Episode 2: Turnabout Friends Part 1

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The Episode begins with Starlight picking up a phone and dialing a number before she pressed it on her ear

*Brrring... Brrrrring...*

Just then the ringtone stopped as the call started


"Hello? This is Pinkie Pie coming from Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie greeted

"Hey Pinkie, it's me" Starlight greeted back

"Oh, hehe, Starlight! What's up? You haven't called in a while!" Pinkie reminded

"Sorry, I've been so busy, how you been?" Starlight asked

"Well, BUSY, and it's all YOUR fault" Pinkie answered in a serious tone before giggling "Nah I'm just teasing, I've been great! I'm finally getting used to having lot's of sales" Pinkie answered with a happy smile

"That's good to hear, actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask" Starlight explained

"Let me guess, I have a hunch that you want me to hold some evidence for you?" Pinkie asked

"Sharp as always! There's a lot of buzz about the upcoming trial... I just don't feel safe keeping the evidence here" Starlight explained

"I gotcha, so what is it this time?" Pinkie asked

"It's... A clock?" Starlight asked

"A clock? You mean the thinker?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, it's made to look like that statue 'the thinker' too and it tells you the time! I thought you might like it, you always loved surprises!" Starlight reminded

"Of course and I still do!" Pinkie answered excitedly "But I'm not a serious pony, you know" Pinkie reminded

"Now, now, you know that I've known that for a while now" Starlight reminded before shaking the answer off "By the way I should probably tell you the clock isn't talking right now" Starlight explained

"Huh? It's not working? That's lame!" Pinkie said sadly

"I had to take the clockwork out sorry, I put some papers inside it instead" Starlight explained

"Papers? Is that the evidence then? Hmm, well... There's a possibility that it might turn out that way yes, and a major possibility at that!" Pinkie explained

"Can you come by the office tonight, say 9:00 to pick it up? I'll be in a pretrial meeting until then" Starlight asked

"Okay Starlight, but I expect dinner! Something good! Like... Cupcakes! I could really go for a good cupcake" Pinkie reminded

"Okay, okay, we'll hit the usual joint" Starlight said

"Alright! It's a deal! Okay Starly, see you soon!" Pinkie called out

"Yep, I'll be waiting Pinkie" Starlight called back

Starlight then presses a button as a voice then began speaking

[Conversation recorded, September 5, 9:27 AM]

Starlight then puts the phone back at it's place before she trotted off to somewhere to do what she wanted to do...

September 5, 8:57 PM

The Castle of Friendship

A little while later Starlight was in Twilight's castle's Meeting Area as she was laying on the ground with scratches and gouges over her body as she was looking at somebody who we can only see by their hooves and suit

"Now, miss Glimmer, I'll take what's mine... The papers" The pony said

"I'm sorry but I can't give you what I don't have" Starlight apologized worriedly

"Miss Glimmer, you are a poor liar, why, I see it right over there... That must be 'the thinker' that swallowed those papers" The pony realized

"How could you know...?" Starlight asked in shock and defeat

"Ho hoh, you are not absolutely knowledgeable of my background? Gathering information is my business you see" The pony reminded

"I... I should have been more careful" Starlight whispered in defeat

"Ho hoh, miss Glimmer... I am so very sorry but I am afraid I must ask you for one more thing, your eternal silence" The pony said before we saw that the pony grapped the thinker by it's head and positioned it over his head "Farewell miss Glimmer" The pony waved

The pony then smacked the onto Starlight's face sending her flying against the wall as lights flickered which made us see Gladmane's face

"!!!" Starlight shouted in defeat before she began losing consciousness as she thought of one last thing "Glad... Mane... Las..." Starlight thought before losing consciousness completely

September 5, 9:08 PM

The Castle of Friendship


[Twilight's POV]

"Starlight, I'm home!" Twilight called out only to hear no voice

Huh, that's strange, Starlight must have gone eating with Trixie already, she said Pinkie was coming over so we should all go out for dinner...

(Just then Twilight began smelling something disgusting which made her confused)

"What's that smell?" Twilight asked before she realized something "Blood?" Twilight gasped in shock before she rushed to the meeting area "Starlight!" Twilight called out before she arrived at the door as she pressed her hoof on it

Maybe she's in my friends' meeting area

"That smell... Blood!" Twilight gasped in shock

(Twilight then turned to the side where she saw Starlight laying on the ground in blood as Pinkie was next to her and sobbing in sadness)

"..." Pinkie thought before sobbing "Starly..." Pinkie whispered in sadness

Pinkie's there!

