💫 Chapter-40 💫(Re-upload)

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This is Chapter-40. I am posting it again as some readers were not able to find it.
If you have read already, the don't read it. There is not a single change here.
I just copied that chepter and published it here. 
(Do a vote everyone)


Get ready to read a very long chapter.
Please make sure to read the note at the end.

Namjoon's Age- 10 years old
Jin's Age- 19 years old
Yoongi's Age- 17 years old
Jimin's Age- 13 years old

Jin- Joonie, please don't cry. Please.

Jin said trying his best to stop the crying baby from crying.

Yoongi- Hyung, what happened?

Jin- He is again crying for the same reason.

Jin said and Yoongi looked at Namjoon.

Yoongi- Joonie, I don't even understand why you want to stay here? School is over and it's time to go home. Please stop crying.

Namjoon- Ani.... *Sobs cutely* I don't want to

Jimin- Joonie, why do you wanna stay here?

Namjoon- I *sob* wanna study *sob* more.

He said and Yoongi facepalmed while Jimin really wanted to faint.

Like, he is not interested in studies that much and always wants to go home.

And look at his younger brother. He is crying cause he wants to Study more.

Jin- Joonie, we can study at home too.

Namjoon- Ani. I don't want to study there. Jimin Hyung don't let me study.

He said and Jimin looked at him with wide eyes as Namjoon shifted the blame to him.

Jimin- What? Me? When did I........... You know what I am not even gonna argue with this big-brain small human. You want to study. Let's go home. I will literally lock you inside the library for the whole day. Then you can study there. Ok?

Jimin said a little angrily. Namjoon looked at him and his lips wobbled as another tear made its way out of his eyes.

Jin looked at it and then looked at Jimin

Jin- Jimin!! You are supposed to help us stop him from crying. But you are doing the exact same. Look you made him cry more.

Jimin- How is this my fault?.........
....Ok, don't glare at me Hyung........ *Deep breath* Joonie, please stop crying. I will buy you your favourite book. Please.

Listening to the name of his favourite book, Namjoon immediately stopped crying and continuously looked at Jimin rapidly blinking his small, cute eyes.

Namjoon- Really?

Jimin- Yup. But for that, you will have to come to the home with us.

Jimin said and Namjoon immediately nodded his head. All three brothers shooked their heads and then walked out from Namjoon's class with him On Yoongi's back.

Flashback Ends

Hoseok- Really? You cried cause you wanted to study?

Namjoon- Yup and I was like this throughout my whole middle school. I would cry sometimes and then blame Jimin Hyung and then he would bribe me with my favourite books.

Hoseok- Wow. You are really something else.

Namjoon- I am. Now, tell me about your school life.

Hoseok- Mine was not like this. I would mostly cry because I wanted to go home. You know when Mom left us, I was 7. So, till I was 14, I used to cry a lot in school as students always used to talk about how loving their mother's were and so on. Then, after I came to high school, I started to spend my most time with Tae Tae Hyung. Apart from that, I loved to prank Tae Tae Hyung so much. I would do prank on him 2-3 times in a day.

Namjoon- Really?

Hoseok- Yup. I still did sometimes, when I came here.

Namjoon- Wow.

Like this, they both were talking about their childhood days. After having their breakfast they both left the cafe (after paying Ofcourse).

They sat in the car.

Hoseok- Now, where?

Namjoon- Follow the GPS.

Namjoon said as he set the location in GPS. Hoseok started driving while following the GPS.

Hoseok- You already planned the full day. Didn't you?

Namjoon- Yup. I didn't want us to waste our time thinking. So, when you were taking the shower, I planned.

Hoseok- Wow. You really are brilliant.

Namjoon- I definitely am.

He said and they both chuckled. After sometimes, they reached their second destination of the day. They came out of the car and Hoseok widened his eyes as he saw what was infront of him.

Hoseok- Isn't it Lotte World?

Hoseok asked and Namjoon nodded his head.

Namjoon- It is. Let's go in.

Namjoon said as they both went in after getting the tickets/passes. They were roaming while seeing all the big rides infront of them. 

Namjoon- So, on which ride should we go first?

Hoseok- I don't know. You chose. I will go with your choice.

He said and Namjoon nodded his head as he started thinking. 

