Episode 6: Turnabout Friends Part 5

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(AN: Hey there guys before this Episode starts I just wanted to wish everyone in America a happy Thanksgiving and whatever other celebrations others have in their other home countries and as a surprise here's this Episode of Ace Attorney

Last time on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney

Continuing her investigation Twilight investigated the rest of the places she had to go to and she also met up with Gladmane once again after getting more evidence only to get arrested by Stygian and his helpers and when that happened Twilight had an idea on how to safe herself and Pinkie from their sentence as Twilight also asked Pinkie to be a part of the defense council which Pinkie agreed although a bit too excited and so the trial began where Twilight continued to find lies after lies in Gladmane's testimony until it was revealed Gladmane killed Starlight but just when they got to the verdict Rainbow interrupted the court for some reason, will Twilight continue to find lies in the victim's case or not find out right now on Twilight Sparkle: Ace Attorney!

Back to where we left off

"That's far enough Twilight Sparkle!" Rainbow called out angrily

"W-What?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

Urk! I forgot about Rainbow's pride!

"Mr. Gladmane..." Rainbow said turning to Gladmane

"..." Gladmane thought in worry

"I think the time has come, shouldn't you confess your crime now, hmm?" Rainbow asked

"W...What?" Gladmane asked in shock and confusion

"I said, you should confess your crime, ergo, confess that you placed the wiretap!" Rainbow suggested

"The w-wiretap?!" Twilight asked in shock and worry

(Afterwards the other ponies in the gallery muttered sounds of shock and worry too before Princess Celestia slammed her gavel)

"Order! Order!" Princess Celestia ordered before turning to Rainbow "Ms. Dash! Explain to the court what you mean by this!" Princess Celestia ordered

"Distinquished members of the court... Mr. White is slightly confused, allow me to explain" Rainbow suggested

I really don't like the way this is headed...

"As you know, mr. Gladmane is the manager of Las Pegasus and he ordered his secretary miss Chrysalis to tap the Castle of Friendship's phone that belonged to Starlight!" Rainbow explained

"What does that have to do---?" Princess Celestia started

"Your honor the question is: when was the wiretap placed in the office and by who?" Rainbow reminded

"No! You wouldn't!" Twilight called out in worry and fright

"Mr. Gladmane, in order to place the wiretap you entered the meeting room of the Castle of Friendship, am I correct...?" Rainbow asked

"...! C-Correct! You are most correct Rainbow!" Gladmane answered worriedly

"Oh give me a break!" Twilight mumbled in disbelief

"Yes... In ordered to place the wiretap I entered the meeting room of the Castle of Friendship! That is when I saw that accursed light stand!" Gladmane explained

"Now I'm confused, please explain to the court what all this means ms. Dash!" Princess Celestia suggested

"Gladly your honor, ms. Twilight Sparkle has made her position quite clear, he has determined that mr. Gladmane knew the glass stand was in the office, she has shown that there was only one time mr. Gladmane could have seen the stand, at the very moment of the murder! Thus ms. Sparkle would like you to believe that mr. Gladmane was the murderer!" Rainbow explained

"I see" Princess Celestia realized

"However it is a fact that mr. Gladmane had been to that office well before the murder took place! He went to place that wiretap! He could have seen the glass light stand then, ergo ms. Twilight Sparkle's theory is revealed for the baseless conjecture it is!" Rainbow explained

"Mr. Gladmane! You will testify to the court about this wiretap!" Princess Celestia ordered

"Ahem, leave it to me!" Gladmane said

I... I feel faint

Witness Testimony

--The Wiretapping--

"It was the beginning of september... The week before the murder"

"I had entered the Castle of Friendship's meeting room"

"Of course I had done so to place the wiretap"

"That is when I saw this glass light stand"

"Hmm, so you saw the stand before the night of the incident... And this is how you were able to identify what had fallen over by the sound" Princess Celestia thought out loud

"Correct! That is right" Gladmane answered

"I see" Princess Celestia realized before turning back to Twilight "Very well, ms. Sparkle, you may cross examine" Princess Celestia said

Gah! What am I supposed to do now...?!

