show that the apples weren't actually broken

"Hey... There's a quote here from the person who took the photo" Twilight explained as she examined it "Hmm, what's this?" Twilight asked prompting Spike and Pinkie to check with her "I set the camera to automatic and when we got into the frame... I heard a loud 'bang'! Like an explosion... Followed by the sound of something slipping into the water..." Twilight read

"I wish I could have seen it!" Pinkie said in defeat

Why would there be a sound line an explosion...?

"Spike could I borrow this article from you?" Twilight asked

"Sure, no problem, that'll be one million dollars!" Spike explained

"O-One million...?" Pinkie asked in shock and disbelief

Grow up Spike

"Let's go Pinkie, we still need to see Ember" Twilight suggested

"Oh, right, later Spike!" Pinkie waved

December 25, 1:38 PM

The Dragonlands

Ember's Office

(Twilight then teleported herself and Pinkie to the lawyer office where they made an application to meet with Ember and as soon as they did they went inside as they noticed that Ember was not in the room)

"It's been a while since I was here last, ms. Ember is out as usual" Twilight said in disbelief

(Pinkie then pointed to the wall where the picture once was in worry)

"Hey Twily, look at the wall" Pinkie suggested

(Twilight then turned to the wall as she saw the picture was still gone even after the recent Starlight incident)

That painting is still missing... Starlight must have known about the deal with ms. Ember and mr. Gladmane... She kept track of all of Gladmane's extortion and blackmail rackets

(Just then somebody was heard giving a large clearing of the throat once more)

Ah, that old familiar clearing of the throat

(The duo then turned around as they saw Ember entering the room before she noticed Pinkie which made her very happy)

"Ah hah! You were Starlight's... Something, were you not?" Ember asked

"I was her teacher yes, Twilight Sparkle" Twilight reminded

"Ah hah! And you, you were one of Starlight's... Something, were you not?" Ember asked

"One of her bestest friends, yes!" Pinkie answered

"You're more energetic I see! You've come to be a lot more sugar rushed than usual you know? It takes me back... 'Ahh... The days of my youth... Like the scent of fresh magma...' You see?" Ember asked

"Um, miss Ember..." Twilight started

"Hmm...?" Ember asked before realizing she was in the room "Ah yes, I beg your pardon, of course you came here to discuss something" Ember realized before she went to her table "What is it? Something the matter?" Ember asked

(Twilight then pointed to the painting next to Ember)

"Ms. Ember? Whatever happened to that painting?" Twilight asked

"Oh yes... I do not think it shall ever be coming back home to this office, I can't exactly claim it as stolen... I suppose it's just my desserts, old bitter desserts" Ember explained

(Twilight then nodded before turning to Pinkie in worry as Pinkie nodded before reaching into her mane for a tissue for dramatic effect as Twilight turned to Ember with a sorrowful look on her face)

"There was a murder last night..." Twilight explained

"A murder?" Ember asked

"You haven't heard?" Twilight asked in shock and confusion

"I er, just got up you see" Ember explained

"Well, Rainbow Dash shot somebody with a pistol" Twilight explained

"Rainbow?! What?! Who?!" Ember asked in shock, worry and confusion

"Well, the identity of the victim is still unknown" Twilight explained

"T-This is terrible news indeed" Ember said in worry and sadness

I guess she hasn't heard anything...

"I'd like you to see this" Twilight suggested while giving Ember the autopsy report

"Hmm? Strange... I feel as though I've seen this yak somewhere before!" Ember explained in confusion before she realized something "... Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Ember called out in shock

"Did you remember?!" Twilight asked

"He was a lawyer here in my office! That's Rutherford! Prince Rutherford! I didn't know he was actually mortal!" Ember said in shock

"Mr. Rutherford...?" Pinkie asked in realization

"And you say this is the yak Rainbow Dash shot?" Ember asked

"Yeah but who was this Rutherford guy again?" Twilight asked

"Mr. Rutherford... He was the defense attorney in that case..." Ember answered sadly

"'That case'...?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Yes, the 'DL-6 incident'" Ember explained

"DL-6'...?" Twilight asked thinking

Why does that sound so familiar

"Perhaps you remember" Ember reminded

I'm sure somepony mentioned it during the trial for Starlight's murder

"That was the incident where the police were so at a loss they used a spirit medium" Ember reminded

