Chapter 18: Weaponized Part 2

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Savannah's P.O.V.

I laughed as I swung on my swings, Brett pushing me. "Having fun?" Brett asked with a smile. "Very." I said as I continued swinging. "How about you jump and I catch you?" Brett asked. I smiled and nodded. He walked until he was in front of me. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded. "One, two, three!" Brett counted.

I smiled as I let go and flew through the air before landing in Brett's arms. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. "My beautiful coyote." he said as our foreheads touched. "My handsome wolf." I said. I smiled before pressing my lips to his. He smiled against my mouth before responding.

He set me down as he wrapped one arm around my waist and used his other hand on my cheek. He deepened the kiss. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before we pulled away for air. "I love you." Brett said. "I love you, too." I said as we interwined our fingers. "Come on." he said with a smile as he grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Wherever you want." he said. "How about...the movies?" I asked. "Sure thing, pretty face." he said. I smiled before I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He held me as he gave me the piggyback ride.

I smiled as I lay my head on Brett's shoulder. I could hear his heartbeat through my ears and I could smell happiness and love on him. I am so glad I met this boy. He isn't bad. Nobody just knows him as much as I do. Sure, he may seem like a jackass at first, but as soon as you get to know him, he is nothing but a sweet cuddle bear.

After what seemed like 45 minutes, we were finally at the movies. "So, what movie?" Brett asked as he got out his wallet. "Divergent." I said. "Is it good?" he asked. "Babe, I've read all the books. It is more than good." I said with a tiny smirk. He smiled and chuckled. "What's it about?" he asked.

"It's about a future society in Chicago that is separated into five groups because of a war that happened. That's all I will tell you. You just gotta see the movie." I said with a smile. "What are the books?" he asked. "Divergent, Insurgent, Four, and Allegiant." I said. "Oh, okay. Seems good." I said.

We got the tickets, popcorn, drinks, and candy before going inside the theater to see the movie. We found two seats in the very top and luckily, we were the only ones on top. Brett smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest, playing with his leather jacket as the movie started.

*Some Time Later*

We were currently on the part where Peter is beating the crap out of Tris. Every time Tris got hit, I winced at her pain. Out of all the characters, so far, I hate Eric, Peter, and the giant, Molly. I pay 20 bucks Four is smoking gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as Brett. (A/N: Four is smoking gorgeous in my opinion!)

"Ouch." I said as Peter knocked Tris out. "I swear, if anybody ever hurt you in that way, I would be the last person they'd see alive." Brett said. "Don't forget that I'm a badass and, I have to admit, strong werecoyote. I can take down two guys twice my size if I had to. Heck, I could take down Eric and Molly." I said with a smile.

"Looks like you're my Tris Prior." Brett said as he have my temple a kiss. "And looks like you're my Four." I said with a smile as I got a Twizzler and held it out. He smiled and opened his mouth before biting it. I bit the other end and we ate it until our lips were pressed together.

We pulled away soon after and we continued watching the movie.

*After The Movie*

"I want to see Insurgent!" Brett said as we exited the theater. I got him obsessed with Divergent now. "Don't worry, babe. It'll come out next year. Patience." I said as we walked. "My Dauntless girl." Brett said. "My Dauntless boy." I said as we continued our little walk.

As we were walking, I noticed Brett walking to a pet store. "Brett?" I asked. "Wait here." he said. I nodded as he went in. I found a bench and sat down, enjoying the nice, fresh breeze. I saw a couple, who looked around 19, the girl was holding a baby in her arms while the boy was holding the hand of a little girl who looked about 5 years old.

I felt my heart shatter into my chest at the sight. I missed my mom and sister. I kinda miss my dad. Oh, how much my life had been a hellhole.

I heard the door open and I saw Brett with a smile on his face, holding his hands behind his back. "What so you have there?" I asked with a tiny smirk as I stood up and walked to him. "A little gift for my beautiful girlfriend." he said as he pulled out his hands, revealing a really adorable kitten that was white with orangish spots on it.

"Awww! It's so cute!" I said as I gently took the kitten from his hands. "It's a boy. He was the only one that no one wanted, so I decided to buy him for you." he said. "I'll name him...Theo." I said. "That's a good name." he said. "Hi, there, Theo." I said to the little kitten. Theo climbed on my shoulder as he pounced on my hand and let out a kitty meow.

"Thank you, Brett." I said. "You're welcome, Savannah." he said as he gave me a chaste kiss.

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