"Good luck Twilight..." Pinkie wished

(Twilight then nodded before she turned back to Gladmane)

"D-Do you have proof?!" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Rainbow called out before slamming her hoof on her desk as Twilight turned to her "Miss Chrysalis knew the details of Ms. Glimmer's phone conversation! This proves that the wiretap was placed before the murder!" Rainbow reminded

"Huh... Right" Twilight realized before turning back to Gladmane "Was it really you that went into the office? Or was it miss Chrysalis?" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Rainbow called out making Twilight turn to her again "Unidentified hoofprints several days old were found in the Castle of Friendship's meeting room, those were obviously mr. Glimmer's" Rainbow explained

And if I know Rainbow she's already run a check on those prints...

Twilight then turned to Gladmane again

"Why did you tap Starlight's phone?" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Rainbow shouted making Twilight turn to Rainbow irritatingly as Rainbow turned to Princess Celestia "That has no bearing on the current case your honor" Rainbow explained

Gladmane then turned to Twilight who then turned to him

"Las Pegasus is an attraction park of sorts, we have a responsibility to protect ponies' phones and privacy!" Gladmane explained

"Why did you notice someting as powerful as a glass light stand?" Twilight asked

"The light stand was made entirely out of glass, it was quite stylish so I guess it made a lasting impression on me, such beautiful thing deserves attention does it not? That's all" Gladmane reminded

Uh oh! Don't tell me I've run out of ammo!

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid that's as far as you can go ms. Sparkle, the time has come for you to admit your defeat! You fought... Honorably" Rainbow applauded

No more... I can't find any evidence anymore...

"Ms. Sparkle? Are you giving up?" Princess Celestia asked

"Y-Yes your honor" Twilight answered sadly

"Twilight!" Somepony then called out

"...?" Twilight called out in shock and disbelief

"Twilight! Over here!" Somepony called out as Pinkie waved her hoof over Twilight's face

I know that voice! ...S-Starlight?!

(Twilight then turned around in shock and saw Pinkie smiling at her with Pinkie's mane changed into Starlight's except she still had pink hair)

"Never give up Twilight!" Starlight said

"...!!! S-S-Starlight...?!" Twilight gasped in shock

(Twilight then got dizzy and passed out)

Date: September 8, 12:30 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 1

(A little while later Twilight woke up from a chair in the defendant lobby)

"Where... Where am I?" Twilight called out before she sat up only to notice she was in the defendant lobby making her worried "The waiting lobby...? What happened...?" Twilight asked in shock and worry before she realized something "...Oh right... I lost the trial, I was... Hallucinating..." Twilight said sadly

(Twilight then went to stand up and turn around only to notice Starlight waking up from suddenly hitting her head on the chair)

"Ah, you're finally awake" Starlight said in relief

"Gak!" Twilight gasped in shock

Twilight then fell back onto the chair as Starlight helped her up

"H-Hey Twilight! ...'Gak'? That's no way to greet an old friend!" Starlight reminded as Twilight backed off in fright while looking away "Twilight, I want you to look at me" Starlight ordered strictly

Twilight then turned to Starlight worriedly

"Y-You're... P-Pinkie...?" Twilight stuttered in fright

"Didn't you know the Pie mares have strong crazy powers, especially Pinkie...? When you accepted your defeat in court... It appears that was enough of a shock to awaken Pinkie's clone powers remember?" Starlight reminded

"So... Pinkie is channeling you Starlight?" Twilight asked

"That's right, I'm Pinkie but I'm also Starlight, now I want you to listen Twilight, Pinkie never gave up remember, you can't either! That's what I came here to tell you" Starlight reminded

"...! B-But---!" Twilight started

"We don't have much time Twilight, now listen you've already won" Starlight reminded

"Huh...?" Twilight asked in shock and confusion

"You have that receipt in the court record, right?" Starlight asked

"Um..." Twilight started as she approached the desk with all the evidence the bailiffs have put for Twilight when she woke up until she picked the receipt up "Oh yeah! The one you wrote 'Pinkie' on...?" Twilight asked