"...! Wait... You don't mean? Was that medium my mother?" Pinkie asked in shock, worry and kindness

"Yes my dear, the spirit medium Cloudy Quartz aka your mother contacted the spirit of the victim but... The case was a loss and no conviction was ever made" Ember explained

"Oh no" Pinkie and Twilight said in worry and sadness

"Was that really in the DL-6 incident?" Twilight asked

"It was in the DL-6 incident yes and it happened 3 years ago, a very strange case indeed" Ember explained

"They never caught the criminal, right?" Twilight asked

"Correct, Cloudy Quartz used her powers to talk to the spirit of the late victim, her testimony led to charges being laid against one man but mr. Rutherford won the case and the suspect was declared innocent" Ember explained

"... And the police blamed my mother, calling her a fraud" Pinkie said sadly before turning to Ember "You were the one who helped her out then, right Ember?" Pinkie asked

"Er... Y-Yes, quite" Ember answered nervously

"Thank you!" Pinkie thanked while having tears in her eyes

"N-No... Please, d-don't mention it" Ember suggested

"..." Twilight thought

DL-6... Never thought I'd hear that name again...

"But wait... What does this case have to do with ms. Dash?" Pinkie asked

"It has everything to do with ms. Dash my dear! The victim in the DL-6 incident was none other than his father Bow Hothoof!" Ember answered sadly

"Wh-What?! Her father?!" Pinkie asked

"... If you want to know more you should ask her yourself" Ember suggested before pulling out a picture of Cloudy Quartz from her desk's drawer before showing it to Twilight "Show her this... I'm sure she'll talk to you" Ember suggested

"Wait... This is a photograph of my mother!" Pinkie gasped in shock about this

"Don't worry Pinkie, I'll solve both cases no matter what!" Twilight said

"You sure...?" Pinkie asked worriedly

"Of course, I can handle it!" Twilight said

(Pinkie then nodded before she and Twilight waved to Ember before leaving)

December 25, 1:46 PM

Detention Center

Visitor's Room

(After they got out the building Twilight teleported her and Pinkie outside the Detention Center where they walked in only to see an angry Rainbow Dash looking at them)

"What's this? I was hoping you'd gotten my message the first time" Rainbow reminded

"Rainbow, what about your defense?" Twilight asked

"...! It's no concern of yours" Rainbow said angrily

"Guess she hasn't found anypony yet, especially by being this cocky

"Can I ask you about the murder?" Twilight asked

"Twilight, I'll ask you again just leave me alone" Rainbow suggested

"..." Twilight thought in shock and disbelief

"Please try to understand, I'm not doing this to prove I'm tough or because I'm being cocky to you, I just don't want you anywhere near this case, understand?" Rainbow reminded

(Twilight then sighed in disbelief as she decided to think of a plan while speaking)

"Why did you go to the Ponyville Beach?" Twilight asked

"I have no intention of telling you" Rainbow reminded

"Nor apparently would you tell Detective Stygian" Twilight reminded

"!" Rainbow called out in shock

"Detective Stygian was really worried about you!" Pinkie reminded

"..." Rainbow thought in sadness and anger

"Remember that photo" Pinkie then whispered

"Oh right" Twilight realized before turning to Rainbow Dash "It pains me to say this but look at this" Twilight said

(Twilight then teleported the picture which she then levitated in front of the glass panel which Rainbow saw making her worried)

"...!..." Rainbow gasped in shock and sadness as she began sobbing a bit

"Rainbow?" Twilight called out worriedly

"It's only been a matter of hours since you last visited yet you've made incredible progress in your investigation, I'll admit it, I'm impressed Twilight, You were always single-minded in your work, though once you start on something you always see it through don't you?" Rainbow asked

"About the 'DL-6 incident'..." Twilight started

"Right... DL-6, I didn't want you to find out about it that's why I refused your offer to defend me, I'm sorry if it sounded like I thought you weren't up to the job, I just wanted to keep you away from DL-6" Rainbow explained

"So... Do you still think it would have been better for me to stay away?" Twilight asked

"I don't know but... I see no point in hiding anything from you now, very well, ask whatever you like and I will answer to the best of my abilities" Rainbow suggested

"Okay, starting with what happened during the DL-6 incident?" Twilight asked

"The 'DL-6 incident'... Was when my father died right before my eyes... He was shot and killed and I saw it all" Rainbow explained