(Twilight then rushed to Starlight and tried to shake her)

"Starlight? Starllight...?" Twilight called out as tears streamed down her eyes

"STARLIGHT!" Twilight screamed in sadness

(The duo then began sobbing as Twilight held Starlight's head in sadness and after a minute or two she stood back up as she began taking her focus on Pinkie)

"Pinkie? You weren't supposed to..." Twilight started

(Pinkie then fell onto the ground from all the crying)

Pinkie Pie then dropped out cold, I left her lying on her meeting chair before I went back to Starlight where she lay under the window, her body was still warm... I could feel it when I held her neck, then all too quickly, it began to fade... Until finally she was cold

"...Starlight" Twilight whispered sadly

(Twilight then turned to the glass shards of the window above her)

"Some shards of glass are scattered on the floor, they seem to be the remains of a glass light stand" Twilight thought out loud

(Twilight then turned to Starlight's body)

"Starlight..." Twilight whispered before shaking it off "It's hard seeing her like this, but I should keep going for her especially if there are any clues here..." Twilight said to herself before she saw the wound on her head "She was struck on the head with a blunt object, she probably died instantly, 'the thinker' lying next to her must have been the murder weapon" Twilight thought

Twilight then teleported in an empty letter and wrote the first clue on it before she turned to the shards of glass again)

"Hmm... There are some glass shards near Starlight's body, must be pieces of the glass light stand lying broken in the back of the room" Twilight thought out loud

(Twilight then wrote the second piece of evidence on the letter)

"Nothing else seems like a clue here..." Twilight thought

"Hmm...? A piece of paper! It must have fallen from Starlight's magic grip! What could it be?" Twilight asked herself" Before looking at itA word is written in blood on this scrap of paper! 'Pinkie'...? Did Starlight write this? This piece of paper is a receipt from a department store dated yesterday" Twilight thought out loud

"Wait a second! Pinkie...! Was Starlight trying to tell me something about Pinkie Pie? I think I'd better show her this receipt, I never thought there'd be a use for evidence like this outside of the courtroom!" Twilight thought in shock

(Twilight then wrote down the clue on her new letter before she began thinking)

I think that's enough snooping around for now, I'd better call the police... And find out what Pinkie was doing here

(Twilight then approached the phone)

"Right! I'd better call the police!" Twilight reminded herself before she noticed a few screws were loose on the phone "...? That's funny... A few screws on the reciever are missing... It looks like someone was halfway through taking it apart" Twilight thought in shock and disbelief

(Just then screams were heard as Twilight looked outside her window as she noticed Autumn Blaze inside the newly made hotel next to her home in shock and fright as she already began calling the police

"Police!? Police come quick!" Autumn Blaze ordered

Wh-What was that?! Someone screaming from outside the window!?

"...! She's staring right at me! She's holding a phone in her hand...!" Twilight thought in shock and worry

Twilight Castle

Meeting Area

(Twilight then approached Pinkie who had disappeared from her chair)

Where'd Pinkie Pie go?... Where'd she go?! Now's not the time for pranks! Uh oh... I hope she didn't run on me!

(Twilight then turned back to Starlight only to see Pinkie staring at her again in sadness)

"Yipes!" Twilight shouted in shock

Don't scare me like that...

(Twilight then began approaching Pinkie who kept staring sadly at Starlight)

"Umm... Excuse me but, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked

"..." Pinkie thought sadly

"It's okay, I can talk to you if you want" Twilight said sadly as she pressed Pinkie's shoulder

"I... I was here for the evidence" Pinkie answered sadly

"Evi... dence?" Twilight asked

(Twilight then looked at the receipt on the ground opposite of Pinkie)

Pinkie...? So Pinkie was writing Pinkie's name! Maybe I should show her the receipt? I never thought there'd be a use of evidence like this outside the courtroom! Still, she seems to be in shock, I don't want to disturb her but I have to know...

"Um... Excuse me? Can you tell me what happened?" Twilight asked

"...I came in... The room was dark and Starly... Starly...!" Pinkie started sadly

So she was already dead

"So you're Starlight's...?" Twilight started

"Best friend, I'm her best friend, just like you" Pinkie answered

"And you were here... Visiting? This late at night?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Yes, she said she wanted me to keep some evidence for her" Pinkie answered

"Yes...I-It was that clock... It was 'the thinker'" Twilight answered

(Twilight then levitated a receipt in front of Pinkie's face)

"Before Starlight died, she wrote a message with her own blood, she wrote it on the back of this receipt" Twilight explained

"Th-Th-That's MY name?! W-Why?! Why would she write my name?" Pinkie asked in shock and disbelief

"Please, just calm down" Twilight suggested

"W-Why would Starlight write my name?" Pinkie asked sadly

"Uh-oh, now I've done it" Twilight said in shock and worry

(Just then sounds were heard from outside)

*Whee-oo* *Whee-oo*... *Whee-oo* *Whee-oo*...

