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Author- So, on request of some of my readers or you can say Friends. I am here with a story fully based on Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok.

I told many parts regarding them, In Professor Noona, and I didn't expected my readers to like that. When I told, I am gonna end the story soon, they told me not to as they love reading about Joonie and Hobi.

I promised them, That I will be back with a story which will have Hoseok and Namjoon as Main lead and twins too.

And here it is.


Mr. And Mrs. Kim were richest people in South Korea. They were living together from many years. They had 5 sons. And they love all of them so much.
Mrs. Kim was pregnant with Twins. She was already 8 months pregnant.

Well, you may think, their life was going on smoothly and happy. But No, since Mrs. Kim was pregnant with the Twins, their is a constant fight going on between Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim.

Why? Cause Mr. Kim hide tha fact that he was a Mafia Leader from Mrs. Kim. And Mrs. Kim was so angry at this fact that the small fight started getting big enough when a time came like this----

Mrs. Kim- Enough now. You know what, let's get divorced.

Yup, you heard right. Their fight came to this point that now they don't want to live with each other.

Mr. Kim- I am ready.

Mrs. Kim- My sons, will go with me.

Mrs. Kim said making Mr. Kim shock. He widened his eyes at his wife's words.

Mr. Kim- No way. They will live with their father.

Mrs. Kim- And do what! I am pretty sure, you will make them a Heartless Mafia like you.

Mr. Kim- No, I will not. They are my son's. I know how to protect them and what is best for them.

Mrs. Kim- They maybe your sons, but I am the kne who gave them birth. So, they are not going to live with you.

Mr. Kim- Listen, If you want you can take 2 of them. But three will live with me.

Mrs. Kim- No, They can't live without each other so, I will take all of them.

Mr. Kim- Honey....

Mrs. Kim- Don't call me that.

Mr. Kim sighed and nodded. He took a deep breath and said

Mr. Kim- I know, you are angry. And I am respecting your descision of divorcing but atleast let 4 of my kids to live with me.

Mrs. Kim- What do you mean four? Wasn't it just three?

Mr. Kim- Hone-- I mean, I am talking about the unborn baby in your belly. They are also my kids and I want one of them.

Mrs. Kim- Are you mad? You wanna separate the child from its twin?

Mr. Kim- Yes, cause like that, I can have one with me and you can have another.

Mrs. Kim- They are not a fucking thing....... They are kids.

Mr. Kim- I know. But, what I said is final. If you wanna leave me. Then, go. You wanna take your sons, take them. But you will only take 3 of them. While the rest 4 including one of the unborn will stay with his father.

Mrs. Kim started thinking what to do. She was pretty sure now, that she can't live with Mr. Kim anymore. But she also don't want to separate the twins from the family and from each other.

Mr. Kim- I am giving you the full night to think. Think wisely and tell me.

He said and left the room.
Mrs. Kim sighed and sat on the bed. She looked at her belly in which she was carrying her unborn kids.

Mrs. Kim- What do you think, Eomma should do? Huh? Should Eomma forgive him or give one of you to him?

She asked running her belly. Just then she felt like the babies kicked her. She looked at her belly amused.

Mrs. Kim- Are you trying to talk with me and help me find a solution?

She again asked to the unborns and again recieved two kicks. She smiled widely

Mrs. Kim- Ok Ok, I get it. Ummm.....tell me, shall Eomma forgive your Appa?

She asked and waited for a response but this time she didt felt the kick.

Mrs. Kim- So, shall I leave him? And one of you and my other three sons with him?

She asked her babies and this time again both of them kicked.

Mrs. Kim- Are you tryna say Yes?

Again she felt the kick. She rubbed her belly and said

Mrs. Kim- Ok, I got it. Thank you for helping your Eomma babies. If this is what you want, and if this is written in faith, I will do it only. But, Eomma will miss the other one. Will you miss Eomma too?

She asked and again recieved a kick.


Mr. Kim- Did you decide what to do?

Mr. Kim asked as he came inside Mrs. Kim's room.

Mrs. Kim- Yes

Mr. Kim- Oh good. What is your decision?

Mrs. Kim- I will leave with three of my sons.  But until, I gave birth to the twins, I will live here only. And you will not come closer to me. All my son's will spend time with me until my delivery.

Mr. Kim- Ok, I am fine with it.

He said and left the room.

After that day, Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim never talk with each other. It was decided that the 3rd eldest brother, 5th eldest brother and the 6th eldest, the one who will be born will leave with Mrs Kim while 1st eldest, 2nd Eldest, 4th elder and the one if the unborn child will live with Mr. Kim.

A month later.
After Mrs. Kim gave birth.

Mrs. Kim- The elder will leave Kim Mansion with me.

Mrs. Kim said as she came home, from hospital after getting discharge. She was having both the twins in her hands. They were Boys.

Mrs Kim- Fine. Give me the youngest .......

Mr. Kim said and pulled his hands out for Mrs. Kim to give him the baby.

Mrs. Kim- Not today. Today I will spend my whole day with my babies. And tomorrow I will leave with my sons.

Mr. Kim- Fine.

Mr. Kim said and left.

The day, got over very fast. It was like irs already Tomorrow in a blink of eye. The day Mrs. Kim is leaving came. Their elder sons already knew about all this while the younger didn't knew a single thing.........

Mrs. Kim with a very heavy heart left Kim Mansion with her three sons.

Mrs. Kim

Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok with Mrs. Kim.


Mr. Kim

Jin, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon with Mr. Kim.



WAIT FOR IT.........

Words Count- 1150

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