Chapter 14: Orphaned Part 2

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A/N: That's Savannah's outfit on the side!

Savannah's P.O.V.

Me, Aimee, and Travis were driving on motorcycles, I was behind Travis and Aimme was next to us. It was night and we were trying to find Scott and Garrett. It was then we came across a black car. I used my super vision and saw Garrett driving with...Scott? What the hell was Scott doing? It was then we came across a car tipped over with two people on the ground.

Travis and Aimee pulled over before we all took off our helmets and ran to the people. I was shocked to see that it was Scott's dad and Stiles' dad. "Oh, my God! Are you okay?" I asked as me and Aimee made our way over. "They're still here." Stiles' dad said. "Who is?" I asked.

Just as when he was about to answer the black car that held Garrett and Scott came into view and when I saw Scott come out, I was fuming. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted. "I had no choice! Garrett wants me to get Violet." he said. "Well, you're too damn late because Violet isn't here." Aimee said.

"Scott. They're still here." Sheriff said. "Who is?" Aimee asked. Just then, I hears heavy footsteps, followed by deep growling. Oh, no. Not right now. I looked and saw a berserker, actually two of them emerge from the dark. I gasped as Aimee got out her rifle and Travis got out his shotgun and I grabbed knives from my boot.

"Stay down." I said to Sheriff Stilinski. Then, I saw Garrett come into view, with his lacrosse stick, that had a blade at the end. "YOU WANT ME? COME AND GET ME!" Garrett said. "Garrett. Get back, now!" Travis said, but Garrett ignored him. "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! YOU'RE NOT SO BIG! YOU'RE NOT SO BI-"

Garrett got cut off as a berserker plunged its' knife through his chest. I gasped and covered my mouth as the berserker dropped Garrett to the floor. "Oh, shit." I said. I threw a knife at it, making it turn to me. "COME ON!" I yelled. The berserker charged towards me, but I grabbed it and did a front flip before stabbing it, making it throw me.

"Shoot, Aimee and Travis! Shoot!" I said. They nodded before they fired bullets at the berserker. I went to the other one and kicked it, sending it stumbling. "Come on, son of a bitch!" I said as I for more knives and threw them. It was about to stab me, but I did backflips before I punched it with all my strength, sending it flying.

I was walking towards it again before I heard Travis scream, "Savannah, look out!" I turned and before I knew it, I was punched by a berserker. I fell to the ground in a second. Before In knew it, I had blacked out.

A/N: I know this chapter is so short, but I tried! I will update from Weaponized somewhere this weekend. Oh, and after this chapter, I will give you two surprises! I know in Weaponized that Scott and the others have to take the PSATS, but since Savannah is barely new to school, she won't have to take it. So, I will put Weaponzied into about three or two parts! Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. And what do you think of badass Savannah?

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