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At evening
15 minutes before Party


Jimin shouted running behind Taehyung who ran into the kitchen. Taehyung ran and went behind Jungkook who was talking with Jin and Yoongi.

Jungkook- Tae, what happened? Why are you both running?

Taehyung- He want to beat me. 

Taehyung said pointing towards Jimin who was glaring at him.

Jin- And why? Huh Jimin?

Jimin- Hyung, he ate my dumplings.

He said pouting. Jin and Yoongi chuckled at him. Just then his alarm ringed. He closed it and to he looked at his brothers.

Jin- Time for party guys. Where are the birthday boys?

Yoongi- In Namjoon's room.

Jin- And Hoseok?

Jimin, Taehyung- In Namjoon's Room.

Jin- Ok-- wait what!! What are they both doing together?

Jungkook- Getting ready for the party.

Jin- Together? Are you sure they will come outisde Alive?

He said causing all four of the rest to laugh. They stopped laughing and said

Jimin- Hyung, they will not fight.

Jin- And how do you know that?

Yoongi- Jackson told me today that none of them fought today on school. And they were talking with each other very nicely.

Jungkook- Ya. They even helped each other during my class.

Jin- Wahh. What happened with them?

Taehyung- No one know. I just know that I am happy that they are getting close.

Jimin- Me too.

Jin- Ok Ok, you all wait here. The guest will arrive soon. I will go and check both of them.

He said and the others nodded. He went upstairs leaving the rest. He went and knocked on Namjoon's door. As he didn't received an reply he turned the knob of the door.
He went inside and saw the view he never imagined he will see.
Jin's eyes widened as he saw Namjoon on the top of Hoseok.


He shouted making both Namjoon and Hoseok to flinch. Namjoon immediately got off from Hoseok. And they both stood up from the bed and faces Jin.

Jin- Will you answer me? What were you both doing in that position?

Namjoon- Hyung, don't get us wrong. It's not what you think it is.

Jin- Huh? Then, what were you doing?

Hoseok- H-yung, I was on the bed sitting, when his.... ya his leg slipped and he fell on me.

Jin- Like that?

Namjoon- T-that.....Hyung, leave it. Why were you here?

Jin- To check if you both were fighting. I didn't expected to see that.

Namjoon- Hyung, leave it. Please.

Jin- Ok, Ok fine. Anyways, let's go down. Shall we?

He asked looking at both of them. They both nodeed their heads and said

Hoseok- Hyung, you go. We will come in 5 minutes.

Jin- Ok. And don't let me catch you both in that position again. Understand?

He said in a serious tone and they both nodded their head. Jin sighed and went outisde the room. As soon as he went out, Hoseok took a shirt which was on the bed and hitted Namjoon with it.

Namjoon- Yah, why are you hitting me?

Hoseok- You....*hit* How dare you.*hit*!!!

Namjoon- You only asked me.

Hoseok- I did. *hit* I did. You idiot!!!!

Hoseok yelled and continued hitting Namjoon.

Wanna know what happened? Let's go in a little flashback

10 minutes ago
In Namjoon's Room.

They both were getting ready while helping each other. When Hoseok suddenly stopped and looked at Namjoon. He said

Hoseok- Namjoon, can you tell me something?

Namjoon stopped what he was doing and looked at him

Namjoon- Sure.

Hoseok- What is the meaning of top and bottom?

Hoseok asked clueless. Namjoon looked confused.

Namjoon- What do you mean?

Hoseok- Today, I heard a boy saying That he is top and his girlfriend is bottom. What is the meaning of this?

Namjoon Almost choked on nothing but air. He looked at him with wide eyes

Namjoon- Y-you don't know?

Hoseok- Should I?

Namjoon- Ani. I just--

Hoseok- Anyways, tell me. What does it mean?

Namjoon- How can I tell you? It's not a thing to tell.

Hoseok- Then show me.

Namjoon again choked on air.

Namjoon- What the heck!!!

Hoseok- Show me. Please.

Namjoon- Are you sure??

Hoseok- Yup.

Namjoon- Ok if you say so.

He said and........

Flashback Ends.

And that's how they ended up in that position. 

Hoseok continued hitting Namjoon with the shirt. While Namjoon was running around the whole room laughing actually enjoying all this.

Hey Moon lights
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Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 800

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