(Afterwards Twilight could only look in worry and shock)

"! The police ponies!" Twilight gasped in shock and worry

Sounds like they're coming this way!

(Just then a few police ponies came in as they pulled out some toy gun weapons and pointed them at Twillight and Pinkie as they stood in shock and worry)

"Freeze! Police!" Somebody shouted

(Just then Stygian walked to the front of the other police ponies)

"Alright, I'm Detective Stygian, see?" Stygian asked

Detective Stygian..? Sounds pretty catchy alright

"We received a report from the building across the way see, got a person saying they saw a murder" Stygian explained

It must have been that mare I saw

"Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay? Even magic counts as moving" Stygian asked and reminded

Great, just great, Pinkie... Wait, she wouldn't have... Nah...

"Just then Stygian gave a big and long gasp

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah! Scuze me!" Stygian called out in shock and disbelief

"Eek!" Pinkie gasped in shock, worry, defeat and disbelief

"Does this word 'Pinkie' here mean anything to you?" Stygian asked while levitating the receipt in front of the two

"...! Um... That... That's my name" Pinkie answered worriedly

"WHAAAAT?!" Stygian gasped in shock and disbelief "The victim drew this here note in her own blood, see? With her dying breath she wrote down the killer's name" Stygian said in disbelief

"K-Killer...? I'm not---" Pinkie started

"Case closed! Your coming down to the precinct ma'am" Stygian reminded

"W-What?!" Pinkie gasped in shock and disbelief

(Pinkie was then placed in cuffs and dragged out of the room as she began crying tears of sadness and anger)

Starlight's best friend Pinkie was arrested on the spot and I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning, my eyes were heavy... But I couldn't sleep, I sat around waiting for visiting hours to begin at the detention center, I had to talk to Pinkie as soon as possible

September 6, 9:07 AM

Detention Center

Visitor's Room

(After waiting for a while Twilight enters the detention center and signs herself up to meet with Pinkie and when she entered she could feel herself get sad)

Wow, they have poor Pinkie locked up like a criminal

"Oh! It's you! Twilight... G-Good morning" Pinkie greeted while she was tired and sad

"Good morning" Twilight greeted before she noticed how tired and sad Pinkie was

She looks so tired...

"Um... Are you going to be my attorney?" Pinkie asked

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about..." Twilight answered

First things first, I better get her cheered up...

"Yeah, of course I will! Cheer up!" Twilight suggested

"R-Really...?" Pinkie asked worriedly

Whoa! Did I say the wrong thing? She looks sadder now!

"Um... What... What's wrong? You don't think I can do it?" Twilight asked

"... No... No one could! Who would believe me? Even you, when you found me in the office you looked at me like I had done it!" Pinkie answered while crying

Did I look at her like that?

"No, no! I never thought..." Twilight started

"I-It's okay, I understand... And... I've also heard about your case" Pinkie explained teary eyed

"Heard about my case? Heard what about my case?" Twilight asked

"I... Was talking to Starlight on the phone the other day..." Pinkie started

[Flashback Start]

"Today was Twilight's first time in court" Starlight explained

"Wow! Really? How'd that go?" Pinkie asked in shock and excitement

"It was quite the scene! Honestly, I was on edge the whole time, it's been a while..." Starlight started

"Hah! So she crashed and burned?!" Pinkie asked in a silly tone

"... She's a genius, one of those 'strike fear into the hearts of evil' types... The only thing he's lacking is... Experience" Starlight answered

"Huh, sounds like it was fun! Well, I know who to go to if I ever get into trouble now!" Pinkie said excitedly

"I don't know Pinkie, I think you might want to wait... Give him three more years, that is unless you want to be found guilty" Starlight suggested

[Flashback End]

"That's what she said" Pinkie answered sadly

"..." Twilight thought in sadness

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you..." Pinkie apologized

"No, it's okay, it's true I guess but... At the same time, I can't just sit and watch! When I think of the person who did this to Starlight" Twilight explained sadly

"...I know..." Pinkie answered sadly

"By the way, there's something I've been wanting to ask you..." Twilight explained