"...!" Pinkie called out worriedly

"My memories from that time are... Foggy, I suppose it's a self-defense mechanism, in any case a suspect was arrested... A stallion, it's pretty clear he was the onlyone who could have killed my father, the spirit medium they used to talk to my late father said the same thing, it was an attorney by the name of Prince Rutherford that cleared the suspect's name" Rainbow explained

"And Rutherford... Is the victim in the Ponyville Beach murder?" Twilight asked

"Correct" Rainbow answered

"Umm... That spirit medium... That was my mom" Pinkie reminded

"What? You mean you're...? ...It's strange, I thought that terrible incident was about to end and now... This" Rainbow said in disbelief, worry and anger

"'About to end'?" Twilight asked in confusion

"The DL-6 incident happened 3 years ago, 3 years ago... On December 28" Rainbow explained

"December 28?" Pinkie asked

"The statute of limitations on the case runs out in three days" Rainbow explained

"What?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

"Um Twily? What does that mean?" Pinkie asked

"When a case's statute of limitations runs out, legally, the case never happened" Twilight answered

"Three days from now DL-6 will be closed... Forever" Rainbow reminded worriedly

(After saying that Twilight and Pinkie turned to each other in worry before gulping and turning back to Rainbow)

"What happened to the suspect? The one who got off innocent?" Pinkie asked

"I don't know... He disappeared from public view, nopony knows where to, if he's still alive he'd be about 25 years old" Rainbow answered

I guess I can understand why he'd go into hiding... It'd be hard to live a normal life after being a murder suspect in such a big case

"Umm... So your father was a lawyer?" Pinkie asked

"He was... Bow Hothoof Dash, he was quite famous at the time apparently" Rainbow answered sadly

"So you were sort of trying to follow in his footsteps?" Pinkie asked

"... I'd rather not talk about it" Rainbow answered in anger

"Oh okay" Pinkie said

(Rainbow then turned to Twilight with a pleading look)

"... Twilight" Rainbow started

"?" Twilight asked in worry

"It pains me to ask you this now..." Rainbow started

"I know! You want us to defend you!" Pinkie suggested

"Yes... Will you?" Rainbow asked

"Ah, who could have guessed this day would come?" Twilight asked in disbelief

"Not me" Rainbow said

"This is my chance to finally pay you back" Twilight said happily

"Pay her back...?" Pinkie asked

"Pay me back? For what? I don't remember ever doing anything for you" Rainbow reminded

"Never mind... I guess you don't really need to know" Twilight said happily

"Huh..." Rainbow said before shrugging it off before writing her name and bringing it out from the gap from the door "My letter of request, please give it to Detective Gumshoe" Rainbow suggested

(Twilight then teleported the letter of request away)

"Well, I guess we should..." Twilight started before the ground began shaking "W-What's that?!" Twilight asked

"E-Earthquake! Twily! It's a big one! It makes my voice sound siiillyyy!" Pinkie called out before it stopped "I-It's calming down...... Bummer... I found that funny!" Pinkie said

"Are you kidding me, we had to hide!" Twilight reminded angrily before shaking her head as she turned back to where Rainbow was only to see she was gone "...? Huh? Where's Rainbow?" Twilight asked

(Pinkie then checked the glass panel very hard only to see her in the corner making her point at it)

"...There, he's on the floor in a ball, shivering, I guess she doesn't do so well with earthquakes" Pinkie explained worriedly

I've heard of running or hiding but curling up in a ball?

"Well, I guess we're done, ms Dash doesn't seem like she's going to stand up any time, let's go Twily" Pinkie suggested

"Uh... Right, we have to give Rainbow's letter of request to Detective Stygian" Twilight reminded

"Yep, let's get going!" Pinkie said excitedly

December 25, 2:03 PM

Police Department

Criminal Affairs

(Afterwards the duo went to the criminal affairs section of the detention center and when they did they noticed Stygian looking at them angrily)

"What's going on here?!" Stygian asked angrily

"Ack!" Pinkie called out in shock

"W-What's wrong detective?" Twilight asked

"This apple farmer gal came in here just a while ago... Says she came 'to talk to ya'll after hearing what ms. Sparkle had to say'! What's this all about princess?!" Stygian asked angrily