"Twilight! Gladmane wrote that not me!" Starlight reminded angrily

"So... So what do I do with it?" Twilight asked

"Look at the front of the receipt!" Starlight suggested until she saw Twilight struggling because of the magic stopping ring "Here, let me help you" Starlight said

(Starlight then levitated the receipt up)

"Thanks Starlight" Twilight thanked

"No worries, now look" Starlight suggested

"The... Front, correct?" Twilight asked

(Starlight then nodded as Twilight turned to it and checked everything on it)

It's a regular receipt... Looks like it's from a famous department store, '10000 bits'... Wow, big spender! 'Item'... 'Glass light stand'...! 'Date of purchase'... 'September 4'...

"...! September 4!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

"That's right Twilight, I brought that stand the day before I was killed!" Starlight explained

"What?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

"Now what did mr. Gladmane say in his testimony?" Starlight asked

[Flashback Start]

"It was the beginning of september... The week of the murder" Gladmane explained

[Flashback End]

"He said he saw the stand the week before the murder!" Twilight realized

"There you go!" Starlight said in relief before she saw a bailiff approaching the two of them "I think the court is about to reconvene! Go do it Twilight! You know you're innocent now you just have to prove it!" Starlight suggested

"Right!" Twilight said happily

Date: September 8, 1:16 PM

District Court

Courtroom No. 1

(Afterwards the witness Gladmane, prosecutor Rainbow and defense team Twilight and Pinkie went back to the podiums)

"The court will now reconvene for the trial of ms. Twilight Sparkle, is the defendant" Princess Celestia started before she realized what happened last time "...Rather are you alright ms. Sparkle?" Princess Celestia asked

"Yes your honor I'm fine now" Twilight answered bravely

"Then let's start where we left off" Princess Celestia suggested

"Your honor there is nothing to go back to! The cross examination of mr. Gladmane is finished! All that is required now is for you to pass judgement on the defendant Twilight Sparkle" Rainbow reminded

"Hmm..." Princess Celestia thought

"Your honor! Please give me one more chance, I promise you this is the last time I'll ask you!" Twilight reminded

"Hmm... But as Ms. Dash has noted the trial is more or less finished, ms Dash, do you have an opinion on this matter?" Princess Celestia asked

"I say.... Let us give ms. Twilight Sparkle her 'last chance'" Rainbow explained

"Very well!" Princess Celestia said before turning to Twilight "You may begin your cross examination" Princess Celestia suggested

"Alright Twilight said before turning back to Gladmane "I'll ask you again, do you have proof?" Twilight asked

"Objection!" Rainbow called out "We already told you Twilight miss Chrysalis knew the details of miss Glimmer's phone conversation! This proves that the wiretap was placed before the murder!" Rainbow reminded

"Huh... Right" Twilight thought out loud suspiciously

I have to show him the evidence Starlight gave to me!

"Objection!" Twilight called out before using her hoof to pull up the receipt she had as evidence "Look closely at this, see the word 'Pinkie' written in blood...?" Twilight asked

"Bwah hah! You're grasping!" Rainbow said laughing

"I think not" Twilight reminded before she turned to Princess Celestia "Look at the other side of the receipt" Twilight suggested

"Th-The other side?" Rainbow asked in shock and confusion

(Princess Celestia then levitated the receipt out of Twilight's hoof and levitated it to her before turning it around and when she did all she saw was a bunch of shopping items)

"Your honor, would you like to tell the court what is written on the other side of that receipt?" Twilight asked

(Princess Celestia then takes one more look before she noticed it)

"Hmm... Well! A 'glass light stand'! And the date of purchase..." Princess Celestia said as she turned to the top of the receipt before she found it  "...Why that's the day before the murder!" Princess Celestia said in shock

"You see! When Mr. Gladmane allegedly enter the Castle of Friendship's meeting room at the beginning of september... The stand could not have been there!" Twilight reminded strictly

"Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh?!" Gladmane shouted in shock and disbelief

