Chapter 8: Pain Makes You Human

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Song for this chapter: Monster by Skillet

Savannah's P.O.V.

"Shawn, Andrew! I don't know why you are acting like this!" I whined.

Let me explain. I told Shawn and Andrew that I had met Brett. Then, Shawn went into overprotective brother mode and went on and on about Brett for 30 minutes.

"Because our little sister is not gonna be flirting with a boy she just met!" Shawn argued back.

"Shawn. He's not bad. Sure, he may hate Liam and all, but he doesn't seem to hate me." I said. "Besides, we weren't even flirting."

"We just don't want you to get hurt because we love you as a sister and we don't want him to hurt you." Shawn said.

"Try not to forget that I'm a werecoyote who killed her whole family. I can protect myself." I said.

It was then when I said that, I sighed.

I though about how Malia and I, our parents, our sister, us just being happy. Living like a normal family.

But then I thought back to when I shifted and I, along with Malia, killed Mom and our sister.

"Savannah. Your eyes." Andrew said with wide eyes. "What about them?" I asked. "They're starting to glow." Shawn said. It was then, I felt my vision get blurry and my breathing was acting up.

I was transforming.

"Stop making your eyes glow." Shawn said. "I can't." I growled, gripping onto the locker.

"Okay, come on. Keep your head down." Shawn said as he wrapped his arms around me and we started walking.

I did as he said and kept my head low until we got into an empty classroom.

I growled and breathed heavily as I felt my coyote/wolf take over me.

Shawn and Andrew began to step forward.

"No! Stay back!" I growled as I felt my canines grow. "You're not going to hurt us." Andrew said.

"You don't know! Just stay back!" I growled.

"What did Stiles, Scott, and Derek teach you? When you feel the beast taking over?" Shawn said.

I growled in response as I flicked my claws and went after him, but he sent me back.

I felt rage, but I could'nt hold it.

I imagined myself scratching the walls, closet, hallways, lockers, wanting to tear apart anything that came into my view.

I felt my beast deep within, just beneath my skin. I felt like....a monster. My nightmare has just began. And that nightmare was....loosing control and killing everybody.

"What do you do?!" he said.

"You find an anchor!" I growled.

"Find your anchor. Brett, Scott, whatever!" Andrew commanded.

"I can't! This is too much!" I growled.

"Try Malia! Focus on her!" Shawn said.

It was then I began to focus on Malia. All the times she and I always hung out, played, and just laughed like sisters. I focused on Malia and I having fun, going out, and yea.

It was working, sort of.

"Shawn? I don't think it's working!" Andrew said.

There was only one option left if I couldn't get an anchor.

I clutched my fists tight, sinking my claws into my palms really deep.

I felt the blood travel down my arms as I sink my claws in deeper.

"Savannah!" Shawn exclaimed, but Andrew held him back.

*Flashback *

"I don't know." I said as I looked at my hand that no longer had my cuts. "Maybe you just need more help on controlling yourself." Scott said.

"What if I can't?" I asked. "Find an anchor. Something meaningful to you. It can be a person, place, thing, object, anything." Scott explained.

"I can't just can't seem to find one. I focus on Malia and Lydia, my fear of losing them, my Mom and sister, my sadness and grief of killing them, and they just don't work." I explained as I sat down.

"If you can't, there's something else. Something my Mom taught me. Be your own anchor." he said.

"I can't seem to do that either. I still can't do it." I said.

"There's something else. Last." Scott said. "What?" I asked. "Pain." he said. It was then he grabbed my wrist and twisted it, making me yelp in pain. I fell to the ground, clutching it. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed. "It's what keeps us human. Pain makes you human." Scott said.

*End Of Flashback*

I breathed as I felt my claws go back into my nails, my canines go back, and my eyes returning to their normal color.

I sank to the ground as I breathed deeply, the blood still on my arms, my head a little sweating.

"What was that?" Shawn asked as he and Andrew crouched down in front of me.

"If there's one thing I learned from Scott, it's that if you can't find an or be be your own anchor, try pain." I said as I grabbed a towel from the closet of the classroom and wiped myself.

"What?" the both asked.

"Pain keeps you human."

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