Chapter 30: Smoke And Mirrors

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Savannah's P.O.V.

"What do you mean Scott's missing?" Shawn asked as my pack, Brett, and I were all in the woods. I was just informed that Scott and Kira were both taken by Kate and now everybody's been going absolutely insane. I tried to keep my pack as calm as possible because on wrong step could mean the end of all of us. I looked at all of them. 

"I talked it out with Scott's pack. They will go to Mexico and get Scott back. As for us, we have to stay here because I have a bad feeling something's still lingering here. Maybe it's a group of assassins who are still hunting despite the fact the deadpool is over." I explained. "No. I know what's here. There have been reports from Derek that Berserkers are here going around killing since Kate was also here and she probably ordered some to stay here because she knows of us." Aimee said.

I shrugged. "Possibly. We're staying here just in case if our guesses are true." I said. "We all need to stick together. Aimee, Travis, Tyler, get your weapons ready. Andrew, make sure you absorb enough electricity for tonight. Shawn, Adam, Katherine, Robbie, all of you make sure your claws and teeth are ready. Hannah, prepare to make it storm. Tonight, we will take on these Berserkers. No matter what, if we die, we will die protecting this town." I explained.

I flashed my eyes red. All of the other supernaturals in my pack flashes their eyes except for the humans. Brett came over and kissed me before we all walked off. Brett wrapped an arm around me and I wrapped mine around his waist.

"Please bring him back." I told Derek and Malia as we were in the loft. Brett was on the couch there. "We will, Savannah. No matter what it takes." Derek explained. "Also, stay safe. I've already lost my mom and younger sister. I've lost almost my entire family. I almost lost my boyfriend. I can't lose you both." I told them.

"You won't lose us. We're Hales. Nothing can stop us." Malia told me with a pat on my shoulder. All of us hugged before we pulled away. "You lead your pack tonight. Show them that you are a true leader. Show them why you're a True Alpha. Show them how it makes you stronger." Derek explained. I nodded before he and Malia left. The loft door closed slowly before it was closed.

I looked at Brett and went to the couch, sitting down by him. I went closer to him and lay my head on his chest as he wrapped and arm around me. He lay his chin on the top of my head. He began to gently stroke my hair. "Baby?" I asked. "Yeah?" he replied. "Can we do something? Before we go into battle again?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "Anything."

I placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in. He leaned in as well and gently captured my lips in his. Soon, he hovered over me and gently kissed my neck. "Brett, please." I whispered. He looked at me and he nodded. One thing led to another and I'm pretty sure you all know what happened next.

Now, it was just me, Brett and my pack in charge of protecting Beacon Hills. All of us were ready. We did a little bit of training. There was a full moon out, but all of us werewolves had control over ourselves. The hunters were locked and loaded. Everyone else was prepared for whatever would come. We all stood in an alley where the last dead body was found, so we figured the Berserkers could be here.

    I heard footsteps and I was immediately alert. It was then I saw one Berserker in my view. I looked around and saw that there were five Berserkers in total. "What's our code?" I asked my pack. "Alpha, Beta, Omega." they all replied instead of Brett. "What's our code?!" I shouted. "Alpha, Beta, Omega!" they all shouted back. "Alright, brothers and sisters! Let's rumble!" I yelled as my eyes flashed red and transformed.

   We all charged at the Berserkers. Brett and Andrew went with me. Brett slashed at the Berserker in front of us, but was flung off. Andrew lit his arms on fire and began throwing fireballs at the Berserker we were dealing with. As it was being distracted by Andrew, I pounced on it's back and sunk my claws, but it didn't have any effect.

    I struggled to hang on as the Berserker was obviously stronger. I roasted as I went to sink my teeth in it, but I felt a searing pain in my chest. "No!" I heard Adam yell. I was flung off and I collided with the wet ground. I looked and saw a Berserker with it's classic plugged into Katherine. My eyes widened in shock. I can't believe it.

   "Katherine!" I yelled as I felt tears forming.

   Blood began to spill from her mouth as her yellow eyes flashed back to their normal color. "Just keep fighting." she whispered before her head hung lose and she was flying away. I saw Adam crouching in pain as his leg was healing with tears flowing down his face. I can't imagine how he's feeling. That was his sister. His only family.

