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Faint-to lose consciousness

And I am back with another chapter of TWIST

Lets see whether you all like this chapter ;)

F A I N T:


"I want us to become friends," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Excuse me?" He just didn't call me at 11 effing pm destroying my sleep, for asking us to be friends. Like I have heard enemies do turn friends but dude get a life, its 11 effing pm.

"Don't give me that look okay? It was urgent." Laksh stated as a matter of fact.

Okay so he expects me to accept his friendship that too at 11pm and murdering my sleep and on that too the Laksh Kapoor, asked me to accept his friendship. I am pretty sure my ears are ringing.

"You know, normal humans are suppose to answer a question if asked, or atleast show some signs of agreement with the question. But here you are standing like a ghost, thinking of- I don't know what?" He clearly told as he sipped his coffee.

"Mr, are you high on coffee?"


"Like just imagine, your enemy calls you at 11 EFFING pm, and drops a bomb of friendship. Like boooom!!. So please do the honours of telling me why this sudden change of heart? And don't even tell me that your mind changed, no one's behaviour changes in a day. So now you answer." I retorted.

Rubbing the nape of neck, I knew I had hit the dart at the bulls eye! "Okay fine see, my parents asked me whether I was happy, and I think yours did too; right?" He asked genuinely.

Nodding my head I tried to process his words. "See I knew it, they think they are imposing their decisions on us and we know its not that instead we are doing this for them. There is no pressure but they can sense the dangerous enemity around us. So its better we try to remove their doubt and this can be done only when we don't just fake our friendship."

"We both know that love isn't possible. So this the only option left." He finished saying his thoughts.

I knew he was right, we were doing this for them, our parents, so obviously his words had point. A great point. Without thinking anymore further, "For a change you are right," I smiled as he nodded.

"So-" he started.

"-Friends!" I completed smiling.

So officially Laksh And Ragini were Friends.


"You donkey!"

"You stupid!"

"You two eyed monster!"

"You long haired chudhail!"

"You five fingered monkey!"

"You joker!"

"You ullu!"

"Thats it! You two in my cabin right now," bhai said as he ordered me and Laksh in his cabin.

Okay I agree we were suppose to be friends but old habits die hard. Our whole life, we have just taunted, insulted and fought with eachother now suddenly this friendship was way too much too handle.

We both followed him quickly as Laksh glared at my collegues who had gathered to enjoy the daily show.

"What the hell was that?" Swara asked as she eyed me and Laksh.

"A fight?" I offered nervously as Laksh chuckled beside me.

"Shu!" I whispered to him.

"That was not a fight. Not a genuine one, I know. I have seen you both fighting earlier so many times. This wasn't a real fight. So you both tell us what was that?" Bhai asked analysing.

What? Not a real fight, but we did fight like before then?

Laksh and I shared confused glances as we had no idea why they asked so. We both fought like daily and that wasn't a show, we both are so used to fighting in the office that we can't concentrate on work if we don't argue at least once.

This was the reason he called me on the phone in my cubicle and told,

"Lets fight please?"

Like just imagine. He calls me to fight, how am I going to maintain this friendship? But then I knew I also needed the daily dose. So we started to fight on any random topic.

"Answer?" Swara repeated thats when Laksh and I started laughing.

We both were laughing so hard that tears accumulated in my eyes ready to flow. Laksh raised his hand for a high-five which I returned.

Laughing he said," Gosh, it looked that fake?" While laughing I replied, "We need to try harder yaar,"

Our laughing spree came to a halt when we both noticed the pure confused look on bhai and Swara.

"What is going on?" They asked together, they looked that they had just seen a hollywood horror movie without any sound, they had no idea what is going on.

"We are friends now." Laksh answered plainly. While I nodded.

"W-what???" They asked shocked, confused, perplexed.

Before we could answer, Swara fainted.


Heyaaa!!! I hope you liked the chapter, a kind of filler yet they crossed the first step


Lets see what all in in store for them in futuree!!!

Ignore the mistakess🙊

Till thenn

Take caree
Do vote and comment❤️


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