"Why are you going around finding more witnesses?! You want to give ms. Dash the death sentence?!" Stygian asked angrily

"N-No, not at all... Just... I mean, she did see something, there's nothing I can do about that, I can't go around covering up evidence!" Twilight reminded

"Er... You trying to say something about the way I do my job?" Stygian asked angrily

"No sir!" Twilight answered before rubbing the back of her head "So... What did ms. AJ say?" Twilight asked

"She says she saw ms. Dash fire the pistol" Stygian answered

"What?!" Pinkie asked in shock and disbelief

"She even had a photograph to prove it" Stygian explained

"Right, I saw it too... But you can't really tell from the photo who is shooting" Twilight explained

"That's why she said she's going to enlarge the photo, she said 'It'll drop the quality a mite but should let us see who's who!" Stygian explained

"She can do that?!" Pinkie asked in shock

Okay, so there's going to be an enlarged photograph that shows Rainbow in the act, great, just great

"In any case she's going to be the one testifying tomorrow" Stygian explained

"Huh? What happened to the other witness?" Pinkie asked

"Well... Apparently there was a cancellation" Stygian explained

A 'cancellation'...?!

"I'm afraid tomorrow is going to be life or death for poor ms. Dash, we got a witness who says she saw the very moment of the murder and we got a photo taken when the shot rang out" Stygian said worriedly

I'd say that sounds like a pretty unwinnable case... But wait... What did Starlight used to say? If she's innocent there's got to be something I've overlooked...

"It sounds like ms. Dash is going to have to ask Ponyville to assign her a public defender, I was just asked to file the paper work but you still got time miss! Go talk to her again for me please! You have to convince her! You have to let her let you defend her! Please! I know you're the only one who can do it miss, you're the only pony who can save ms. Dash!" Stygian pleaded worriedly

"Actually, look what I got" Twilight suggested while teleporting the letter into Stygian's hooves

"...Hey, you did it princess! Glad I waited till the last minute to file those papers! I'll rip 'em up and start new ones for you!" Stygian said happily

"Thanks detective" Twilight said before starting to walk off "Well, see you in court tomorrow then" Twilight waved

"Good luck pal!" Stygian said before he realized something "Wait! Did you girls feel that earthquake a little while back? I was worried!" Stygian asked worriedly

"Worried? We're fine! I've lived out here my whole life, I'm pretty used to them by now" Pinkie explained

"Oh, I wasn't worried about you two, I was worried about ms. Dash!" Stygian explained

Oh right...

"She did seem to over react a little now that you mention it" Twilight explained

"Yeah, well, I'm not surprised, it was a pretty big quake, I'm going to check on her, you two go eat and get your rest for tomorrow's trial" Sygian suggested before lightening his horn "Later!" Stygian waved

(Afterwards Stygian teleported off as Pinkie turned to Twilight in confusion)

"...I wonder what it is with ms. Dash and earthquakes" Pinkkie said worriedly

"I wonder... She was never scared of anything when we were meeting with each other" Twilight explained

Then again, I was only alone with her for a few times back when we had our own adventures, She didn't even show her secret side back then, I wonder what happened to Rainbow...

December 26, 9:44 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 2

(The next day Twilight and Pinkie were in the defendant lobby alongside Rainbow as they had just heard who is gonna be prosecuting the case)

"Gruff...?" Twilight asked in confusion

"That's right, Grampa Gruff, he's the best prosecutor there is, he hasn't lost a case in his 10-year career, he is a god of prosecution Twilight! A god!" Rainbow reminded worriedly

"Not a single case?" Pinkie asked

"Yes, he'll do anything to get a guilty verdict, anything" Rainbow explained

"Hmm, sounds like somepony else I know, Rainbow" Twilight explained

"Hmph, you don't understand, I mean he'll really do anything, Grampa Gruff is a griffon to be feared" Rainbow explained worriedly

That's quite a claim coming from somepony who forges evidence...