"Yes?" Pinkie asked

"What's going on with your hair, yesterday night and this morning it hadn't dropped down" Twilight answered

"Oh, that? I guess I just used too much of my hair spray, sometimes that happens too, especially with events such as Rainbow's birth-iversary" Pinkie reminded

"Oh okay, so how much did you use last night?" Twilight asked

"Normally I'd do 30 to 50 puffs but due to Starlight's call I accidentally did 100!" Pinkie answered

Wow! That's crazy! Then again, it's what I should've expected from Pinkie

"Could you tell me about the day of the murder?" Twilight asked

"Yes, let's see... That morning I got a call from Starlight, she wanted me to hold onto a piece of evidence for an upcoming trial" Pinkie explained

"Evidence?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Yes, that clock shaped like 'the thinker'" Pinkie answered

The one Spike and Rarity made

"How could that have been evidence in a case?" Twilight asked

"Um, right, she said something about that... ... Oh, I remember! Do you want to hear it in her own voice?" Pinkie asked

"H-Her own voice!?" Twilight asked

"Yes, I'm pretty sure our conversation is on my cellphone!" Pinkie answered

"You recorded it?!" Twilight asked

"Yeah, I forgot how to delete those things and I thought I was crazy already!" Pinkie answered

"No, that's not crazy, that's actually smart" Twilight corrected

For once

"So you say you have a conversation with Starlight on your cell phone? Let's hear it!" Twilight suggested

"Right!" Pinkie suggested as she puts her hoof in her mane and tried to reach for her cellphone only to feel nothing, not even the heaviest of stuff making her realize something as she pulled her hoof out of her mane "Oh! I just remembered, that detective took my cell phone, sorry" Pinkie apologized

"Oh, it's alright Pinkie" Twilight said

Of course...

"Next time I see Detective Stygian I'll ask him for it" Twilight said

"Could you ask him to give me everything he pulled out too?" Pinkie asked

"Wait what?!" Twilight asked in shock

I'm almost afraid to ask what the things were he pulled out too

"I'll write you a note so you don't forget, okay Twilighting?" Pinkie asked

"Sure, thanks" Twilight answered

(Pinkie then quickly asked for a pen and paper before writing it and shoving it through the detention center gate after she was done making Twilight nod before thinking again)

"...Um...!" Pinkie thought

"Huh? Something the matter?" Twilight asked

"Um, I was wondering, could I ask you a favor?" Pinkie asked

"Sure what is it?" Twilight asked

(Pinkie then pulled out the only thing she had in her mane and shoved it through the detention center gate as Twilight inspected it)

"This is the address of a famous lawyer, Starlight gave me this a long time ago, she said if I was ever in trouble I should call him and, well, I'm in trouble now, do you think you could go ask him to represent me...?" Pinkie asked


"Sure, why not? I'll go ask" Twilight answered

"Thank you so much! I have no one else to turn to..." Pinkie thanked

"...? Say, what about your parents...?" Twilight asked

"They're out of town" Pinkie answered

"I... I see, don't worry, leave it to me" Twilight answered

"Thank you! The trial's tomorrow... at 10:00" Pinkie explained

"W-What?! Tomorrow?!" Twilight asked in shock

"Tomorrow" Pinkie answered

"What if this guy refuses?!" Twilight asked worriedly

"They told me that if I don't find one the state will pick an attorney to defend me" Pinkie answered

"When will that happen?" Twilight asked

"They're giving me until 4:00 this afternoon" Pinkie answered

And visiting hours are almost up... I'd better hurry!

"Right, I'll be back!" Twilight said

(Twilight then ran out of the detention center to her next investigation spot)

September 6

The Dragonlands

Ember's Lawyer Office

(Twilight then entered the lobby and after talking to the receptionist she take one glance at Ember's lawyer office)

According to the receptionist the big boss is 'out', she couldn't say when she'd be back, it must be hard to keep track of everything when you're a famous lawyer... Not to mention run an office like this, I guess I'll just have to come back later

(Twilight then turned to the painting of two dragons in Las Pegasus and going on an attraction hanging on the wall)

That painting has been bugging me ever since I stepped in here, the oil paint is so thick its practically giving me a stuffed nose, I'm sure the price is nothing to sneeze at either for that matter

September 6

The Castle of Friendship


 When she was back at the scene of the crime aka her castle a few cops were seen inspecting every nook and cranny while Stygian was looking after them)

The office is filled with police officers, they're all busily searching for clues..

