💫 Chapter-13💫

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Namjoon's Room

Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon were talking in Namjoon's room when Jimin burst in, exclaiming, "Hyung, I have been finding you both in the whole house for half an hour and you both are sitting here chilling?" He sat beside Namjoon with a pout, which made the other three laugh. Annoyed, Jimin protested, "Yah, don't laugh at me."

Jin, with a protective tone, said, "Shh, guys, no one will laugh at my Minnie." Despite their initial agreement, they all started laughing again within 30 seconds, and Jimin joined them this time. After a few minutes, they stopped and looked at each other, still smiling.

Namjoon asked, "By the way, Jimin hyung, why were you finding both hyungs?"

"Nothing special. I was getting bored. And I didn't see them for so long, that's why," Jimin explained.

Namjoon teased, "You didn't see me either. But you were not finding me. You don't love me? Or did you forget me?"

"What? No, Joon. I will never forget you and I love you so much. I didn't mention you cause I know you will be either in your room or in the library. We all know these are the only places we can find you in the whole house," Jimin replied earnestly.

"True," Yoongi and Jin chimed in.

Namjoon shifted the conversation, saying, "Okay... Anyways, hyung, remember a few days ago a new student came in our class?"

"Hoseok?" Yoongi guessed.

"Ani... after him. That Min-jun," Namjoon corrected.

"Hmm... What about him?" Jin asked, curious.

"Hyung, be careful. I heard him saying he is going to play a prank on either you both or any other teacher," Namjoon warned.

"Really? Let's see what he will do," Yoongi said with a serious nod

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Jungkook and Taehyung appeared, and Jin asked, "What happened, Jungkook? Do you need something?"

"Actually, me and Tae wanted to ask you something," Jungkook explained.

"What thing? Ask me," Jin replied.

"Alone, Jin hyung," Taehyung added.

Jin looked at the other three who told him to go. He stood up and went with them. They went to Jungkook's room and sat on the couch.

"Hmm... so what do you want to ask?" Jin asked.

"Actually, Hobi's birthday is coming. And we want to give him a surprise like we do every year. So, can we like decorate the living room and use the kitchen, if you don't have any problem," Jungkook explained.

"Sure, Jungkook. Why will I even have any problem? But..." Jin said.

"But?" Taehyung asked, leaning in.

"You will have to clean all things early as Joonie's birthday is also coming and we all will be giving him a surprise too," Jin continued.

"Sure. When is Namjoon's birthday?" Taehyung asked.

"After two days..." Jin replied.

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, shocked. Jin looked at them, a little confused.

"What happened? Did I say something wrong?" Jin asked.

Jungkook looked at him and shook his head. "Ani... just when did you say? When is Namjoon's birthday?"

"Two days later," Jin confirmed.

"On XX?" Jungkook asked, referring to the date.

"Yup. Why? What happened?" Jin asked.

"Jin hyung, you are really sure, right?" Taehyung asked.

"What type of question is this? Of course I am. He is my brother. I know when he was born, what is his birth date. Why are you asking me questions like this?" Jin responded, slightly irritated.

"If Namjoon's birthday is on that day, how will we clean that fast?" Taehyung wondered aloud.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked, puzzled.

"Actually, Jin hyung, Hobi's birthdate is also two days later. On XX," Jungkook revealed.

Jin widened his eyes. "The same day as Namjoon?"

"Yup," Jungkook and Taehyung confirmed.

"The hell!! These two were born on the same day?" Jin exclaimed.

"That's why we were shocked," Taehyung said.

"I am too. I thought Hoseok was younger than Namjoon," Jin admitted.

"I thought that too, hyung. But they are fully the same age. Even they were born on the same day," Taehyung explained.

"Now, how will we celebrate Hobi's birthday as well as Namjoon's birthday at the same time?" Jungkook asked, worried.

"What do you mean? We can celebrate it together," Jin suggested.

"Together?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head.

"I think we are brothers now. Right? So, can't we celebrate our brothers' birthdays together?" Jin proposed.

"Yeah..." Taehyung nodded slowly.

"You know what, I have a very good idea for their surprise party," Jin said with a grin.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked, leaning in with interest.

"Just a sec. Tae, can you call Yoongi and Jimin here? I will tell you with them. And don't tell Namjoon. Okay?" Jin instructed.

"Okay," Taehyung agreed, standing up and leaving the room. He went to Namjoon's room where Yoongi and Jimin were.

"Yoongi hyung, Jimin, Jin hyung is calling you both..." Taehyung said.

They looked at him, curious. "Both of them? Why?" Namjoon asked.

"Um... It's something related to school work," Taehyung lied.

"Then, why Jimin hyung?" Namjoon inquired, skeptical.

"I don't know. He might need help," Taehyung suggested.

"Then, shouldn't I come as well--" Namjoon started.

"No, no, no. There is no need. He only called both of them," Taehyung interrupted quickly.

"Okay...?" Namjoon replied, still suspicious.

"Yoongi hyung, Jimin, shall we go?" Taehyung prompted.

Yoongi and Jimin nodded and stood up, following Taehyung to Jungkook's room. They sat down, curious.

"So, why did you call us, hyung? And what did Jungkook want to ask you?" Yoongi asked.

"Actually, he wanted to ask if he and Tae can decorate the living room as they have to give a surprise party to Hoseok, whose birthday is coming," Jin explained.

"His birthday is also coming? Joonie's birthday is also coming in a few days," Jimin noted.

"When is his birthday?" Yoongi asked.

"Same day as Joonie's birthday..." Jin revealed.

"Really?" Jimin and Yoongi said in unison.

"Yup, and Jin hyung has some plan to celebrate their birthdays and give them a surprise," Jungkook said excitedly.

"That means this year, not only Joonie but we will give a surprise to Hoseok also?" Jimin asked, excited.

"Yup. Now listen to the plan," Jin said, gathering them closer.

Hey Moon lights
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Words Count- 1111

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