"He taught me what it really means to 'prosecute'" Rainbow explained

"Wh-What?!" Twilight gasped in shock, worry and disbelief

"Just picture a prosecutor as vicious as me... Multiplied by a factor of ten" Rainbow suggested

"Ugh... So... So was he your prosecuting teacher then ms. Dash?" Pinkie asked

"Something like that..." Rainbow answered worriedly

"And now he's trying to get you found guilty?! What a creep! Oh wait... Maybe he's planning on losing on purpose to help you out" Pinkie theorized excitedly

"Not a chance... He hasn't lost once in 10 years, 10 years! He's as ruthless as me, times twenty!" Rainbow reminded worriedly

"That's pretty ruthless..." Pinkie said worriedly

"Like I said, he's a god among prosecutors" Rainbow said

I guess that's something like Starlight was to me, speaking of Starlight...

"Um Pinkie...?" Twilight whispered

"Uh huh?" Pinkie whispered in confusion

"We could really be using Starlight's help right now... Don't you think?" Twilight whispered

"Oh..." Pinkie whispered sadly

"What's wrong?" Twilight whispered worriedly

"I can't, sorry, I tried, I really tried but I couldn't reach her" Pinkie whispered sadly

"You couldn't 'reach her'?" Twilight whispered

"I think it's because I haven't been training, my powers are weak again..." Pinkie whispered sadly

"Oh sweet Celestia, this is terrible timing!" Twilight whispered worriedly

"I'm really sorry, I'll try my best, Pinkie Promise, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie promised in a whispering way

"I hope it works!" Twilight whispered

(Rainbow who heard them whispering then got confused)

"What are you whispering about?" Rainbow asked

"O-Oh, it's nothing" Twilight answered before turning to the clock "Well, it's time, let's head in..." Twilight suggested

December 26, 10:00 AM

District Court

Courtroom No. 3

(The trio then went into the courtroom as they went to stand in their places as everypony began muttering to themselves with some ponies being scared until Princess Celestia slammed her gavel

"Court is now in session for the trial of ms. Rainbow Dash" Princess Celestia announced

"The defense is ready your honor" Twilight announced

(Everypony then turned to Grampa Gruff who could only look in disgust)

"..." Grampa Gruff thought

"Err mr. Gruff? Is the prosecution ready?" Princess Celestia asked worriedly

"... Fool... You seriously think that I would stand here were I not completely prepared?" Grampa Gruff asked angrily

"R-Right, my apologies!" Princess Celestia apologized worriedly

He's even got Princess Celestia scared!

"Very well, your opening statement please" Princess Celestia suggested

"... Decisive evidence... A decisive witness... What else could possibly be required?" Grampa Gruff asked

"Ah... Er, nothing of course, that should be fine" Princess Celestia said worriedly before clearing her throat "Ahem, the prosecution may call it's first witness" Princess Celestia ordered

(Pinkie then turned to Twilight worriedly)

"What's with this guy? Is he royalty or something?" Pinkie asked in a whispering way

"How am I supposed to fight against this?!" Twilight whispered loudly in worry

(Grampa Gruff then snapped his claws making Twilight and Pinkie look at him in shock from the sudden snap)

"I call the detective in charge of this case detective Stygian" Grampa Gruff announced

Okay, Stygian's first... Let's see how this goes

(Stygian then went onto the podium nervously as he noticed the evil smirk on Grampa Gruff's face not knowing why he had retired making him more than worried and when he took a seat he began looking around seeing other ponies' frightened expression before Grampa Gruff called out to him)

"Describe the incident now!" Grampa Gruff ordered

(Stygian then worriedly puts his hoof on his forehead)

"Y-Yessir!" Stygian called out in fright

Detective Stygian looks nervous and frightened...

"Er, please take a look at the map, the murder happened late Hearth's Warming Eve around midnight, there was one boat in the very middle of the lake, there were two creatures on board, now, there happened to be a mare camping there on the edge of the lake, at 12:10 AM she heard two pistol shots and then the boat started to move, it went towards the boat rental shop" Stygian explained

"Hmm" Grampa Gruff thought

(Twilight then wrote the evidence down on her case letter which had the other evidence from the previous day on it too)

"Testify to the court about your arrest now!" Grampa Gruff ordered

(Princess Celestia who was still worried then turned to Grampa Gruff)

"W-W-Wait! mr. Gruff..." Princess Celestia started

(Grampa Gruff then slowly turned to Princess Celestia worriedly as his neck could be heard creaking while doing so)

"Yes?" Grampa Gruff asked angrily

"Actually, I'm the one that's supposed to be handling these proceedings..." Princess Celestia started

"Wrong, there is only one thing you need to do here, you will go back to Canterlot and resume your Canterlot duties while only giving guilty verdicts here!" Grampa Gruff reminded angrily

"Y-Yes, of course, you're quite right" Princess Celestia said sadly

No he's not!!!