   It was then I felt anger growing inside me. I roared loudly before I went to the Berserker that killed Katherine. I jumped on it's back and began to squeeze it's skull. I was letting my shield go. It was time to release mt inner beast. I screamed in anger as my red eyes grew brighter, squeezing the skull tighter.

   Soon, a bright, yellow light flashes from the Berserker and before I knew it, the skull was torn in half and it was dead. My pack and Brett looked at me in shock while the Berserkers looked on. "Haha! You fuckers can't stop me now!" I yelled. I realized my pack wasn't fighting. "All of you fight! Tyler, look out!" I yelled. Tyler turned and dodged a Berserker.

   As the rest fought, I looked at Brett. I grabbed his hand. "Until the end." I said. "Until the end." he replied. He kissed my hand before he went off into the battle.

    Aimee got a sword and swung at the Berserker in front of her, but i almost stabbed her. Why? Because I ran and got to the Berserker and did the same thing. I let my inner beast out and squeezed with my might and the same light flashed before the Berserker was no more. I helped Aimee up. "Thanks, Savannah." she told me. "You're welcome. Let's keep kicking ass." I said.

    The next thing I saw made my hesrt stop and anger rise once again. I saw Tyler and Robbie on the ground. Blood on their bodies as well as their mouths. Travis and Aimee cried before they kept trying to fight. "THAT'S IT! NO MORE!" I yelled before I let my himan side go once and for all.

   I ran to the Berserker that killed them and squeezed it's skull until it was no longer moving. "TWO MORE! LET'S GO!" I shouted before I roared. I saw one of them advance towards Aimee, but I tackled it down and did the same method until it was dead. I looked at the final Berserker and it was in front of me. I looked at my remaining pack members as well as my boyfriend.

   "Leave this bastard to me alone. You've all done your part. Now, time from me to do it by myself." I said as I took off my leather jacket.

    "Come on, asshole!" I yelled. It began to run towards me but I did a backflip and dodged it's dagger. My inner monster came out and literally pushed the Berserker to the ground hard. "This is for Katherine!" I yelled as I kicked it's thick skull hard, I swear I saw a crack. "This is for Robbie and Tyler!" I yelled as I ot on top of it. I placed my hands on the skull, roaring as I squeezed with every ounce of strength I had. The yellow light flashed and it was dead.

   I got up and looked at my pack and Brett, my eyes still red. "We're all okay, now." I said as I transformed back into my normal form. I went to all of them and hugged each one. I comforted Aimee, Adam, and Travis. Lastly, I went to Brett and hugged him. He spun me around before he kissed me passionately. After we pulled away, he smiled at me.

   "You did it." he told me. I shook my head. "No. We did it." I said.

    I looked at Katherine, Tyler, and Robbie's bodies. I walked over, knelt down, and placed a kiss on each one of their foreheads. "You three put up a great fight. We will always remember you. We love you. I love you, guys. Rest in peace." I whispered before standing up. I looked at Hannah. "You know what to do." I told her. She nodded before her eyes flashed and she created a vortex of wind around them. Soon, their bodies slowly became dust and the vortex vanished.

   "Let's go home." I said with a slight raspy voice. Brett wrapped an arm around me and we all walked off together. We finally got to where mine and Derek's loft was.

   That was until I caught a scent. It smelt like blood. I used my super hearing and I heard whimpering and cried of pain. "Someone's hurt. I have to go check this out. Come on." I said. All of us ran and ran as I followed the scent. It was then we got to and abandoned building and we saw a guy there, holding his stomach that was bleeding. A Berserker must've gotten him. He had blondish brown hair with one eye blue and the other brown.

   I immediately went over to him. I saw him with my arm and looked at him. Brett knelt down and began absorbing his pain.  "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me. "I don't want to die. I have a girlfriend who's waiting for me. I can't die." he explained with tears. "What's your name?" I asked. "Jasper." he replied. "I know how to save you, but, you're going to freak out." I explained. He shook his head.

   "I know. I'm a former hunter. I know you all." he explained. He winced as he clutched his stomach. I looked at my pack and they all nodded. This was the first time I bit somebody. My first official Beta that I create. I looked at Brett, who nodded his head. "Do it. The others would've wanted this too if it was them." he explained.

   My eyes flashed red and I grabbed Jasper's wrist. I leaned in and sunk my teeth into his flesh, turning him into my first Beta.

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