Chapter 21: The Full Moon

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      Savannah's P.O.V.

    I was sweating buckets as I kept punching the punching bag over and over again, nothing but their betrayal, in my opinion, flashing through my mind.

     I have been training my pack, including myself more and more for the past few weeks. Neither of us have had any contact with Scott or the others. We have been staying at Shawn and Andrew's house, which is perfect for us because we all have our own rooms.

    Theo has been growing a lot. He is still playful and has himself wrapped around everybody's finger.

     I was with Aimee, Hannah, Katherine, and Malia practicing with punching bags as Andrew, Shawn, Travis, and Adam were lifting weights.

     I began to feel my coyote side take over me, since I was starting to punch the bag harder and harder every second. I pictured the bag as each one of them. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, all of them, being torn apart by me, their screams ringing in my ears and their blood staining my face.

     I snapped back into reality as I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. "Savannah, calm down!" I heard Andrew's voice say. "Savannah, you needd to put this aside. Please, Savannah." I heard Katherine's voice speak. At the words, I felt myself get more calm and calm.

     "I need to calm down? The full moon is tonight and you're telling me to calm down?" I said. "Well, you, Katherine, Adam, and Shawn are the ones who will have to control yourselves." Travis said.

     "You all are going to be in the basement. Okay?" Andrew said. Me, Adam, Katherine, and Shawn all nodded. "There's enough chains to hopefully hold you guys until you gain control." Hannah said. "But I don't know why I haven't still controlled myself on a full moon if I am gonna be an Alpha." I said. "Hey, some Alphas need to learn control, Savannah. You aren't the only one." Adam said.

    "I think that's enough training right now." Hannah said. "We need to get you ready for the full moon."

    We all nodded before we all exited the training room and went into the living room.

    "Why don't we give them a chance?" Aimee asked. "Aimee? Didn't you forget about the part where they lied to us? Where they betrayed us?" Malia asked. Aimee just shrugged.

      "I think it's time we should just move on from them and figure this out by ourselves." I said. "But what if we are trying to do something involving the deadpool and they're in it as well?" Katherine asked. ""We just ignore them." I said. "And?" Andrew asked. "And we donit my way." I said.

     I paced back and forth nervously as Hannah, Travis, Aimee, and Andrew were setting up the chains. Me, Adam, Katherine, and Shawn were waiting. Malia didn't have to be chained up, because she already had control.

    We had on different outfits this time, since the training happened in the morning. I was wearing a red tank top with a black hoodie, denim shorts, and converse. Katherine was wearing a blue tank top, blue jeans, and black boots. Adam was wearing a red shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and combat boots. Shawn was wearing a gray tight V-nevk, blue jeans, and combat boots

     "Okay, guys." Hannah said as the chains were set up. "Hannah, you get Adam. Travis, you get Katherine. Aimee, you get Shawn, and I'll get Savannah and Malia.  Andrew said.

    We all went to our assigned  people and sat down as they began to chain us up.

     Andrew was chaining me up as tight as he could. "Is that too tight?" he asked. I looked up at him, my eyes already blue. "Tighter." I growled. Andrew noddes as he tightened the chains tighter and tighter. As soon as I was all chained up, Andrew got up and backed away. I looked and saw Shawn, Katherine, and Adam already chained up.

    Before I knew it, I felt the full moon take effect.

     Third Person P.O.V.

     Savannah, Adam, Katherine, and Shawn all screamed in agonizing pain as the full moon was taking effect on them. Blood was staining their teeth, as a result of the canines bursting through their gums, as well as the hair sprouting from their cheeks, their ears becoming pointy, and their claws growing from their nails.

     Andrew, Hannah, Aimee,  Malia, and Travis all looked at their friends with worried and horrified expressions as the three werewolves and werecoyote were thrashing, trying to get out of the chains, ready to kill anything in their path.

      It wasn't long before Katherine broke free first, but Travis began fighting her, so she wouldn't kill him. Katherine raised a hand and tried to claw Travis, but he dodging it and kicked her, sending her to the ground.

     The next one to break free was Shawn, since he was pretty strong. Andrew ran to his brother and began fighting him as well. Andrew punched Shawn in the face as he was about to claw him. Katherine jumped on Travis' back, but Travis grabbed her arms and slammed her to the ground, knocking her out. Andrew looked at his brother, who roared and was going to slash at him before punching him again in the face, knocking him out.

      Adam was the third one to break free as Savannah kept trying to get out. Adam charged towards Aimee, who did a front flip and dodged him. Adam looked back at her as she grabbed a ring dagger and began swinging it at him, but he knocked her down, climbing on top of her. Malia screamed Aimee's name as she transformed and tried to pull Adam off Aimee, but he pushed her back.

      Hannah tried to use her powers, but they were no match. She screamed as she lunged onto Adam's back, but he pushed her back, her landing on an out-cold Katherine. Hannah groaned in pain as she held her arm.

      Savannah was still trying to break free, but she remembered something. She dogged her claws into her palm as she thinked of Brett. Their first kiss. Their love for each other.

      At this, Savannah's coyote features began to fade.

    Travis kicked Adam, but Adam didn't budge. "Get off my sister!" he shouted, but was sent flying by Adam, who pushed him. Adam turned his attention back to the young hunter as he raises his clawed hand and scratched her arm.

     "Adam! Stop! It's me, Aimee! Please! You're hurting me, Adam. Stop, please!" Aimee screamed. At her pleading words, the wolfed up Adam looked at her as his teeth were growing back, as well as his claws and hair on his cheeks. His eyes then went back to their normal color. "Aimee?" he asked. Aimee nodded before Adam got off her and she got up.

      They all turned their attention to Savannah, who's coyote features fully faded and all was left was her breathing heavingly and her eyes no longer blue.

     "You did it. Both of you." Andrew said with a smile. "We controlled ourselves." Adam said with a smile. "How?" Savannah asked. "You found an anchor, Adam. That's Aimee." Hannah said. "And you used pain." she said, looking at Savannah. "Not just pain. I thought about Brett too." Savannah said with a smile as Malia engulfed her twin in a hug.

     It was finally over. Adam and Savannah controlled themselves and Shawn and Katherine were rechained just in case.

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