chapter 1

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3rd POV:

As sieger woke up he started to stretch and let out a small yawns them got up and walked to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower before he started to get his stuff ready to leave his house and head to beacon.

Sieger: I wonder what my new life in beacon will become at least I'm keeping my promise to them.

[Time skip]

As sieger was in a bulkhead heading throws beacon as Ozpin was there waiting for it to land.

Ozpin: With Sieger around here is should be more of an interesting year especially with his semblance. *closes his eyes and sees an image of sieger summoning a key blade* With his semblance to summon out key like swords in order to fight is amazing.

As the bulkhead landed Sieger walked out of it while wearing his black cloak covering his wolf ears

Sieger: It feels weird coming back to beacon after all of those years being here.

Ozpin: Don't worry about it Sieger you can have a look around before your initiation starts.

Sieger: Ok oz later.

As Sieger walked away while Ozpin saw a transparent figure next to sieger as ozpin blink for a few seconds then notice that the figure was gone.

Ozpin: *thoughts* 'could he be the recognition of Sora and Roxas?'

As Sieger walked around beacon saying hi to some of the professors he had meet when he was still a kid after an hour and half of him walking around beacon he went to the cafeteria to get some food for himself.

Sieger: Man the food here has no changed a bit *takes a bite of his stake* I wonder which team I'm going to be put on after my  initiation.

As Sieger enjoyed his meal but didn't saw that four guys walked throws him as one of them were holding a hammer.

???: Hey kid.

Sieger: What?

???2: That's our seat and your in it.

Sieger: So go sit somewhere else?

???3: Just who do you think your talking to.

Sieger: Just a group of punks.

???4: We're beacons strongest team so watch your mouth!

Sieger: I seriously don't care *finish his food and gets up* and from what I see is a no good huntsman.

???: Why you!!

As the leader of the group grabes his hammer while sieger was reader to summon out his swords they were intruded by Ozpin.

Ozpin: That enough you two.

Sieger: Fine.

???: Whatever.

Ozpin: Sieger you should get read for your initiation.

Sieger: Right *walks away*

Ozpin: As for you team crld I won't tolerate anymore behavior like that understand.

Crld: Understood sir.

[Time skip]

As Sieger walked up on the arena ozpin was standing there with team rwby on the other side of the arena.

Ozpin: Now Sieger are you ready for your initiation.

Sieger: I am.

Ozpin: Ruby is your team ready.

Ruby: Yes we are ozpin.

Ozpin: Then begin.

As team rwby charged at sieger, he took out a pair of headphones and put on music as he dodges their attack with great easy.
(Play the music)

Ruby: Wow your good.

Sieger: Thanks you and your team aren't half bad.

Ruby: But we're not going to give up.

Sieger: Then I should show you my power.

As sieger hold out his hands while they start to glow then out of nowhere two blade like keys appeared out of then air.

(How they look👇)

Sieger: These two are my signature weapons so prepare to lose.

As team rwby charged at sieger again he then starts to counter attack while dropping this aura down a bit with each strike.

Ruby: Wow those are some amazing weapons!!

Sieger: Here comes my finishing move!

As Sieger's swords started to glow while his cloak started to wave around as wind starts to surround his key blades.

Sieger: Light and dark wild slash!!

Sieger release a slash of light and dark as they form an x as it headed for team rwby then as it made contact with them their aura went to the red zone while sieger's aura was almost at the yellow zone.

Ozpin: And the winner is Sieger Dragfall.

Sieger: Thanks for an amazing fight. *bows*

Ozpin: Sieger as of now you'll be part of team Ruby.

Ruby: Welcome to our team Sieger.

Sieger: I hope we can be great friends and teammates.

As sieger smiles ozpin kept seeing Sora in his eyes still wondering if he was the recognition of Sora but what ozpin doesn't know is that sieger isn't the recognition of Sora but of Roxas and ventus as well.

A/N:  that's ends it for today and I'm sorry for not updating some of my books since school work has been piling up on me so please forgive me all.

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