(Just then Stygian noticed Twilight as he approached her angrily

"Hey! You there! This is a crime scene, miss! No trespassing!" Stygian reminded before he realized something "Umm... Sorry, don't I know you from somewhere?" Stygian asked before he realized it "Wait, you're that Rarity gal aren't you?!" Stygian asked

"No, no, Twilight Sparkle" Twilight corrected

How could anyone mistake me for Rarity?!

"Ah, I guess I got the wrong name mrs. Sparkle, sorry 'bout that, that Rarity gal and Spike dude were killers! And you're no killer! Right?" Stygian asked

They WERE proven innocent...

"Umm... Right and you were Stygian right? Detective Stygian?" Twilight asked

"Right! At your service princess, hang on! That's Detective Stygian to you miss!" Stygian reminded

"Alright then mr. Detective" Twilight said

"Anyways, get the name right and don't go calling me 'Stigy'" Stygian ordered angrily

"Hey Stigy! Get over here!" A cop called out

"Y-Yes sir! B-Be right there!" Stygian called out before turning back to Twilight "Umm... Ahem! You're her lawyer, right? If you got business here, you'd better do it quick!" Stygian suggested

Whew! He thinks I'm Maya's lawyer...!

"By the way, I was wondering... Did you see Pinkie Pie's cell phone or stuff?" Twilight asked

"Oh that? I have that" Stygian answered

"Do you think you could give it back?" Twilight asked

"Sure!" Stygian answered before he realized something "I mean, wait a second miss! Tricky lawyer!" Stygian said angrily

Uh-oh! He's onto me! Hmm... If I tell him why I want it, there's no way he'll give it to me so I need to think of something more sneaky!

"Something the matter?" Stygian asked

"Oh no, it's just... You know, detective!" Twilight answered

"Nope, I know nothing!" Stygian answered

"That cell phone has a lot of numbers on it... Like her boyfriend's... A cell phone holds all a little girl's sweetest and spiciest secrets!" Twilight explained

"Urk! Y-You're trying to confuse me! Sorry ma'am, I already checked all the numbers in memory!" Stygian apologized

"Impressive! You're quite the detective" Twilight complimented

"Uh-huh, oh here, you can have the phone back, there weren't any suspicious call records in there after all" Stygian realized

Seems like he didn't notice the recorded conversation...

"About Ms. Pie... Did you do an autopsy?" Twilight asked

"Hmm? You want to know the results eh?" Stygian asked

"..." Twilight answered as she gave her strongest stare

"Now don't look at me like that! It's no use! She might have been your boss but that doesn't mean you get any special treatment" Stygian reminded making Twilight give her biggest puppy dog eyes "Alright, alright, you can see the report but that's all!" Stygian reminded

"Um, about Pinkie..." Twilight started

"Yeah! I'm looking forward to the trial! Sorry ma'am but this is one trial you aren't going to win!" Stygian reminded

"W-Why do you say that?" Twilight asked

"The city's put Prosecutor Dash on the prosecution!" Stygian answered


"I'm sure you know what that means, you being a lawyer and all" Stygian reminded

"Prosecutor Dash..." Twilight thought out loud

"That's right ma'am! Mrs. Rainbow Dash herself! Wait... You do know her don't you?!" Stygian asked in shock

"I know her, she's my best friend, she doesn't feel pain, she doesn't feel remorse, she won't stop until her enemies get their butts kicked" Twilight answered

"Aww, don't talk about her that way, you make her barely sound friendly! Still, I'm afraid this pretty much decides the case!" Stygian reminded

So, Rainbow Dash is on this one... She hasn't lost a battle with her friends since she became the Element of Loyalty at the incredible young age of 20, of course there are rumors of back-alley deals and forged evidence... All I know for sure is that Rainbow hates crime with an almost abnormal passion, I never imagined I'd be facing her so soon... Anyways, I guess I've asked all the questions I need to

"You all done, ma'am?" Stygian asked

"Um, yes, thank you, I'll be heading out now" Twilight answered

"Oh wait, one more thing, I wanted to mention to you, I don't suppose you're planning on talking to that witness, anyway, you better not! No influencing the witness in your lawyerly or princessly ways ma'am!" Stygian ordered

"..." Twilight thought in disbelief

Come to think of it I had completely forgotten about her...

"The... Witness?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, miss Autumn Blaze, I'm sorry 'bout this... But I can't tell you anything about her!" Stygian apologized

Well, you just told me her name, miss Blaze, huh?

"So you've sent her home already then?" Twilight asked

"Ahah! You're trying your lawyerly and princessly tricks on me now! She's not to go outside her room until the trial!" Stygian answered

So... She's still in the hotel across the way

"I guess I should know better than to try to get a detective to leak information" Twilight said nervously

"You got that right ma'am" Stygian said proudly

Well then, time to pay a visit to Miss Blaze!