Namjoon- How does a roller coaster sound?

Namjoon said and Hoseok gulped. He is afraid of that 'thing' the most. He sat one time and he literally swore to himself that he is never going on that again.

He looked at Namjoon who was excitedly looking at him for the answer. He sighed, he don't want to ruin Namjoon's mood so he said

Hoseok- O-ok. Let's go. 

He said and Namjoon squealed taking his hands and dragging scared Hoseok. 
As they were walking Namjoon's phone rang. He stopped and looked at the caller id. 

Hoseok- Who is it?

Namjoon- Jungkook hyung, Wait a minute.

He said as he picked up the call. 

On the call

Hey Hyung.

Hey Namjoon.
How is everything going?

Great Hyung.
We had our breakfast and now we are in Lotter world.

Thats great. What are you planning to do right now?

We were just about to go to the Roller Coaster Hyung.

Wait. Roller Coaster? With Hobi?

Yes Hyung. 

Namjoon, didn't he told you he is afraid of Roller coaster.

Afraid? No Hyung, he didn't told me. He said he will go on which we ride I like.

Namjoon, he is an idiot. Don't take him on Roller coaster. He can't sit in that. Last time, we went and he literally fainted.

What? Then why didn't he told me?

Maybe he wanted to make you happy. But Namjoon please don't take him to roller coaster.

Ok Hyung. Thanks for telling me. You called at the right time.

Hehe. It's just Jin Hyung was worried. That's why. Anyways, enjoy your day.

By Hyung.

Call Ended

Namjoon cutted the call and went near Hoseok who was seating on a bench.

Hoseok- Why did he called?

Namjoon- He was just asking if everything was going fine. Leave it. Let's go.

Hoseok- S-sure.

Hoseok said and started walking towards the roller coasters line. Namjoon held his hand and said

Namjoon- We are not going on that. We are going on Ferris wheel 🎡.

He said and Hoseok looked confused but he started following Namjoon who was already walking. They room the tickets and then sat. The ferris wheel started.

Hoseok- Why did you suddenly changed the plan?

Namjoon- Jungkook Hyung told me that you are scared of Roller coaster and you can get sick. And I don't want my Hobi Hyung to get sick. And it's more comfortable.

He said and Hoseok just nodded his head not knowing what to say.
They both were looking down. They can see the whole seoul from there and it was looking so beautiful.

Time Skip

After enjoying th full day In Lotte World, they both came to a restaurant to have their dinner.

(I am posting photos cause today I saw the 8th episode of Jinniy's kitchen and after seeing Korean food I wanted to eat but couldn't. So thought to make you all suffer with me by showing this pictures. Sorry not sorry)

They both shared the food while talking with each other.

(Ice cream cause I want to eat but Can't. I am having a cold 🥲🥲)

After having dinner and dessert they both decided to go home and end their fun day here only.

Hoseok parked the car and they both came out. They went inside the house. It was 8:27 right now. As they went in they saw the rest brothers sitting in the living room with a serious expressions. I mean Jungkook and Taehyung were having a normal serious one while Jin, Yoongi and Jimin were having their cold serious expression.

Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other and gulped thinking it was because of them.  That they came home late and their Hyung's are angry with them.

They slowly went to them. As the brothers saw them, their expressions immediately changed.

Jin- You are back. Did you both enjoyed?

Namjoon- Uh.... Yes, Hyung. Well, what's up with your mood?

Yoongi- Someone is home and if you see, then you will have the same expression as us.

Namjoon, Hoseok- Huh?

Jimin- You will know.

Jimin said just then they heard footsteps from Upstairs. They both looked there and both of their confused expression changed.

Namjoon's expression changed to a cold face while Hoseok had a smile on his face.

Hoseok- Dasom Mom!!

He said as he ran to her and immediately hugged her. Dasom also hugged him back while ruffling his hairs.

They broke the hug and Dasom and Mr. Kim came and sat on the couch. Hoseok sat beside her.

Dasom- How is my Hobi?

Hoseok- Hobi is good and happy too.

Dasom- Really? That's good.

Hoseok-  When did you came?

Dasom- 2hours ago. By the way where were you?

Hoseok- Oh! Me!! I was out with Namjoon. You know me and Namjoon had so much fun today and he even took me to Lotte World.

