💫 Chapter-16💫

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orry for late update. I was having a very high fever and was not able to upload. I am a little fine now so I worte this part. Hope you like it. Do a vote and Comment.


Jungkook looked at Hoseok standing in front of him, head bowed. "You did that. Right, Hobi?" he asked, his voice a mix of disappointment and concern.

When Jungkook and Taehyung had shouted, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon were startled by the sudden outburst. Within a minute, Hoseok had come down, now standing before Jungkook.

"Hobi... Hyung asked you something. Answer him," Taehyung said, standing just beside Jungkook. Hoseok looked up slowly and nodded.

"Ne. I did it," Hoseok admitted.

Jungkook and Taehyung had suspected as much, but the other four were taken aback.

"You beat him so much that he's in the hospital?" Jimin asked, incredulous.

"I only beat him a little. Not that much," Hoseok defended.

"Huh?" Jimin responded, still in shock.

"Why would you do that, Hobi?" Jungkook asked, his voice softening.

"What do you mean why? He hurt you. And I can't leave someone who hurt you," Hoseok explained, his voice rising with emotion.

"Hobi, didn't Jin Hyung already deal with him?" Taehyung asked.

"He only suspended him for two weeks. He didn't punish him. And I already warned that if I found out who did this to you, I wouldn't leave that person," Hoseok insisted.

"Hobi, you did wrong. You shouldn't have beaten him," Jungkook said, his tone firm yet gentle. Hoseok looked down, mumbling a quiet, "Sorry..."

Namjoon interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt, Jungkook Hyung, but I think what Hoseok did was not wrong."

Hoseok looked up at Namjoon, surprised. He hadn't expected anyone, especially Namjoon, to take his side. Everyone else was equally shocked.

"Namjo—" Jimin started, but Namjoon cut him off.

"Yes, I am with him this time. What he did was right, according to me," Namjoon stated. "If someone did this to any of you, I would have done the same, Hyungs. So, I don't think what Hoseok did was wrong. He was right. He did it because he can't see his Hyung being hurt. It's not wrong."

"If I think about it, sorry, Hyung, but I guess what Namjoon said is right. If this happened in front of me, I would have done the same," Taehyung agreed, giving Hoseok a small smile, which Hoseok returned with a small smile of his own.

"If they think it is right, then maybe it is," Yoongi added.

"I guess. But it doesn't mean you will do it every time. I am letting it go this time. Don't do it ever again. Okay?" Jungkook conceded.

"Okay, Hyungie. Um... can I ask you something?" Hoseok hesitated.

"Yup," Jungkook replied.

"How did you know it was me?" Hoseok asked.

"I wanted to ask the same thing, Jungkook," Jin interjected.

"Oh, well, in the photo, the boy was in a hospital bed, and he had something near his pocket. We looked closely and found out it was your locket. The 'Hope' one," Jungkook explained.

Hoseok immediately checked his neck. His locket was gone. "Oh no. My locket... I want it back, Hyung."

"I will find a way to get the locket back," Jungkook promised.

"You can just buy a new one," Namjoon suggested.

"No. I want that one only," Hoseok insisted.

"Why?" Jimin asked, puzzled.

"I just want my own locket back," Hoseok said, his voice firm.

"I will get your own locket back, Hobi. Okay?" Jungkook reassured him.

"Okay. I am going to my room," Hoseok said before leaving.

Namjoon turned to Taehyung, curious. "Is there something special about that specific locket?"

"Yup. It was given by our Mom on Hobi's first birthday. It also has a photo of him and Mom from his first birthday. He always keeps it with him," Taehyung explained.

"Oh... that's why he doesn't want a new one," Jimin realized.

"Right," Jungkook confirmed, understanding the significance of the locket.

Hey Moon lights
Sorry for boring Chapter
Next Part their birthday surprise will start.
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Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 700

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