September 6

Harmony Hotel

Room 303

(Twilight then went to the hotel and took a gamble and went to Room 303 and rang the doorbell only for the door to open as Autumn Blaze was seen standing outside the door with her brightest smile)

"Well! Hello there Twilight! I've heard a lot about you!" Autumn said excitedly

"Umm... Hi" Twilight greeted nervously

Smooth Twilight, real smooth

"You're the lawyer aren't you? The detective told me... He said 'don't say nothing to that lawyer, ma'am!'" Autumn explained as she made an impression of Stygian on the last few lines before giggling

Memo to self: Thank Detective Stygian for making my job harder

"Gee! This is all like something out of a movie! It's all so exciting I can hardly contain myself! Ooh! Let me go freshen up so I can look the part of the beautiful eyewitness!" Autumn suggested

(Autumn Blaze then went into the bathroom as she began her shower while Twilight thought to herself)

I pity the lawyer that has to cross-examine this one

(Twilight then turned to the table and noticed there was a bottle and two wine glasses on it)

"A bottle and two glasses are on the table, someone must be staying with her" Twilight thought out loud

(Twilight then turned to the slightly open drawer as she noticed a screwdriver half in it with it's top still revealing)

There's a screwdriver stuck in this drawer, I wonder what's inside? Let's take a look...

(Twilight then slowly trotted over to the drawer only for Autumn to drag her back to the entrance with her magic while being angry)

"Hey! H-H-Hey!!! What are you doing?! No touching! Ooh, bad filly! Y-You really shouldn't pry around in other people's rooms now, you wouldn't want to make me upset would you?" Autumn asked

Upset?! I thought she was going to explode for a second there! I wonder what could be inside the drawer though

"Anyways, do you think you could tell me something? I need you to describe what you observed at the time of the incident" Twilight suggested

"Ooh, 'observe' 'incident'! You sound just like a lawyer in the movies! I like a man with a big... Vocabulary" Autumn said in excitement


(Twilight then began gulping nervously)

Better not encourage her

"Er... You know that thing that occur... Um... Happened the other day? The bad thing? What did you see when it happened? I don't suppose you could tell me all about it? Pretty please?" Twilight pleaded

"Let me see... Um, well..." Autumn Blaze thought before stopping and angrily turning to Twilight "Dream on! If you want to know you'll just have to come to the court tomorrow mr. Lawyer!" Autumn reminded

Oh sweet Celestia

"Um could you... Just who exactly are you?" Twilight asked

"Ooh mrs. Lawyer! Are you hitting on me?

"N-N-No! Hey! I'm just doing my job here!" Twilight reminded

(Autumn then chuckled again)

"You know you're cute when you blush" Autumn reminded

Believe me, this is the first time in my live I've blushed this much...

"Umm... Eh heh, right... Can you just tell me what it is you do?" Twilight asked

"Well... No!" Autumn answered before chuckling again "And you had your hopes up didn't you!

Oh sweet Celestia

"I see there are two glasses on the table, is someone staying here with you?" Twilight asked

"Ooh! What amazing power of observation! You must be one of those famous detectives like on television!" Autumn realized excitedly

"Oh no, not me, I'm, er, just a lawyer!" Twilight corrected nervously

"Say mrs. Big Detective why don't you go look for clues..." Autumn started as she began dragging Twilight out of the room "In the garbage? Hmm? Miss Blaze doesn't like nosey little lawyers... Hmph!" Autumn reminded before slamming the door in Twilight's face

Oh sweet Celestia

(Twilight then growled a bit as she flew back out of the hotel)

September 6

Detention Center

Visitor's Room

(Twilight then returned back to Pinkie knowing she wanted to see her again for the second time)

"Hey! What is it? Did you meet the lawyer?" Pinkie asked

"Sorry, I haven't seen her yet but I wanted to ask you some questions" Twilight answered

"Oh I see..." Pinkie realized

"First off, I got your cell phone back" Twilight answered pulling out Pinkie's cell phone

"Oh! Say... Can I listen to Starlights's voice?" Pinkie asked

"Of course Pinkie, anything for you" Twilight answered

(Twilight then puts on a call she and her sister had yesterday as Pinkie began listening)

Pinkie's eyes closed... She listened to every word with such intensity... Before long tears began to roll down her cheeks

"Thank you" Pinkie answered

"I've put this on replay too for while we talk so you can hear your sister" Twilight explained

