💫 Chapter-20💫

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Yoongi- Hyung, if they are twins, we are brothers that means Joonie and Hoseok are twins too?

Jin- Ya....they are also twi--- Wait,

All 5- They are twins?

They all said in a shock.

Taehyung- They are really twins?

Jimin- Huh? They don't behave like that. I mean me and Tae even have some things in common but they---

Yoongi- I know right. They fight at Every silly thing. Who will say they are brothers and that too Each other's half. I mean Twins.

They all looked at each still not believing that Namjoon and Hoseok are twins.

Jin- Let's talk about this in the morning.  It's already very late and we have to prepare for the evening party too. Right?

Jimin- I guess you are right Jin Hyung.

Taehyung- Before we go, can I ask You something Jin Hyung?

Jin- Sure.

Taehyung- Me and Jiminie are twins? Right?

Yoongi- Yes you are.

Taehyung- Who is elder twin among us?

He asked looking at Jimin.

Jimin- I guess it is you. Am I right Jin Hyung?

Jin- Actually, Taehyung you are younger twin. Jimin is your elder twin.

He said and Taehyung gave his boxy smile while Jimin looked at him with a wide eyes.
He pointed a finger at himself and said

Jimin- You mean I....I am older than him?

Yoongi- Only by 3 minutes Chim.

Jimin- That doesn't matter. What matter is I have an younger twin with me now. I am so happy.
Tae Tae you will sleep with me today. In my room. Ok?

Taehyung- Ok, Jimin.

Jimin- Ani. Call me Jimin Hyung. I elder than you.

Jin- Jimin, only 3 minutes difference is their between him and you.

Jimin- I don't care. Elder is elder. You will call me Hyung.

Taehyung- Ok Jimin Hyung.

Jimin- It feels so good. Ahh.

Jungkook- You are very childish like Hobi.

Taehyung- Right Hyung. But he is the Maknae, that's why he is childish.

Jimin- What does it have to do with makane?
Joonie is a makane too but He is not like Hoseok.

Jungkook- Oh ya...... Maybe Joonie is the elder twin and Hobi is younger.

Jimin- Possible.

### POV

The heck!!! He is My brother and that too my  t-twin. TWIN!!!! It's not possible. That stupid person can't be my twin.
Ofcourse, we all know who is elder and who is not. But then again. How can he be my....like MY TWIN!!!

I should go from here before Hyungs see me. I will think of all this later.

### POV End

### says all this to himself and then immediately left for his room. Here l, Jin looked at Jimin and said

Jin- Actually, Hoseok is elder.

He said and all the four heads turned towards him.

Taehyung- What?

Jungkook- Hobi is elder?

Jin- Yup,. When Mom left she left with 3 Rd eldest that is Kookie. 5th eldest that is Tae Tae and the elder twin who was just born. That is Hoseok.

Yoongi- That means Joonie, is the makane?

Jin- Yup.

Jimin- Jin Hyung, shouldn't we like.....gi and tell both of them?

Jin- I guess we should not tell them. Let them have a small bond first. Then we can tell them.

Jungkook- I agree.

Yoongi- Me too.

Jimin, Taehyung- Ok.

Jin- Anyways, now go and rest in your rooms. Tae and Jimin go to one's room and ya, please sleep. We will talk in morning. Ok?

Taehyung, Jimin- Ok.

Jungkook- Ummmm....Hyung?

Jungkook said in a little tone. Jin and Yoongi both looked at him.

Jin- What happened Kookie?

Jungkook- C-can I also sleep with you both?

He asked nervously. Jin and Yoongi chuckled looking at him. Yoongi came towards him and said

Yoongi- Their is no need to ask Kookie. Just say that "Hyung's toady I will sleep with you." Like it's an order. 

Jin- Yup. And you know we would love if you sleep with us. We can sleep like we used to in childhood. You remember, how we used to sleep. Right?

Jungkook- Ne. I do.

Jimin- Ok, so me and My Twin will go to my room while you three go together.

Jin- Ok. Good Night.

Jungkook, Yoongi- Good Night

Taehyung, Jimin- Good Night Hyung's.

After wishing each other they all went from their( Jin and Jungkook kept the cakes in refrigerator)

A short Chapter
Hey Moon lights
Thanks for reading
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It means a lot to me.
Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 850

To those who don't know. I did a face reveal in my story
"My Dear Stepbrothers"
Last part. Named " About me + Face Reveal"
If you want you can  check it out.

A sad news: Jungkook deleted his Instagram Account. 😢😢😢

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