"Well mr. Gladmane? Can't get out of this one can you?" Twilight asked

"No... It's impossible..." Gladmane said in shock and fright

Uh oh... He's losing it

"Well your honor I understand there must be quite a bit of PRESSURE on you but I think you'll agree you can't judge me 'guilty' under these circumstances" Twilight explained as she began to reach for her horn ring

"I..." Princess Celestia started before she sighed in anger "Very well, then that is all for the trial of..." Princess Celestia started

"Objection!" Rainbow shouted "Not so fast Twilight Sparkle!" Rainbow said angrily

"Eh?" Twilight asked in confusion

What! There's no way she can fly her way out of this one! Oh wait... I forgot she's Rainbow

"There is a certain thread of logic to the defense's claims however there is no concrete proof that Twilight is innocent!" Rainbow reminded


"Ergo! I would like to request on more day before Twilight Sparkle is granted freedom, I need time to make one more inquiry into this matter" Rainbow explained

"Hmm...!" Princess Celestia thought

Another inquiry...?! This isn't going to be another one of those 'updated autopsy reports right?! This mare just makes up evidence as she pleases! This is bad...!

"Objection!" Twilight shouted before slamming her hooves on her desk "Mr. Gladmane's guilt is obvious! There is no need to prolong this trial any further!" Twilight reminded

"Hmm, Well ms. Dash?" Princess Celestia asked

"If anyone is going to call mr. Gladmane to trial it would be me the prosecution, I need a day to ascertain whether your claims have any basis in factual evidence" Rainbow explained

"Hmm, I see, objection denied" Princess Celestia explained

"Whaaaat!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief

"The completion of the trial of ms. Twilight Sparkle will be postponed until tomorrow" Princess Celestia explained

No! There's no telling what will happen if I can't end this now! Rainbow is sure to come up with-or make up- something! And after Starlight showed up to help me and all...

"Ms. Princess Celestia! May I go home?" Gladmane asked

"Of course thank you for your time" Princess Celestia thanked


"Objection!" Starlight shouted making everyone turn to Pinkie in shock "The witness will stay!" Starlight explained angrily


"Phoenix! Read this note aloud!" Starlight suggested pulling out the note from Pinkie's mane

"Starlight?! What's this...?" Twilight asked

"Let's just say Pinkie did some fast investigating herself after you got arrested" Starlight explained

Wow! When everything's over I should thank Pinkie

"Okay" Twilight said as she read it over until she noticed something "Your honor, if I may...?" Twilight asked

"You're quite persistent today ms. Sparkle" Princess Celestia said in disbelief

You bet I am! My life is riding on this one!

"I have something I would like to read to the court!" Twilight explained before she puts the note on the table "The memo Starlight gave me was a list of names, many of them sounded strangely familiar, people in finance, famous celebrities... That's when it happened" Twilight explained

"S-S-Stop! Desist! Halt! P-Please stop! Make him stop! How... How did you get that list?" Gladmane ordered angrily

(Starlight and Twilight then gave a sneaky grin which read 'we definitely won't tell him' before they turned to Gladmane angrily)

"Mr. Gladmane, admit your guilt right here, right now or else this list will be released to the press!" Starlight ordered

"......I... I confess, I confess, I... I did it, I hit miss Starlight with 'the thinker'!" Gladmane shouted in sadness and defeat

"Case closed your honor" Starlight said

"Well, I see no reason to continue this trial" Princess Celestia said in relief before turning to Twilight "Ms. Sparkle" Princess Celestia called out

Twilight then turned to him

"Yes your honor" Twilight answered

"You've done it again! That was quite a spirited defense!" Princess Celestia said in awe and proudness

"Yes your honor, I guess you could say that" Twilight said

If only you knew how 'spirit'-ed it was!