"O-Okay" Pinkie said

"So, where is your family going?" Twilight asked

"They're going to Canterlot for a few weeks, I do not know about my family in rock bottom though" Pinkie answered

Don't know...? So they could still be working there not caring about their daughter)

"Anyways, me and my family had always had multiple talents for example my mom and dad are the best at smiling..." Pinkie started

That's not a talent

"Marble Pie is super strong, Limestone Pie I believe has x-ray vision but only on rocks and I have everything silly and cartoony" Pinkie finished explaining before she realized something "I almost forgot Maud Pie can hear what stones, sticks and more say to each other" Pinkie explained

"Wow, I never know your family had such talents!" Twilight said in shock and awe

"Yeah, thanks" Pinkie answered before getting sad "But about 3 years ago our family was involved in an... Incident, there was a man and he... He... He ruined our mother's life" Pinkie explained


"After that, she locked herself up in her room for a few days and 1 year ago I changed hometowns aka Ponyville and left the rock farm" Pinkie explained sadly

"... So you live by yourself?" Twilight asked

"Yes, I've gotten used to it, oh also... I had to become independant or I would lose my sillyness!" Pinkie explained

I feel bad for her, all by herself with her parents...

"So, who was this man who, um, ruined your mother?" Twilight asked

"About 3 years ago... There was an unusual murder case, it made quite a stir everyone was talking about it, apparently the police were running out of leads and they were getting desperate" Pinkie explained

"Wait... They didn't use your mother's talent did they?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, the police convinced my mother to try and contact the victim, turns out my family also had spirit medium channeling" Pinkie explained sadly

"Wow... So what happened?" Twilight asked

"The case was solved... we thought" Pinkie answered

"You 'thought'...?" Twilight asked

"The man my mother helped the police capture somepony who was innocent" Pinkie answered

"...!" Twilight thought in disbelief

"The police's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret of course but... A man found out about it and leaked it to the press, he told all the papers that my mother was a fraud and the media jumped on it big time, she... My mother... Became the laughing stock of the nation" Pinkie explained sadly as tears slowly came out of her eyes

"I see" Twilight realized

"...Mane..." Pinkie explained

"Excuse me? Mane?" Twilight asked

"That was his name, my mother told me" Pinkie answered

"Mane? Hmm..." Twilight thought out loud "Well, I'll think about it while I go see if I can find this elite lawyer she's talking about" Twilight said

(Afterwards Twilight nodded before exiting the detention center again)

September 6

The Dragonlands

Ember's Lawyer Office

(Twilight then quickly flew back to the receptionist and signed herself up for the second time before she quickly bursts through the door panting in relief only to see she was still not there which made her groan again)

Hmm... Seems like Mrs. Ember is out, well, maybe I should just wait here for her to come back

(But just then somebody walks in as the person clears their throat loudly)

If that wasn't the most over-the-top clearing of the throat I've ever heard!

"Ah-hah! So you're the one they say has been looking for me" Ember realized in disbelief

"Uh... Y-Yes that's me!" Twilight corrected

He looks even... Grander than I imagined

"Hmm...? That badge on your collar...? Ah, so you're a lawyer, are you now?" Ember asked

"Y-Yes, well... Yes" Twilight answered nervously

"And what do you want? I'm not particulary busy these days... Please proceed!" Ember suggested

Not busy...? Then how come no one could get in touch with you?

"Hmm? Something the matter Twilight? You came to see the one-and-only Fire Lord Ember did you not? Well, here I am girl! What do you want? Out with it!" Ember asked

"Um... W-Well Ember, actually, it's about Pinkie Pie" Twilight answered nervously

"...! Ah... Yes..., Pinkie Pie, go on" Ember suggested

Hmm? Why the strange reaction?

(Twilight then opened her mouth while pulling out the letter Pinkie had but before she could get any words out Ember spoke)

"A-cha-cha, I'm really quite busy here son, I can't go taking cases on a day's notice! No, it's quite impossible" Ember explained

"W-Wait a second! How did you know the trial was tomorrow?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

"Urk? Ahem! A-Anyway... I'm afraid it's entirely impossible for me to represent her, sorry, end of discussion" Ember apologized

What's going on?! He refused me before I even got a chance to ask him! What do I tell Pinkie...? I know, why don't I try to get more information out of him, that could work

"How can you just refuse like that! Please, tell me why you won't take the case!" Ember suggested

