💫 Chapter-29💫

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Namjoon's POV

Hoseok- What is happening?

Me- He fooled us and locked us here.

I said as I ran towards the door. I tried to open it but Guess It was locked from the outside. Sh!t we are trapped.

Hoseok- What? You are joking.  Try to open the door.

I heard Hoseok saying. I signed and looked back at him.

Namjoon- I am not joking. You can try to open it yourself.

I said. He went near the door and tried to open it but like I said nothing happened. He tried to open it with much force but all in vain.

Hoseok- Hello? Is anyone out there? Please open the door!!!!

Hoseok shouted. But nothing.

Namjoon- No one will be here.  This is part of a school where students rarely come. 

I said and he looked at me with shocked eyes. He came near me and said

Hoseok- What are you saying? If no one comes here, then how will we get out of here?

Hoseok asked. I was silent. I also don't know how will we get out. Wait... I have my phone with me. I can call someone.

I opened my phone and dialled Yoongi Hyung's number.

Hoseok was looking at me with hopeful eyes hoping that they would pick up. But........

There was no network here. I tried again but the same thing. No network.

Hoseok- What happened? Are They not picking up?  Call someone else.

Namjoon- There is No Network here.

I said and sighed.

Hoseok- Huh? Then what will we do?

Namjoon- We can't do anything else except for waiting.

I said. I sat on the floor there not knowing what to do now. I saw Hoseok also sitting beside me.

Time Skip

2 hour Later
Still Namjoon's POV

I don't know how long it's been since we both are locked here. We both were still on the ground head supported by the wall. I tried many times to make calls but there is not even a % of the network. And no one even came in search of us. 

By now the only thing I know is that I am very thirsty. I need some water. But how will I even find water here?
I looked to my side and saw Hoseok, who was in the same condition as me.

Namjoon- Hoseok......

I called. He looked at me.

Namjoon- See, I know you are still angry with me. But please listen to me. Please listen to the story of my side too.

Hoseok- There is no need. I don't want to.

Namjoon- Hoseok pleas--

Hoseok- I am not angry at you anymore.

Namjoon- But Hoseok plea-- Wait. What did you say?

He fully turned towards me and said.

Hoseok- I said, I am not angry at you. I know what happened.

Namjoon- Really? How?

I asked. He looked at the floor and then again at me and said

Hoseok- I heard your talk with Jackson. I am sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you. I should have listened to you also. But that time, I didn't think from my brain and just blamed you. I am so sorry Namjoon.

He said. I smiled looking at him and pulled him in a hug.  I can't tell you how much happy I am right now. I don't know why but hugging him made me calm. Calmer than I was. I broke the hug and looked at him and said

Namjoon- It's Ok.  If I was in your place, I would have done the same. So, don't worry about it.

Hoseok- Thank You and even if you forgive me. Then also, is there anything that I can do for you after we get out of here ofcourse?

He said and I chuckled. I thought for a second and said

Namjoon- There is one thing.

I said. He raised an eyebrow and said

Hoseok- And what is it?

Namjoon- Shift in my bedroom. Permanently.

I said and looked at him for his expression.
He had his normal expression. He said

Hoseok- I will but it will be a problem for you.

Huh? I looked at him with a confused face. What does he mean by the problem?

Namjoon- What do you mean?

Hoseok- I will not tell you. You will make fun of me.

Namjoon- Hoseok..... I promise I will not make fun of you. Please tell me.

Hoseok- Actually......sometimes, I wake up and cry in the middle of the night.

What? Why did he cry?

Namjoon- Why?

Hoseok- I miss Misun Mom. And when miss her, I automatically start crying. And it may disturb you, especially at night.

He is a kid. Like who cries at this age.......... But then I would have done the same if I lived with Mom instead of him.

Namjoon- You know what.....it's not a problem to me. You will shift in my room and if you cry in the middle of the night, then wake me up too. We will cry Together.

Hoseok- Why will you cry?

Namjoon- Cause my brother will cry. That's why.

Hoseok- You accepted me as your brother? When?

Namjoon- I did. On our birthday.

Hoseok- Really?

Namjoon- Hmm.

I said. He gave me a smile which I gladly returned.
After this, we both just talked with each other not even caring that we were still locked in this old ass Store Room.

*Knock Knock

A boy knocked on the door of the office. He was standing outside with another boy. A voice came

~ Come in.

They both went inside the room as they heard. They saw him sitting on his chair doing his work.
He looked up and said

~ What happened to Jackson and Sungwoon? What brings you here?

Jackson locked here and there and first closed the door. He again came infront of him and said

Jackson- Namjoon and Hoseok are missing Jin Hyung.

( Jackson knows that Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook are the brothers of Namjoon and Hoseok. But Sungwoon doesn't know it. He just knows that Jungkook and Taehyung are the brothers of Hoseok)

Jackson said to Jin. Sungwoon looked at him shocked as he called Jin "Hyung". Here, Jin stood up from his seat and looked at them with a shocked as well as confused expression.

Jin- What are you saying, Jackson?

Sungwoon- He is telling the truth, Sir. A boy came into the class and told them that Mr Wang is calling them.  He took both of them and it's been 3 hours and they are still not back.

Jackson- Yes Hyung. We even asked Mr Wang and he said, he never called them. He didn't even see them since morning.

Jin was now shocked when Sungwoon was confused about why Jackson was calling Jin "Hyung".

Jin- Did you call them Jackson?

Jackson- I did Hyung. But Namjoon is not picking up and Hoseok's phone was in his bag.

Jin-  Ask Yoongi. Maybe he will know where they both are.

Jackson- I asked Yoongi Hyung too. He also didn't see them. Sungwoon here asked Jimin Hyung but he also didn't see any of them. And most importantly the student, who called them is also nowhere to find. Some teachers said that he left school early today cause he was sick. 

Sungwoon was getting more and more confused while Jin was getting more and more worried.

Jin- Did you ask any other teacher? Maybe they are with them?

Sungwoon- Sir, we asked every teacher but none of them saw them.

Jin- Oh My God. Where the hell are they?

Jackson- Hyung, don't stress too much. Namjoon is with Hoseok. He will handle it. We just have to find them.

Jin- I know Jackson. I am not worrying about Nam. I know he will handle himself. He is a calm person but Hoseok. What about him? What if they are in some trouble? What if something happened to him? How will I tell this to Tae or Kookie? 
Kookie is still not awake and because of this Tae is already stressed. If he got to know this, I don't what he will do. 
We have to find them as soon as possible.

Jackson- You are right Hyung. And don't worry about Taehyung Hyung.  Jimin Hyung and Eunwoo Hyung will handle him. We all should find them.

Jackson said and Jin nodded. He immediately called Yoongi and told him to come to his office.

Hey Moonlights
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Meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1470

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