Chapter 3 - The Legend Of The Devils Daughters

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<> Wraths Thoughts

{} Deaths Thoughts

~ Sins Thoughts

Third Person POV | 8:46AM

The students got their notebooks out ready to take notes as Mrs Gigi started the Geography lesson. "The devils daughters originated around 14 years ago when three sisters went missing."

"The girls names were Death, Wrath and Sin. Death is the oldest of the three with gold eyes and black hair that fell to the middle of her back, Wrath was the middle child with flaming red shoulder length hair and blood red eyes, Sin was the youngest with hip length Blonde hair and black eyes"

"After they went missing the police attempted to find them but found nothing, apart from blood sprayed all over the trees in the forest, they tested the blood and sure enough it belonged to the three sisters, they assumed the girls were dead as the amount of blood they lost would not be enough to live."

"A week after the blood had been tested three more boys went missing, Jahi, Morax and Cain. These boys were only fifteen at the time of their disappearance."

"Around a year after the boys went missing, they were found crawling out of the forest with stab marks in their sides, screaming that the girls had tried to kill them repeatedly. They were all taken to the local hospital, Jahi and Morax died a week after they had been put in hospital and Caim had gone into coma, but he died a month later."

"The doctors said that the strange thing about it, is that before they died their eyes shot open and turned a colour, Jahi's black with a gold pupil, Morax's with blood red eyes and Caims with jet black with a silver pupil."

"The teenagers of the town were full of questions and decided that they would try to contact the spirits, after months of trying, one girl succeceded."

"The night the ghosts of the dead girls came to her was horrible, Death had black eyes with gold pupils, Wrath had blood red eyes and Sin had jet black eyes with silver pupils. They also had sharp white fangs and small black horns, when the girl asked them why they looked like that it upset the ghosts, they cried blood and screamed in sadness causing the mirrors to crack and eventually smash which alerted the parents."

"The parents came down to check on the teenage girl to find that the bathroom mirror was smashed and the girl was on the floor crying, her eyes shot open and turned a radiant purple before she died, after that the 3 missing girls were named the Devils Daughters"

"The girls were killed an-"


The sound of the bell cut Mrs Gigi off, "Oh, well I will see you next time students! We will continue this current topic so don't forgot your notes!" The students spilled out to rush to their next class.

Sin POV | 9:34AM

I yawned, slinging my backpack over my shoulders.

~I hope I looked like I was paying attention.~

I stood up and headed towards my next class, Science.

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