"Hmm? Eh, ahem! Well you see, it's just... I'm busy you see" Ember reminded

"But the client is Starlight Glimmer's best friend!" Twilight reminded

"Hmm... Ahem..." Ember said nervously

"Starlight trusted you... She knew her best friend would be in good hands" Twilight reminded

"Yes, Yes, of course I know that however! I'm sorry but I must refuse, sorry, goodbye" Ember waved as she went to sit on her desk

"Creep" Twilight said making Ember turn to her in shock and anger "Fine, I don't have time to argue with you anyway, I'll go look elsewhere" Twilight said angrily as she began spreading her wings

Ember then grumbled as she stood up angrily

"...I think not" Ember ordered angrily

"Huh? Did you say something?" Twilight asked angrily

"I think not I said "Ember reminded

"Wh-What do you mean?" Twilight asked in shock and confusion

"I'm terribly, terribly sorry but I'm afraid that no lawyer worth their salt will take on this particular case, terribly sorry Princess Twilight" Ember apologized nervously

"Why?" Twilight asked in confusion

"I... I cannot say... I beg your pardon but could you leave? Now? I've got nothing more to discuss with you" Ember asked

What's going on here?!

"No, not until you answer some questions" Twilight answered

"Ugh! Fine!" Ember said in disbelief

"First off, how did you know Starlight Glimmer...?" Twilight asked

"Back when Spike wanted to try and split me and Thorax up for his supposed theory that 'changelings and dragons fight when seeing each other'" Ember answered

"Did you figure things out with Spike afterwards?" Twilight asked

"Of course, everything got solved quite easily and we became friends again, turns out Spike's friendship lesson was for himself" Ember answered

"Oh, that's right, I remember now" Twilight realized

"What question do you have now?" Ember asked

"It's not a question but that's... Quite a painting" Twilight complimented while pointing at the painting

"Ahah! You noticed! It's my pride and joy! Impressive isn't it? Well? ISN'T IT?" Ember asked which made Twilight nod nervously "The color of the sky! The center circle of the sun! The biggest attraction park in the whole world! It's worth at least six million bits, I have no intention of parting with it of course, no, I won't sell it either! Not even to you!" Ember reminded

I wasn't interested...

"It's not for sale!" Ember reminded angrily

"I'm not buying!" Twilight reminded angrily


September 6 3:40 PM

Detention Center

Visitor's room

(Twilight then returned to the visitor's room only to see Pinkie was not there anymore)

"Hmm... Maya's not here, she must be in questioning, they probably won't let her out for a while, maybe I'd better wait for a bit" Twilight thought

(Twilight then went to sit on a chair as she read every clue she managed to get and it's information until Pinkie came back into the room)

"Twilight!" Pinkie called out excitedly but still with a tinge of sadness

Pinkie then sat on her chair as Twilight turned to her, not prepared of what Pinkie was about to hear

"Hi" Twilight greeted

"So you're back! Did you find the lawyer this time?" Pinkie asked

"Um... Well..." Twilight started worriedly

What do I tell her?

"Well, see..." Twilight started

"Just be honest Twilight I won't be mad" Pinkie said

"I... I really don't think you should use that dragon, she... Didn't seem all that friendly for now, she was all rude and mean!" Twilight explained worriedly

"What really happened?" Pinkie asked in both sadness and worry

"..." Twilight thought sadly

"You don't mean... He refused to help?" Pinkie asked in shock

"Urp" Twilight gasped in shock and sadness

"I see, I've been abandoned then" Pinkie said sadly as she looked away "Just a little longer now before the state-appointed lawyer comes I guess" Pinkie thought out loud sadly

4:00 PM, time's up, What should I do? Do I just leave her or go home...? No I won't! I will defend her until the very end!

"I've made up my mind! I'm going to defend you whether you want me to or not!" Twilight said bravely

"! Why?!" Pinkie asked in shock

"Why? Well... It's because I won't abandon you, you can count on me" Twilight said

"That's so kind of you" Pinkie said before sniffing a few times with happy tears

"Well! Let's fight this one and get you out of here!" Twilight suggested

"R-Right! Thank you!" Pinkie thanked

Whew! She smiled at last, she looks like an entirely different person!

"One last question... You are innocent, right?" Twilight asked

"Yes! And I trust you... So you trust me too, right?" Pinkie asked

"It's a pinkie promise, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!" Twilight answered

"It's been a while since I've heard somepony say that, thanks!" Pinkie thanked happily

"No worries" Twilight said

So, what next... There's something that's been bugging me... Just what was inside that strange woman's drawer? It was when I tried to look into the drawer that she got all defensive, there has to be something in there!


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