"Hmm, well! This court finds the defense..." Princess Celestia started before she realized what she said and cleared her throat "Rather the defendant ms. Twilight Sparkle not guilty! That is all, court is adjourned!" Princess Celestia announced

September 8, 2:24 PM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 1

"Well I never thought I'd be saying this again... But congratulations! You're lucky Pinkie was born a Pie!" Starlight complimented

(Twilight then gave Starlight a big hug as she cried tears of joy)

"I'm lucky I had both you and Pinkie on my side" Twilight said happily

"I'm glad you made it... Thank you Twilight, you risked a lot to help me... And Pinkie, I won't forget it as long as I live!" Starlight thanked

As long as you 'live'...?

"...My time here's running out" Starlight said sadly

"Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Pinkie's ponyshifting powers are still weak, I can't stay here that long" Starlight explained sadly

"W-What?! No! There's still so much to say!" Twilight shouted in worry and sadness

"Don't worry I'm sure we'lll meet again" Starlight reminded

"S-Starlight!" Twilight cried sadly

"Hee hee, just tell Pinkie that not only was I have friend I was everypony's friend!" Starlight explained chuckling

"Will do" Twilight said while chuckling too

"Anyways can you come to the Meeting Area tonight... Say 9:00?" Starlight asked

"The office...?" Twilight asked in confusion

"I'll see you later" Starlight waved

Starlight then teleported out of the room

"S-Starlight!" Twilight shouted

September 8, 9:02 PM

The Castle of Friendship

Meeting Area

If I'm being here in the crime scene it'll be hard not to think about that night...

"You came!" Somepony shouted

"Starlight..." Twilight whispered sadly

"I was kinda worried you might not" Somepony said excitedly

"Huh? Of course I came..." Twilight said happily

"Well then! I'm pretty hungry how about a cupcake?" Somepony asked

"S-Starlight...?" Twilight asked in confusion

Just then giggling was heard

"You should see your face!" Pinkie said with a large giggle

"Starlight!" Twilight called out in disbelief

Pinkie then popped up from behind the chair opposite of Twilight and pounced onto the table

"What are you talking about?! It's me! Pinkie!" Pinkie said with a laugh

"Ack!" Twilight gasped in shock before laughing "P-Pinkie... You scared me" Twilight said with a giggle

"What... Did I look like your student Starlight?" Pinkie asked

Look like... You WERE her!

"Hmm! I might be able to use that 'Oh Twilight! Go to the store and buy me lunch would you?'" Pinkie said with the words an impression of Starlight which failed

Twilight then giggled a bit before getting a serious look

"So uh, Pinkie... Why are you here?" Twilight askked

"Because of this! See!" Pinkie said as she pulled out a small note before Twilight used her magic to bring the note towards herself and read it 'Take care of Twilight for me'" Pinkie explained

"Take care of... Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion

"She means the castle! This castle! Someone has to help with your castle's cooking right? And who better than me! Pinkamina Diane Pie reporting for duty! Wait, no on second thought let's make this casual! Yo Twily! Pinkie here, ready to get down to business! You... Don't mind me calling you 'Twily' do you? It's a great name! Remember that that was what your brother Shining calls you" Pinkie reminded


"You know what this means? We're partners!" Pinkie explained excitedly

You know, when I think about it... It is Pinkie's fault I'm here now but... If it wasn't for her I'd probably be in jail! still having her help me with tough stuff is a sweet job of course, yeah, thanks Pinkie!

(Pinkie and Twilight then began hugging as Starlight as a ghost approached and hugged the two making Pinkie have her mane, tail and fur make an electric shock which made Twilight confused but she decided to ignore it afterwards)

"Good luck Twilight, I'll always be here... Watching" Starlight said

(When the two were done Pinkie got excited again)

"Okay Twily, let's do it!" Pinkie said

"Huh? Do... What?" Twilight asked

"Cupcakes dummy! Cupcakes! There's a great restaurant joint just down the street, c'mon! Time's a wasting!" Pinkie said

(Pinkie then rushed out of the castle of friendship as Twilight was confused for a moment she realized what Pinkie meant and rushed after her)

"O-Okay! Wait up!" Twilight called out

(While running Twilight had one last thought in her head)

Don't worry Starlight, Rainbow, everypony else, I'll be protecting Pinkie no matter what it takes

The End


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