Witness Testimony

--The Arrest of Rainbow Dash--

"A stallion called into the station around 30 minutes after midnight"

"We headed to the scene of the crime as fast as we could"

"That's where we found ms. Dash"

"Now I didn't suspect him of anything at all"

"But... The next morning a body was found in the lake"

"So we had to arrest Rainbow"

"Hmm... I see, very well..." Princess Celestia started

"Begin your cross examination attorney, now!" Grampa Gruff ordered

"..." Princess Celestia thought worriedly

(Twilight who could only feel Princess Celestia and Stygian's danger turrned to the latter)

"You recieved a call from a 'stallion'?" Twilight asked

"Er... Yup" Stygian answered

"But you said there was a mare camping there? She was the one who heard the two gunshots, right?" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Grampa Gruff called out making Twilight gasp in shock while turning to him "That mare and the 'stallion' who called in the report are two different people, remember that!" Grampa Gruff reminded

"Different people?" Twilight asked

"There were two witnesses!" Grampa Gruff reminded angrily while slamming his fist on his bench


"Their testimonies were quite similar however, today I've summoned the mare who was camping" Grampa Gruff explained

The mare who was camping... Applejack

(Twilight then turned back to Stygian)

"How long was it between receiving the report and your arrival at the lake?" Twilight asked

"Er well... I'd say it was about three minutes" Stygian answered nervously

"That's pretty fast!" Twilight said in awe

"Our motto for the month is 'get there quick'" Stygian explained

"Objection!" Grampa Gruff called out making Stygian and Twilight turn to him in shock and worry "Detective! You will refrain from casually revealing department secrets!" Grampa Gruff ordered angrily

"Y-Yessir! Sorry sir!" Stygian apologized

"Do that again and you'll be able to look forward to your next salary review" Grampa Gruff reminded angrily

"So much to look forward to these days..." Stygian said in disbelief

"This is no time for daydreaming! Continue!" Grampa Gruff ordered as he turned to Twilight angrily

"What was ms. Dash like when you saw her then?" Twilight asked

"Well... From what I saw he looked pretty relaxed and not like a murderer at all, really" Stygian answered

"Objection!" Grampa Gruff called out making Stygian turn to him in fright "Detective! The court requires the facts, NOT your opinion! How many years have you been on the force?! Facts only detective! Hard, cold, objective facts!" Grampa Gruff reminded angrily

"Y-Y-Yessir!" Stygian called out worriedly

Sweet celestia, he's got his share of objections...

"Why didn't you think he was suspicious?" Twilight asked

"You should know! We have a deep, trusting relationship with the prosecutors" Stygian explained

"Objection!" Grampa Gruff called out making Stygian more worried as he turned to Grampa Gruff again in fright and disbelief "Detective! The court isn't interested in your musings! 'Deep'? 'Trusting'? Sweet Celestia! I've never heard so many flippant comments from an active detective on the force!" Grampa Gruff said in disbelief

"Mmph!" Stygian called out worriedly

Detective Stygian doesn't look so good...

(Grampa Gruff then turned to Twilight angrily)

"Continue! Now!" Grampa Gruff ordered

"Did you find any clues on the body?" Twilight asked

"A single bullet was recovered from the body, he was shot through the heart... Fatally" Stygian explained

(Grampa Gruff then showed the bullet which was in a plastic bag to Princess Celestia)

"Princess! Here's the bullet... It didn't strike bone so it's shape is well preserved" Grampa Gruff explained

"Very well, the court accepts this bullet into evidence" Princess Celestia explained

(Twilight then wrote down the clue on the letter)

"W-Why did you have to arrest Rainbow?" Twilight asked

"Well, we found the murder weapon in the boat" Stugian explained

"The murder weapon...?" Twilight asked in confusion

"A pistol" Stygian answered

"Detective Stygian... This is a vital piece of information, please revise your testimony" Princess Celestia ordered

"Right! S-Sorry your honor" Stygian apologized

"The murder weapon we found in the boat was decisive evidence"

"What about the pistol made it 'decisive evidence'?" Twilight asked

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" Grampa Gruff said while shaking his head in disbelief

Ack! He has the same prosecuting laugh as Rainbow...