Dasom- Really? You and Namjoon went out together?

She asked and Hoseok nodded his head.

Mr. Kim- That's good that you both are trying to bond.

Mr. Kim said. Hoseok looked at him and said

Hoseok- No one asked for your opinion. I am talking with my Dasom Mom, don't interrupt.

He said and Dasom looked at him confused on why he was talking like that. While The rest brothers felt proud of their dongsaeng and Namjoon wanted to clap for his Hyung cause of the reply he gave to their 'Dad'.

Dasom- Hobi, is this a way to talk to him? Say sorry to him.

Hoseok- Sorry? And me? Dasom Mom he is the one who should be sorry. Not only to me, but to all of my brothers.

Mr. Kim- What do you mean Hobi?

Namjoon- Dasom Mom, can I ask you something?

Namjoon suddenly said. Dasom looked at him and nodded her head.

Namjoon- What is the name of their real Dad? Where does he live? Have you ever seen him? In real life or photo?

He asked and Dasom was taken back a little at the sudden question which no one asked he ever.

Dasom- Why are you asking this suddenly Namjoon?

Jin- Dasom Mom, tell us na.

Dasom- Um..... I don't know. I mean, neither do I know his name nor have I ever seen him. Now, tell me why are you asking?

Jungkook- First you tell us, what will you do if you found that "so called Dad" of ours?

Dasom- I have so many things to do with him. But the firstly I will ask him, why did he left my friend, all alone. He could have sorted the matter but he didn't and just divorced her. 

Taehyung- Dad, I am gonna ask you something. Answer honestly.

He said and Mr. Kim nodded his head.

Taehyung- Did you ever loved your first wife?

Mr. Kim- Huh?

Taehyung- Sorry. I should ask properly. Did you ever loved Kim Misun?

As he said, both Mr. Kim and Dasom's eyes widened hearing the name.

Mr. Kim- H-how do you know her name?

He asked. Dasom looked at him and said

Dasom- How do you know this name?

Mr. Kim- She was my first wife. The mother of Jin, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon.

Dasom- What the hell!!

Hoseok- I guess, now I don't have to give the reason on why I was called with him.

Hoseok said as he stood up and went and sat with Namjoon.

Mr. Kim- What happened honey?

He said but Dasom didn't replied. She took out her phone and started finding something. He turned the phone to Mr. Kim and asked

Dasom- Do you know her? 

Mr. Kim- Yes. She is my ex-wife. How do you have a photo of her? And how do you know her?

Dasom- This... Can't be true. Please tell me it's not true....

Mr. Kim- What do you mean honey?

Dasom- Don't call me honey.  This word don't belong to me. I can't believe, I married you.

Mr. Kim- What do you mean? You all are confusing me.

He asked but Dasom didn't answered. She turned to Namjoon and the rest and said

Dasom- You all knew?

Yoongi- Yup. On Joonie and Hobi's birthday we got to know.

Dasom- Everyone of you know since then?

Jimin- No. Hobi got to know yesterday.

Dasom- Oh.... Hobi, Kookie, Tae. I am sorry. I-- I didn't knew he was the one. If I would have knew, I would have never married him.

Taehyung- Dasom Mom, there is no need to say sorry. Instead we are thankful to you. Cause if you we get to meet our rest Brothers and me and Hobi even found our half parts.

Dasom- Huh?

Jimin- Me and Tae are twins Dasom Mom.

Namjoon- Me and Hobi Hyung are twins too.

He said and Dasom was shook but Mr. Kim was shocked. He stood up and said

Mr. Kim- What do you mean Namjoon? Twins? You both? How?

Jin- Well, Dad. You heard right and whatever you are thinking is also right. Hobi, Kookie and Tae are the sons of Misun Mom. My Mom who gave birth to me. The same person who gave birth to rest of us. And who was your wife one time.

You can frame it like, Kookie, Tae and Hobi are the kids, with whom Misun Mom left this house.

Mr. Kim- What!! T-t-that means you all three are m-my sons?

Jungkook- Unfortunately Yes.

Mr. Kim- W-wait. If you all are here, then where is Misun? And Dasom how do you know her?

