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Frizzed- form (hair) into a mass of small, tight curls.


* * * *

"Zara sa jhooom loon mein!!" She screamed as she danced on the road in this heavy down pour.

Like I have heard summer showers, but winter showers? In November is something new. On top of that this had to happen when I am with this idiotic girl and my car decided to ditch me and go on a date with the truck driver.

Okay in easy words, It got stolen. So I have no choice than to walk with this drunk woman of mine, all the way home. Handling normal Ragu, is difficult but to handle a drunk Ragini is damn more more difficult. You don't know what to do, whether to slap hers or your forehead.

"Oyeee, Ragini walk quietly." I instruct as she stumbles on the road.



Some time back.

"You are going." Ma said as I was doing work on my laptop. We had a meeting day after tomorrow and bhai, Swara and Laksh decided to give the presentation job to me in their words, "Start learning."

"Maaaaaa, I have-"


"Who said I am not going? Who was it? Who dared to go against Ma? Come here in front. How dare that person tried to convince my sweet, beautiful, lovely ma?? Maa, I am toh 100% going how can I not go?" I rant when Ma decided to use her trump card.

"Good," she laughed as she kissed my forehead and left my room.

Okay let me give you a gist, there was some kind of dinner with some business partners and close colleagues of Durga papa. So they expected Laskh and I to go with them as bhai and Swara were out for some work.

Trust me I had no interest in going for the dinner after the whole tiring day at work but do you think any one will sympathise with me?


And the cherry on top, she tells me this when its already 7:00 pm and we have to leave by 8. Laksh would be coming by 7:45 so I had to scramble and get ready as quickly as possible.


I decided to wear jeans and paired it with a yellow top which was long at the back but short from the front, has collar and three-fourth sleeves. Pairing those with a long silver earring and a watch. I left my long locks open and applied kajal, eyeliner and a reddish- pink lipstick.

Wearing by black heel-boots I went down grabbing my purse.

Laksh was already here and was talking to Ma and Papa. Seeing him talk to them my mind diverted to the past weeks.

It had been around 4 weeks, from the fake family drama. We were best of friends, fought for no reason, laughed for no reason and smiled at eachother for no reason. I didn't know how this happened but it did. We were friends now and most likely I was having that tiny kindacrushonhim. And this was a gradual process not like just the next day we were friends, over these weeks I have seen the caring and loving side of his which I had sweared to ignore earlier. But now that was so prominent.

"Arrey, Ragu you are ready? Come fast we have to leave its already 8." Laksh said when he noticed me on the last step.

Smiling we left after saying bye to Ma and Papa.


"So from when are you both dating?" Mrs Verma asked as we sipped on our mocktails.

"Uhmm.." I fumbled trying to grab words. It wasn't awkward to tell that we are having an arranged marriage but I didn't want to answer that, mostly because I didn't want our marriage to be labelled as an only arranged when I-

"3 years." Laksh replied confidently. That was exactly when we were told of our marriage. I smiled inwardly because he wasn't wrong. Three years we were indirectly invested in this relationship we had stopped randomnly dating and have been true to eachother.

So technically it was dating.

We continued eating and drinking our drinks.

I was drinking this virgin mojito, which I loved but this time it was different like you know a little more sour. Maybe more salt was added.

We kept on talking and eating when I felt heaviness. Like someone was banging my head from the inner side, I excused myself for the washroom.


It was strange to see Ragini walking to the washroom. Like she kept on stumbling and was unbalanced first I thought her heels were causing the problem but then I noticed how her heels weren't too tall.

Waiting for her, Mr. Verma got a call and as it was an emergency he and his wife had to leave. Seeing that Ragu was taking so much time I concluded she wasn't well so I also decided to leave. If she wanted to eat we could stop at any other place, alone.

They left quickly while I waited for Ragu. Thats when a waiter came looking all nervous and scared, like he had just seen a model without makeup.

"Ssir?" He stammered while I looked on.


"Sir, there was a mistake with the drinks." He said in a low voice still stammering and scared.

What the shoot?


"I by mistake served the alcoholic mojito for your table which was meant for the next one," he explained. "I-a-m ss-orr-ryy." He cried, "please forgive me they will kick me out, I want this job."

Without listening any further I quickly ran to the washroom.

Banging on the women washroom door I waited for response.

When a voice replied slurring, "WHat YOu? NoO ONe insIDE, shUUU,"I knew who it was.

Trusting the drunk Ragu, I went inside hoping there wasn't any other female in there or else we would be reaching home with a drunk and an injured person.

"Ragu?" I asked when I saw her hair whole wet and more frizzy than ever and the water from the sink running. There were tissues all around.

Gulping I thought how difficult it would be to handle her now?

"Lllaakhs? YooU NOt laDY!! GOo AwaY!" She slurred as she took the water in her palms and threw it over her , getting wet in this process.

Very difficult.

"What are you doing Ragu? We need to leave come." I said moving close.

"LaAkhs, ThEre iS aN emErGenCY! ThE wOrLd iS dRowNING! TaKE tHE tIsSSUE!!" She slurred as she thre some more tissues on the ground.


"I don't understand,"

"Duffer!! Shee thEsE tissUES will observe( absorb) the WaTer and We CaNN SavE THe WoRld!! COme oN AgEnT mOnKeY!"

Agent monkey? Like seriously? Thodhi toh aukaat rak maa😂

"COme On Laks!! Eshart!"

Who the heck is Laks? I am Laksh!! For God's sake.

Baksh de maa!

Suddenly she squatted on the ground in the smaller space on the side of the long sink with mirrors.

"LaKs!! HIde thEy are Firing!!! I'll PrOTECt You, child."

Wait what?


Yesss! A short boring chapter FOR A REASON. Next CHAPTER PURE DRUNK RAGINI;)

I have these exams coming up so couldn't write more today but an update- long and good one- soon.

Till theenn!!

Take caree
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