"There were hoofprints on the pistol found in the boat, they were clear prints from ms. Dash's right hand" Stygian explained

"Wh-What?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

(Afterwards other ponies began muttering sounds of shock and disbelief until Princess Celestia slammed her gavel)

"Order! Order!" Princess Celestia called out before turning to Stygian "So ms. Dash's hoofprints were found on the murder weapon?" Princess Celestia asked

"Y-Yes your honor" Stygian answered

(Grampa Gruff then pulled out the pistol)

"Judge! This is the weapon in question" Grampa Gruff explained while doing so

"A-Accepted into evidence" Princess Celestia explained worriedly

(Twilight then wrote down the evidence onto her letter)

"Members of the court... We now have the pistol used in the murder and the bullet found in the body!" Grampa Gruff announced before turning to Grampa Gruff strictly "Detective!" Grampa Gruff called out strictly

"Y-Y-Yessir!" Stygian called out worriedly

"Was the bullet found in the body fired from this pistol?" Grampa Gruff asked

"Yes, the ballistic markings on the bullet match the pistol" Stygian explained

"Hmm..." Princess Celestia thought

"Hey Twily! What does he mean by 'ballistic markings'?" Pinkie asked

(Grampa Gruff who heard that then scoffed)

"Shocking! To imagine somepony here does not know something as basic as ballistic markings!" Grampa Gruff said in disbelief

"T-Twily! He's glaring at me!" Pinkkie said worriedly

"Tsk... Very well, I'll explain" Grampa Gruff said before shaking his head and turning to Princess Celestia "Actually Princess! You do it!" Grampa Gruff ordered

"Eh? M-Me? ... Er, ahem, ballistic markings are like the 'hoofprints' of a gun, the barrel leaves distinctive marks on each bullet it fires, you can examine these 'ballistic hoofprints' to see which gun fired the shot, it's quite accurate" Princess Celestia explained worriedly

"Indeed, this leads to one inevitable conclusion: the bullet found in the victim's heart... Was without a doubt fired from this pistol, this pistol which as you may recall was covered with the defendant's own hoofprints!" Grampa Gruff explained

(Everypony then gasped in shock while others muttered sounds of anger and disbelief before Princess Celestia slammed her gavel again)

"O-Order! Order!" Princess Celestia called out

This is bad... This makes it look like Rainbow did it!

"Well Princess?" Grampa Gruff asked

"I'd say it's almost decisive yes, honestly, I could declare a verdict at this point, however..." Princess Celestia started

"You wish to hear the witness speak, no doubt, very well, I am somewhat fatiqued and so I will take a brief break, I will call my witness after the recess which will last ten minutes" Grampa Gruff called out only to hear nothing making him turn to Princess Celestia "Princess!" Grampa Gruff called out

"Y-Yes?" Princess Celestia asked worriedly

"What are you doing? A ten minute recess! Now!" Grampa Gruff ordered angrily

"B-But, wait, I..." Princess Celestia started

"Just bang your flimsy gavel and get on with it princess!" Grampa Gruff ordered angrily

"Y-Yes!" Princess Celestia called out nervously before clearing her throat "This court will take a ten minute recess" Princess Celestia announced

Who's running this court anyway?!

(Afterwards Princess Celestia slammed her gavel before everybody left the trial room in worry)

December 26, 11:09 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 2

(As soon as Twilight's team got to their lobby Twilight turned to Rainbow in anger)

"Rainbow! What's going on here?! Your hoofprints were on the murder weapon!" Twilight reminded angrily

"Uh... Hmm..." Rainbow said worriedly

(Twilight then teleported in Applejack's foggy photo from two days ago)

"And that foggy photo makes one thing clear... The only pony who could have shot that right pony was the left pony in the photo!" Twilight reminded angrily

"True..." Rainbow said worriedly

(Twilight then pointed to the pony in the photo)

"Was that you in the boat?" Twilight asked angrily

"...Yes, it was me" Rainbow answered sadly

"What?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

"But... You must believe me, I didn't shoot him" Rainbow reminded angrily

"Th-Then who did?!" Twilight asked angrily

"I... Don't know" Rainbow answered sadly

"You don't know?! Weren't you right there?!" Twilight asked angrily

"... I heard a gunshot from very close by, then... The other pony fell from the boat, I can't say why but... I thought at the time that he had shot himself!" Rainbow explained

"Y-You mean it was a suicide?!" Twilight asked in shock

"...That's the only explanation I can come up with" Rainbow answered

"Huh..." Twilight asked in shock and worry

How am I going to convince anyone of that?!