Dasom- She died when Hobi was 7 cause of Cancer. I know her because she is... Was my bestfriend. When she left you, she came to me in London.
She started living with me with all three of them.  You know, I asked her about you so many times but she never told me a single thing about you. That's why I didn't knew that you were her Husband.

Mr. Kim- She died?

Jin- Yes Dad. Our Mom died. Because of you. If you didn't let her leave, then it may not have happened.  We all were separated cause of you. But you didn't cared. All you cared was your stupid Mafia Shit!!

He spatted. Mr. Kim sat on the couch processing all the things. After a minute or so he said

Mr. Kim- I am sorry...... I am so sorry.  This ll happened because of me. You are right Jin. If only, I stopped her that day, nothing would have happened to her. You brothers didn't had to be separated from each other. It's all because of me.
Why am I this bad? Why didn't I stopped her that day?

Mr. Kim said as he holded his head with his hands. They all looked at him and to be honestly, each and everyone of them felt sad seeing him like this.

Hoseok and Namjoon stood up and went to him. They sat infront of him.

Namjoon, Hoseok- Dad..

They both said at same time. Mr. Kim looked up and then looked at them. 

Namjoon- Do you really realise you mistake?

Mr. Kim- Yes Namjoon. I do. I really do and I am having so much regret now.

Hoseok- If you really regret the past and you realised your mistake will you do one thing to prove it.

Mr. Kim- I would do anything. I promise.

Hoseok- Leave Mafia.

Hoseok said and Namjoon and everyone looked at him. None of them expected him to say this.

They all looked at Mr. Kim waiting if the answer. Mr. Kim immediately nodded his head and said

Mr. Kim- I will. By today, I will leave it. You will forgive me after that. Right?

Hoseok- If you will really do that, then I will forgive you now only.

Mr. Kim- Really?

Hoseok- Yup Dad.

Jungkook, Taehyung- Me too Dad.

They said. Mr. Kim looked at the rest persons standing there. They all nodded their heads.
Mr. Kim stood up and so do Hoseok and Namjoon.

Mr. Kim- Thank you so much. I didn't expected that you will forgive me. But you did. Thank you so much for that.

He said and they all smiled. The next minute he was attacked by 7 hugs. Hugs from his sons. All 7. He hugged them back.

They broke then hug and Mr. Kim said

Mr. Kim- I love you all so much.

BTS- We love you too Dad.

Dasom- Then, what about me? After marrying your Dad, I officially became your step mom. Don't you all love me?

BTS- We love you too Dasom Mom. 

Jin- And you are not our step mom. You are just like our Misun Mom. 

Dasom- Aww. You all are just like her. All of you.

She said and they all laughed so at her comment.

Namjoon's Room

So, after all the drama, Namjoon and Hoseok were back in the room. They both were lying on the bed while staring at the celing doing absolutely nothing. Suddenly Namjoon said

Namjoon- Hobi Hyung, I love you.

Hoseok- I love you too Joonie.

Namjoon- I love you more.

Hoseok- No me.

Namjoon- I said na, it is me.

Namjoon said sitting on the bed. Hoseok also sat and said

Hoseok- I am elder. So, I love you more.

Namjoon- What? How is this related to being an elder?

Hoseok- Who knows? Aish leave it. Otherwise we will bicker again. We both love each other. Okay?

He said and Namjoon nodded.

Hoseok- Wanna have some fun?

He said and Namjoon nodded his head.

Hoseok- Ok then....1......2......3.....

Taehyung- KIM HOSEOK!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!

Taehyung's angry voice came from his room making Namjoon flinch while Hoseok just laughed.

Namjoon- What did you do?

Hoseok- Nothing much. Just, when he entered his bathroom, some toothpaste came directly to his face. Then, some water and after that all the brush that were in his room, fell on him.

Namjoon- Wohh!!! When did you did all this?

Hoseok- We came upstairs first while they had their dinner. At that time. 

Namjoon- Really? You are amazing.

Hoseok- I know right.

Namjoon- You know you are the best brother. Best Hyung and most importantly the best Twin.

Hoseok- You too are the best Twin.

🌺The End🌺

Hey Moonlights

Note- So, this story ends here. I hope you all liked it so far. I am sad that this ended but, maybe I will make season 2? Who knows but no promise.

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 3300
(The longest chapter I ever worte in my Wattpad history)

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