Chapter 16: The Omega Werewolves

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Savannah's P.O.V.

"I am getting tired of this!" I said in frustraion.

I was with Malia, walking through the woods. We just wanted to have some sister time. My outfit was a blue V-nevk shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a leather jacket. My hair was in perfect curls. I had on silver hoop earrings. My makeup was how it usually was (foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss). Malia's outfit was the same one she wore during the full moon at Lydia's lakehouse. She had on blush mascara, and peach lipstick.

"Me too. They haven't told either of us if we are on the list or not." Malia said. "I have a feeling I am. We have got to be on it. We're supernatural." I said. "I just want to know how much I'm worth." I said. "Me too." Malia said as we came across the cliff that shows all of Beacon Hills.

"I don't know what we should do. I mean, psychotic bitch werejaguar Kate Argent is around, I have a pack, and there's a dead pool. But, I don't care if it's too dangerous. It doesn't matter if they're wendigos, werewolves, vampires, kitsunes, banshees, I don't care. I am going to save everyone with Scott by my side." I said. "Most importantly, you." I said.

"I am so happy for you, Savannah." Malia said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "My little twin sister is gonna become an Alpha soon. I am so happy for you." she said with happy tears. I smiled as I pulled her into a hug. "Whenever you want to join my pack, you are very welcome too." I said. I felt Malia smile into my shoulder and nod her head. "I love you, Savannah." she said. "I love you too, Malia." I said. We then pulled away and continued walking.

It was then we heard a twig snap, making us turn our heads. "What the hell was that?" Malia asked. "Honestly, I don't know." I said as we began searching.

The snap sounded again, making me flick my claws out as did Malia. "Get ready. It could be an assassin." I said. We stood behind one another, our backs against each other.

It was then I felt something push me and my sister to the ground. "Malia? Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded as we stood up. We saw two figures come from behind the trees.

One of them was a boy with dark brown, almost black hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. He growled as his eyes turned to a golden yellow color and fangs came out and the hair sprouted from his cheeks.

The other one was a girl that had light brown hair, gray eyes that flashed gold as well, and had fangs as well as hair on her cheeks. These two were definitely werewolves.

As they were about to charge at us, I let out the most loudest roar that made everything shook and made them fall to their knees and clutch their heads. I saw Malia with a shocked look on her face as I stopped roaring.

"What?" I asked as I returned my eyes to their normal color. "Your eyes. They were red." Malia said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "100 percent sure." she said.

I looked back to the two people as they stood up. "Hey, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you." I said. "Who are you?" Malia asked. "My name is Adam and this is my sister, Katherine." the boy said. "My name is Savannah and this is my sister, Malia." I said.

"We were hiding. Hiding from-assassins." I said, cutting Katherine off. "Wait, how did you know?" she said. "We are being targeted too." Malia said.

"Tell us about yourselves." I said. "Well, we are werewolves, Omegas. Our family was killed by assassins." Adam said. "We were searching for a pack." Katherine said.

"Well, we can help you. We have two packs, mine and hers." I said. "You both have packs?" Adam asked. "Look, I know you're thinking that she is the leader of her pack..." I said, featuring to Malia. "But she isn't. The leader is Scott McCall. He's a True Alpha and a good friend of ours. He didn't steal the power. He earned it. His pack and mine are allies. His pack consists of himself, a kitsune, a human, two Betas, and my sister, here, who is a werecoyote, like me." I said.

"Wait. If you're a werecoyote, how can you be an Alpha? Your eyes were red." Katherine asked. "Well, I have a chance at becoming one because of my newfound leadership." I said. "If she's your sister..." Adam said pointing to Malia.

"How come you aren't in your friend's pack? I mean, she's in his pack right?" Adam asked. "Well, yes, but I found some people who happened to be my true pack. I found them without even knowing it." I said.

"What does your pack consist of?" Katherine asked. "Me, two hunters who are from the Argent family, but you don't need to fear them because they don't hurt werewolves. Two kistunes one of them is fire and the other one is wind, and one werewolf, a Beta with blue eyes." I explained.

"If you want to join one of our packs, you can. We are here to help stop these assassins, the deadpool, and these murders." I said. "My pack and Scott's are allies with each other. I used to be part of his until I was told that I might become an Alpha." I said.

"What color are both of your eyes?" Adam asked. Me and Malia looked at each other before closing our eyes. When we opened them, Katherine and Adam gasped. "You killed innocents." Katherine said. I slowly nodded as did Malia. "8 years ago." I said.

"What happened?" Adam asked. "Full moon. We were 9 years old. Couldn't control the shift. Caused the car crash. Killed our mother and sister." Malia said. "Oh, my. We're so sorry." Katherine said. "It's okay." I said.

"We would like to join your pack, Savannah." Adam said. I smiled and nodded.

I gained two more pack me members. First, Shawn and Andrew. Second, Hannah. Third, Aimee and Travis, and now fourth, Katherine and Adam.

I guess this will be an awesome pack.

A/N: Here is the second surprise! Savannah has two new pack members! Face claims for Katherine and Adam are Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes best known for their roles as Edmund and Lucy Pevensie in The Chronicles Of Narnia movies!

I will update from Weaponized tomorrow!

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