(Twilight then turned to Pinkie who was still struggling to summon Starlight)

"Say Pinkie?" Twilight asked

"Huh? Wh-What?" Pinkie asked

"Any progress with Starlight?" Twilight asked

(Pinkie then sighed in defeat and sadness)

"Oh... Sorry, it's no good" Pinkie apologized sadly

"Ugh..." Twilight groaned in worry

"I know... I'm no good for anything am I Twily? If I can't call my sister I might as well not be here, right?" Pinkie asked

"No, of course not, I need you here! I can see you're always trying to help out even if you don't actually help... It's the thought that counts, right?" Twilight asked

(Pinkie then smiled while patting Twilight's head for a moment)

"It's okay Twily, you don't have to make me feel better..." Pinkie said before sighing in sadness again "... But I don't know anything about trials or defense... What's more, I'm a spirit medium who can't even contact spirits..." Pinkie said sadly

(Twilight then sighed warmly before pulling Pinkie's face upwards making her stare at a smiling Twlight)

"Everypony has their off days! I mean, I've just been getting lucky lately... But you never know when my luck is going to run out!" Twilight explained

"Really...?" Pinkie asked with teary eyes

(Rainbow then flew in between the two with a worried face

"W-W-Whoa! Twilight! Don't jinx this case any worse than it already is! It's bad for my heart..." Rainbow suggested worriedly

"Oh? Oh! S-Sorry..." Twilight apologized


"Well, it's time, let's go and retry the case then!" Pinkie suggested

"Good idea" Twilight said

December 26, 11:21 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 2

(The group then went back to the trial grounds where everybody was muttering to themselves before Princess Celestia slams her gavel silencing everyone and making them turn to her)

"Court is back in session, mr. Gruff, call your witness" Princess Celestia ordered

"Yes" Grampa Gruff said before turning to the stand with a glare "Will ms. Applejack take the stant?" Grampa Gruff ordered as Applejack then went onto the stand and took a seat before Grampa Gruff read the papers while speaking "Applejack, you're an apple farmer at Sweet Apple Acres, correct?" Grampa Gruff asked

"That I am" Applejack answered

"Good, begin by telling us what you saw the night of the incident and don't add anything trivial or subjective, understand?" Grampa Gruff asked strictly

"... Ya'll need to learn some manners" Applejack reminded angrily

"UNDERSTAND?" Grampa Gruff asked angrily

(Applejack who heard the yell then gasped in shock before stuttering nervously)

"Y-Yeah, I understand, I understand!" Applejack called out in fright

(Princess Celestia who saw this could only look in worry)

"Er... Very well, your testimony please" Princess Celestia ordered

Witness Testimony

--Witness' Account--

"It was Hearth's Warming Eve, just after midnight I reckon"

"I was in my tent"

"I heard this 'bang' come up from the beach"

"When I looked out the window I saw two ponies in a boat"

"Then there was another 'bang'..."

"There wasn't nary a thing on the lake but that boat"

"Enough" Grampa Gruff called out

"Huh?" Applejack gasped in shock and disbelief

"Judge! She happened to take a photo of the incident!" Grampa Gruff explained before pulling out the photo "This is that photo, accept it as evidence" Grampa Gruff ordered

"W-Well! This is a surprise! This looks like... The very moment of the murder!" Princess Celestia said in shock causing everypony else to mutter sounds of shock and disbelief which made Princess Celestia slam her gavel "O-Order! I will remove you from the court if I do not have order immediately!" Princess Celestia reminded angrily

That is not good

"As the witness testified she looked at the lake when she heard the shot, there were no other boats on that lake! So the pony in the boat with the victim must have been the one who shot him..." Grampa Gruff announced

"You don't mean...?" Twilight started worriedly

"Yes, it was the defendant Rainbow Dash!" Grampa Gruff announced

(Afterwards everypony gasped in shock, even Princess Celestia, Twilight and Pinkie did so)



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