Chapter 10: I.E.D. Part 2

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Savannah's P.O.V.

It was already nighttime, and it was the night of the game.

I was currently at Stiles' place, getting ready to go.

I put on a jacket that had leather as if it were a vest while the rest was like a normal jacket, apricot pinkish shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots. For makeup, I applied mascara, eyeliner, blush, and lip gloss. I did my hair in curls before I put on a beanie.

It was then I heard Stiles' Jeep pull up. I quickly grabbed my phone and ear buds before running out, closing and locking the door.

I ran to Stiles' Jeep and got in. I saw Stiles in the driver's seat, and Shawn and Andrew in the back seats. Andrew was wearing his usual outfit, which was a black shirt with a falcon on it, dark blue jeans, black boots, and his fingerless gloves, while Shawn was wearing a black coat with a black V-neck, black jeans, and black boots.

"Ready to go?" Stiles asked. "Yea." I said. We then drove off.

As Stiles was driving, I looked out the window, worry filling up inside me.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked. "I don't know. I just have a weird feeling. The killer might be on the lacrosse team and I just don't know. I'm worried about everyone." I said.

It was then I felt Stiles hold my hand in his in a brotherly way.

"Don't worry, Savannah. We will stop the killer before it gets to you." Stiles said as he squeezed my hand.

I smiled and squeezed his back.

"Oh, Shawn. Lydia asked where you were." I said. "What?" he asked.

"She asked if you were okay. She called me, asking if anybody hurt you or not." I said. "She did? Wow." he said, smiling. Does Shawn like my best friend?

I got out my phone and texted Shawn.

Me: Do you like Lydia?

After I sent it, I heard Shawn's phone vibrate. After a few seconds, I felt mine vibrate.

Shawn: What are you talking about?

I texted him back.

Me: Come on. You can tell me.

Then, he texted me back.

Shawn: Fine. I do. I've liked her ever since we first met in the woods.

Me: I knew it.

"I suspect something about Garrett." I said.

"Why?" Shawn asked. "Because earlier, Garrett always kept staring at me. Like he was planning something." I said.

"If he tries to get near you or cross you, I will roast him alive." Andrew said, making me, Shawn, and Stiles chuckle a little.


After Stiles, Kira, Scott, and Liam went to get ready, me, Andrew and Shawn were on the bleachers, looking for a spot to sit on.

We finally found the perfect spot and I sat down in between the boys.

It was then I saw Brett there, sending glares to Liam. The thing that made me stare at him was his shirtless, toned chest, muscles, and abs.

He seemed to catch my eye because he turned to me and sent me a wink and waved, making me blush and wave back.

"Savannah." I heard Shawn and Andrew say. "What? I can't have a guy as a friend?" I asked. "We saw the way you looked at him." Shawn said. "Whatever. The game is gonna start in 15 minutes." I said as I stood up.

"And...while I wait, I'm gonna go get snacks." I said.

"I'll come with you." Andrew said.

"Shawn, keep a look out for Garrett." I said. He nodded and we walked down until we found the snack bar.

We bought sodas, candy bars, popcorn, and chips.

"I have to go to the restroom. I'll be back." I said to Andrew.

He nodded and went walking while I went to the restroom, which was in the girls locker rooms.

I did what I had to do and after that, washed my hands.

As I was powdering my nose, I heard a noise coming from inside the locker room.

"Hello?" I asked before I heard the noise again

"Who's here?" I said as I flicked my claws.

"The one who's gonna kill you." I heard a female voice say.

I snapped my head to the noise and I saw Violet there with a smirk on her face, holding a thermo-cut wire.

"Instead of you killing me, I should kill you myself." I growled as my eyes flashed blue. "I believe you already have." she said.

I roared as I lunged myself at her and tackled her to the ground. I began throwing punches at her as she tries to throw me off.

She kicked me in the stomach, making me groan in pain and fall back.

No, come on Savannah. Fight. For Malia. For Scott. For Shawn. For Andrew. For Lydia. For everyone.

I got back up and kicked her, sending her flying to a wall.

I stood there and sent out a growl. (A/N: Like how Kali does after she hurts Braeden in Season 3)

She got back up as she did and was gonna claw her face until she punched me real hard, sending me to the ground.

As soon as I made contact with the floor, I was out.

I woke up with the sound of someone groaning.

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Brett crawling beside me. Violet must've got him.

"What did you do to me?" he asked as his eyes flashed gold.

Another werewolf.

"You were cut with a poisoned blade. It was laced with wolfsbane. It won't kill you. But this will." she said as she held up her thermo cut wire.

Brett began to crawl away from her. I tried to yell out his name, but no sound came out

"Why are you doing this to me and Savannah?" he asked. "Because you're worth a lot of money, Brett." she said before wrapping the wire around his neck.

I groaned as I got up as Violet was choking Brett.

In an instant, I flicked my claws and ran to her, jumping on her back and sending her to the ground.

I landed a pretty good punch, which knocked her out.

I got off her and instantly ran to Brett, taking the wire off.

"Brett." I said as I took him into my arms.

"Savannah." he said as he smiled and looked at me.

"We're gonna make it. I promise." I said as I took his hand in mine and rubbed small circles on it.

"It's a little weird because its usually the girl who is the damsel in distress and the guy is the savior but turns out, we're both the damsel in distress." he said, which made me smile a little.

He brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear before closing his eyes.

"No! No, Brett!" I said as I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Now it's your turn to get knocked out."

Before I knew it, I was punched and was out, falling next to Brett, our hands still interwined.

A/N: So here is your Easter present! Didn't everyone enjoy the Bravannah moment? Don't forget to vote and comment! Happy Easter, everybody!

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